Categorical Deep Learning Is An Algebraic Theory of All Architectures

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Position: Categorical Deep Learning is an Algebraic Theory of All Architectures

Bruno Gavranović * 1 2 Paul Lessard * 1 Andrew Dudzik * 3

Tamara von Glehn 3 João G.M. Araújo 3 Petar Veličković 3 4

Abstract networks can be specified in a top-down manner, wherein

arXiv:2402.15332v2 [cs.LG] 6 Jun 2024

models are described by the constraints they should satisfy

We present our position on the elusive quest for
a general-purpose framework for specifying and (e.g. in order to respect the structure of the data they pro-
cess). Alternatively, a bottom-up approach describes models
studying deep learning architectures. Our opinion
is that the key attempts made so far lack a coherent by their implementation, i.e. the sequence of tensor opera-
tions required to perform their forward/backward pass.
bridge between specifying constraints which mod-
els must satisfy and specifying their implementa-
tions. Focusing on building a such a bridge, we pro- 1.1. Our Opinion
pose to apply category theory—precisely, the uni- It is our opinion that ample effort has already been given
versal algebra of monads valued in a 2-category of to both the top-down and bottom-up approaches in isolation,
parametric maps—as a single theory elegantly sub- and that there hasn’t been sufficiently expressive theory to ad-
suming both of these flavours of neural network de- dress them both simultaneously. If we want a general guiding
sign. To defend our position, we show how this the- framework for all of deep learning, this needs to change. To
ory recovers constraints induced by geometric deep substantiate our opinion, we survey a few ongoing efforts on
learning, as well as implementations of many archi- both sides of the divide.
tectures drawn from the diverse landscape of neural
networks, such as RNNs. We also illustrate how the One of the most successful examples of the top-down frame-
theory naturally encodes many standard constructs work is geometric deep learning (Bronstein et al., 2021,
in computer science and automata theory. GDL), which uses a group- and representation-theoretic per-
spective to describe neural network layers via symmetry-
preserving constraints. The actual realisations of such layers
1. Introduction are derived by solving equivariance constraints.

One of the most coveted aims of deep learning theory is GDL proved to be powerful: allowing, e.g., to cast con-
to provide a guiding framework from which all neural net- volutional layers as an exact solution to linear translation
work architectures can be principally and usefully derived. equivariance in grids (Fukushima et al., 1983; LeCun et al.,
Many elegant attempts have recently been made, offering 1998), and message passing and self-attention as instances of
frameworks to categorise or describe large swathes of deep permutation equivariant learning over graphs (Gilmer et al.,
learning architectures: Cohen et al. (2019); Xu et al. (2019); 2017; Vaswani et al., 2017). It also naturally extends to ex-
Bronstein et al. (2021); Chami et al. (2022); Papillon et al. otic domains such as spheres (Cohen et al., 2018), meshes
(2023); Jogl et al. (2023); Weiler et al. (2023) to name a few. (de Haan et al., 2020b) and geometric graphs (Fuchs et al.,
2020). While this elegantly covers many architectures of prac-
We observe that there are, typically, two broad ways in which tical interest, GDL also has inescapable constraints.
deep learning practitioners describe models. Firstly, neural
Firstly, usability of GDL principles to implement architec-
The title of the paper should be read as “Categorical Deep Learn- tures directly correlates with how easy it is to resolve equiv-
ing is an Algebraic {Theory of All Architectures}”, not “Categori- ariance constraints. While PyG (Fey & Lenssen, 2019),
cal Deep Learning is an {Algebraic Theory} of All Architectures”.
* DGL (Wang, 2019) and Jraph (Godwin et al., 2020) have
Equal contribution 1 Symbolica AI 2 University of Edinburgh
Google DeepMind 4 University of Cambridge. Correspondence to: had success for permutation-equivariant models, and e3nn
Bruno Gavranović <>, Paul Lessard (Geiger & Smidt, 2022) for E(3)-equivariant models, it is
<>, Andrew Dudzik <>, hard to replicate such success for areas where it is not known
Petar Veličković <>. how to resolve equivariance constraints.
Proceedings of the 41 st International Conference on Machine Because of its focus on groups, GDL is only able to
Learning, Vienna, Austria. PMLR 235, 2024. Copyright 2024 by represent equivariance to symmetries, but not all opera-
the author(s).

Categorical Deep Learning

tions we may wish neural networks to align to are in- of parametric maps, as we will do in this paper. Further,
vertible (Worrall & Welling, 2019) or fully compositional prior art in syntax-semantics connections either assumes that
(de Haan et al., 2020a). This is not a small collection of the operations are taking place in some topological space or
operations either; if we’d like to align a model to an ar- that neural network architectures have a very specific form—
bitrary algorithm (Xu et al., 2019), it is fairly common for our framework assumes neither. Lastly, prior papers explor-
the target algorithm to irreversibly transform data, for exam- ing Category Theory and Machine Learning are fragmented,
ple when performing any kind of a path-finding contraction scarce, and not cohesive—our paper seeks to establish a com-
(Dudzik & Veličković, 2022). Generally, in order to reason mon, unifying framework for how category theory can be ap-
about alignment to constructs in computer science, we must plied to AI.
go beyond GDL.
To defend our position, we will demonstrate a unified categor-
On the other hand, bottom-up frameworks are most com- ical framework that is expressive enough to rederive standard
monly embodied in automatic differentiation packages, GDL concepts (invariance and equivariance), specify imple-
such as TensorFlow (Abadi et al., 2016), PyTorch mentations of complex neural network building blocks (recur-
(Paszke et al., 2019) and JAX (Bradbury et al., 2018). These rent neural networks), as well as model other intricate deep
frameworks have become indispensable in the implementa- learning concepts such as weight tying.
tion of deep learning models at scale. Such packages of-
ten have grounding in functional programming: perhaps JAX 1.3. The Power of Category Theory
is the most direct example, as it is marketed as “compos-
able function transformations”, but such features permeate To understand where we are going, we must first put the
other deep learning frameworks as well. Treating neural net- field of category theory in context. Minimally, it may be
works as “pure functions” allows for rigorous analysis on conceived of as a battle-tested system of interfaces that
their computational graph, allowing a degree of type- and are learned once, and then reliably applied across scientific
shape-checking, as well as automatic tensor shape inference fields. Originating in abstract mathematics, specifically al-
and fully automated backpropagation passes. gebraic topology, category theory has since proliferated, and
been used to express ideas from numerous fields in an uni-
The issues, again, happen closer to the boundary between the form manner, helping reveal their previously unknown shared
two directions—specifying and controlling for constraint sat- aspects. Other than modern pure mathematics, which it
isfaction is not simple with tensor programming. Inferring thoroughly permeates, these fields include systems theory
general properties (semantics) of a program from its imple- (Capucci et al., 2022; Niu & Spivak, 2023), bayesian learn-
mentation (syntax) alone is a substantial challenge for all but ing (Braithwaite et al., 2023; Cho & Jacobs, 2019), and infor-
the simplest programs, pointing to a need to model more mation theory and probability (Leinster, 2021; Bradley, 2021;
abstract properties of computer science than existing frame- Sturtz, 2015; Heunen et al., 2017; Perrone, 2022).
works can offer directly. The similarity of the requirement on
both sides leads us to our present position. This growth has resulted in a reliable set of mature theories
and tools; from algebra, geometry, topology, combinatorics
to recursion and dependent types, etc. all of them with a mu-
1.2. Our Position
tually compatible interface. Recently category theory has
It is our position that constructing a guiding framework for all started to be applied to machine learning, in automatic dif-
of deep learning, requires robustly bridging the top-down and ferentiation (Vákár & Smeding, 2022; Alvarez-Picallo et al.,
bottom-up approaches to neural network specification with a 2021; Gavranović, 2022; Elliott, 2018), topological data anal-
unifying mathematical theory, and that the concepts for this ysis (Guss & Salakhutdinov, 2018), natural language pro-
bridging should be coming from computer science. More- cessing (Lewis, 2019), causal inference (Jacobs et al., 2019;
over, such a framework must generalise both group theory Cohen, 2022), even producing an entire categorical picture
and functional programming—and a natural candidate for of gradient-based learning – from architectures to backprop
achieving this is category theory. – in Cruttwell et al. (2022); Gavranović (2024), with a more
implementation-centric view in Nguyen & Wu (2022), and
It is worth noting that ours is not the first approach to ei-
important earlier work (Fong et al., 2021).
ther (a) observe neural networks through the lens of com-
puter science constructs (Baydin et al., 2018), (b) explore the
connection between syntax and semantics in neural networks
(Sonoda et al., 2023a;b; 2024) (b) apply Category Theory to Before we begin, we recall three essential concepts in cate-
machine learning (Gavranović, 2020). gory theory, that will be necessary for following our exposi-
tion. First, we define a category, an elegant axiomatisation of
However, we are unaware of any prior work that tackles the
a compositional structure.
connection of neural network architectures and the algebras

Categorical Deep Learning

Definition 1.1 (Category). A category, C, consists of a collec- An endofunctor on C is a functor F : C → C.

tion1 of objects, and a collection of morphisms between pairs
of objects, such that: Just as a functor is an interaction between categories, a natu-
ral transformation specifies an interaction between functors;
• For each object A ∈ C, there is a unique identity mor- this is the third and final concept we cover here.
phism idA : A → A. Definition 1.5 (Natural transformation). Let F : C → D and
G : C → D be two functors between categories C and D. A
• For any two morphisms f : A → B and g : B →
natural transformation α : F ⇒ G consists of a choice, for
C, there must exist a unique morphism which is their
every object X ∈ C, of a morphism αX : F (X) → G(X) in
composition g ◦ f : A → C .
D such that, for every morphism f : X → Y in C, it holds
that αY ◦ F (f ) = G(f ) ◦ αX .
subject to the following conditions:
The morphism αX is called the component of the natural
• For any morphism f : A → B, it holds that idB ◦ f = transformation α at the object X.
f ◦ idA = f .
The components of a natural transformation assemble into
• For any three composable morphisms f : A → B, g : “naturality squares”, commutative diagrams:
B → C, h : C → D, composition is associative, i.e.,
h ◦ (g ◦ f ) = (h ◦ g) ◦ f . F (X)
F (f )
F (Y )
We denote by C(A, B) the collection of all morphisms from αX αY

A ∈ C to B ∈ C. G(X) G(Y )
G(f )
We provide a typical first example:
where a diagram commutes if, for any two objects, any two
Example 1.2 (The Set Category). Set is a category whose
paths connecting them correspond to the same morphism.
objects are sets, and morphisms are functions between them.

And another example, important for geometric DL: 2. From Monad Algebras to Equivariance
Example 1.3 (Groups and monoids as categories). A group,
Having set up the essential concepts, we proceed on our quest
G, can be represented as a category, BG, with a single object
to define a categorical framework which subsumes and gener-
(G), and morphisms g : G → G corresponding to elements
alises geometric deep learning (Bronstein et al., 2021). First,
g ∈ G, where composition is given by the group’s binary op-
we will define a powerful notion (monad algebra homomor-
eration. Note that G is a group if and only if these morphisms
phism) and demonstrate that the special case of monads in-
are isomorphisms, that is, for each g : G → G there exists
duced by group actions is sufficient to describe geometric
h : G → G such that h ◦ g = g ◦ h = idG . More generally,
deep learning. Generalising from monads and their algebras
we can identify one-object categories, whose morphisms are
to arbitrary endofunctors and their algebras, we will find that
not necessarily invertible, with monoids.
our theory can express functions that process structured data
The power of category theory starts to emerge when we al- from computer science (e.g. lists and trees)2 and behave in
low different categories to interact. Just as there are func- stateful ways like automata.
tions of sets and homomorphisms of groups, there is a more
generic concept of structure preserving maps between cate- 2.1. Monads and their Algebras
gories, called functors. Definition 2.1 (Monad). Let C be a category. A monad on
Definition 1.4 (Functor). Let C and D be two categories. C is a triple (M, η, µ) where M : C → C is an endofunctor,
Then, F : C → D is a functor between them, if it maps and η : idC ⇒ M and µ : M ◦ M ⇒ M are natural trans-
each object and morphism of C to a corresponding one in D, formations (where here ◦ is functor composition), making
and the following two conditions hold: diagrams in Definition B.1 commute.
Example 2.2 (Group action monad). Let G be a group. Then
• For any object A ∈ C, F (idA ) = idF (A) . the triple (G × −, η, µ) is a monad on Set, where
• For any composable morphisms f, g in C, F (g ◦ f ) =
F (g) ◦ F (f ). • G × − : Set → Set is an endofunctor mapping a set X
to the set G × X;
The term “collection”, rather than set, avoids Russell’s paradox,
as objects may themselves be sets. Categories that can be described To the best of our knowledge, these ideas were first conjectured
with sets are known as small categories. in Olah (2015) in the language of functional programming.

Categorical Deep Learning

• η : idSet ⇒ G × − : Set → Set whose component at a Example 2.6 (Equivariant maps). Equivariant maps are
set X is the function x 7→ (e, x) where e is the identity group action monad algebra homomorphisms. Consider any
element of the group G; and action from Example 2.4. An endomorphism of such an
action—that is, a G-algebra on RZw ×Zh —is an endormor-
• µ : G× G× − ⇒ G× − : Set → Set whose component phism of RZw ×Zh which induces a commutative diagram
at a set X is the function (g, h, x) 7→ (gh, x) with the
implicit multiplication that of the group G. G×f
G × RZw ×Zh G × RZw ×Zh
Group action monads are formal theories of group actions, ◮ ◮
but they do not allow us to actually execute them on data.
RZw ×Zh RZw ×Zh
This is what algebras do. f

Definition 2.3 (Algebra for a monad). An algebra for a

which, elementwise, unpacks to the equation
monad (M, η, µ) on a category C is a pair (A, a), where
A ∈ C is a carrier object and a : M (A) → A is a morphism
f (g ◮ x) = g ◮ f (x)
of C (structure map) making the following diagram commute:
ηA M(a) The translation example, for instance, recovers the equation
A M (A) M (M (A)) M (A) f (((i′ , j ′ ) ◮ x)(i, j)) = (i′ , j ′ ) ◮ f (x)(i, j) which reduces
a µA a to the usual constraint: f (x(i − i′ , j − j ′ )) = f (x)(i − i′ , j −
j ′ ).
A M (A) a A
The concept of invariance — a special case of equivariance
Example 2.4 (Group actions). Group actions for a group G — is unpacked in the Appendix (Example H.3). It’s worth re-
arise as algebras of the aforementioned group action monad flecting on the fact that we have just successfully derived the
G × −. Consider the carrier RZw ×Zh , thought of as data on a key aim of geometric deep learning: finding neural network
w × h grid, and any of the usual group actions on Zw × Zh : layers that are monad algebra homomorphisms of monads as-
translation, rotation, permutation, scaling, or reflections. sociated with group actions!
Each of these group actions induce an algebra on the car- Indeed, the template illustrated in Example 2.6 is sufficient
rier set RZw ×Zh . For instance, the translation group (Zw × to explain any architectures which are explained by Geomet-
Zh , +, 0) induces the algebra ric DL; should the reader wish to see concrete examples—
◮: Zw × Zh × RZw ×Zh → RZw ×Zh deriving graph neural networks (Veličković, 2023), Spherical
CNNs (Cohen et al., 2018) and G-CNNs (Cohen & Welling,
defined as ((i′ , j ′ ) ◮ x)(i, j) = x(i − i′ , j − j ′ ). Here x 2016)—they may be found in Appendix C.
represents the grid data, i, j specific pixel locations, and i′ , j ′
To concretely derive such layers from these constraints, we
the translation vector. We also specifically mention the trivial
need to make concrete the category in which f : A → B
action of any group πX : G × X → X by projection.
lives. A standard choice is to use Vect, a category where
A monad algebra can capture a particular input or output for objects are finite-dimensional vector spaces and morphisms
group equivariant neural networks (as its carrier). That be- are linear maps between these spaces. In such a setting, mor-
ing said, geometric deep learning concerns itself with linear phisms can be specified as matrices, and the equivariance con-
equivariant layers between these inputs and outputs. In order dition places constraints on the matrix’s entries, resulting in
to be able to describe those, we need to establish the concept effects such as weight sharing or weight tying. We provide
of a morphism of algebras for a monad. a detailed derivation for two examples on a two-pixel grid in
Appendix H.1.
Definition 2.5 (M -algebra homomorphism). Let (M, µ, η)
Remark 2.7. When our monad is of the form M × −, with M
be a monad on C, and (A, a) and (B, b) be M -algebras. An
a monoid, algebras are equivalent to M -actions, i.e. func-
M -algebra homomorphism (A, a) → (B, b) is a morphism
tors BM → Set, where BM is the one-object category
f : A → B of C s.t. the following commutes:
given in Example 1.3, and algebra morphisms are equivalent
M(f ) to natural transformations. So in this case, our definition
M (A) M (B)
of equivariance coincides with the functorial version given
a b in de Haan et al. (2020a). But the connection here is much
deeper—for any monad, we can think of its algebras, which
f we can think of as the semantics of the monad, as functors on
certain categories encoding the monad’s syntax, such as Law-
We recover equivariant maps as morphisms of algebras. vere theories. For example, Dudzik & Veličković (2022) use

Categorical Deep Learning

the fact that functors on the category of finite polynomial dia-

data Tree a = Leaf a
grams3 encode the algebraic structure of commutative semir-
| Node (Tree a) (Tree a)
ings. We give further details on this connection in Appendix
It describes Tree(A) inductively, as being formed either out
2.2. Endofunctors and their (Co)algebras of a single A-labelled leaf or two subtrees.5 In Figure 1 we
will relate this to recursive neural networks.
Geometric deep learning, while elegant, is fundamentally con-
strained by the axioms of group theory. Monads and their
Dually, we also study coalgebras for an endofunctor (where
algebras, however, are naturally generalised beyond group ac-
the structure morphism a : A → F (A) points the other way
tions. Here we show how, by studying (co)algebras of ar-
(Definition B.2). Intuitively, while algebras offer us a way
bitrary endofunctors, we can rediscover standard computer
to model computation guaranteed to terminate, coalgebras of-
science constructs like lists, trees and automata. This redis-
fer us a way to model potentially infinite computation. They
covery is not merely a passing observation; in fact, the end-
capture the semantics of programs whose guarantee is not ter-
ofunctor view of lists and trees turns out to naturally map to
mination, bur rather productivity (Atkey & McBride, 2013),
implementations of neural architectures such as recurrent and
and as such are excellent for describing servers, operating sys-
recursive neural networks; see Appendix I.
tems, and automata (Rutten, 2000; Jacobs, 2016). We will use
Then, in the next section we’ll show how these more mini- endofunctor coalgebras to describe one such automaton—the
mal structures, endofunctors and their algebras, may be aug- Mealy machine (Mealy, 1955).
mented into the more structured notions of monads and their
algebras. Example 2.11 (Mealy machines). Let O and I be sets of pos-
Definition 2.8 (Algebra for an endofunctor). Let C be a cate- sible outputs and inputs, respectively. Consider the endofunc-
gory and F : C → C an endofunctor on C. An algebra for F tor (I → O × −) : Set → Set. Then the set MealyO,I of
is a pair (A, a) where A is an object of C and a : F (A) → A Mealy machines with outputs in O and inputs in I, together
is a morphism of C. with the map next : MealyO,I → (I → O × MealyO,I ) is a
coalgebra of this endofunctor.
Note that, compared to Definition 2.3, there are no equa-
tions this time; F is not equipped with any extra structure data Mealy o i = MkMealy {
with which the structure map of an algebra could be com- next :: i -> (o, Mealy o i)
patible. Examples of endofunctor algebras abound (Jacobs, }
2016), many of which are familiar to computer scientists.
This describes Mealy machines coinductively, as systems
Example 2.9 (Lists). Let A be a set, and consider the end-
which, given an input, produce an output and another Mealy
ofunctor 1 + A × − : Set → Set. The set List(A) of lists
machine. In Figure 1 we will relate this to full recurrent
of elements of type A together with the map [Nil, Cons] :
neural networks, and, in Examples H.4 and H.7 we coalge-
1 + A × List(A) → List(A) forms an algebra of this end-
braically express two other fundamental classes of automata:
ofunctor.4: Here Nil and Cons are two constructors for lists,
streams and Moore machines.
allowing us to represent lists as the following datatype:
data List a = Nil
We have expressed data structures and automata using
| Cons a (List a)
(co)algebras for an endofunctor. Just as in the case of GDL, in
order to describe (linear) layers of neural networks between
It describes List(A) inductively, as being formed either out of them, we need to establish the concept of a homomorphism
the empty list, or an element of type A and another list. In of endofunctor (co)algebras. The definition of a homomor-
Figure 1 we will see how this relates to folding RNNs. phism of algebras for an endofunctor mirrors6 Definition 2.5,
Example 2.10 (Binary trees). Let A be a set. Consider the while the definition of a homomorphism of coalgebras has the
endofunctor A + (−)2 : Set → Set. The set Tree(A) of structure maps pointing the other way.
binary trees with A-labelled leaves, together with the map
[Leaf, Node] : A + Tree(A)2 → Tree(A) forms an algebra Example 2.12 (Folds over lists as algebra homomorphisms).
of this endofunctor. Here Leaf and Node are constructors for Consider the endofunctor (1 + A× −) from Example 2.9, and
binary trees, enabling the following datatype representation: an algebra homomorphism from (List(A), [Nil, Cons]) to any
3 5
Equivalently, the category of finitary dependent polynomial This framework can also model any variations, e.g., n-ary trees
functors. with A-labelled leaves as algebras of A + List(−), or binary trees
[f, g] : A + B → C is notation for maps out of a coproduct; with A-labelled nodes as algebras of 1 + A × (−)2 .
where f : A → C and g : B → C Because it does not rely on the extra structure monads have.

Categorical Deep Learning

other (1 + A × −)-algebra (X, [r0 , r1 ]): algebra homomorphism from (Tree(A), [Leaf, Node]) to any
other (A + (−)2 )-algebra (X, [r0 , r1 ]):
1 + A × List(A) 1+A×X A+fr2
A + Tree(A)2 A + X2
[Nil,Cons] [r0 ,r1 ]
[Leaf,Node] [r0 ,r1 ]
List(A) fr
Tree(A) fr
Then the map fr : List(A) → X is, necessarily, a fold over a
list, a concept from functional programming which describes Then the map fr is necessarily a fold over a tree. As with
how a single value is obtained by operating over a list of val- lists, it is implemented by recursion on the input, which is
ues. It is implemented by recursion on the input: structural in nature:

f r :: List a -> x f r :: Tree a -> x

f r Nil = r 0 () f r (Leaf a) = r 0 a
f r (Cons h t) = r 1 h (f r t) f r (Node l r) = r 1 (f r l) (f r r)

This recursion is structural in nature, meaning it satisfies the This means that it satisfies the following two equations which
following two equations which arise by unpacking the algebra arise by unpacking the algebra homomorphism equations ele-
homomorphism equations elementwise: mentwise:
fr (Leaf(a)) = r0 (a) (3)
fr (Nil) = r0 (•) (1)
fr (Node(l, r)) = r1 (fr (l), fr (r)) (4)
fr (Cons(h, t)) = r1 (h, fr (t)) (2)
These can also be thought as describing generalised equivari-
Equation (1) tells us that we get the same result if we apply ance over binary trees, analogously to lists.
fr to Nil or apply r0 to the unique element of the singleton
set7 . Equation (2) tells us that, starting with the head and tail Dual to algebra homomorphisms and folds over inductive
of a list, we get the same result if we concatenate the head data structures, coalgebra homomorphisms are categorical se-
to the tail, and then process the entire list with fr , or if we mantics of unfolds over coinductive data structures.
process the tail first with fr , and then combine the result with Example 2.15 (Unfolds as coalgebra homomorphisms). Con-
the head using r1 . sider the endofunctor (I → O × −) from Example 2.11, and
a coalgebra homomorphism from (MealyO,I , next) to any
It is important to remark that these equations generalise other (I → O × −)-coalgebra (X, n):
equivariance constraints over a list structure. Both group
equivariance and Equations (1) and (2) intuitively specify a X MealyO,I
function that is predictably affected by certain operations—
n next
but for the case of lists, these operations (concatenating) are
not group actions, as attaching an element to the front of the (I → O × X) (I → O × MealyO,I )
list does not leave the list unchanged. (I→O×fn )

Remark 2.13. Interestingly, given an algebra (X, [r0 , r1 ]), The map fn here can be thought of as a generalised unfold,
there can only ever be one algebra homomorphism from lists a concept from functional programming describing how a po-
to it! This is because (List(A), [Nil, Cons]) is an initial ob- tentially infinite data structure is obtained from a single value.
ject (Definition A.2) in the category of (1 + A × −)-algebras. It is implemented by a corecursive function:
The fact that these are initial arises from a deeper fact related
to the fact that, in many cases, for a given endofunctor there f n :: x -> Mealy o i
is a monad whose category of monad algebras is equivalent f n x = MkMealy
to the original category of endofunctor algebras. We note \i -> let (o', x') = n x i
this because the construction which takes us from one to the in (o', f n x')
other, the so-called algebraically free monad on an endofunc-
tor, will be seen in Part 3 to derive RNNs and other similar which is again structural in nature. This means that it sat-
architectures from first principles. isfies the following two equations which arise by unpacking
the coalgebra homomorphism equations elementwise:
Example 2.14 (Tree folds as algebra homomorphisms). Con-
sider the endofunctor A + (−)2 from Example 2.10, and an n(x)(i)1 = next(fn (x))(i)1 (5)
Where () was used to denote it in Haskell notation. fn (n(x)(i)2 ) = next(fn (x))(i)2 (6)

Categorical Deep Learning

Equation (5) tells us that the output of the Mealy machine established techniques for weight sharing. Can we establish
produced by fn at state x and input i is given by the output formal criteria for when these techniques are correct? Just as
of n at state x and input i, and Equation (6) tells us that the how we generalised GDL to the setting of category theory, we
next Mealy machine produced at x and i is the one produced can go further: to the setting of 2-categories—the setting we
by fn at n(x)2 (i). use to study parametric morphisms.

This, too, generalises equivariance constraints, now describ- 3. 2-Categories and Parametric Morphisms
ing an interactive automaton which is by no means invertible.
Instead, it is dynamic in nature, producing outputs which are While category theory is a powerful framework, it leaves
dependent on the current state of the machine and previously much to be desired in terms of higher-order relationships be-
unknown inputs. Lastly, in Examples H.5 and H.8, we show tween morphisms. It only deals with sets of morphisms, with
that two kinds of automata—streams and Moore machines— no possible way to compare elements of these sets. This is
are also examples of coalgebra homomorphisms. Just as be- where the theory of 2-categories comes in, which deals with
fore, we can embed all of our objects and morphisms into an entire category of morphisms. While in a (1-)category, one
Vect to study the weight sharing constraints induced by such has objects and morphisms between objects, in a 2-category
a condition—see Example H.5. one has objects (known as 0-morphisms), morphisms be-
tween objects (1-morphisms), and morphisms between mor-
2.3. Where to Next? phisms (2-morphisms). We have, in fact, already secretly seen
an instance of a 2-category, Cat, when defining the essen-
Let’s take a step back and understand what we’ve done. We tial concepts of category theory. Specifically, in Cat, objects
have shown that an existing categorical framework uniformly are categories, morphisms are functors between them, and 2-
captures a number of different data structures and automata, morphisms are natural transformations between functors.
as particular (co)algebras of an endofunctor. By choos-
ing a well-understood data structure, we induce a structural 3.1. The 2-category Para
constraint on the control flow of the corresponding neural
network, by utilising homomorphisms of these endofunctor In this section we define an established 2-category Para
(co)algebras. These follow the same recipe as monad algebra (Cruttwell et al., 2022; Capucci et al., 2022), and proceed to
homomorphisms, and hence can be thought of as generalising unpack the manner which we posit weight sharing can be
equivariance—describing functions beyond what geometric modelled formally in it.
deep learning can offer. While it shares objects with the category Set, its 1-morphisms
This is concrete evidence for our position—that categorical are not functions, but parametric functions. That is, a 1-
algebra homomorphisms are suitable for capturing various morphism A → B here consists of a pair (P, f ), where
constraints one can place on deep learning architectures. Our P ∈ Set and f : P × A → B.
evidence so far rested on endofunctor algebras, which are a
particularly fruitful variant. Para morphisms admit an elegant P

However, this construct leaves much to be desired. One ma- graphical formalism. Parameters (P ) A B
jor issue is that, to prescribe any notion of weight sharing, for are drawn vertically, signifying that
all of these examples we have implicitly assumed homomor- they are part of the morphism, and
phisms to be linear transformations by placing them into the not objects.
category Vect. But most neural networks aren’t simply linear
maps, meaning that these analyses are limited to analysing The 2-category Para models the algebra of composition of
their individual layers. In the standard example of recurrent neural networks; the sequential composition of parametric
neural networks, an RNN cell is an arbitrary differentiable morphisms composes the parameter spaces in parallel (Fig-
function, usually composed out of a sequence of linear and ure 4).
non-linear maps. Further, in both practice and theory, neural
networks are treated as parametric functions. Specifically, in The 2-morphisms in Para capture reparameterisations be-
frameworks like JAX, the parameters often need to be passed tween parametric functions. Importantly, this allows for the
explicitly to any forward or backward pass of a neural net- explicit treatment of weight tying, where a parametric mor-
work. phism (P × P, f ) can have its weights tied by precomposing
with the copy map ∆P : P → P × P .
How can we explicitly model parameters and non-linear
maps, without abandoning the presented categorical frame-
work? Furthermore, in practice—with recurrent or recursive
(Socher et al., 2013) neural networks, for instance—there are

Categorical Deep Learning

Folding recurrent Unfolding recurrent Recursive Full recurrent “Moore machine”

neural network neural network neural network neural network neural network

1+A×S S A + S2 S S
(P,cellrcnt ) (P,hcello ,celln i) (P,cellrcsv ) (P,cellMealy ) (P,cellMoore )

S O×S S (I → O × S) O × (I → S)


Figure 1. Parametric (co)algebras provide a high-level framework for describing structured computation in neural networks.

the lax algebras are sufficient to derive recursive, recurrent,
P P P P and similar neural networks from first principles. Notably,
morphisms of lax algebras are also expressive enough to cap-
f f
ture 1-cocycles, used to formalise asynchronous neural net-
works in (Dudzik et al., 2024)—see Appendix H.1.
Interestingly, this story of how an individual recurrent, recur-
This 2-category is one of the key components in the categori- sive, etc. neural network cell generates a full recursive, recur-
cal picture of gradient-based learning (Cruttwell et al., 2022). rent etc. neural network is a particular 2-categorical analogue
But we hypothesise that more is true (Appendix I): to the story of algebraically free monads on an endofunctor
we briefly mentioned in Remark 2.13.
It is our position that the 2-category Para and 2-categorical For all the examples of endofunctors in Section 2.2, there is
algebra valued in it provide a formal theory of neural a monad whose category of algebras FreeMnd (F ) is equiv-
network architectures, establish formal criteria for weight alent to the category of algebras for the original endofunc-
tying correctness and inform design of new architectures. tor F . We obtain FreeMnd (F ) by iterating F until it sta-
bilises, meaning further application of the endofunctor does
3.2. 2-dimensional Categorical Algebra not change the composition. Functional programmers may
2-category theory is markedly richer than 1-category theory. recognise this from the implementation of free monads in
Haskell, while formally this is defined using colimits (see
While diagrams in a 1-category either commute or do not Appendix B.2). Using this concept, we can define a func-
commute, in a 2-category, they serve as a 1-skeleton to which tor mapping an F -algebra (A, a) to the FreeMnd (F )-algebra
2-morphisms attach. In any 2-category a square may: com- 2 n
mute, pseudo-commute, lax-commute, or oplax9 commute, −→(a ◦ F a ◦ F a ◦ · · · ◦ F a)), connecting appropriate
(A, lim
endofunctor algebras to monad algebras.
meaning, respectively, that relevant paths paths are equal, iso-
morphic, or there is a 2-morphism from one to the other in But in the 2-dimensional case, we study the relationship
one direction or the other. The diagrams below present these between Lax-AlgEndo (F ) and Lax-AlgMnd (FreeMnd (F )) and
four options, with 2-morphisms denoted by double arrows. need contend not only with generating the 1-dimensional
structure map, but also the 2-cells of the lax algebra for a
• • • • • • • • monad.

= To reconcile this with concrete applications, we note that we
• • • • • • • • do not need to study general 2-endofunctors and 2-monads
on Para. Rather, examples which concern us arise from spe-
In the long run, we expect that all of these notions will apply cific 1-categorical algebras (group action monads, inductive
to, either explaining or specifying, aspects of neural architec- types, etc.), which are augmented into 2-monads on Para. As
ture past, present and future. Focusing on just one of them, we prove in Theorem G.10, the lax cells of such algebras are
actually comonoids. The fact that we can duplicate or delete
More precisely, the construction Para( ). See Appendix G. entries in vectors—the essence of tying weights—is the infor-
Often also called colax.

Categorical Deep Learning

mal face of this comonoid structure. Our framework also offers a proactive path towards equitable
AI systems. GDL already enables the architectural imposition
We can now describe, even if space constraints prevent us
of protected classes invariance (see Choraria et al. (2021) for
from adequate level of detail, the universal properties of re-
example). This deals, at least partially, both with issues of
current, recursive, and similar models: they are lax algebras
inequity in training data and inequity in algorithms since such
for free parametric monads generated by parametric endo-
an invariant model is, by construction, exclusively capable of
functors! Having lifted the concept of algebra introduced in
inference on the dimensions of latent representation which
Part 2 into 2-categories, we can now describe several influ-
are orthogonal to protected class.
ential neural networks fully (not just their individual layers!)
from first principles of functional programming. With CDL, we hope to enable even finer grained control. By
way of categorical logic, we hope that CDL will lead us to
4. New Horizons a new and deeper understanding of the relationship between
architecture and logic, in particular clarifying the logics of in-
Our framework gives the correct definition of numerous vari- ductive bias. We hope that our framework will eventually al-
ants of structured networks as universal parametric counter- low us to specify the kinds of arguments the neural networks
parts of known notions in computer science. This immedi- can use to come to their conclusions. This is a level of ex-
ately opens up innumerable avenues for research. pressivity permitting reliable use for assessing bias, fairness
in the reasoning done by AI models deployed at scale. We
Firstly, any results of categorical deep learning as presented
thus believe that this is the right path to AI compliance and
here rely on choosing the right category to operate in; much
safety, and not merely explainable, but verifiable AI.
like results in geometric deep learning relied on the choice
of symmetry group. However, we have seen that monad
algebras—which generalise equivariance constraints—can Impact Statement
be parametric, and lax. As a consequence, the kinds of equiv-
This paper presents work whose goal is to advance the field of
ariance constraints we can learn become more general: we
Machine Learning. There are many potential societal conse-
hypothesise neural networks that can learn not merely con-
quences of our work, none which we feel must be specifically
servation laws (as in Alet et al. (2021)), but verifiably correct
highlighted here.
logical argument, or code. This has ramifications for code
synthesis: we can, for example, specify neural networks that
learn only well-typed functions by choosing appropriate alge- Acknowledgments
bras as their domain and codomain.
The authors wish to thank Razvan Pascanu and Yee Whye Teh
This is made possible by our framework’s generality: for ex- for reviewing the paper prior to submission.
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Categorical Deep Learning

A. Category Theory Basics

The natural notion of ‘sameness‘ for categories is equivalence:

Definition A.1 (Equivalence). An equivalence between two categories C and D, written C → D, consists of a pair of functors
F : C → D and G : D → C together with natural isomorphisms (natural transformations where every component has an
= 1D and G ◦ F ∼
inverse) F ◦ G ∼ = 1C .
Definition A.2 (Initial object). An object I in a category C is called initial if for every X ∈ C it naturally holds that C(I, X) ∼
= 1,
meaning that there is only one map of type I → X.
Definition A.3 (Terminal object). An object T in a category C is called terminal if for every X ∈ C it naturally holds that
C(X, T ) ∼
= 1, meaning that there is only one map of type X → T .
Definition A.4 (Limit). For categories J and C, a diagram of shape J in C is a functor D : J → C. A cone to a diagram
D consists of an object C ∈ C and a natural transformation from a functor constant at C to the functor D, i.e. a family of
morphisms cj : C → D(j) for each object j ∈ J , such that for any f : i → j in C the following diagram commutes:
C D(i)
cj D(f )


A morphism of cones θ : (C, cj ) → (C ′ , c′j ) is a morphism θ in C making each diagram

C C′


commute. The limit of a diagram D, written lim D, is the terminal object in the category Cone(D) of cones to D and morphisms
between them.
→D of a diagram D : J → C is the initial object in the category Cocone(D) of
Definition A.5 (Colimit). The colimit lim

cocones to D, where a cocone (C, cj : D(j) → C) has the dual property of a cone (above) with the morphisms reversed.
Small (respectively κ-directed, connected, ...) colimits are colimits for which the indexing category J is small (respectively
κ-directed, connected, ...).
Example A.6. A terminal object in C is a limit of the unique diagram from the empty category to C. Similarly an initial object
is an example of a colimit.

B. 1-Categorical Algebra
Definition B.1 (Monad coherence diagrams). A triple (M, η, µ) of:

• an endofunctor M : C → C;
• a natural transformations η : idC ⇒ M ; and
• a natural transformation µ : M ◦ M ⇒ M

constitute a monad if the following diagrams commute:

η M◦µ
M M ◦M M ◦M ◦M M ◦M
µ µ µ

M M ◦M µ M
Definition B.2 (Coalgebra for an endofunctor). Let C be a category and F an endofunctor on C. A coalgebra for F is a pair
(A, a) where A is an object of C and a : A → F (A) is a morphism of C.

Categorical Deep Learning

B.1. Well-pointed Endofunctors and Algebraically Free Monads

In this subsection we’ll relate endofunctors and their algebras to monads and their algebras by way of well-pointed endofunctors
and the transfinite construction for an algebraically free monad on such an endofunctor.
Definition B.3. A pointed endofunctor (F, σ) comprises an endofunctor F : C → C, and a natural transformation σ : idC ⇒ F .
A pointed endofunctor is said to be well-pointed if the whiskering of F and σ either from the left or the right gives the same
result, or in other words, if the natural transformations σ ◦ F and F ◦ σ (which are of type F ⇒ F ◦ F ) are equal.
An algebra for a pointed endofunctor (F, σ) is an algebra (A, a) for the endofunctor F for which the following diagram
Remark B.4. As well-pointedness is a property, and not structure, algebras for well-pointed endofunctors are just algebras
for the pointed endofunctors. Morphisms of algebras for pointed endofunctors are morphisms of algebras for the underlying
Example B.5 (Monads and pointed endofunctors, idempotent monads and well-pointed endofunctors). The unit and underlying
endofunctor of a monad constitute a pointed endofunctor. If moreover that monad is idempotent, then that pointed endofunctor
is well-pointed.
Definition B.6. For a given endofunctor F , its algebras and algebra homomorphisms form a category we denote by AlgEndo (F ).
For (F, σ) a (well)-pointed endofunctor we denote by AlgPendo (F ) the category of algebras for F and homomorphisms thereof.
For (F, µ, η) a monad its algebras and homomorphisms thereof form a category we denote by AlgMnd (F ).
Lemma B.7. Suppose F is an endofunctor on a category C with coproducts. Then there is an equivalence of categories

AlgEndo (F ) → AlgPendo (F + idC ).
Definition B.8. Given an endofunctor F : C → C, an algebraically free monad on F is a monad FreeMnd (F ) together with

an equivalence of categories AlgEndo (F ) → AlgMnd (FreeMnd (F )) which preserves the respective functors to C that forget the
algebraic structure.

B.2. Kelly’s Unified Transfinite Construction

The existence theorem for algebraically free monads is Kelly’s unified transfinite construction (Kelly, 1980).
Definition B.9 (Reflective subcategory). A full subcategory D of a category C is reflective if the inclusion functor F : D → C
admits a left adjoint G : C → D. A reflective subcategory of a presheaf category is called a locally presentable category.
Example B.10 (Categories are reflective in graphs). The category of small categories is a reflective subcategory of the category
of graphs, which is itself a presheaf category.
Example B.11 (Ubiquity of local presentability). Nearly every category often encountered in practice is a locally presentable
category. The categories of monoids, groups, rings, vector spaces, and modules are locally presentable. As are the categories of
topological spaces, manifolds, metric spaces, and uniform spaces. While its beyond the scope of this document to expound too
much upon it, local presentability is a particularly powerful notion of what it means for objects and morphisms to be of things
defined by equalities of set-sized expressions.
Definition B.12 (Accessible category and accessible functor). For an ordinal κ, a κ-accessible category C is a category such

• C has κ-directed colimits; and

• there is a set of κ-compact objects which generates C under κ-directed colimits.

A κ-accessible functor F : C → D is an functor between κ-accessible functor which preserves κ-filtered colimits.
Remark B.13. The accessibility of a functor can be thought of as an upper-bound on the arity of the operations which it abstracts.
For example finite sums of finite sums are again finite sums.

Categorical Deep Learning

Definition B.14. Let C be a κ-accessible locally presentable category and F : C → C a pointed κ-accessible endofunctor. Let
F κ be the κ-directed colimit of the diagram

F0 → F1 → F2 → ··· → Fκ

where F 0 = idC and F α+1 = F ◦ F α for α < κ and F α = lim −

→β<α F for α a limit ordinal.
Lemma B.15. For C and F as above, F κ is a monad. The unit is the canonical inclusion of idC into the colimit F κ and the
multiplication comes from the preservation of κ-filtered colimits by F .
Theorem B.16. Assume the hypotheses of Lemma B.15 with κ the ordinal in those hypotheses. Then AlgPendo (F ) is equivalent
to AlgMnd (F κ ) - i.e. F κ is an algebraically free monad for F .

Remark B.17. For the endofunctors F we study here, Free(F ) → (F + id)ω is the underlying endofunctor of an algebraically
free monad for F , Free(F ).

The above formula can be related to the explicit formula for computing free monads, which has a dual formula in the case of
cofree comonads (Ghani et al.).
Proposition B.18 ((Co)free (co)monads, explicitly). Let F : C → C be an endofunctor. Then FreeMnd (F ), the free monad on
F is given by FreeMnd (F )(Z) = Fix(X 7→ F (X) + Z). Dually, we compute CofreeCmnd (F ), the cofree comonad on F as
CofreeCmnd (F )(Z) = Fix(X 7→ F (X) × Z).
Example B.19 (Free monad on 1 + A × −). Free monad on the endofunctor 1 + A × − is List−+1 (A) : Set → Set, the
endofunctor mapping an object Z to the set ListZ+1 (A) of lists of elements of type A whose last element is not [], i.e. an
element of type 1, but instead an element of type Z + 1. That is, these are lists which end potentially with an element of Z.
Example B.20 (Free monad on A + (−)2 ). The free monad on the endofunctor A + (−)2 is given by Tree(A + −) : Set → Set,
mapping a set Z to the set of trees with A + Z labelled leaves.
Example B.21 (Cofree comonad on O × −). The cofree comonad on the endofunctor O × − is Stream(O × −), mapping an
object Z to the set of streams whose outputs are of type O × Z.
Example B.22 (Cofree comonad on (I → O × −)). The cofree comonad of the endofunctor (I → O × −) is Fix(X 7→ (I →
O × X) × −), mapping a set Z to a set of hybrids of Moore and Mealy machines, outputting an additional element of Z at each
step which does not depend on I.

C. Additional Geometric Deep Learning Examples

To further illustrate the power of categorical deep learning as a framework that subsumes geometric deep learning
(Bronstein et al., 2021), as well as make the reader more comfortable in manipulating monad algebras and their homomor-
phisms, we provide three additional examples deriving equivariance constraints of established geometric deep learning archi-
tectures, leveraging the framework of CDL.
All of these examples should be familiar to Geometric DL practitioners, and are covered in detail by prior papers (Maron et al.,
2018; Cohen et al., 2018; Thomas et al., 2018; Cohen & Welling, 2016), hence we believe that relegating their exact derivations
to appendices is appropriate in our work.
Before we begin, we recall the core template of our work: that we represent neural networks f : A → B as monad algebra
homomorphisms between two algebras (A, a) and (B, b), for a monad (M, η, µ):

M(f )
M (A) M (B)
a b

A f

and that geometric deep learning can be recovered by making our monad be the group action monad; M (X) = G × X.

Categorical Deep Learning

C.1. Permutation-equivariant Learning on Graphs

leading to graph neural networks (Veličković, 2023).

Σn ×f
Σn × Rn × Rn×n Σn × Rn


Rn × Rn×n f

In this case:

• The group G = Σn is the permutation group of n elements,

• The carrier object for the algebras includes (scalar) node features Rn and, potentially, adjacency matrices Rn×n ,

• The structure map for the first algebra, PX,A : Σn × Rn × Rn×n → Rn × Rn×n , executes the permutation:
PX,A (σ, X, A) = (P(σ)X, P(σ)AP(σ)⊤ ), where P(σ) is the permutation matrix specified by σ.

• The structure map for the second algebra, PX , still executes the permutation, but only over the node features. This
reduction is not strictly necessary, but is often the standard when designing graph neural networks—as they are often
assumed to not modify their underlying computational graph. We deliberately assume this reduction here to illustrate how
our framework can handle neural networks transitioning across different algebras.

C.2. Rotation-equivariant Learning on Spheres

leading to the first layer of spherical CNNs (Cohen et al., 2018).

SO(3) × (S 2 → R) SO(3) × (SO(3) → R)

ρS 2 ρSO(3)

S2 → R f
SO(3) → R

In this case:

• The group G = SO(3) is the special orthogonal group of 3D rotations.

• The carrier object for the first algebra is S 2 → R; (scalar) data defined over the sphere. Note that in practice, this will
usually be discretised, so we will be able to represent it using matrices.

• The structure map of the first algebra, ρS 2 : SO(3) × (S 2 → R) → (S 2 → R), executes a 3D rotation on the spherical
data, as follows: ρS 2 ((α, β, γ), ψ) = φ, such that φ(x) = ψ(R(α, β, γ)−1 x), where R(α, β, γ) is the rotation matrix
specified by the ZYZ-Euler angles (α, β, γ) ∈ SO(3). This (inverse) rotation is applied to points x ∈ S 2 on the sphere.

• The carrier object for the second algebra is SO(3) → R; (scalar) data defined over rotation matrices. Once again, this will
usually be discretised in practice.

• The structure map of the second algebra, ρSO(3) : SO(3) × (SO(3) → R) → (SO(3) → R) now executes
a 3D rotation over the rotation-matrix data, as follows: ρSO(3) ((α, β, γ), ψ) = φ such that φ(R(α′ , β ′ , γ ′ )) =
ψ(R(α, β, γ)−1 R(α′ , β ′ , γ ′ )).

Categorical Deep Learning

C.3. G-equivariant Learning on G

leading to G-CNNs (Cohen & Welling, 2016), as well as the subsequent layers of spherical CNNs (Cohen et al., 2018).
G × (G → R) G × (G → R)


G→R f

In this case:

• The group G is also the domain of the carrier objects (G → R).

• Both algebras’ structure map follows the execution of the regular representation of G, AG : G × (G → R) → (G → R),
by composition, as follows: AG (g, ψ)(h) = ψ(g −1 h).

D. Lawvere Theories and Syntax

de Haan et al. (2020a) expanded the theory of equivariant layers in neural networks using the abstraction of natural transforma-
tions of functors. In this section, we will explain how to understand morphisms of monad algebras in the same terms.
Indeed, this comparison is crucial to understanding the syntax of monads, in addition to the semantics given by their category
of algebras.
Definition D.1. If C is a category, a presheaf on C is a functor C op → Set. The category whose objects are presheaves and
morphisms are natural transformations is denoted Psh(C).

Fix a monad T on Set and let CT denote its category of algebras and algebra homomorphisms.
Given an algebra A ∈ CT , the easiest way to interpret A as a functor is via the Yoneda embedding CT → Psh(CT ), which
identifies A with the presheaf [−, A]. It is a standard result that the Yoneda functor is fully faithful, which means that we can
identify morphisms as algebras with morphisms as presheaves.
Furthermore, these presheaves have a special property. If lim j is a small colimit in CT , then [lim j, A] = lim[j, A], essentially
−→ −→ ←−
by the definition of limits and colimits.
Definition D.2. If C is a category and J is a class of small colimits in C, then a J-continuous presheaf on C is a presheaf
F ∈ Psh(C) satisfying F (lim j) = lim F (j) for all j ∈ J. The corresponding full subcategory of Psh(C) is denoted CPshJ (C),
−→ ←− `
or simply CPsh(C) in the case that J is the class of all small colimits. We will also use to refer to the class of all coproducts,
+ to refer to the class of binary coproducts, and ∅ to refer to the empty class.

It turns out that CT has a nice property: it is a strongly compact category, meaning that every continuous presheaf is representable
as above by an object of CT . In other words, we have the identification CT = CPsh(CT ).
However, it is usually impractical to work with the entire category CT . When possible, we want to reason in terms of a more
tractable subcategory. These will provide us with workable syntax for our monad. Following (Brandenburg, 2021), we make
use of Ehresmann’s concept of a “colimit sketch”: a category equipped with a restricted class of colimits. Rather than giving
the general definition, we will describe a few special cases of prime interest.
Definition D.3. The Kleisli category KT is the full subcategory of CT on the free algebras. The finitary Kleisli category KTN
is the full subcategory on the free algebras of the form T S for S a finite set. And the unary Kleisli category KT1 is the full
one-object subcategory on the free algebra T 1.

We have the following sequence of nested full subcategories:

CT ⊃ KT ⊃ KTN ⊃ KT1

By composing with these inclusions, we get a sequence of functors between presheaf categories:

Categorical Deep Learning

Psh(CT ) → Psh(KT ) → Psh(KTN ) → Psh(KT1 )

By restricting our class of colimits, we can restrict this to the corresponding continuous presheaf categories:

CT ∼
= CPsh(CT ) → CPsh∐ (KT ) → CPsh+ (KTN ) → CPsh∅ (KT1 )

It turns out that in many cases, these arrows are equivalences of categories.
Definition D.4. In the case that CT → CPsh∐ (KT ) is an equivalence, we say that KTop is the infinitary Lawvere theory for T .
Remark D.5. In fact, all monads have an infinitary Lawvere theory. For a proof, see (Brandenburg, 2021).
Definition D.6. In the case that CT → CPsh+ (KTN ) is an equivalence, we say that (KTN )op is the Lawvere theory for T , and T
is a finitary monad.
Example D.7. If T is the monad sending a set S to the free commutative semiring on S, then CT is the category of commutative
semirings. Since the axioms for commutative semirings consist of equations with a finite number of variables, T has a Lawvere
theory (KTN )op .
It is well known that this is the category of “finite polynomials”, see e.g. (Gambino & Kock, 2013). This connection was
observed in (Dudzik & Veličković, 2022) to relate message passing in Graph Neural Networks to polynomial functors.
In fact, we could further restrict this theory to just the four objects {T 0, T 1, T 2, T 3}, because we can fully axiomatise commu-
tative semirings with only three variables, e.g. a(b + c) = ab + ac.
Example D.8 (Monoids). If CT → CPsh∅ (KT1 ) is an equivalence, then in fact CT ∼ = Psh(KT1 ), which is the category of M -sets
1 op
for the monoid M = (KT ) . So we can see that “unary Lawvere theories” exactly correspond to monads of the form M × −,
where M is a monoid.
Example D.9 (Suplattices). Not all monads are finitary; that is, not all monads have an associated Lawvere theory.
For an example of a non-finitary monad, let P : Set → Set be the covariant powerset functor. That is, P(S) is the set of all
subsets of S, and if f : S → T is a function, then P(f ) : P(S) → P(T ) is defined by P(f )(A) := {f (a) | a ∈ A}.
We equip P with the monad
S structure given by the unit 1 → P sending s ∈ S to {s} ∈ P(S) and the composition P 2 → P
sending A ⊂ P(S) to A∈A A.
The category of P-algebras CP is the category of suplattices, which is the category of posets withWall least upper bounds, and
morphisms preserving them. Equivalently, a suplattice is given by a set L together with a join map P(L) → L satisfying unit
and composition axioms.
Implementing requires implementing operations Lκ → L for arbitrarily large cardinal numbers κ, so we can see intuitively
that suplattices are not described by a finitary theory.
Note that the Kleisli category KP is equivalent to the category of sets and relations.
Example D.10 (Semilattices). While P above isn’t finitary, it has a finitary counterpart Pf in , the functor that takes each set to
its finite subsets.
Algebras for Pf in are sometimes called join-semilattices, partial orders where every finite subset has a least upper bound. It is
a nice exercise to show that a join-semilattice is equivalently a commutative idempotent monoid.

E. Monoidal Categories and Actegories

Monoidal categories and actegories are the ‘categorified‘ version of monoids and actions.
Definition E.1 (Strict monoidal category, (Johnson et al., Def. 1.2.1)). Let M be a category. We call M a strict monoidal
category if it is equipped with the following data a functor ⊗ : M × M → M called the monoidal product; an object I ∈ M
called the monoidal unit, such that

• A ⊗ (B ⊗ C) = (A ⊗ B) ⊗ C for all A, B, C ∈ M;
• A ⊗ I = A = I ⊗ A for all A ∈ M;

Categorical Deep Learning

• f ⊗ (g ⊗ h) = (f ⊗ g) ⊗ h for all f, g, h ∈ M;

• id ⊗ f = f = f ⊗ id for all f ∈ M.

Definition E.2 (Actegories, see (Capucci & Gavranović, 2023)). Let (M, ⊗, I, α, λ, ρ) be a monoidal category. An M-
actegory C is a category C together with a functor ◮: M × C → C together with natural isomorphisms ηX : I ◮ X ∼
= X and
µM,N : (M ⊗ N ) ◮ X ∼ = M ◮ (N ◮ X), such that:

• Pentagonator. For all M, N, P ∈ M and C ∈ C the following diagram commutes.

µM ⊗N,P,C
(M ⊗ N ) ⊗ P ◮ C M ⊗N ◮P ◮C
µM,N,P ◮C

αM,N,P ◮C M ◮N ◮P ◮C (7)

M ⊗ (N ⊗ P ) ◮ C µC,M ⊗N,P M ◮N ⊗P ◮C

• Left and right unitors. For all C ∈ C and M ∈ M The diagrams below commute.

I ⊗M ◮C (M ⊗ I) ◮ C

λM ◮C ρM ◮C (8)
µI,M,C µM,I,C

I ◮M ◮C ηM ◮C M ◮C M ◮C M◮ηC
M ◮I ◮C

Remark E.3. Just as one may assume a monoidal category to be strict, via MacLane’s coherence theorem, we may assume
actegories are strict as well (Capucci & Gavranović, 2023, Remark 3.4). That is to say, we may assume for an M actegory
(C, ◮) that:

• The unitor ηX is an equality, i.e. that I ◮ ( ) = idC are equal as functors of type C → C; and

• The multiplicator µM,N is an equality, i.e. that (( ) ⊗ ( ) ◮ ( ) = ( ) ◮ ( ) ◮ ( ) are equal as functors of type
M×M×C →C

We will call such a structure a strict actegory. We will use these later on to simplify exposition and some theorems.
Example E.4 (Monoidal action). Any monoidal category gives rise to a self-action.
Example E.5 (Families actegories). Any category C with coproducts has an action ◮: Set × C → C which maps (X, A) to the
coproduct of |X| copies of A.

E.1. Morphisms of Actegories

Definition E.6 (Actegorical strong monad). Let (C, ◮) be a M-actegory. A monad (T, µ, η) on C is called strong10 if it is
equipped with a natural transformation σP,A : P ◮ T (A) → T (P ◮ A), called strength such that diagrams in Definition E.9
Example E.7. All monads of the form A × − : Set → Set are strong for the actegory (Set, ×), for any monoid A. This
includes G × − : Set → Set from Example 2.2.11
Definition E.8 (Actegorical strong endofunctor). Let (C, ◮) be a M-actegory. An endofunctor F on C is called strong if it is
equipped with a natural transformation σP,A : P ◮ F (A) → F (P ◮ A), called a strength such that diagrams AS1 and AS2
in Definition E.9 commute.
Another name for this is a M-linear morphism, used in (Capucci & Gavranović, 2023)
The strength is in fact a natural isomorphism.

Categorical Deep Learning

Definition E.9 (Actegorical strong monad coherence diagrams). A monad (T, µ, η) on the category C of a M-actegory (C, ◮)
is called strong if it is equipped with a natural transformation σP,A : P ◮ T (A) → T (P ◮ A), called strength making the
diagrams below commute:
AS1: Compatibility of strength and the monoidal unit. AS2: Compatibility of strength and actegory multiplicator.
σI,A αP,Q,T (X)
I ◮ T (A) T (I ◮ A) (P ⊗ Q) ◮ T (X) P ◮ (Q ◮ T (X))
T (λA ) P ◮σQ,X
λT (A)
T (A) σP ⊗Q,X P ◮ T (Q ◮ X)

T ((P ⊗ Q) ◮ X) T (P ◮ (Q ◮ X))
T (αP,Q,X )
AS3: Compat. of strength and monad multiplication. AS4: Compatibility of strength and monad unit.

A ◮ T (T (X)) A ◮ T (X) M ◮X
M◮ηX ηM ◮X
σA,T (X)

T (A ◮ T (X)) σA,X M ◮ T (X) σM,X T (M ◮ X)

T (σA,T (X) )

T (T (A ◮ X)) µA◮X T (A ◮ X)

Example E.10. The examples of endofunctors from Examples 2.9 to 2.11, H.4 and H.7 are all strong endofunctors, and their
appropriate free monads are strong too. See Appendix (Example E.11)
Example E.11. Below we present a list the data of strengths σP,X of some relevant endofunctors and (on the left) and their
corresponding free monads (on the right).
Given the endofunctor 1 + A × − : Set → Set, its strength Given the free monad List−+1 (A) : Set → Set, its strength
σP,X : P × (1 + A × X) → 1 + A × P × X is given by: σP,Z : P × ListZ+1 (A) → ListP ×Z+1 (A) is given by:

σP,X (p, inl(•)) = inl(•) σP,Z (p, Nil) = Nil

σP,X (p, inr(a, x)) = inr(a, p, x) σP,Z (p, z) = (p, z)
σP,Z (p, Cons(a, as)) = Cons(a, σP,Z (p, as))
Given the endofunctor A + (−)2 , its strength Given the free monad Tree(A + −) : Set → Set, its strength
σP,X : P × (A + X 2 ) → A + (P × X)2 is given by: σP,Z : P × Tree(A + Z) → Tree(A + P × Z) is given by:

σP,X (p, inl(a)) = inl(a) σP,Z (p, Leaf(inl(a))) = Leaf(a)

σP,X (p, inr(x, x′ )) = inr((p, x), (p, x′ )) σP,Z (p, Leaf(inr(z))) = Leaf(inr(p, z))
σP,Z (p, Node(l, r)) = Node(σP,Z (p, l), σP,Z (p, r))

F. 2-Categorical Algebra
Good references for 2-categorical algebra are (Lack, 2010) or (Kelly, 2005). The latter deals with the more general notion of
enriched categories of which 2-categories are a particular example.

F.1. 2-monads and their Lax Algebras

A 2-monad can conscisely be defined as a Cat-enriched monad (see Johnson et al., Sec. 6.5) An unpacking of its definition
Definition F.1 (2-monad). A 2-monad on a 2-category C comprises:

Categorical Deep Learning

• A 2-endofunctor T on C;

• A 2-natural transformation µ : T 2 ⇒ T ; and

• A 2-natural transformation η : idC ⇒ T ;

such that the (Cat-enriched variant of) the axioms in Definition B.1 hold.
Definition F.2 (Lax T -algebra for a 2-monad). Let (T, η, µ) be a 2-monad on C. A lax T -algebra is a pair (A, r, ǫA , δA ) where
A is an object of C, a : T (A) → A is a morphism in C, and ǫA and δA are the following 2-morphisms in C:
T (A) T (T (A)) T (A)
ηA δA
a ǫA T (a) a

A A T (A) a A

such that the lax unity and lax associativity conditions (Johnson et al., Eq. 6.5.6 and 6.5.7) are satisfied.
Definition F.3 (Lax algebra homomorphism). Let E be a 2-category, T a 2-monad on E, and (A, a, ǫA , δA ) and (B, b, ǫB , δB )
be lax T -algebras. Then a lax algebra morphism from (A, a, ǫA , δA ) → (B, b, ǫB , δB ) is pair (f, κ) where f : A → B is a
morphism in E and κ is a 2-morphism spanned by the following diagram

T (f )
T (A) T (B)
a κ b

A f

such that the diagrams in (Johnson et al., Def. 6.5.9) commute.

Lax algebras and lax algebra homomorphisms for the 2-monad T form the category Lax-AlgMnd (T ).
Example F.4 (2-monad for M -modules). If M is a monoid, it is useful to study “M -modules”, which we define to be monoids
equipped with a compatible action of M .12 For example, the situation of a group acting on a vector space is fundamental in
representation theory. We can interpret such modules in terms of the 2-monad disc(M ) × − on the 2-category Cat.
Here disc(M ) is the category whose objects are elements of M , and whose morphisms are just the identity arrows. Since M
is a monoid, disc(M ) is a monoidal category, so disc(M ) × − is a 2-monad.
As the set of monoid endomorphisms on a monoid A is isomorphic to the set of endofunctors on the category given by the
delooping of the said monoid, an M -module can be seen to be a one-object algebra for this 2-monad. Indeed, this is just a
special case of an actegory.
Example F.5 (Cocycles as lax morphisms). The monoid cocycles, or “crossed homomorphisms”, used in (Dudzik et al., 2024)
to study asynchrony in algorithms and networks, can be described as lax morphisms for 2-monad algebras. As above, if A is
an M -module, then BA is an algebra for disc(M ) × −. A lax morphism 1 → BA is a natural transformation of the unique
functor M → BA, which is equivalently just a set map D : M → A. The axiom for compositionality is exactly the (right)
1-cocycle condition for D, so 1-cocycles are the same as lax morphisms 1 → BA.

G. The 2-category Para(C)

Definition G.1 (Para, compare (Cruttwell et al., 2022; Capucci et al., 2022) ). Given a monoidal category (M, ⊗, I) and an
M-actegory C, let Para◮ (C) be the 2-category whose:

• Objects are the objects of C;

• Morphisms X → Y are pairs (P, f ), where P is an object of M and f : P ◮ X → Y is a morphism of C;

Contrary to a mere M -action A, where A is a set, in a M -module A, A comes equipped with a monoid structure too.

Categorical Deep Learning


Figure 2. String diagram representation of a parametric morphism. We often draw the parameter wire on the vertical axis to signify that the
parameter object is part of the data of the morphism.

• 2-morphisms (P, f ) ⇒ (P ′ , f ′ ) : X → Y are 1-morphisms r : P ′ → P of M such that the triangle

P ⊲X

r⊲X Y


P ⊲X

commutes (equivalently an equality of parametric string diagrams as in Figure 3).

P′ P′

P fr

Figure 3. String diagram of reparameterisation. The reparameterisation map r is drawn vertically.

• Identity morphism on X is the parametric map (I, ηX −1 ), where η is the unitor of the underlying actegory.

where composition of morphisms (P, f ) : X → Y and (Q, g) : Y → Z is (Q ⊗ P, h) where h is the composite

µQ,P,X Q◮f g
(Q ⊗ P ) ◮ X −−−−−→ Q ◮ (P ◮ X) −−−→ Q ◮ Y −

and composition of 2-morphisms is given by the composition of M.

P Q P ⊗Q

A B g C A C
f = h

Figure 4. String diagram representation of the composition of parametric morphisms. By treating parameters on a separate axis we obtain an
elegant graphical depiction of their composition.

Remark G.2. When the actegory is strict the identities of the actegory reduce to being the parametric morphisms of the form
(I, idX )

Categorical Deep Learning

Example G.3 (Real Vector Spaces and Smooth Maps). Consider the cartesian category Smooth whose objects are real vector
spaces, and morphisms are smooth functions. As this category is cartesian, we can form Para(Smooth) modelling parametric
smooth functions.
Lemma G.4 (Embedding of C into Para(C)). There is a 2-functor γ : C → Para(C) which is identity-on-objects and treats
−1 13
every morphism f : A → B as trivially parametric, i.e. as (I, f ◦ ηA ).
Remark G.5. When the actegory (C, ◮) is strict the trivially parametric functions do not require precomposition with the unitor
of actegory. That is to say a morphism f : X → Y of C is sent to the parametric morphism (I, f ) : X → Y .
Theorem G.6 (γ preserves connected colimits). Suppose (M, η, µ) is a strict monoidal category, that (C, ◮) is an M-actegory,
and that X ◮ ( ) : C → C preserves connected colimits. Then, the 2-functor γ : C → Para(C) preserves connected colimits.
Remark G.7. While in C they are the only kind of colimits, the colimits we mean in Para(C) are strict colimits. The relationship
to other flavours of colimit is a topic of ongoing research.

Proof. Note that for a cone over a trivially parameterised connected diagram to commute, the parameters of the 1-cells of the
cone must all be the same. Then, since ◮ preserves connected colimits by hypothesis, we may assemble the following chain of


Tr1 (Para (C)) lim
−→ d∈D X d , Y → C P ⊲ lim
−→ d∈D X d , Y
P ∈M

→ C lim
−→ d∈D P ⊲ X d , Y
P ∈M

→ −d∈D C (P ⊲ Xd , Y )

P ∈M

→ Ob (M) × lim
← −d∈D C (P ⊲ Xd , Y)

→ lim
← −d∈D (Ob (M) × C (P ⊲ Xd!, Y ))

→ lim
← − d∈D C (P ⊲ Xd , Y )
P ∈M

→ limd∈D (Tr1 (Para (C)) (Xd , Y ))
← −

Example G.8. Fix M-actegory (C, ◮), and a monad (T, µ, η) on C with actegorical strength σ : M ◮ T (X) → T (M ◮ X).
Then this gives us a 2-monad on Para◮ (T ) on Para◮ (C) whose underlying 2-endofunctor:

• Acts as T does on objects14 ; and

• Sends (P, f ) : X → Y to (P, f ′ ), where f ′ is the composite
σP,X T (f )
P ◮ T (X) −−−→ T (P ◮ X) −−−→ T (Y )

• Sends r : P → P ′ to itself.

and the unit and multiplication 2-natural transformations are defined as follows:

• Unit Para◮ (η) : idPara◮ (C) ⇒ Para◮ (T ) whose component at X : C is the element of Para◮ (C)(X, T (X)) given by the
parametric morphism (I, uX ), where uX is the composite
X η◮ ηT
I ◮ X −−−→ X −−X
→ T (X)
Here we are treating C as 2-category with only identity 2-morphisms.
This is well defined since Ob(Para(C)) = Ob(C)

Categorical Deep Learning

For every parametric map (P, f ) ∈ Para(C)(X, Y ) we have the strictly natural square in Equation (9). The 2-cell is given
by the reparameterisation βP,I : P ⊗ I → I ⊗ P which is identity since we are assuming M is strict monoidal. It
can be checked that this indeed satisfies the conditions of a 2-morphism in Para◮ (C). This makes Para◮ (η) a 2-natural
(P,f )

(I,u) (I,uY ) (9)


T (X) T (Y )
T (f )◦σP,X

• Multiplication Para◮ (µ) : Para◮ (T )2 ⇒ Para◮ (T ) whose component at X ∈ Para◮ (C) is the parametric morphism
(I, mX ) where mX is the composite

η ◮ −1 µT
I ◮ T 2 (X) −−
−→ T 2 (X) −−X
→ T (X)

For every parametric morphism (P, f ) ∈ Para◮ (C)(X, Y ) we have the strictly natural square in Equation (10). It is again
given by βP,I , and is strict because M is strict monoidal. It can be checked that this too satisfies the conditions of a
2-morphism in Para◮ (C) This makes Para◮ (µ) a 2-natural transformation.

(P,(T (f )◦σP,X )◦σP,T (X) )

T 2 (X) T 2 (Y )

(I,mx ) (I,mY ) (10)


T (X) T (Y )
T (f )◦σP,X

Lastly, we need to check that this indeed satisfies the 2-monad coherence conditions. Since the parameters of the components
of Para◮ (η) and Para◮ (µ) are all trivial, this becomes straightforward to check.
Remark G.9. For strictly monoidal M and a strict actegory (C, ◮) the unit and multiplication of Para(T ) are exactly the unit
and multiplication of T .
The following theorem shows us how out of the abstract 2-categorical framework the notion of weight tying (usage of the same
weight in two different places obtained by copying the value) arises automatically as the structure of a comonoid induced by a
lax algebra of a strong actegorical monad on C.
Theorem G.10 (Lax (co)algebras for Para◮ (T ) induce comonoids). Let (C, ◮) be a M-actegory and T : C → C a strong
actegorical monad on C. Consider a lax algebra (A, (P, a), ǫA , δA ) for the induced 2-monad Para(T ). Then P is a comonoid
in M where ǫA is the data of its counit, and δA the data of its comultiplication, and the comonoid laws follow from lax algebra
coherence conditions. Dually, the same statement holds for a lax coalgebra of a Para(T ) comonad.

Proof. We start by unpacking the data of the lax algebra 2-cells.

(I,mx )
T (X) T (T (X)) T (X)

(P,a) δP
(P,T (a)◦σP,X ) (P,a)
ǫP T ◮ −1
(I,ηX ◦ηX )

X X T (X) X
(I,λX ) (P,a)

We can see that they are given by two reparameterisations: ǫP : P ⊗I → I and δP : I ⊗P → P ⊗P . These uniquely determine
the morphisms which we call !P : P → I and ∆P : P → P ⊗ P respectively. To show that this is indeed a comonoid, we need
to unpack the lax algebra laws. We note that all the conditions unpack only to conditions on morphisms in M. It is relatively
tedious, but straightforward to check that these conditions ensure that !P and ∆P satisfy the comonoid laws.

Categorical Deep Learning

Corollary G.11. The functor Lax-AlgMnd (Para(T )) → CoMon(C) × Lax(→, C) which takes lax algebras for Para(T ) to the
pair of the underlying comonoid parameter and the C-morphism which interprets the parametric structure map is full-and-

Proof. The proof is formal and left to the reader.

Conjecture G.12. Given a cartesian monoidal category (M, ×, 1), an M-actegory (C, ◮), and a strong endofunctor F on C
such that F and C satsify the hypotheses of Theorem B.16, then the assignment of a lax algebra (X, (P, f )) to
α κ
(X, ((P, !P : P → 1, ∆P : P → P × P ), laxlim
−−−→((P, f ) ◦ Para(F )(P, f ) ◦ · · · ◦ Para(F ) (P.f )) : F X → X))
defines an equivalence of categories
Lax-AlgEndo (Para(F )) → Lax-AlgMnd (F κ )

H. Weight Tying Examples

H.1. Examples from Geometric Deep Learning
Example H.1 (Linear equivariant layers for a pair of pixels). Consider the category Vect of finite-dimensional vector spaces
and linear maps. For simplicity, we will assume that the carrier set for our data is RZ2 , which is a pair of pixels. Consider a
Z2 Z2
 : R → R . It is well known that this function can be represented as a multiplication
 data, fW
linear endofunction on such
w1 w3
with a 2 × 2 matrix W = .
w2 w4
Now consider the group of 1D translations (Z2 , +, 0)—which in this case amounts to pixel swaps—and the induced action ◮
on RZ2 . If f : RZ2 → RZ2 is equivariant with respect to ◮, then via Example 2.6, for any input [x1 , x2 ] ∈ RZ2 it must hold that
w1 x2 + w2 x1 w3 x1 + w4 x2
= (11)
w3 x2 + w4 x1 w1 x1 + w2 x2

This implies that w3 = w2 and w4 = w1 , meaning every W is of the form

w1 w2
w2 w1

where the weight tying makes the matrix a symmetric one. Any neural network fW satisfying this constraint will be a linear
translation equivariant layer over Z2 , and can be used as a building block to construct geometric deep learning architectures.
Remark H.2 (Circulants and CNNs). Note that this concept generalises to larger input domains (e.g. RZk for k > 2). Generally,
it is a well-known fact in signal processing that, for fW to satisfy a linear translation equivariance constraint, W must be
a circulant matrix. Circulant matrices are known in neural networks as convolutional layers, the essence of modern CNNs
(Fukushima et al., 1983; LeCun et al., 1998).
Example H.3 (Invariant maps). Invariant maps are also (G×−)-algebra homomorphisms where the codomain is a trivial group
action. Specifically, setting the domain to any of the group actions from Example 2.6, the corresponding induced commutative
diagram is below:
G × RZw ×Zh G × RZw ×Zh
◮ π2

RZw ×Zh f
RZw ×Zh

Elementwise, the commutativity of that diagram unpacks to the equation

f (g ◮ x) = f (x)

The translation example, for instance, recovers the equation f (((i′ , j ′ ) ◮ x)(i, j)) = (i′ , j ′ ) ◮ f (x)(i, j) which reduces to
f (x(i − i′ , j − j ′ )) = f (x)(i, j). Intuitively, it states that, for any displacement (i′ , j ′ ), the result of translating the input by
(i′ , j ′ ) and then applying the function f is the same as just applying f .

Categorical Deep Learning

We can run the analogous calculation with weight sharing  here. We consider the same linear endofunction fW ∈ RZ2 → RZ2
w1 w3
on a pair of pixels (represented as a matrix W = ), and the same group of translations (Z2 , +, 0) on the domain, but
w2 w4
this time we consider the identity endomorphism on the codomain. If fW is invariant to ◮, then Example H.3 for any input
[x1 , x2 ] ∈ RZ2 it has to hold that
w1 x2 + w2 x1 w1 x1 + w2 x2
= (12)
w3 x2 + w4 x1 w3 x1 + w4 x2

implying w1 = w2 and w3 = w4 , meaning the equivariance induced a particular weight tying scheme

w1 w3
w1 w3

 values in the output of fW will be the same,

in which the matrix has shared rows. Note that this implies that each of the pixel
and hence this layer could also be represented as just a single dot product with w1 w3 , eliminating the grid structure in the
original set. Such a layer would not be an endofunction on RZ2 , however, which was our initial space of exploration.

H.2. Examples from Automata Theory

Example H.4 (Streams). Let O be a set, thought of as the set of outputs. Consider the endofunctor from O × − : Set → Set.
Then the set Stream(O) of streams15 with outputs O, together with the map houtput, nexti : Stream(O) → O × Stream(O)
forms a coalgebra of this endofunctor. They have a representation as the following datatype
data Stream o = MkStream {
output :: o
next :: Stream o

This datatype describes streams coinductively, as something from which we can always extract an output, and another stream.
In Example I.3 we will see how this will be related to unfolding recurrent neural networks.
Example H.5 (Unfolds to streams as coalgebra homomorphisms). Consider the endofunctor (O × −) from Example H.4, and
a coalgebra homomorphism from any other (O × −)-coalgebra (X, ho, ni) into (Stream(O), houtput, nexti:

X Stream(O)
ho,ni houtput,nexti

O×X O×fo,n
O × Stream(O)

Then the map fo,n : X → Stream(O) is necessarily a unfold to a stream, a concept from functional programming describing
how a stream of vaues can be obtained from a single value. It is implemented by corecursion on the input:
fo,n :: x -> Stream o
fo,n x = MkStream (o x) (fo,n (n x))

This corecursion is structural in nature, meaning it satisfies the following two equations which arise by unpacking the algebra
homomorphism equations elementwise:

o(x) = output(fo,n (x)) (13)

fo,n (n(x)) = next(fo,n (x)) (14)
An infinite sequence of outputs, isomorphic to the set (N → O) of functions from the natural numbers into O.

Categorical Deep Learning

Here Equation (13) tells us that the output of the stream produced by fo,n at x is o(x), and Equation (14) tells us that the rest
of the stream is the stream produced by fo,n at x is fo,n (n(x)).
Remark H.6. Analogous to Remark 2.13, there can only ever be one unfold of this type. This is because streams are a terminal
object in the category of (O × −)-coalgebras.

We can study the weight sharing induced by streams. Consider the category Vect and the coreader comonad R × − given by
the output set R. Fix a coalgebra (R, ho, ni), and represent the coalgebra map with scalars wo and wn , denoting the output and
the next state, respectively. Then the universal coalgebra homomorphism is a linear map fo,n : R → Stream(R) satisfying
Equations (13) and (14). If we represent this as an infinite-dimensional matrix
w1 w2 w3 w4 . . .

then the induced weight sharing scheme removes any degrees of freedom: the matrix is completely determined by wo and wn ,
and is of the form:
wo wn wo wn2 wo wn3 wo . . .


Example H.7 (Moore machines). Let O and I be sets, thought of as sets of outputs and inputs, respectively. Consider the
endofunctor O × (I → −) : Set → Set. Then the set MooreO,I of Moore Machines with O-labelled outputs and I-labelled
inputs together with the map houtput, nexti : MooreO,I → O × (I → MooreO,I ) forms a coalgebra for this endofunctor. They
can be represented as the following datatype.
data Moore o i = MkMoore {
output :: o,
nextStep :: (i -> Moore o i)

Like with Mealy machines, this description is coinductive. From a Moore machine we can always extract an output and a
function which given an input produces another Moore machine. In Example I.5 we will see how this will be related to general
recurrent neural networks of a particular form.
Example H.8 (Unfolds to Moore machines are terminal (O × −)-coalgebras). Consider the endofunctor O × (I → −) from
Example H.7, and any other (O × −)-coalgebra (X, ho, ni) to (MooreO,I , houtput, nexti:

X MooreO,I
ho,ni houtput,nexti

O × (I → X) O × (I → MooreO,I )
O×(I→fo,n )

Then the map fo,n is a necessarily an unfold to a Moore machine, a function describing how a Moore machine is obtained from
a single value. It is a corecursive function as below:
fm :: x -> Moore o i
fm x = MkMoore (m1 x) (λi 7→ fm (m2 x i))

which is structural in nature, meaning it satisfies the following two equations which arise by unpacking the coalgebra homo-
morphism equations elementwise:

o(x) = output(fo,n (x)) (15)

fo,n (n(x)(i)) = next(fo,n (x))(i) (16)

Here Equation (15) tells us that the output of the Moore machine produced by fo,n at state x is given by the output of n at state
x, and Equation (16) tells us that the next Moore machine produced at x and i is the one produced by fo,n at n(x)(i).

Categorical Deep Learning

I. Parametric 2-endofunctors and their Algebras

Just like before, often at our disposal we will have a more minimal structure. Instead of requiring a strong 2-monad, we can
instead require merely a strong 2-endofunctor. The data of an algebra for a 2-endofunctor will be the same as the algebra for an
endofunctor Definition 2.8.
Example I.1 (Folding RNN cell). Consider the endofunctor 1 + A × − from Example 2.9. Via strength from Example E.10
we can form the 2-endofunctor Para(1 + A × −) : Para(Set) → Para(Set). Then a folding recurrent neural network arises as
its algebra.
More concretely, an algebra here consists of the carrier set S (name suggestively chosen to denote hidden state) and a parametric
map (P, cellrcnt ) ∈ Para(Set)(1 + A × S, S). Via the isomorphism P × (1 + A × S) ∼ = P + P × A × S we can break
cellrcnt into two pieces: the choice of the initial hidden state cellrcnt
0 : P → X and the folding recurrent neural network cell
1 : P × A × X → X, as shown in the figure below. We will see how iterating this construction will produce a folding

(P,cellrcnt )


Figure 5. An algebra for Para(1 + A × −) consists of a recurrent neural network cell and an initial hidden state.

recurrent neural network which consumes a sequence of inputs and iteratively updates its hidden state.16
Example I.2 (Recursive NN cell). Consider the endofunctor A + (−)2 from Example 2.10. Via strength from Example E.10
we can form the 2-endofunctor Para(A + (−)2 ) on Para(Set). Then a recursive neural network arises as its algebra.
More concretely, an algebra here consists of the carrier set S and a parametric map (P, cellrcsv ) ∈ Para(Set)(A + S 2 , S). Via
the isomorphism P × (A + S 2 ) ∼
= P + P × A × S 2 we can break cell
into two pieces: the choice of the initial hidden state
rcsv rcsv
cell0 : P → S and the recursive neural network cell cell1 : P × A × S 2 → S, as shown in the figure below.

A + S2 P P
(P,cellrcsv ) A X X

Figure 6. An algebra for Para(A + (−)2 ) consists of a recursive neural network cell and an initial hidden state.

Example I.3 (Unfolding RNN cell). Consider the endofunctor O × − from Example H.4. Via strength σP,X : P × (O × X) − →
O × P × X we can form the 2-endofunctor Para(O × −) : Para(Set) → Para(Set). Then an unfolding recurrent neural network
arises as its coalgebra.
More concretely, a coalgebra here consists of the carrier set S, and a parametric map (P, hcello , celln i) ∈ Para(Set)(S, O × S).
Here hcello , celln i consists of maps cello : P × S → O which computes the output and celln : P × S → S which computes
the next state.17 We will see how iterating this construction will produce an unfolding recurrent neural network which given a


(P,hcello ,celln i) S S


Figure 7. An algebra for the Para(O × −) 2-endofunctor consists of an unfolding recurrent neural network cell.

starting state produces a stream of outputs O.

We note here that the hidden state is allowed to depend on the parameter, something which is not possible in the usual definition of a
recurrent neural network cell.
By universal property of the product we can treat them as one cell of type P × S → O × S or as two cells.

Categorical Deep Learning

Example I.4 (Mealy machine cell / Full RNN cell). Consider the endofunctor I → O × − from Example 2.11. Via strength
from Example E.10 we can form the 2-endofunctor Para(I → O × −) : Para(Set) → Para(Set). Then a Mealy machine cell
arises as its coalgebra.
More concretely, a coalgebra here consists of the carrier set S and a parametric map (P, cellMealy ) ∈ Para(Set)(S, I → O × S).
Here cellMealy can be thought of as a map P × S → I → O × S, as shown in the figure below. We interpret it as a full recurrent

(P,cellMealy )

(I → O × S) I

Figure 8. An algebra for Para((I → O × −) 2-endofunctor consists of an object S and a map f : P × S × I → O × S which we have taken
the liberty to uncurry.

neural network consuming a hidden state S, input I and producing an output O and an updated hidden state S.

This suggests that recurrent neural networks can be thought of as learnable Mealy machines, a perspective seldom advocated
for in the literature.
Example I.5 (Moore machine cell). Consider the endofunctor O × (I → −) from Example H.7. Via strength σP,X : P × O ×
(I → O) → O × (I → P × X) defined as (p, o, f ) 7→ (o, λi 7→ (p, f (i))) we can form the 2-endofunctor Para(O × (I →
−)) : Para(Set) → Para(Set). Then a Moore machine cell arises as its coalgebra.
More concretely, a coalgebra here consists of the carrier set S and a parametric map (P, cellMoore ) ∈ Para(Set)(S, O × (I →
S)). Here cellMoore can be thought of as a map P × S → O × (I → S), as shown in the figure below. We can break it down
into two pieces cellMoore
o : P × S → O and cellMoore
n : P × S × I → S.

(P,cellMoore ) P
O × (I → X)

Figure 9. An algebra for Para(O × (I → −)) as a parametric Moore cell. Here the output O does not depend on the current input I.

J. Unrolling Neural Networks via Transfinite Construction

We will now reap the benefits of the transfinite construction of free monads on endofunctors, and unpack the corresponding
unrolling of these networks. Specifically, with Theorem G.10 hinting towards the path of having weight tying arise abstractly
out of the categorical framework, we unpack the unrolling of these networks. For the purposes of space and clarity, the unpaking
is done as lax homomorphism of algebras for 2-endofunctors instead of for 2-monads.
Example J.1 (Iterated Folding RNN). Consider an algebra (P, cellrcnt ) of Para(1+A×−), i.e. a folding RNN cell (Example I.1).
Its unrolling is a Para(1 + A × −)-algebra homomorphism below, where ∆P : P → P × P is the copy map.

Para(1+A×−)((P,frcnt ))
1 + A × List(A) 1+A×X
∆P (17)
γ([Nil,Cons]) (P,cellrcnt )

List(A) X
(P,frcnt )

Here the map frcnt is the parametric analogue of a fold (Example 2.12):

Categorical Deep Learning

frcnt :: (p, List a) -> x

frcnt p Nil = cellrcnt p (inl ())
frcnt p (Cons a as) = cellrcnt p (inr a (frcnt p as))

We can see that frcnt is structurally recursive: it processes the head of the list by applying cellrcnt to the parameter p and the
output of the frcnt with the same parameter, and the tail of the same list.


Figure 10. String diagram representation of the unrolled “folding” recurrent neural network.

We proceed to show that ∆P is indeed a valid reparameterisation for these parametric morphisms. Unpacking
the composition on top right side, and the bottom left side of Equation (17), respectively, yields parametric maps

P × P × (1 + A × List(A)) → X P × (1 + A × List(A)) → X
whose implementations are, respectively:

(p, q, inl(•)) 7→ cellrcnt (p, inl(•)) (p, •) 7→ cellrcnt (p, inl(•))

(p, q, inr(a, as)) 7→ cellrcnt (q, a, f (p, as)) (p, (a, as)) 7→ cellrcnt (p, a, f (p, as))
It is easy to see that ∆P is a valid reparameterisation between them, “tying” the parameters p and q together.
Example J.2 (Iterated unfolding RNN). Consider a coalgebra (P, hcello , celln i) of Para(O × −), i.e. an unfolding RNN cell
(Example I.3). Its unrolling is a Para(O × −)-coalgebra homomorphism below:
(P,fo,n )
X Stream(O)
(P,hcello ,celln i) ∆P (18)

O×X O × Stream(O)
Para(O×−)((P,fo,n ))

Here fo,n : P × X → Stream(O) is the parametric analogue of an unfold (Example H.5):

fo,n :: (p, x) -> Stream o
fo,n p x = MKStream (cello p x) (fo,n p (celln x))

We can see that fo,n is structurally corecursive: it produces a stream whose head is cello (p, x), and whose tail is the stream
produced by fo,n at celln (p, x).

S S ...

Figure 11. String diagram representation of the unrolled “unfolding” recurrent neural network.

Categorical Deep Learning

Example J.3 (Iterated Recursive NN). Consider an algebra (P, cellrcsv ) of Para(A + (−)2 ), i.e. a recursive neural network cell
(Example I.2). Its unrolling is a Para(A + (−)2 )-algebra homomorphism below:

Para(A+(−)2 )((P,frcsv ))
A + Tree(A)2 A + X2
∆P (19)

= (P,cellrcsv )

Tree(A) X
(P,frcsv )

Here frcsv is a function with the following implementation

frcsv :: (p, Tree a) -> x
frcsv p (Leaf a) = cellrcsv p (inl a)
frcsv p (Node l r) = cellrcsv p inr (f (frcsv p l) (frcsv p r)

This function too performs weight sharing, as the recursive call to subtrees is done with the same parameter p.




Figure 12. String diagram representation of the unrolled recursive neural network.

Example J.4 (Iterated Mealy machine cell). Consider an algebra (P, cellMealy ) of Para(I → O × −), i.e. a Mealy machine cell
(Example 2.11). Its unrolling is a Para(I → O × −)-algebra homomorphism below:
(P,fn )
X MealyO,I
(P,n) γ(next) (20)

(I → O × X) (I → O × MealyO,I )
Para(I→O×−)((P,fn ))

Here fn is a corecursive function with the following implementation

f n :: (p, x) -> Mealy o i
f n (p, x) = MkMealy $ \i -> let (o', x') = n p x i
in (o', f n p x')



Figure 13. String diagram representation of a parametric Mealy machine — a recurrent neural network.

Categorical Deep Learning

Example J.5 (Iterated Moore machine cell). Consider a coalgebra (P, cellMoore ) of Para(O × (I → −)), i.e. a Moore machine
cell (Example H.7). Its unrolling is a Para(O × (I → −))-coalgebra homomorphism below:

(P,fn )
X MooreO,I
(P,ho,ni) γ(next) (21)

O × (I → X) (I → O × MooreO,I )
Para(O×(I→−))((P,fn ))

In code, fn is a corecursive function

f n :: (p, x) -> Moore o i
f n (p, x) = MkMoore $ \i -> (o p x, f n p (n p x i))

X X X X X X ...


Figure 14. String diagram representation of an unrolled Moore machine.


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