iLS - English - Y7 - T1 - Endoftermtest - Set 3
iLS - English - Y7 - T1 - Endoftermtest - Set 3
iLS - English - Y7 - T1 - Endoftermtest - Set 3
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Section A: Reading
Read the extract below and then answer the questions
that follow it.
• Birds often sit on their backs and peck off parasites
such as insects and ticks.
• They are usually solitary animals, although a calf
(baby rhino) will spend up to three years with its
25 mother. They sometimes spend short spells of time
in small groups, called ‘crashes’.
• They live in Africa and in the tropical swamps and
forests of Asia, and have a lifespan of up to 50 years.
• Their eyesight is very poor, but their senses of smell
30 and hearing are excellent.
• They are fast: some can run at up to 55 km per
All rhinos have at least one horn on their nose, which
35 is extremely valuable – more valuable than gold!
Traditionally, it was believed that medicines made
from rhino horn could cure all sorts of illnesses and
diseases. Many modern scientists have stated that
this is untrue, while many people still believe in the
40 healing properties. Some people still want rhino horns
as status symbols and others continue to sell them as
a medicine. Killing rhinos for their horns has been
banned in most countries, but poachers still do it
45 Habitat loss
As the number of people on the planet grows, the
space for animals to live in the wild shrinks. People
clear land and forests to farm, and build towns and
roads, which makes it more difficult for wild animals
50 to find water, food and shelter. Although many rhinos
now live in special areas to help protect them, these
spaces are getting smaller.
What we can do
Many countries and organisations are trying to protect
55 rhinos. Laws have been passed to make the trade of
rhino horn illegal, guards have been employed to keep
rhinos safe from poachers and zoos are trying to breed
and release rhinos back into the wild. However, some
species of rhino are still under threat of extinction.
60 If we don’t help to protect these gentle giants, they
will disappear forever.
natural predator: animal that, in the wild, kills and
eats the creature mentioned
status symbols: items or features that show wealth,
power or influence
wallowing: rolling or lying in mud or water
1 According to the extract, which two of the following
statements are true?
3 Look again at this section of the text:
6 Look again at this section of the text:
7 Look again at the title of the text:
Why does the writer call rhinos ‘gentle giants’? Use evidence
from the text to support your ideas.
9 Which answer best describes the writer’s main purpose
in writing this text? Tick one box.
Section B: Writing
How to improve
© Pearson Education Ltd 2020. Copying permitted for purchasing institution only.
This material is not copyright free. Written by Jenny Roberts.