SN 2021wvw: A core-collapse supernova at the sub-luminous, slower, and shorter end of Type IIPs
Rishabh Singh Teja,1, 2 Jared A. Goldberg,3 D. K. Sahu,1 G. C. Anupama,1 Avinash Singh,4, 5 Vishwajeet Swain,6
and Varun Bhalerao6
1 Indian Institute of Astrophysics, II Block, Koramangala, Bengaluru-560034, Karnataka, India
2 Pondicherry University, R.V. Nagar, Kalapet, Pondicherry-605014, UT of Puducherry, India
3 Center for Computational Astrophysics, Flatiron Institute, 162 5th Ave, New York, NY 10010, USA
arXiv:2407.13207v1 [astro-ph.HE] 18 Jul 2024
4 Oskar Klein Centre, Department of Astronomy, Stockholm University, Albanova University Centre, SE-106 91 Stockholm, Sweden
5 Hiroshima Astrophysical Science Center, Hiroshima University, Higashi-Hiroshima, Hiroshima 739-8526, Japan
6 Department of Physics, Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, Powai, Mumbai 400076
We present detailed multi-band photometric and spectroscopic observations and analysis of a rare
core-collapse supernova SN 2021wvw, that includes photometric evolution up to 250 d and spectroscopic
coverage up to 100 d post-explosion. A unique event that does not fit well within the general trends
observed for Type II-P supernovae, SN 2021wvw shows an intermediate luminosity with a short plateau
phase of just about 75 d, followed by a very sharp (∼10 d) transition to the tail phase. Even in the
velocity space, it lies at a lower velocity compared to a larger Type II sample. The observed peak
absolute magnitude is −16.1 mag in r-band, and the nickel mass is well constrained to 0.020±0.006 M⊙ .
Detailed hydrodynamical modeling using MESA+STELLA suggests a radially compact, low-metallicity,
high-mass Red Supergiant progenitor (MZAM S = 18 M⊙ ), which exploded with ∼ 0.2 × 1051 erg s−1
leaving an ejecta mass of Mej ≈ 5 M⊙ . Significant late-time fallback during the shock propagation
phase is also seen in progenitor+explosion models consistent with the light curve properties. As the
faintest short-plateau supernova characterized to date, this event adds to the growing diversity of
transitional events between the canonical ∼100 d plateau Type IIP and stripped-envelope events.
tti et al. 2021), and SN 2020cxd (120 d), SN 2021aai a distinctive short plateau Type IIP supernova.
(140 d), (Valerin et al. 2022) had a longer plateau dura- SN 2021wvw (other names: PS21jnb, ZTF21abvcxel,
tion. In addition, there is also a very heterogeneous ATLAS21bgtz, Gaia21eqm) was discovered on August
distribution in the brightness space for this subclass 24, 2021 14:32.6UT (JD=2459451.1) in UGC 02605
(Valenti et al. 2016). With more discoveries and exten- (Jones et al. 2021) with 17.93 ABMag in the i − P 1
sive follow-up in recent times, many events are found to filter. Subsequently, it was classified as Type II with
be intrinsically fainter compared to typical Type II SNe a strong blue continuum having P-Cygni Hα and Hβ
(mean MVmax ∼ −16.7, Anderson et al. 2014) and are emissions (Hinkle 2021). The first detection in ZTF-g
termed as low (MV ≥ −15 mag) or intermediate (MV ≈ filter (19.34 mag) was on JD 2459449.95 and the last
−16 mag) luminosity SNe. These low/intermediate lu- non-detection in ZTF-r filter (19.15 mag) was on JD
minosity SNe also predominantly show a plateau length 2459449.91. Using this, we obtain JD 2459449.93 ± 0.02
of 100 d or more (for instance ≥ 140 d in SN 2016bkv, as the explosion epoch. A similar epoch, shifted by
Nakaoka et al. 2018; Valerin et al. 2022; Fang et al. +0.2 d, is obtained using data from ATLAS forced pho-
2024). Current understanding attributes these SNe to tometry server with 5-σ last non-detection (>18.89 mag)
originate from weak explosions of the lower mass end on JD 2459449.1 and first detection (18.10±0.08 mag)
of the red supergiant (RSG) stars, typically less than on JD 2459451.1 both in ATLAS-o filter. The non-
15 M⊙ with low 56 Ni mass production (Pumo et al. 2017; detections in both ZTF-r and ATLAS-o are at a similar
Lisakov et al. 2018). epoch, hence we consider this as the last non-detection,
On the other hand, several short-plateau SNe (50 - and the first detection in ZTF-g band. Using this we
80 d) studies show these to be brighter than the typ- obtain texp = 2459449.9 ± 0.3 as the explosion epoch
ical Type IIP SNe (Hiramatsu et al. 2021; Teja et al. and use this throughout. The location of SN 2021wvw
2022), with the low-luminosity, short plateau events be- in its host galaxy is marked in Figure 1.
ing infrequent. Type II SNe with short plateau also The structure of this paper is as follows: Section 2
tend to decline faster during their plateau phase (Hira- provides details of various data sources utilized. The
matsu et al. 2021). The favored mechanism for these light curves and spectra are analyzed and compared
short plateau SNe is still debated. A common trend is in Section 3 and 4 respectively along with estimating
that the lightcurve properties require a small but non- Ni mass and expansion velocities. Section 5 explores
negligible H-rich envelope (≈ a few M⊙ ) at the time of the probable progenitor using various models, including
explosion (Hiramatsu et al. 2021). Single-star evolution- complete hydrodynamical modeling, followed by a gen-
ary scenarios tend to favor moderate to high initial mass eral discussion in Section 6. Eventually, we summarize
RSGs, as stronger winds in more massive progenitors this work in Section 7.
provide a channel for stars to lose the majority but not 40°14' RGB composite using Bessell-BVR bands
the entirety of their H-rich envelope (see, e.g. Dessart
et al. 2010; Sukhbold et al. 2016; Curtis et al. 2021).
Other theoretical works remain agnostic to the mass-
loss mechanism or directly link low envelope mass with
binary interaction (e.g. Morozova et al. 2015; Paxton
et al. 2018; Dessart et al. 2024), and a growing body of
Declination (J2000)
2. PHOTOMETRY AND SPECTROSCOPY: DATA SDSS photometry1 in the regions around the host center
SOURCES and near the SN position. Standard photometric data
reduction procedures have been adopted utilizing IRAF
and pyraf, the details of which can be found in Teja
Table 1. Log of spectroscopic observations of SN 2021wvw et al. (2023a). The photometric data are tabulated in
obtained from HCT.
the Appendix of this work.
We obtained low-resolution (R ∼ 800) optical spec-
Date JD Phase† Range tra with the HFOSC instrument available on HCT us-
(yyyy-mm-dd) (2459000+) (d) (Å) ing 167l slit (1.′′ 92 width and 11′ length). The spec-
2021-08-28 455.4 5.5 4000-7700 tra observed with grisms Gr7 and Gr8 were combined
2021-09-13 471.3 21.4 4000-8900 to obtain spectra covering a wavelength range of 4000
2021-09-18 476.3 26.3 4000-8900 to 9000 Å. The optical spectra were obtained during
2021-09-19 477.4 27.4 4000-7700 5 - 95 d post-explosion. Beyond 95 d, the SN faded
2021-09-29 487.3 37.3 4000-8900 considerably, and spectroscopy with HCT was not feasi-
2021-10-02 490.2 40.3 4000-8900 ble. The observed 2-D spectra were bias corrected using
2021-10-09 497.2 47.3 4000-8900 nightly bias frames, and the 1-D spectra were optimally
2021-10-10 498.2 48.3 4000-8900 extracted. The wavelength correction was performed
2021-10-14 502.2 52.2 4000-8900 using the dispersion solutions obtained from several arc
2021-10-19 507.2 57.3 4000-8900 lamps (FeNe, FeAr) spectra. The night-sky emission
2021-10-21 509.1 59.2 4000-8900 lines (5577, 6300, 6363 Å) in the background spectra
2021-10-22 510.2 60.3 5300-8900 were used to perform the accurate wavelength calibra-
2021-10-26 514.2 64.2 4000-8900 tions, applying small shifts wherever required. Spec-
2021-10-30 518.2 68.3 4000-8900 trophotometric standards were observed periodically to
2021-11-08 527.1 77.2 4000-8900
correct the instrumental response and finalize the spec-
tra in the flux scale. Eventually, a single flux-calibrated
2021-11-15 534.3 84.4 4000-8900
spectrum was obtained after combining spectra from in-
2021-11-26 545.1 95.1 4000-7700
† Phase dividual grisms. All these steps were performed using
given for texp = 2459449.9 JD
various tasks in IRAF.
The host redshift (z=0.0099, Schneider et al. (1992))
and line of sight extinction (E(B − V ) = 0.24 mag,
We began photometry of SN 2021wvw in the opti-
Schlafly & Finkbeiner (2011)) are taken from NED
cal since +8.4 d past explosion using the 0.7-m robotic
and IRSA, respectively. The redshift corresponds to
GROWTH-India Telescope (GIT, Kumar et al. 2022)
a distance of 41.51 ± 2.91 Mpc or µ = 33.09 ±
and the 2.0-m Himalayan Chandra Telescope (HCT),
0.15 mag, assuming the ΛCDM cosmology with H0 =
both situated at the Indian Astronomical Observa-
72.5 km s−1 Mpc−1 (Riess et al. 2022). We used Cardelli
tory (IAO, Prabhu 2014), Hanle, India. GIT covered
et al. (1989) extinction law with RV = 3.1 to correct
dense multi-band photometry in SDSS-g ′ r′ i′ z ′ filters,
for Galactic reddening. We do not find any discernible
and HCT covered photometry in Bessell-V and -R fil-
Na ID features at redshift of the host galaxy in SN spec-
ters. We supplemented our observations with photome-
tra, and hence assume no extinction due to the host
try from the Asteroid Terrestrial-impact Last Alert Sys-
tem (ATLAS, Tonry et al. 2018; Smith et al. 2020) forced
photometry server (Shingles et al. 2021) in c and o fil-
ters. We also obtained ZTF (Bellm et al. 2019) -g and 3. LIGHT CURVE EVOLUTION
-r filter apparent magnitudes from ALeRCE (Förster We present the panchromatic light curve evolution of
et al. 2021). The ATLAS photometry, being noisy, has SN 2021wvw in Figure 2. The light curve evolution
been binned for 2 d intervals in the late phase using spans roughly 220 d post-explosion. Other than the
Young (2020) python script. During the late phase, bluer bands such as g-band, the light curves evolution
we took multiple exposures using GIT and HCT and in different filters show a very flat evolution up to 70
summed them for a better signal-to-noise ratio in re- to 80 d before transitioning sharply into the tail phase.
spective filters. The SN being far away from the host The plateau and transition phases are very densely sam-
nucleus (∼ 31′′ ) and at the periphery, we do not perform
any template subtraction. The last detected photomet-
1 https://skyserver.sdss.org/dr18/
ric points are significantly brighter (1.5-3 mag) than the
4 Teja et al.
GIT 18
15 z - 3.0 ZTF [Alerce]
16 HCT 16
Mr/R [mag]
i - 2.0 14
m [ABmag]
100 d
o + 0.5
75 d
19 12
20 r/R 2006Y 2021wvw 2023ixf (R) 2005cs
10 2006ai 2018gj (R) 2020jfo (R) 2021gmj
21 c - 1.0
2016egz 2023ixf 2020jfo
0 25 50 75 100 125 150 175 200
22 g + 1.0 Phase [Days Post Explosion]
V + 1.0
23 Figure 3. SN 2021wvw r band light curve evolution is com-
0 25 50 75 100 125 150 175 200 225 pared with the r/R band light curves of other short plateau
Phase [Days After Explosion] SNe. We also show the archetypal low-luminosity SN 2005cs
and an intermediate-luminosity SN 2021gmj.
Figure 2. Light curve evolution of SN 2021wvw for various
filters from GIT and HCT is shown. The light curves also
include data from ZTF and ATLAS surveys. The constants inspection, the g- and r- bands show a gradual de-
added to the individual light curves are for visual clarity. cline in the post-peak evolution. We find this to be
−0.53 mag 100 d
and 0.34+0.19
−0.19 mag 100 d
pled in most filters. In R and V filters, the tail phase is in g- and r- band, respectively, whereas the de-
sampled up to 220 d. We estimate a plateau length of cline is much steeper in other objects: for example,
around 75 d (OPTd, Anderson et al. 2014) and a sharp SN 2006Y and SN 2006ai have 4.62+0.51 −0.52 mag 100 d
transition period of about 10 d. and 4.44−0.05 mag 100 d−1 respectively in g-band. We
The mid-plateau absolute magnitude is ≈ −16.0 ± also estimated the decline rates of the plateau phase
0.1 mag in r-band. It puts SN 2021wvw in the in- (s2) and tail phase (s3). The estimated values of vari-
termediate luminosity regime for Type IIP SNe. The ous slopes and the mid-plateau absolute magnitudes are
duration of the plateau phase is also shorter (∼ 75 d), shown in Table 2. Interestingly, the plateau phase in the
whereas the typical plateau lengths for Type IIP SNe are i− band for SN 2021wvw is almost non-declining with
∼100 d and even longer in the case of under-luminous s2 = 0.10 ± 0.13 mag 100 d−1 , whereas for other SNe,
SNe (SN 2005cs, SN 2016bkv, SN 2021gmj). In Fig- both with lower luminosity and shorter-plateau SNe, it
ure 3, SN 2021wvw r-band light curve is compared with is around an order of magnitude higher. Evidently, the
r/R-band light curves of other intermediate/low lumi- tail phase decline (s3 = 0.64 ± 0.28mag 100 d−1 ) of
nosity and short plateau SNe, respectively. We com- SN 2021wvw in the r-band is close to the values ob-
pare with the archetypal SN 2005cs (Pastorello et al. tained for other lower luminosity SNe (SN 2021gmj,
2006) and SN 2021gmj (Murai et al. 2024) for low lu- SN 2005cs). At a similar phase, slope s3 in the i-
minosity SNe. Although short plateaus are very rare band is non-differentiable for both low-luminosity and
in the overall Type II SNe, we compare with other short-plateau SNe with values ranging from 1.1 to
well-studied short plateau SNe in literature such as SN 1.5 mag 100 d−1 .
2006Y, SN 2006ai, SN 2016egz (Hiramatsu et al. 2021), Comparing the mid-plateau luminosity (Mtp1/2 ) in
SN 2018gj (Teja et al. 2023a), SN 2020jfo (Teja et al. r/R-band with other SNe, we find that SN 2021wvw
2022) and SN 2023ixf Teja et al. (2023b); Singh et al. has a similar magnitude as of SN 2021gmj (−15.9 mag),
(2024). and about 1 mag higher than the Mtp1/2 of SN 2005cs
The photospheric phase light curve evolution of (−15.2 mag). Mtp1/2 of a majority of other short-
SN 2021wvw, particularly for r- and i- bands, is grad- plateau SNe is higher than −17 mag except for
ual, which is atypical for short plateau SNe, for which SN 2018gj (−16.7 mag) as shown in Figure 3.
the decline is generally rapid (Hiramatsu et al. 2021).
Although the early (s1) phase after maximum is not
evident in the multi-band light curves, upon closer 3.1. Radioactive Ni
SN 2021wvw: A sub-luminous SN with a short plateau 5
Table 2. Various slopes obtained for different phases of light curves are presented. Slopes and absolute magnitude for other
SNe are also compared. The absolute magnitudes (Mr/R ) are reported from the middle of the plateau.
SN g [mag (100 d)−1 ] r/R [mag (100 d)−1 ] i [mag (100 d)−1 ] Mr/R
s1 s2 s1 s2 s3 s2 s3 [mag]
2021wvw 2.52 ± 0.53 1.25 ± 0.16 0.34 ± 0.19 0.78 ± 0.17 0.64 ± 0.28 0.10 ± 0.13 1.09 ± 0.25 −16.0
2005cs - - - −0.53 ± 0.01 0.60 ± 0.02 - - −15.2
2006Y 4.62 ± 0.51 3.28 ± 0.10 4.75 ± 0.13 0.29 ± 0.20 - 1.22 ± 0.10 - −17.3
2006ai 4.44 ± 0.05 2.86 ± 0.06 4.01 ± 0.10 0.96 ± 0.04 1.03 ± 0.13 1.01 ± 0.04 1.53 ± 0.19 −17.5
2016egz - 2.83 ± 0.19 - 0.89 ± 0.13 1.11 ± 0.04 1.51 ± 0.17 1.10 ± 0.10 −17.6
2021gmj - - - 0.25 ± 0.01 0.51 ± 0.11 1.28 ± 0.02 1.27 ± 0.03 −15.9
The late-time evolution is primarily powered by the to constrain the nickel mass and other parameters more
radioactive decay of 56 Ni formed during explosive nu- robustly.
cleosynthesis. It is the ultimate powering source in the
Type II SNe during the nebular phase. Hence, the late-
time bolometric light curve can provide tight constraints We present a complete spectral evolution of
on estimating the 56 Ni mass. We use SuperBol (Nicholl SN 2021wvw covering the plateau and transition phases
2018) to estimate the pseudo-bolometric light curve and in Figure 4. The spectra have been calibrated with the
a complete bolometric light curve evolution from extrap- corresponding multi-band fluxes, corrected for the host
olated blackbody estimates. The extinction-corrected redshift, and de-reddened with the estimated extinction.
multi-band light curves were used as input, taking well- The phases mentioned are with respect to the estimated
sampled r-band as the reference light curve. The filters explosion epoch. All the well-identified lines are marked
utilized for the pseudo-bolometric curves were groiz. for clarity in the figure.
We estimate the 56 Ni using the following equation 4.1. Evolution and comparisons
given in Yuan et al. (2016) which also takes into account
The first spectrum was obtained at +5.5 d. The spec-
the γ−ray leakage in case of an stripped envelope:
trum comprises a blue continuum with broad Balmer
features and He I λ 5876 superposed on it. After that,
i t2
c )
−( t∆t ) −( t∆t ) (− (∆t) there is a gap of around 15 d; the following spectrum is
Lobs (t) = L0 ×MN i × e Co − e N i × 1 − e 2
Sky line
Model (+ 37 d)
Model (+ 77 d)
H + 37 d
+ 5.5 d
+ 77 d
+ 21.4 d
+ 40.3 d
+ 47.3 d CaII
+ 48.3 d
+ 52.2 d
+ 57.3 d FeII
+ 59.2 d
+ 60.3 d
+ 64.2 d
+ 68.3 d 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000
+ 77.2 d
Wavelength (Å)
Figure 5. SYNAPPS model fitting to the observed spectra
+ 84.4 d around the mid and end plateau phases. The lower small
panels show the model spectra of individual species when
+ 95.1 d the contribution from rest of the species is turned off.
4000 4500 5000 5500 6000 6500 7000 7500 8000 8500 synthetic spectra thus obtained are compared with the
Rest Wavelength [Å] observed spectra for each iteration. The procedure is au-
tomated and requires only initial input parameters with
Figure 4. Spectral sequence for SN 2021wvw. The spectra
user-defined ranges for each parameter to constrain the
have been corrected for absolute flux using corresponding
photometry and also de-reddened using MW LOS extinction.
parameter space physically. SYNAPPS has been predom-
inantly used to model stripped-envelope and thermonu-
clear SNe spectra but has been successfully utilized in
code SYNOW (Parrent et al. 2010). It assumes a spheri-
a number of hydrogen-rich SNe cases as well (Takáts
cal symmetry with homologous expansion of the ejecta.
& Vinkó 2012; Sahu et al. 2013; Bostroem et al. 2019;
The emission of photons is from a sharp photosphere,
Dastidar et al. 2021).
with the optical depth taken as an exponential function
For the first setup to model the +37 d spectrum, we
of velocity.
include only five species namely H I, Ca II, Na I, Sc II
vref − v
and Fe II. The overall best-fit spectra and various species
τref (v) = τref (vref ) exp contributions are shown in Figure 5. The individual
species contributions are obtained by utilizing the best-
where vref is reference velocity for parameterization and fit output as input in syn++ by turning on one species at
ve is the maximum velocity allowed at the outer edge a time in the input file. No warping function is applied,
of the line-forming region (Thomas et al. 2011). For a i.e., a1=a2=0. Only a0 is varied, which signifies the flux
particular optical depth, the reference line profile is esti- level. Photospheric velocity obtained on the day +37 d
mated for a given ion with the remaining lines following is 3830 km s−1 .
Boltzmann statistics (Parrent et al. 2010). SYNAPPS iter- For end-plateau spectra at +77 d, in addition to the
atively generates synthetic spectra based on a provided previously included species, we add three more metal
input file with parameters such as ions list, blackbody species, namely Ba II, Fe I, and O I. Further, we find
temperature, expansion velocities, and opacities. The
SN 2021wvw: A sub-luminous SN with a short plateau 7
H 8 FeII 4924Å
12 H FeII 5018Å
Velocity [1000 km s 1]
Velocity [1000 km s 1]
10 H 6 FeII 5169Å
SN 2020jfo + 70 d [S]
8 4
SN 2021gmj + 95 d [L]
SN 2021wvw + 84 d 2
20 40 60 80 20 40 60 80
Time Since Explosion [Days]
4000 4500 5000 5500 6000 6500 7000 7500 8000 8500
0 [Å]
Figure 7. Expansion velocity evolution estimated from sev-
Figure 6. Spectral comparisons at the early and late plateau eral prominent metallic features (including Balmer lines) ob-
phase with short-plateau SNe and with other sub-luminous served in the spectra. The velocities have been compared
SNe. with a large sample taken from Gutiérrez et al. (2017). The
shaded region gives the corresponding 1-σ scatter around the
sample mean.
that the broad emission band around 4800 Å is a blend
of multiple metal lines originating from neutral Fe, Sc II,
We utilize some of the well-resolved absorption fea-
tures to estimate expansion velocities of the ejecta. We
8 Teja et al.
iteratively measure the absorption minimum of these 42.25 Shell Shell + Core Variations Lbol
lines using IRAF by fitting an inverted Gaussian assum- 42.00
ing a multitude of continuum points. The absorption
Core Parameters
minima are corrected for redshift and eventually con- 41.75 (R0 = 500 R )
log10 L [erg s 1]
verted to the expansion velocities using the central rest Mej = 6.20+0.20
0.05 M
wavelengths of the corresponding features. We have esti- 41.50 MNi = 0.020+0.004
0.005 M
Eth = 0.165+0.035
0.035 foe
mated these velocities for six lines as shown in Figure 7. 41.25 EKin = 0.93+0.03
0.02 foe
The errors in velocity estimates are much smaller than
the instrumental resolution; hence, the latter has been 41.00
quoted as the errors in the velocities.
For the first epoch (+5.5 d), we could identify the
absorption dips blueward of Hα and Hβ rest wave- 40.50
lengths corresponding to ∼ 9, 100 km s−1 and ∼ 0 25 50 75 100 125 150 175 200
10, 600 km s−1 line velocity respectively. At +21 d, Phase [Days Since Explosion]
apart from Balmer features, we could measure the ve-
Figure 8. Semi-analytical fit for fixed radii of 500 R⊙ . The
locity from Fe II 5169 Å. Up to +85 d, the velocities are
values provided in the inset are for the best-matching models.
measured, and their time evolution is shown in Figure 7.
Around +40 d, which is proximal to the mid-plateau
mark, we measure the Hα and Fe II 5169 Å velocities as of this semi-analytical formulation with subsequent ad-
∼ 5, 700 km s−1 and ∼ 2, 800 km s−1 , respectively. The ditions by Blinnikov & Popov (1993); Nagy et al. (2014)
SYNAPPS modeling around similar phase gives a value to obtain approximate ejecta mass (Mej ), progenitor ra-
which is between these two values (∼ 3830 km s−1 ). dius (R0 ), energy (Etot ), and 56 Ni mass (MNi ) estimates.
As the ejecta evolves, the expansion velocities keep de- The total energy Etot comprises ejecta kinetic energy
creasing until we can confidently resolve the absorp- (Ek ) and initial thermal energy (Eth ) deposited by the
tion minimum. Towards the end of the plateau phase, shock (Etot = Ek + Esh ). In this analytical formulation,
around +75 d, we find the expansion velocities to be the SN ejecta, which is spherically symmetric, is divided
∼ 2, 000 km s−1 from Fe lines and ∼ 5, 100 km s−1 into two components: a) an interior core with a constant
from Hα. The model spectrum around a similar phase (or flat) density; b) an outer less dense shell with an
gives ∼ 2, 170 km s−1 as the photospheric velocity, which exponential (n=2) density profile (Nagy & Vinkó 2016).
is much closer to the values obtained from the metallic These components have independent sets of physical pa-
features. rameters, with the origin of the radius being the same.
We further compare these velocities with the mean The contribution from each component to the light curve
expansion velocities obtained from a larger sample of is estimated independently.
Type II SNe (Gutiérrez et al. 2017). The mean velocities There is a degeneracy among various parameters
and 1-σ scatter in these are overplotted in Figure 7. We (Nagy & Vinkó 2016). In a similar analysis for two
see that the SN 2021wvw velocities lie at the lower 1-σ other short plateau SNe, SN 2018gj and SN 2020jfo,
end of the sample, implying that this is a slowly evolving the progenitor radii did not match well with the results
ejecta. For metal lines, the velocities are even smaller obtained using detailed hydrodynamical modeling (Teja
than the lower 1-σ edge from the sample. Around mid- et al. 2023a, 2022). So, in this work, we do not attempt
plateau, the difference between the mean velocities of to constrain the radius of the progenitor; instead, we fix
the sample and SN 2021wvw observed velocities is ∼ the radius to multiple values beforehand. We take three
1, 500 km s−1 . cases: a fairly compact progenitor (300 R⊙ ), a typical
RSG radius (700 R⊙ ), and a radius in between (500 R⊙ ).
5. PLAUSIBLE PROGENITOR We vary other parameters to get a light curve matching
the observed light curve. Another caveat to consider is
5.1. Semi-analytical models the lack of early UV and U -band data, which, in mod-
We attempt to model the bolometric light curve of els, is usually governed by the shell part. This outer
SN 2021wvw using a two-component progenitor model envelope could also act as proximal CSM around the
(Nagy & Vinkó 2016) to roughly constrain a few param- RSG progenitor (Nagy & Vinkó 2016). Due to lack of
eters and motivate detailed modeling. This formulation data, no attempts were made to estimate CSM. Instead,
comprises of a dense ‘core’ and an extended ‘envelope,’ we fixed the shell values (to a negligible contribution)
representing the bulk of the ejecta and the near-surface so that they do not affect the early light curve. Since
layers, respectively. Arnett & Fu (1989) form the basis
SN 2021wvw: A sub-luminous SN with a short plateau 9
Table 3. Core parameters for best matching semi-analytical from 8 − 12 M⊙ (Sollerman et al. 2021; Teja et al. 2022;
models Utrobin & Chugai 2024) and reaching up to 20 − 30 M⊙
(Dessart et al. 2010; Hiramatsu et al. 2021). Therefore,
Parameters∗ R=300 M⊙ R=500 M⊙ R=700 M⊙ to ascertain the properties of the plausible progenitor of
Mej (M⊙ ) 6.50+0.20
−0.20 6.20+0.20
−0.05 6.60+0.10
−0.10 SN 2021wvw, its evolutionary scenario, mass loss before
Eth (1051 erg) 0.27+0.13
−0.05 0.17+0.04
−0.04 0.12+0.03
−0.02 the explosion, explosion energy, and ejecta mass, we per-
Ekin (1051 erg) 1.00+0.20
−0.12 0.93+0.03
−0.02 1.05+0.01
−0.01 form the hydrodynamical modeling by evolving progeni-
MNi (M⊙ ) 0.020+0.004
−0.006 0.020 +0.004
−0.005 0.020 +0.004
tors for both the lower and higher end of RSGs, allowing
∗ 10 2
Trec ≈ 6000 K, Ag = 6.5 × 10 d arbitrarily enhanced winds to mimic the impact of prior
mass loss (due to binary interaction Laplace et al. e.g.
2021; Ercolino et al. e.g. 2024 or eruptive mass loss dur-
the models are analytical, the errors are estimated by
ing the star’s life Cheng et al. e.g. 2024) on the mass of
first obtaining a match to the observed light curve data,
the H-rich ejecta.
followed by varying the parameters to fit the upper and
We use the 1-D stellar evolution code MESA (Paxton
lower error bars associated with the observed light curve.
et al. 2011, 2013, 2015, 2018, 2019; Jermyn et al. 2023)
The best parameters obtained for the fixed radii values
revision 15140 to evolve the progenitor and hydrody-
are presented in Table 3. We could find that the model
namical explosion and STELLA (Blinnikov & Sorokina
fits equally well with very similar parameters within er-
2004; Baklanov et al. 2005; Blinnikov et al. 2006) to
ror bars for each radii value. The case for 500 R⊙ is
obtain synthetic observables, specifically light curves
shown in Figure 8.
and expansion velocity. Most of the parameters in
The best-fit values of the parameters Mej and MNi do
MESA were kept the same as provided in the inlists
not vary much for the different radii considered here.
make pre ccsn IIp and ccsn IIp and described in de-
The only considerable changes are in the energy values.
tail in Farmer et al. (2016) and Paxton et al. (2018);
From these models, we find the Mej to be ∼ 6.5 M⊙ ,
additional detailed descriptions of the setup and key
MNi = 0.020 ± 0.005 M⊙ , and a total energy between
parameters are mentioned in (Teja et al. 2022, 2023a).
1.1 to 1.3 foe. The Mej values for SN 2021wvw are sim-
We use the binding-energy fallback scheme introduced in
ilar to those obtained in other short plateau cases (for
Paxton et al. (2019); Goldberg et al. (2019) to quantify
example, SN 2018gj, SN 2020jfo) but with lower explo-
late-time fallback during the shock propagation phase.
sion energy. The lower energy values are expected for
In this work, we mainly focus on the following parame-
SN 2021wvw, considering its sub-luminous nature. The
ters: zero-age main-sequence (ZAMS) mass, metallicity
total energy contribution from the core in the case of
(z), wind scaling factor (αwsf ), mixing length (αM LT ),
low-luminosity SN 2005cs is ∼ 0.5 foe (Nagy & Vinkó
explosion energy, nickel mass, and explosive mixing via
2016) with Mej = 8.0 M⊙ . Considering the intermedi-
the Duffell Rayleigh Taylor Instability (RTI) (Duffell
ate brightness of SN 2021wvw and a shorter plateau
2016) 1D implementation by varying the ratio of RTI pa-
length, the estimated parameters are reasonably well
rameter ηR,e and diffusion parameter ηR (Paxton et al.
constrained with tight bounds on the 56 Ni mass. Us-
2018). The progenitor models are exploded in MESA via
ing these values as our reference point, we delve into
a thermal energy injection to a specified total explosion
more details about the progenitor and its origins using
energy, and the ejecta evolution is followed to just be-
complete hydrodynamical modeling.
fore shock breakout following Paxton et al. (2018) as dis-
5.2. Hydrodynamical Modeling cussed in Teja et al. (2022, 2023a) making use of the Duf-
fell (2016) implementation for mixing via the Rayleigh-
In the previous section, we obtained rough estimates
Taylor Instability. The models are then handed off to
of the progenitor parameters. Unfortunately, we lack
STELLA when the shock reaches an overhead mass coor-
the nebular phase spectra, which could also be utilized
dinate of 0.05 M⊙ . Before evolving a new set of pro-
to constrain the progenitor’s C/O core mass. Initially,
genitors, we first try the short-plateau models from pre-
we looked for models representative of SN 2021wvw evo-
vious works, namely SN 2020jfo (Teja et al. 2022) and
lution in other previous studies. However, none of the
SN 2018gj (Teja et al. 2023a). Exploding these with
grids of model light curves or individual models available
lower energies to match the plateau luminosities makes
in the literature could provide a short plateau length
the plateau length longer, leaving these models infruc-
with low luminosity (Dessart et al. 2010; Eldridge et al.
tuous. We then proceed to evolve additional models.
2018; Moriya et al. 2023). For the case of short-plateau
Firstly, we evolve 13 M⊙ ZAMS mass models with so-
SNe, it has been noticed that a wide range of plausi-
lar metallicity for the lower mass end. We change the
ble RSG masses could give rise to these SNe ranging
10 Teja et al.
SN 2021wvw exactly with models due to lack of relevant observa-
Eexp = 0.17 foe, R, e/ R = 1 tions. We find that the velocities, plateau luminosity,
Eexp = 0.18 foe, R, e/ R = 20
Other 13 M models and nickel tail match reasonably well for low-mass RSG
models. However, these models could not reproduce the
observed slow decline during the plateau phase and the
Other Parameters sharp transition from the plateau to the tail phase. A
log10 Lbol[erg s 1]
41.5 (MZAMS = 13 M )
MNi = 0.020 M (with different mixing), sharp decline for SN 2005cs was obtained by increas-
wsf = 6.0 6.6,
MLT = 2.0 3.0 ing the strength of RTI mixing, as shown in (Paxton
et al. 2018). As a more thoroughly mixed ejecta is ex-
pected to cause a steeper plateau drop due to a more
[103 km s 1]
4 even distribution of H throughout the entire ejecta, we
3 also attempt to vary the RTI mixing via ηR,e /ηR , which
erable match with the observed light curves for explo-
[103 km s 1]
4 sion energies of ≈0.22 to 0.25 foe with Mej = 4.7 M⊙ .
3 This value of αMLT is on the higher end of typically-
of the ejecta, as well as the assumption of a simple two- M⊙ of material is falling onto the core in 13 M⊙ pro-
zone ejecta with a grey opacity treatment independent genitor case, whereas it is much larger for high mass
of metallicity (Nagy & Vinkó 2016). scenarios reaching up to 2-3 M⊙ (owing to the larger
core binding energy of the high-mass progenitors). Ap-
1.0 H1 C12 Fe54 Ni56 Pre SB ( R, e/ R = 1)
proximately 1 M⊙ of fallback was also present in the
He4 O16 Fe56 After Infall Pre SB ( R, e/ R = 8) SN 2005cs models (Paxton et al. 2018) even for an ini-
tial low mass progenitor (13 M⊙ ).
Mass Fraction (X)
8 (Models MEje)
MZAMS = 13
0.2 7 MZAMS = 18
MZAMS = 20
Best Model (MZAMS = 18 M )
Mej [M ]
0.0 5
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 4
Mass [M ]
Figure 11. MESA+STELLA structures for different cases
of 18 M⊙ ZAMS models with different RTI parameter. A few 2
species out of the 22 species network used in the modeling are 1 Best Model (MZAMS = 13 M )
shown here. Solid lines present the mass fraction just after 0.45
Eexp [1051 erg s 1]
mass and explosion energies, shown in Fig 12. We note cretion of material to the central remnant (Gutiérrez
that these scaling relations were calibrated to higher Ni et al. 2020). For many of these objects, the 56 Ni mass
masses and more typical (i.e., less-stripped) events. We obtained is an order of magnitude or even much lesser
do not take these scaling relations as the absolute truth than the 56 Ni mass obtained for SN 2021wvw. Further,
in this regime, but rather, show them as representative the velocity obtained for these cases is much less than
of the degeneracies characteristic of SNe IIP (Dessart the usual Type II expansion velocities.
& Hillier 2019; Goldberg et al. 2019; Goldberg & Bild- Interestingly, the short plateau and a sharp transi-
sten 2020), and use them to motivate and contextualize tion to the plateau phase are remarkable features for
our hydrodynamical modeling efforts. For radii between SN 2021wvw, which are unusual for low to intermediate
400-1000 R⊙ , we find the explosion energy varies from luminosity SNe. Given the low inferred Eexp , the short
≈ 2.5 × 1050 erg s−1 to much lower 5 × 1049 erg s−1 . plateau length requires a low H-rich ejecta mass for both
For the given radii range, the predicted ejecta masses low-mass and high-mass progenitors, which could be the
are less than 3 M⊙ . The modeled ejecta masses lie some- result of a higher mass loss during evolution. Such high
what above the values obtained utilizing scaling rela- mass loss might be consistent with the notion that the
tions for all the progenitors, possibly due to the smaller sharp drop from the plateau is actually excess luminos-
ratio of core mass to envelope mass in the sample used to ity during the plateau drop driven by late-time interac-
calibrate the scalings compared to the models presented tion with previously ejected material. But, as observed
here. The explosion energy provides good matching val- in the spectral evolution (Section 4), there are no dis-
ues. These relations tend to give similar values obtained cernible CSM signatures in the spectra. On the other
by semi-analytical modeling for the much more compact hand, if there is an actual fallback (as occurs during
radii (< 400 R⊙ ), also seen in the case of another short hydrodynamical modeling in Section 5) of the inner lay-
plateau SN 2018gj (Teja et al. 2023a). ers onto the core, the inward receding photosphere may
In both the low and high mass cases for SN 2021wvw, reach earlier to the base of the H-rich ejecta, giving a
we find apparent differences in the early phase (< 40 d) short plateau with a sharp transition. This may mani-
modeled and observed velocities. The differences are fest in late-time signatures of accretion if such accretion
significant in the 13 M⊙ models. This tension is further persists (see, e.g. Dexter & Kasen 2013; Moriya et al.
increased in low-mass models when we try to match the 2019). However, the lack of late time light curve (be-
observed plateau luminosity by increasing their progen- yond 300 d) and spectral information restricts us from
itor radius. In other modeling works, it has been noted saying anything about further observational signatures
that the MESA+STELLA models provide an excellent veloc- of fallback accretion.
ity match with typical Type IIP SNe observed velocities While the short plateau and its sharp transition could
from the early phase until the photospheric phase, which be due to fallback, further discussion of the physical con-
is not the case for the short plateau events. sequences of this fallback and ascertaining its influence
on the sharp transition from plateau requires further
6.2. Fallback during the shock propagation phase detailed modeling, which is beyond the scope of this
work. We nonetheless encourage follow-up observations
In a majority of the modeled sub-luminous SNe that
searching for any signatures of continued accretion or
are the result of low-energy explosions, whether they
very late-time circumstellar interaction from this unique
come from low to moderate mass (8-18 M⊙ ) RSGs
(Chugai & Utrobin 2000; Pumo et al. 2017; Lisakov et al.
2018; Valerin et al. 2022) or high-mass RSG explosions
(> 20 M⊙ Zampieri et al. 2003), there are discussions 6.3. SN 2021wvw in the Type II domain
related to fallback material onto the core. Namely, when We compare SN 2021wvw with a large sample of nor-
the total explosion energy is positive but only compa- mal Type IIP SNe (Hamuy 2003) and low-luminosity
rable in magnitude to the total binding energy of the Type II SNe (Spiro et al. 2014) as shown in Fig 13.
progenitor star, late-time fallback from reverse shocks SN 2021wvw fits well in the established tight correlation
during the pre-SBO phase may sweep marginally un- between expansion velocity and luminosity for Type II
bound material back onto the central remnant (Colgate SNe at 50 d. Moreover, we find it bifurcating the two
see, e.g. 1971; Perna et al. see, e.g. 2014. In some cases, populations in both luminosity and expansion velocities.
the central remnant has been speculated to turn into In this space, it is a bridging object between the normal
a black hole post-accretion, but with no observational Type IIP SNe and under luminous ones. Apart from
evidence (Zampieri et al. 2003). In other cases, very this expected behavior, SN 2021wvw is unique due to its
late-time enhanced luminosity is associated with the ac- short plateau and low luminosity. Considering existing
SN 2021wvw: A sub-luminous SN with a short plateau 13
N = 45, r = 0.922, p = 2.525e 19
short plateau subclass of Type IIP SNe presented in the
Best Fit
Type IIP [Hamuy (2003)] sample and, presumably, in the literature.
Low Luminosity Type II [Spiro+2014]
3.8 2021wvw 7. SUMMARY
This work provides a comprehensive set of multi-band
photometric and optical spectroscopic observations of an
Log(V50[103 km s 1])
• Early spectra show fewer metallic features as com-
pared to other short-plateau and sub-luminous
SNe. The lack of metal features is evident till the
120 last spectrum (+95 d) presented here.
• Detailed MESA+STELLA hydrodynamical modeling
tp [d]
Software: astropy (Astropy Collaboration et al. We thank the staff of IAO, Hanle, CREST, and
2013, 2018, 2022), ds9 (Smithsonian Astrophysical Ob- Hosakote, who made these observations possible. The
servatory 2000), emcee (Foreman-Mackey et al. 2013), facilities at IAO and CREST are operated by the In-
IRAF (Tody 1993), Jupyter-notebook (Kluyver et al. dian Institute of Astrophysics, Bangalore.
2016), matplotlib (Hunter 2007), MESA, numpy (Harris This research has made use of the High Perfor-
et al. 2020), pandas (Wes McKinney 2010; pandas devel- mance Computing (HPC) resources https://www.iiap.
opment team 2020), plot atlas fp.py (Young 2020) scipy res.in/?q=facilities/computing/nova made available by
(Virtanen et al. 2020), STELLA, SYNAPPS the Computer Center of the Indian Institute of Astro-
physics, Bangalore.
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This work has made use of data from the As-
We are grateful to the anonymous referee for thor- teroid Terrestrial-impact Last Alert System (AT-
oughly evaluating the manuscript, which helped improve LAS) project. The Asteroid Terrestrial-impact Last
it. Alert System (ATLAS) project is primarily funded to
RST would like to acknowledge Dr. Takashi J. Moriya search for near earth asteroids through NASA grants
for his insights and helpful discussions on this supernova. NN12AR55G, 80NSSC18K0284, and 80NSSC18K1575;
RST and JAG thank Dr. Daichi Hiramatsu for read- byproducts of the NEO search include images and cat-
ily providing observational data for a few short-plateau alogs from the survey area. This work was partially
SNe, as well as for valuable discussions. funded by Kepler/K2 grant J1944/80NSSC19K0112 and
DKS acknowledges the support provided by DST- HST GO-15889, and STFC grants ST/T000198/1 and
JSPS under grant number DST/INT/JSPS/P 363/2022. ST/S006109/1. The ATLAS science products have been
GCA thanks the Indian National Science Academy for made possible through the contributions of the Univer-
support under the INSA Senior Scientist Programme. sity of Hawaii Institute for Astronomy, the Queen’s Uni-
The Flatiron Institute is supported by the Simons versity Belfast, the Space Telescope Science Institute,
Foundation. the South African Astronomical Observatory, and The
The GROWTH India Telescope (GIT) is a 70-cm tele- Millennium Institute of Astrophysics (MAS), Chile.
scope with a 0.7-degree field of view, set up by the Indian This research has made use of the NASA/IPAC Ex-
Institute of Astrophysics (IIA) and the Indian Institute tragalactic Database (NED), which is funded by the Na-
of Technology Bombay (IITB) with funding from Indo- tional Aeronautics and Space Administration and oper-
US Science and Technology Forum and the Science and ated by the California Institute of Technology.
Engineering Research Board, Department of Science and This research has made use of the NASA/IPAC In-
Technology, Government of India. It is located at the frared Science Archive, which is funded by the National
Indian Astronomical Observatory (IAO, Hanle). We ac- Aeronautics and Space Administration and operated by
knowledge funding by the IITB alumni batch of 1994, the California Institute of Technology
which partially supports the operation of the telescope.
The following section provides the apparent magnitudes obtained for SN 2021wvw. The magnitudes are given in
Table 4.
Table 4 continued
SN 2021wvw: A sub-luminous SN with a short plateau 15
Table 4 (continued)
Table 4 continued
16 Teja et al.
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