Unit 4 DS
Unit 4 DS
Unit 4 DS
Introduction to Graphs
Graph is a non-linear data structure. It contains a set of points known as nodes (or vertices) and a
set of links known as edges (or Arcs). Here edges are used to connect the vertices. A graph is
defined as follows...
Graph is a collection of vertices and arcs in which vertices are connected with arcs
Graph is a collection of nodes and edges in which nodes are connected with edges
Generally, a graph G is represented as G = ( V , E ), where V is set of vertices and E is set of
The following is a graph with 5 vertices and 6 edges.
This graph G can be defined as G = ( V , E )
Where V = {A,B,C,D,E} and E = {(A,B),(A,C)(A,D),(B,D),(C,D),(B,E),(E,D)}.
DFS ( A-
Graph Terminology
We use the following terms in graph data structure...
Individual data element of a graph is called as Vertex. Vertex is also known as node. In above
example graph, A, B, C, D & E are known as vertices.
An edge is a connecting link between two vertices. Edge is also known as Arc. An edge is
represented as (startingVertex, endingVertex). For example, in above graph the link between
vertices A and B is represented as (A,B). In above example graph, there are 7 edges (i.e., (A,B),
(A,C), (A,D), (B,D), (B,E), (C,D), (D,E)).
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2. Directed Edge - A directed egde is a unidirectional edge. If there is directed edge
between vertices A and B then edge (A , B) is not equal to edge (B , A).
3. Weighted Edge - A weighted egde is a edge with value (cost) on it.
Undirected Graph
A graph with only undirected edges is said to be undirected graph.
Directed Graph
A graph with only directed edges is said to be directed graph.
Mixed Graph
A graph with both undirected and directed edges is said to be mixed graph.
If a edge is directed, its first endpoint is said to be the origin of it.
If a edge is directed, its first endpoint is said to be the origin of it and the other endpoint is said to
be the destination of that edge.
If there is an edge between vertices A and B then both A and B are said to be adjacent. In other
words, vertices A and B are said to be adjacent if there is an edge between them.
Edge is said to be incident on a vertex if the vertex is one of the endpoints of that edge.
Outgoing Edge
A directed edge is said to be outgoing edge on its origin vertex.
Incoming Edge
A directed edge is said to be incoming edge on its destination vertex.
Total number of edges connected to a vertex is said to be degree of that vertex.
Total number of incoming edges connected to a vertex is said to be indegree of that vertex.
Total number of outgoing edges connected to a vertex is said to be outdegree of that vertex.
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Edge (undirected or directed) is a self-loop if its two endpoints coincide with each other.
Simple Graph
A graph is said to be simple if there are no parallel and self-loop edges.
A path is a sequence of alternate vertices and edges that starts at a vertex and ends at other vertex
such that each edge is incident to its predecessor and successor vertex.
Graph Representations
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Incidence Matrix
In this representation, the graph is represented using a matrix of size total number of vertices by
a total number of edges. That means graph with 4 vertices and 6 edges is represented using a
matrix of size 4X6. In this matrix, rows represent vertices and columns represents edges. This
matrix is filled with 0 or 1 or -1. Here, 0 represents that the row edge is not connected to column
vertex, 1 represents that the row edge is connected as the outgoing edge to column vertex and -1
represents that the row edge is connected as the incoming edge to column vertex.
Adjacency List
In this representation, every vertex of a graph contains list of its adjacent vertices.
For example, consider the following directed graph representation implemented using linked
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This representation can also be implemented using an array as follows..
Graph Traversal
Graph traversal is a technique used for a searching vertex in a graph. The graph traversal is also
used to decide the order of vertices is visited in the search process. A graph traversal finds the
edges to be used in the search process without creating loops. That means using graph traversal
we visit all the vertices of the graph without getting into looping path.
There are two graph traversal techniques and they are as follows...
1. DFS (Depth First Search)
2. BFS (Breadth First Search)
DFS (Depth First Search)
DFS traversal of a graph produces a spanning tree as final result. Spanning Tree is a graph
without loops. We use Stack data structure with maximum size of total number of vertices in the
graph to implement DFS traversal.
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Step 5 - When there is no new vertex to visit then use back tracking and pop one vertex
from the stack.
Step 6 - Repeat steps 3, 4 and 5 until stack becomes Empty.
Step 7 - When stack becomes Empty, then produce final spanning tree by removing
unused edges from the graph
Back tracking is coming back to the vertex from which we reached the current vertex.
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int a[20][20],reach[20],n;
void dfs(int v) {
int i;
for (i=1;i<=n;i++)
if(a[v][i] && !reach[i]) {
printf("\n %d->%d",v,i);
void main()
int i,j,count=0;
printf("\n Enter number of vertices:");
for (i=1;i<=n;i++) {
for (j=1;j<=n;j++)
printf("\n Enter the adjacency matrix:\n");
for (i=1;i<=n;i++)
for (j=1;j<=n;j++)
for (i=1;i<=n;i++) {
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printf("\n Graph is connected"); else
printf("\n Graph is not connected");
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int a[20][20],q[20],visited[20],n,i,j,f=0,r=-1;
void bfs(int v)
for (i=1;i<=n;i++)
if(a[v][i] && !visited[i])
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void main()
int v;
printf("\n Enter the number of vertices:");
for (i=1;i<=n;i++)
printf("\n Enter graph data in matrix form:\n");
for (i=1;i<=n;i++)
for (j=1;j<=n;j++)
printf("\n Enter the starting vertex:");
printf("BFS visiting order is\n");
printf("\n The node which are reachable are:\n");
for (i=1;i<=n;i++)
printf("%d\t",i); else
printf("\n Bfs is not possible");
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Sorting: Heap Sort, External Sorting- Model for external sorting, Merge Sort
Sorting is nothing but arranging the data in ascending or descending order.
The term sorting came into picture, as humans realized the importance of searching quickly.
There are so many things in our real life that we need to search for, like a particular record in
database, roll numbers in merit list, a particular telephone number in telephone directory, a
particular page in a book etc. All this would have been a mess if the data was kept unordered
and unsorted, but fortunately the concept of sorting came into existence, making it easier for
everyone to arrange data in an order, hence making it easier to search.
Sorting Efficiency
The two main criteria to judge which algorithm is better than the other have been:
1. Time taken to sort the given data.
2. Memory Space required to do so.
Different Sorting Algorithms
There are many different techniques available for sorting, differentiated by their efficiency and
space requirements. Following are some sorting techniques which we will be covering here.
1. Bubble Sort
2. Insertion Sort
3. Selection Sort
4. Merge Sort
5. Heap Sort
Sorting Terminology
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When all data that needs to be sorted cannot be placed in-memory at a time, the sorting is
called external sorting. External Sorting is used for massive amount of data. Merge Sort and its
variations are typically used for external sorting. Some external storage like hard-disk, CD, etc is
used for external storage.
When all data is placed in-memory, then sorting is called internal sorting.
Stability is mainly important when we have key value pairs with duplicate keys possible (like
people names as keys and their details as values). And we wish to sort these objects by keys.
A sorting algorithm is said to be stable if two objects with equal keys appear in the same
order in sorted output as they appear in the input array to be sorted.
Informally, stability means that equivalent elements retain their relative positions, after sorting.
When equal elements are indistinguishable, such as with integers or more generally, any data
where the entire element is the key, stability is not an issue. Stability is also not an issue if all
keys are different.
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An example where it is useful
Consider the following dataset of Student Names and their respective class sections.
If we sort this data according to name only, then it is highly unlikely that the resulting dataset
will be grouped according to sections as well.
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So we might have to sort again to obtain list of students section wise too. But in doing so, i f the sorting
algorithm is not stable, we might get a result like this-
The dataset is now sorted according to sections, but not according to names.
In the name-sorted dataset, the tuple (alice , B)was before (ERIC,B), but since the sorting
algorithm is not stable, the relative order is lost.
If on the other hand we used a stable sorting algorithm, the result would be -
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Heap Sort is one of the best sorting methods being in-place and with no quadratic worst-case
running time. Heap sort involves building a Heap data structure from the given array and then
utilizing the Heap to sort the array.
What is a Heap?
Heap is a special tree-based data structure that satisfies the following special heap properties:
1. Shape Property: Heap data structure is always a Complete Binary Tree, which means all
levels of the tree are fully filled.
Heap Property: All nodes are either greater than or equal to or less than or equal to each of its
children. If the parent nodes are greater than their child nodes, heap is called a Max-Heap, and
if the parent nodes are smaller than their child nodes, heap is called Min-Heap.
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Building Heap from Array
Step 1 − Create a new node at the end of heap.
Step 2 − Assign new value to the node.
Step 3 − Compare the value of this child node with its parent.
Step 4 − If value of parent is less than child, then swap them.
Step 5 − Repeat step 3 & 4 until Heap property holds.
Note − In Min Heap construction algorithm, we expect the value of the
parent node to be less than that of the child node.
/ \
3 5
/ \ /\
4 6 13 10
/\ /\
9 8 15 17
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To build the heap, heapify only the nodes:
/ \
3 5
/ \ /\
4 17 13 10
/\ /\
9 8 15 6
/ \
3 5
/ \ /\
9 17 13 10
/\ /\
4 8 15 6
2 2
/ \
3 13
/ \ / \
9 17 5 10
/\ /\
4 8 15 6
/ \
17 13
/ \ /\
9 15 5 10
/\ /\
4 83 6
/ \
2 2
15 13
/ \ / \
9 6 5 10
/\ / \
4 83 1
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2 2
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Heap sort is an in-place algorithm.
Its typical implementation is not stable, but can be made stable.
#include <stdio.h>
/* function to heapify a subtree. Here 'i' is the
index of root node in array a[], and 'n' is the size of heap. */
void heapify(int a[], int n, int i)
int largest = i; // Initialize largest as root
int left = 2 * i + 1; // left child
int right = 2 * i + 2; // right child
// If left child is larger than root
if (left < n && a[left] > a[largest])
largest = left;
// If right child is larger than root
if (right < n && a[right] > a[largest])
largest = right;
// If root is not largest
if (largest != i) {
// swap a[i] with a[largest]
int temp = a[i];
a[i] = a[largest];
a[largest] = temp;
heapify(a, n, largest);
/*Function to implement the heap sort*/
void heapSort(int a[], int n)
for (int i = n / 2 - 1; i >= 0; i-- )
heapify(a, n, i);
// One by one extract an element from heap
for (int i = n - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
/* Move current root element to end*/
// swap a[0] with a[i]
int temp = a[0];
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a[0] = a[i];
a[i] = temp;
heapify(a, i, 0);
/* function to print the array elements */
void printArr(int arr[], int n)
for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i)
printf("%d", arr[i]);
printf(" ");
int main()
int a[100],n ;
printf("enter the number of elements");
printf("enter the values");
for(int i=0;i<n;i++)
printf("Before sorting array elements are - \n");
printArr(a, n);
heapSort(a, n);
printf("\nAfter sorting array elements are - \n");
printArr(a, n);
return 0;
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Time Complexity:
Merge Sort follows the rule of Divide and Conquer to sort a given set of numbers/elements,
recursively, hence consuming less time.
Before jumping on to, how merge sort works and its implementation, first let’s understand
what the rule of Divide and Conquer is?
If we can break a single big problem into smaller sub-problems, solve the smaller sub-problems
and combine their solutions to find the solution for the original big problem, it becomes easier
to solve the whole problem.
When Britishers s came to India, they saw a country with different religions living in harmony,
hard working but naive citizens, unity in diversity, and found it difficult to establish their
empire. So, they adopted the policy of Divide and Rule . Where the population of India was
collectively a one big problem for them, they divided the problem into smaller problems, by
instigating rivalries between local kings, making them stand against each other, and this worked
very well for them.
Well that was history, and a socio-political policy ( Divide and Rule ), but the idea here is, if we
can somehow divide a problem into smaller sub-problems, it becomes easier to eventually
solve the whole problem.
In Merge Sort, the given unsorted array with n elements is divided into n sub arrays, each
having one element, because a single element is always sorted in itself. Then, it repeatedly
merges these sub arrays, to produce new sorted sub arrays, and in the end, one complete
sorted array is produced.
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2. Conquer the sub problems by solving them. The idea is to break down the problem into
atomic sub problems, where they are actually solved.
3. Combine the solutions of the sub problems to find the solution of the actual problem.
As we have already discussed that merge sort utilizes divide-and-conquer rule to break the
problem into sub-problems, the problem in this case being, sorting a given array.
In merge sort, we break the given array midway, for example if the original array
had 6 elements, then merge sort will break it down into two sub arrays with 3 elements each.
But breaking t he original array into 2 smaller sub arrays is not helping us in sorting the array.
So we will break these sub arrays into even smaller sub arrays, until we have multiple sub
arrays with single element in them. Now, the idea here is that an array with a single element is
already sorted, so once we break the original array into sub arrays which has only a single
element, we have successfully broken down our problem into base problems.
And then we have to merge all these sorted sub arrays, step by step to form one single sorted
Below, we have a pictorial representation of how merge sort will sort the given array.
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In merge sort we follow the following steps:
1. We take a variable p and store the starting index of our array in this. And we take
another variable r and store the last index of array in it.
2. Then we find the middle of the array using the formula (p + r)/2 and mark the middle
index as q, and break the array into two sub arrays, from p to q and from q +
1 to r index.
3. Then we divide these 2 sub arrays again, just like we divided our main array and this
4. Once we have divided the main array into sub arrays with single elements, then we start
merging the sub arrays.
We know that merge sort first divides the whole array iteratively into equal halves unless the
atomic values are achieved. We see here that an array of 8 items is divided into two arrays of
size 4.
This does not change the sequence of appearance of items in the original. Now we divide these
two arrays into halves.
We further divide these arrays and we achieve atomic value which can no more be divided.
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Now, we combine them in exactly the same manner as they were broken down. Please note the
color codes given to these lists.
We first compare the element for each list and then combine them into another list in a sorted
manner. We see that 14 and 33 are in sorted positions. We compare 27 and 10 and in the
target list of 2 values we put 10 first, followed by 27. We change the order of 19 and 35
whereas 42 and 44 are placed sequentially.
In the next iteration of the combining phase, we compare lists of two data values, and merge
them into a list of found data values placing all in a sorted order.
After the final merging, the list should look like this −
#include <stdio.h>
void mergeSort(int [], int, int, int);
void partition(int [],int, int);
int main()
int list[50];
int i, size;
printf("Enter total number of elements:");
scanf("%d", &size);
printf("Enter the elements:\n");
for(i = 0; i < size; i++)
scanf("%d", &list[i]);
partition(list, 0, size - 1);
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printf("After merge sort:\n");
for(i = 0;i < size; i++)
printf("%d ",list[i]);
return 0;
void partition(int list[],int low,int high)
int mid;
if(low < high)
mid = (low + high) / 2;
partition(list, low, mid);
partition(list, mid + 1, high);
mergeSort(list, low, mid, high);
void mergeSort(int list[],int low,int mid,int high)
int i, mi, k, lo, temp[50];
lo = low;
i = low;
mi = mid + 1;
while ((lo <= mid) && (mi <= high))
if (list[lo] <= list[mi])
temp[i] = list[lo];
temp[i] = list[mi];
2 2
if (lo > mid)
for (k = mi; k <= high; k++)
temp[i] = list[k];
for (k = lo; k <= mid; k++)
temp[i] = list[k];
Insertion Sort
INSERTION-SORT can take different amounts of time to sort two input sequences of
the same size depending on how nearly sorted they already are.
In INSERTION-SORT, the best case occurs if the array is already sorted.
T [Best Case]= O(n)
If the array is in reverse sorted order i.e. in decreasing order, INSERTION-SORT gives
the worst case results.
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T [Worst Case]= o(n²)
Average Case: When half the elements are sorted while half not
The running time of insertion sort therefore belongs to both Ω(n) and O(n²)
For nearly-sorted data, it’s incredibly efficient (very near O(n) complexity)
It works in-place, which means no auxiliary storage is necessary i.e. requires only a
constant amount O(1) of additional memory space
Efficient for (quite) small data sets.
Stable, i.e. does not change the relative order of elements with equal keys
It is less efficient on list containing more number of elements
Insertion sort needs a large number of element shifts
Merge Sort:
Merge Sort’s running time is 0(nlogn) in best, worst and average case
The space complexity of Merge sort is O(n). This means that this algorithm takes a lot
of space and May slower down operations for the last data sets.
Merge sort is external sorting.
It is quicker for larger lists because unlike insertion it doesn't go through the whole
list several times.
The merge sort is slightly faster than the heap sort for larger sets
(𝑛𝑙𝑜𝑔𝑛) worst case asymptotic complexity.
Stable sorting algorithm
Not a in-place sorting technique
Slower comparative to the other sort algorithms for smaller data sets
Marginally slower than quick sort in practice
Goes through the whole process even if the list is sorted
It uses more memory space to store the sub elements of the initial split list.
It requires twice the memory of the heap sort because of the second array.
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To work on an almost sorted array, Insertion sort takes linear time i.e. O(n) while
Merge takes O(n*logn) complexity to sort
Heap Sort
Heap sort involves building a Heap data structure from the given array and then utilizing
the Heap to sort the array
Heap data structure is always a Complete Binary Tree, which means all levels of the tree
are fully filled
A.heap_size of an array is initially the size of the array. At first iteration, after exchanging
root of the max_heap tree (A[1]) with A[i] = A[A.length] (last element inside array A)
Initially create a Heap. extract_max(), put element of the heap in the array until we have
the complete sorted list in our array.
The Heap Sort sorting algorithm seems to have a worst case complexity of O(n log(n))
Heap sort is in place sorting techniques.
Heap sort and merge sort are asymptotically optimal comparison sorts
Cons: N/A
The time required to merge in a merge sort is counterbalanced by the time required to
build the heap in heap sort
Heap Sort is better :
The Heap Sort sorting algorithm uses O(1) space for the sorting operation while Merge
Sort which takes O(n) space
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Heap Sort vs. Insertion Sort:
Heap sort and insertion sort are both used comparison based sorting technique
Heap Sort is not stable whereas Insertion Sort is.
When already sorted, Insertion Sort will not sort every element again where as Heap Sort
will use extract max and heapify again and again When already sorted, Insertion Sort
takes O(n) TC whereas Heap Sort will take O(n log(n)) time Insertion Sort is not efficient
for large input data whereas Heap Sort is.
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