Ipc QP
Ipc QP
Ipc QP
b. Sam's father is suffering from terminal cancer. He cannot bear the pain any longer. He
~s hit-n-l ¼!
son John to give him poison and allow him to die in peace. John gives poison to Sam,.am
._a'ies."'-" erf
i. Is John guilty of murder?
11. What is the difference in punishment of Murder and Culpable Homicide not Amounting to
c. X a thief gives a stolen watch to Y to sell. Y knows that the watch is stolen.
1. Is Y guilty of any offence?
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1CODE04 l CAD9A147A5CD2D79769E526A
Paper/ Subject Code: 35711 / Law of Crimes
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Ci? > l47A5CD2D7971'lQl=,'>i-,.
Paper/ Subject Code: 35711 / Law of Crimes
Time: 2 Hrs
Marks: 60
Q.1. Answer in not more than two sentences (Any six):
(12 Marks)
a. Define Document.
b. Sam while travelling to his native place on his brother's ticket spits
out of the window. He also
tears out a portion of the train seat cushioning.
1. What offences has Sam committed?
IL Would Sam be punishable ifhe secretly takes a photo of a woman passeng
er while she is
changing her clothes?
25111 Page 1 of 4
El DA8C23A1DC727C60666926808FB940
Paper/ Subject Code: 35711 / Law of Crimes
d entertains them.
c M. . . f 10 obbers an
• mt ts a dancer who regularly accompanies a gang O r
Is Mini guilty of any offence?
1 3 people?
11. Would it make any difference if the gang consisted of on y
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17 2027_ cfi14&1
LAW OF CRIMES illre<liill
1) A and B agreed to commit the murder of C by poisoning and D was to procure poison,
but he did not procure it. A and Bare guilty bf... 'Q" 3ITfut ~l'il',ll~J;:f
a) No offense
2) The term·mens rea is defined as: 3-fCffitfr 1{o=f '.QT ~l~ltj~ c.Ql&.QI 3,~rr 3TT6:
b) Knowingly ~1°lo1~-1cr1
• Please check whether you have got the right question paper.
1 • All questions are compulsory.
independent of the person who seeks its accomplishment'\, Discuss the concept of Attempt in
criminal law, in light of the above proposition, cle~~st~~ishing it from preparation and
• '
commission of an offence. ..... ' - ,,"""'"'
' When does consent get vitiated u/s 375 IPC? D~cuss atleast four amendments introduced in
. .'
,. the law relating to rape, by the Cri~i~l Law Ainendment Act, 2013.
B "The law relating to private defence canno·t be weighed in a set of golden scales" Discuss this
proposition. ·~ ¾ ... ~\''·
., S. 300 IPC. Discuss Exception 1 to S. 300 with reference
!4. What are the five exceptio'n~\o to the
. ,,
leading case law ofK.M.Nanavati Vs State of Maharashtra.
Discuss the salient features of Presumption oflnnocence & Burden of Proof.
6. Write a short note on "Extra-territorial jurisdiction of IPC".
7. Explain the various kinds of punishment. When may a sentence of death be passed?
8. Define, illustrate and discuss an unlawful assembly.
9. Write short note on:-Wrongful Loss & Wrongful Gain
10. What are the ingredients of the offence of"theft" are as defined in the Indian Penal Code?