Reading habits are well-planned and deliberate pattern of study which has attained a form
of consistency on the part of students toward understanding academic subjects and passing at
examinations. Reading habits determine the academic achievements of students to a great extent.
Both reading and academic achievements are interrelated and dependent on each other. Students
often come from different environments and localities with different levels of academic
achievement. Therefore, they differ in the pattern of reading habits. While some students have
good reading habits, others tend to exhibit poor reading habits. Academic achievement means
how much knowledge the individual has acquired from the school (Bashir &Mattoo, 2012).
Reading is considered a receptive skill and holds significant importance for English
language learners. It is a cognitive process that requires time and practice to develop. When
reading, the mind engages in a process of attaching meaning to the words, phrases, and
expressions represented by symbols. It also involves understanding the grammar and structure of
The definition of reading has evolved over time. Initially, it involved interpreting visual
information in any code or system. However, after that, reading became more complex and
involved the process of understanding a whole text composed of written signs (Lone, 2011). Kim
(2011) avers that the first description of reading and its process could be traced back to
meaning through the dynamic interaction between the reader, the text, and the reading context.
The reading process involves visual skills and the perception of symbols by the brain. It is
generally broken down into two components: reading the words and understanding the meaning
of what is being read (Copper, Warnoke & Shipman, 1998; Samuels, 1998). Reading is an
interactive process between the reader's mind and the text on the page, occurring within a
specific context, leading to comprehension. Furthermore, Lone (2011) stated that reading is a
process in which a reader looks at a text and understands what has been written. Reading is
widely recognized as a crucial aspect of language learning and a lifelong learning tool for all
individuals (Lone, 2011). Mungungu (2010) supported this view by highlighting that reading
facilitates the development of writing skills, vocabulary, grammar, and spelling, ultimately
Research has confirmed that there is a significant correlation between students’ English
language reading skills and students’ academic performance. Students’ success is largely based
on their ability to read effectively and comprehend whatever they read (Kim, 2011).
Most students in Grade 11-12 experience difficulty in learning how to read. Some of
them are scared to attend classes when reading lessons started. Due to this situation, some of
them drop out from school and do not continue until the next school year begins.
The aforementioned situations above triggered the researcher to conduct research on the
Factors Affecting the Reading Skills on the Academic Performance of Grade 11-12 students in
This study will aim to determine the factors affecting the reading skills on the academic
1. Identify the factors affecting the reading skills on the academic performance of Grade
11-12 students.
Students’ Perception
3. Come up with reading exercises to address the factors that influence the
This study was limited to the 92 students out of 120 students of Calvario Peak National
1. Identify the perceived factors affecting the reading skills of Grade 11-12 students.
3. Come up with reading exercises to address the perceived factors that influence the
This study adopted Reading readiness theory, Behaviorist theory and Mentalist theory.
Dadzie (2008) observed in an analysis of children’s reading errors, which he called miscues, he
and his colleagues produced evidence that children almost instinctively try to make sense of what
they are doing when they read. The reader approaches the text to test out these expectations by
sampling enough of it to confirm or reject them. Children are born with the framework of human
language (LAD) this helps them in language acquisition. According to Antwi (2006) the main
factors which are essential in reading readiness include: age, sex, general intellectual ability,
visual and auditory perspective, health and maturity. Others are emotional and social
maladjustments. The aim of reading readiness should be to establish and reinforce the child’s
understanding of the relationship between the printed and acquired reading words. Bashir (2012)
suggested that for children to be ready to read they should be able to do the following:
• Interpret written words in their mother- tongue and relate it to English language.
• They should be able to read aloud non-technical passage in such a way that others
• Read and understand simple story books, essays, newspapers, magazines and other
information books, be able to read, interpret and recall the information whenever they
Bhan (2010) agreed that the theory has its foundation in the work of Thorndike in his publication
“animal intelligence”, where he tried to tie learning to the establishment of links between sense
and impression and external stimulus. The behaviorist theory regards learning as a matter of trial
and error in which factors such as motivation and reward are indispensable. Cunningham (2001)
suggests that language should be seen symbolically as (SR) bond in which the stimulus (s),
external to the learner compels a response (r) which could carry positive charges.
The mentalist had a different view on language acquisition and learning. These theorists do not
in trial and error as a means of teaching or learning a language. They believe that children are
born with a general framework of the human language. They are against the behaviorists who
said that a learner should think, understand and produce answers through insight.
Conceptual Framework
The conceptual framework of the study was composed of two variables. The factors that
affect the Reading Skills on the academic performance of Grade 11-12 students and their socio-
economic backgrounds served as the independent variable of this study and the reading exercises
to address the factors that influence the reading skills of Grade 11-12 students served as the
dependent variables.
Figure 1. The Conceptual Framework of the Study
A 2019 study by the Programmer for International Student Assessment (PISA) found that SES
plays a significant role in reading proficiency among 15-year-old students globally. Students
from lower socioeconomic backgrounds tend to have lower reading abilities. This study
highlights the importance of factors like parents' education, access to resources, and home
Metacognitive strategies, which involve active control over cognitive processes, are crucial for
reading comprehension. Research suggests that students who effectively utilize metacognitive
strategies demonstrate superior reading competence. A 2019 study by Sutiya Tno and Sukarno
found a positive correlation between metacognitive strategies and reading achievement [2].
OECD found that students with strong ICT skills tend to perform better in reading. This suggests
that access to technology and the ability to navigate digital information sources can positively
environment. Studies indicate that students who feel connected to their teachers and experience a
sense of belonging in the classroom tend to perform better academically, including in reading [2]
Unfortunately, the provided search results do not contain any specific local studies conducted in
2019 for Carvario Peak National High School. To gain insights into local factors affecting
reading skills and academic performance, further research would be needed, potentially
- Surveys: Conducting surveys among Grade 11 and 12 students at Carvario Peak National High
School to gather data on their reading habits, challenges, and perceived factors affecting their
- Interviews: Interviewing students, teachers, and parents to gain qualitative insights into the
specific local factors influencing reading skills and academic achievement.
- Classroom Observations: Observing classroom activities and teaching practices to assess the
Chapter III
Research Method
This study seeks to identify the factors affecting the reading skills encountered by Grade
Descriptive Method will be applied which is described as the fact findings with adequate
This study will collect the data through administering questionnaires which contained
factors that affect the reading skills on the academic performance of Grade 11-12 students and
will focus on the perceptions of the teachers and the students toward reading problems.
After administering the questionnaires and the conduct of interviews, the researcher will
collect all the data and computed its results based on the answers that will be given by the
Then, the researcher will analyze the data and make tables showing the figure and order
Finally, through the results of the data gathered, the researcher will formulate the reading
exercises to address the factors that will influence the reading skills on the academic
The researcher will use the following instruments: survey questionnaires, both for grades
11-12 students.
Survey Questionnaire
This survey questionnaire will use to collect data and to identify the factors affecting the
The first data collection will be conducted to answer the written questionnaire that focus
on the perception of students towards reading problems. The survey questionnaires contain
checklist that will allow the respondents to choose their perceptions toward reading.
Research Locale
This study will be conducted at Calvario Peak National High School, School year 2024 -
2025 based on students of Calvario Peak National High School about Factors Affecting the
Reading Skills on the Academic Performance of Grade 11-12 of Calvario Peak National High
School. The school is on the district of North, Division of Isabela City. It is located at Kapatagan
The respondents of this research study are the Grade 11-12 students of Calvario Peak
National High School. The Grade 11-12 students were the ones enrolled at the time of the study.
Each school operates with its philosophy and set of objectives which direct all teaching
learning processes. Reading as part of the curriculum was also taught with deep concern on the
Participants can voluntarily join the study regardless of age, gender and health status.
Table 1A
Grade 11 61
Section A 92
Grade 12
Section B
They will be chosen through Slovin's Formula. Using a confidence level of 95% with a
1 + Ne2
n= 120
1 + 120 × 0.0025
n = 92
Sample Proportion %
── = 0.77
The 92 student respondents from Calvario Peak National High School will be chosen based
on simple random sampling. The students will be selected using the "Fishbowl Technique". In
this method, the names of all Grade 11-12 Students will be written in a small-rolled piece of
papers, then place it in a fishbowl or container and shuffled. The rolled piece of papers are
randomly picked out one by one until the required number of students will be selected. This
method will ensure that all the members of the Population are given equal chance to be selected.
Ethical Considerations
Ethics was observed by obtaining the appropriate permission before to conduct the
students the researcher obtained permission from the Calvario Peak National High School’s
School Head and the Teacher participating schools. Orientations were conducted before to
conduct of the study. Each respondent had their consent from Calvario Peak National High
School. All information from the participants was kept private between the two sides, according
to the term of the agreement. The aim was to maintain secrecy and confidentiality when
collecting data.
Respondents were not identified. The data were password-protected and stored on the
researcher server. This was done to ensure that no one can use it, the respondent had right to
access the result of this study. It was the right of every respondent to refuse to participate in the
research. They had the freedom to withdraw from this study anytime they wish to do so without