Final Voyage of Draengr Thar 5E
Final Voyage of Draengr Thar 5E
Final Voyage of Draengr Thar 5E
Investigating the Wreckage
Once the PCs land ashore, they can examine the wreck- SVEND Trygg
age further. It is clear that the boat has been violently Surviving Raider and Guide
Armor Class 19 (mail and shield)
smashed. However, while some parts are splintered,
Hit Points 28 (3d10+6)
other pieces show the marks of axes and other tools. Speed 30 ft.
Further investigation reveals:
• A DC 10 Int (Investigation) check recognizes 12 (+1) 17 (+3) 14 (+2)
that only about half the ship is here on the beach. INT WIS CHA
9 (-1) 14 (+2) 9 (-1)
Clearly, the rest was taken elsewhere.
• A DC 15 Wis (Perception) check finds a small Saving Throws Dex +5, Con +4
tin cross amidst the debris. Svend recalls that they Senses passive Perception 12
raided a church, and captured a priest wearing a Challenge 3 (700 XP)
similar adornment. He surmises that this was prob-
ably taken by one of the raiders. On a more care- Scramasax Sword. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5
ful search, the PCs also find a sharp hatchet and a ft., one target. Hit: 7 (1d6 + 3) slashing damage.
length of good rope. Otherwise, there are no more Notes: Svend is fiercely loyal to his old crew and cares more
useful belongings here. for their safe return than the loot that they took from Eng-
land. He is eager to return to the inlet to find his old friends.
As the PCs search, they hear wolves howling in the However, once he realizes that they are up against strange and
distance. A terrified Svend explains that those wolves supernatural forces, he slowly loses his courage and become
chased him as he ran along the shore, and his compan- less reliable.
ion Agnar fell behind and was taken down by the pred-
Note that Svend is provided as an extra PC in the pregener-
ators. “Those wolves have no fear of men nor gods.” ated characters, in the event one of the other characters dies
early in the adventure!
Footprints in the mud are visible headed into the for-
ested interior of this land. It is easy to track them, al-
though a 12 Int (Investigation) check identifies that GM’s Note: This man was an elder wight, buried in
the footprints hauled heavy cargo and forth to the boat one of the nearby barrows. He emerged from his tomb
and another location into the forest. and was killed by Drængr Thar’s men. Fearing that he
would return from the dead, Drængr used nails from
the boat to pin him to the tree. While they didn’t have
The Nailed Corpse silver to kill him, days of prolonged exposure to sun-
A quarter mile or so down the deer trail, the PCs find
light did the trick.
a ghastly site. The pale-gray corpse of a man is nailed
to a tree with over a dozen nails. He wears no clothes,
and his skin is cold, wrinkled, and tattooed in strange The Lodge of King Kolbakr
runes. His eyes have been devoured by birds. Above
him in the branches, a large crow proudly rattles and The footprints head a mile into the foggy northern for-
clicks, something small and wet in its beak. est, along a narrow deer trail. The PCs still hear the
wolves barking and howling in the distance, always
If Svend is still with the PCs, he does not recognize the just out of sight.
man as one of Drængr’s crew. He has no explanation
for the horrific display. The trail opens into a large clearing, and the PCs find
a large building made of rough-hewn stone blocks and
If someone examines the body, a DC 15 Wis (Medi- rotted wood. A heap of dirt, grass, and roots acts as
cine or Wound-Wise) check finds that his chest has a roof to the structure. The place is truly old, and has
been pierced many times with a broadsword; this was no visible purpose. The building’s door frame is half-
likely the cause of death to the man. A DC 12 Wis sunken into the ground, and a piece of Drængr’s hull
(Religion or Seið-Wise) check reveals that many of acts as a improvised door, propped in place from the
his tattoos refer to eating at the great feasts of Valhalla. inside of the building.
The Lodge of King Kolbakr a Sæhrímnir, the mythical animal killed every night
to feed the dead of Valhalla. The man who built this
(The Lodge of King Kolbakr) place clearly looked forward to that feast.
A DC 15 Int (History or Lore-Wise) check vaguely Unusually, the fireplace is piled with far too much
recalls the name of this king. Decades ago, he lived on wood inside its great hearth. The wood overflows on
an island north of Bjørgvin, probably a hundred miles to the floor in a disorganized mess. Much of the wood
from here. He was known as a skilled hunter, and fa- is from the boat, and some of the wood underneath
mous for his great whaling expertise, especially of the the pile seems to have been burned; the feint smell of
rare black whales that migrated through the North Sea. burned oak comes from the fireplace.
It is not known when or how he died. This place was
likely where he would go to hunt game that he could A sturdy table that can sit a dozen men is in the mid-
not find on his native island. dle of the room, and several old chairs are scattered
around. Drængr’s boat sail is draped on the table;
Gaining entry into the lodge requires the PCs to knock bone sewing needles and thread are nearby, showing
aside the makeshift door. This is not too hard – any- that it was undergoing repair.
one succeeding a DC 14 Str check can push aside the
boards. Otherwise, the effort requires tools, such as an Finally, several bedrolls and bags of men’s belongings
axe, pry bar, or ram of some sort. are scattered around the room.
The dim interior of the lodge is unremarkable. Like A closer search of the chamber discovers some items
many lodges of the day, it is a single rectangular room, of interest:
large enough to hold several dozen people. Other than
the sound of rats scurrying under the floorboards here, • A parchment page torn from some book is nailed
there are still no signs of life, and the room somehow to the wall of the lodge (see Handout A). It has
feels colder than the outside. been sprayed with blood and has “The King la-
bored and ate from the flesh of the Sæhrímnir
A huge fireplace is set into the far wall of the place. and delighted in Death” scrawled on it in some
Above the fireplace is a crude and ghastly painting of greasy ink. Anyone who speaks English or suc-
a severed animal head. The head has the features of a ceeds DC 12 Wis (Religion or Seið-Wise) check
identifies it as a page from a holy
manuscript, likely seized from a
church in England. If Svend is
asked about it, he will mention
that the group captured an Eng-
lish priest named Eustace, and
this probably belonged to him.
He describes Eustace as a quiet
fellow who lost a hand during
the attack but then accepted his
fate with his captors.
• The alder in the fire-
place has a faint smell of smoke
to it, but much of it is unburned.
• A DC 14 Wis (Percep-
tion) check , or a long inves-
tigation of the room, finds the
word “Tröll” carved into the
large leg of the great table.
• If the PCs hunt for useful gear, a DC 10 Wis (In-
vestigation) check finds useful but ordinary tools, Queen Lopthæna
such as a knife, hatchet, leather cap, et cetera. Haughty Queen of the Nord Inlet
Armor Class 13 (leather)
Hit Points 71 (11d8+22)
The Hidden Tunnels Speed 30 ft.
Hidden under the pile of wood in the fireplace is a
crumbling hole that drops down ten feet into the tun- STR DEX CON
nels underneath the location’s barrows. Clearing the 17 (+3) 13 (+1) 15 (+2)
debris takes about twenty minutes, but within a few INT WIS CHA
13 (+1) 13 (+1) 13 (+1)
minutes of starting, they will be interrupted by the ap-
pearance of QUEEN LOPTHÆNA (see below). Saving Throws Con +4, Wis +3
Skills Intimidation +3
GM’s Note: If the PCs don’t think to clear the wood Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 13
from the fireplace, allow for a DC 12 Wis (Perception) Challenge 3 (700 XP)
check to detect a feint, foul-smelling breeze coming
from the hearth. If the PCs still don’t clear the wood, Spear Savant. Lopthæna makes two spear attacks. She deals
one extra die of damage when she hits (included below).
Queen Lopthæna will still interrupt them anyway. Also, she can take the Disengage action as a bonus action.
Finding the entrance to the barrows takes some time, Emerging from the mist is QUEEN LOPTHÆNA, a
as they are long overgrown with weeds and vines. Each woman somewhat older than middle age, but younger
entrance is sealed up by heavy boulders and rocks, and than old age. She is dressed in fine but long-faded rai-
looks undisturbed. However, if the PCs spend more ments. She carries an old oak spear, which she grips
than a few minutes at the entrance of a barrow, the tightly in her hand, and has a heavy blood-stained sack
crows nearby grow irritated. The birds caw and croak over her shoulder. Thick-bodied flies buzz around it.
angrily at those who look to gain entry to the tombs.
Queen Lopthæna was once the wife of King Kolbakr.
Unsealing a barrow takes about four hours, though As a result, the wights that live in the barrows fear her
several helpers and good tools can reduce this to two and leave her alone, and she in turn rarely thinks of
hours. them. She speaks with command in her voice.
• If asked more about her husband, King Kolbakr, • If asked about her spear, she says it belongs to her
she reverently explains that he is a great war chief, husband, King Kolbakr. “But he does not care for
that he comes from a faraway land to the north, it anymore, so I keep it for him.” She cannot be
but loves this place the most. He built his lodge easily talked out of it; she sees the weapon as the
to hunt the great beasts of this forest. He has been weapon of a king, and will only give it to someone
here many years and has no plan to return to his she thinks her husband’s equal.
homeland. “The valkyrja have tried to claim him • If asked about the gruesome sack she carries, she
many times, but he is not ready for Valhalla yet!” will throw it to the ground and say that it con-
• If asked where her husband is, she points to the tains a deer carcass – food for the saltwater troll
mounds and says that he has a vast kingdom under- that lives in the inlet. She advises the PCs feed the
ground, where he feasts every night with his war- monster soon, lest it destroy their boat, like it did
riors. “On some nights he even invites me, but his Drængr Thar’s. GM’s Note: See The Troll (p. 12)
men do not like me anymore. They are jealous of for more information on how to handle this the
our love,” she explains. appearance of this monster.
• When the topic of Drængr Thar comes up, she
scoffs and explains that she met Drængr when Lopthæna will eventually grow bored of the conversa-
his boat ran ashore here. She told him to seek her tion. She advises the PCs to abandon their quest and
husband’s council, man to man, before bringing return to their home, as her husband “is done with
his men into her husband’s lodge for shelter. But strangers from faraway lands as of late.” She will then
Drængr scorned her, threw her to the ground, and leave to return to her shelter.
took his men into the shelter anyway. She goes on
to explain how her husband is a man of great se- If Lopthæna is attacked, she defends herself wildly,
riousness and does not take lightly to insults. He striking at throats and knees equally. If defeated, she
seized Drængr Thar, his men, and his treasure and crawls on to the mound of King Kolbakr and wails
have them held captive in his great keep. She thinks for days. Her painful screams enrage will eventually
that her husband will be indisposed for some time attract the troll to the lodge.
with the captive. “It will take days for him to assess
those men, and see which ones are worthy to join
his fellowship.”
Since the PCs are unlikely to have silver weapons, there are four locations to find it in this
adventure. First, Queen Lopthæna’s spear is coated in silver; it can be seized or stolen from
her. She also keeps a wooden box full of silver coins in her shelter, leftover from Drængr
Thar’s raid. She knows the wights dislikes silver and removed it from the lodge. There are
also three silver rings in the barrow that can be melted down. Finally, the troll has some
silver in his belly, the result of eating one of Drængr Thar’s treasure-laden men.
To melt down silver, PCs need to create a roaring hot fire, at least double the temperature
of typical campfire. This requires player cleverness or a DC 12 Wis (Survival or World-
Wise) check. Next, a DC 14 Dex (Smith’s Tools) check is required to coat a blade. A
failure wastes an appropriate amount of silver. The rings in the barrow or the coins in the
troll’s stomach is enough to coat two knives or spear-tips; the stash of coins in Lopthæna’s
shelter is enough to coat three larger weapons, such as axes or swords. If the PCs are woe-
fully unlucky, it’s suggested that the DM add a silver weapon elsewhere in the adventure,
perhaps in Lopthæna’s shelter, or buried in the troll’s skull from a battle years ago!
Lopthæna’s Shelter very far before they gave up on the work. There is old,
Queen Lopthæna lives in a makeshift shelter in some dried blood spattered on some of the disturbed rocks.
crags about a half-mile from the lodge – far enough
away that the wights do not come near. Finding her The center, northern mound (#4) can be entered via
abode is not especially hard. She can be tracked or fol- a small, worm-ridden hole in its top. Finding this en-
lowed back to her home. trance is difficult, as it is covered with grass and other
shallow-rooted plants. Only a careful search will find
Lopthæna’s shelter is a simple construction, made out this entrance. Squeezing down the hole, ten feet down
of wood, hide, and an old sail. Although primitive, the into the mound itself, requires a DC 14 Dex (Athlet-
place is well-crafted. Inside the small abode is a bed of ics) check and even then, only a small person (Str 12
furs, a campfire, and an old wooden box that she uses or less) can achieve the maneuver.
as a stool. Inside the box are some simple carpentry
tools, a carving knife, and a pile of English silver coins The interior of each mound’s barrow is comprised of
(worth 300 gp), which can be melted down and used to a hard-packed floor, littered with ash and small debris
fight the wights (see p. 6). from the pyres that were once built there, and damp
earth ceilings supported by old and rotted beams. The
mounds are all connected by dark snake-like tunnels
Part 3: The Burial Mounds that have been dug by the wight inhabitants, clawed
out of the hard earth with sharp nails. The tunnels are
barely big enough for two men to walk side-by-side,
There are seven mounds, each covered with tawny,
and infested with rodents.
mostly dead grass. All of the entrances to the mounds are
sealed with heavy rocks – it would take at least a half
day for a crew of well-equipped, strong men to unseal The Wights
one of the mounds. A dozen or so wights, including King Kolbakr himself,
inhabit the mounds. Most of the weights are remnants
The southwestern-most mound (#3) has a disturbed en- from Drængr’s crew. They are weaker “servant wights,”
trance. A dozen or so large rocks have been pulled from as they have not fully evolved into their undead nature.
its entry tunnel. The tomb robbers, however, did not get In a few days, they will lose the last shred of their origi-
The Mounds 8
2 6
4 9
The Lodge
3 5 7
nal personality and be consumed by the spirit of one
of Kolbakr’s old companions that was buried in these Vicar Eustace
barrows. Until that happens, these creatures fear King Captive English Priest
Kolbakr, and shy away from him unless he gives them Armor Class 10
orders. As a result, the investigators will likely encounter Hit Points 1 of 11 (2D8+2)
Speed 30 ft.
some of these servant wights in the halls here, perhaps
along with an elder wight or two. The GM should in- STR DEX CON
clude a small group or two in one of the earlier rooms, 10 (+0) 10 (+0) 14 (+2)
and leave the rest in the antechamber in area #8. INT WIS CHA
12 (+1) 16 (+3) 13 (+1)
The rest of the wights are King Kolbakr’s companions
Saving Throws Wis +5
from his old court. These elder wights are powerful and
Skills Religion +7
frightening creatures of death, loyal to their king and Senses passive Perception 13
intelligent enough to deploy clever tactics. The elder Challenge 1/8 (25 XP)
wights stay near their king, and can likely be found in
the final chamber (#9). Here, they have dragged the last Improvised Club. Melee Weapon Attack: +2 to hit, reach 5
of Drængr Thar’s survivors, including Drængr Thar him- ft., one target. Hit: 2 (1d4) bludgeoning damage.
self, in order to infuse their dying bodies with the spirits
Notes: Vicar Eustace was captured during Drængr Thar’s raid.
of Kolbakr’s old companions, effectively transforming His hand was severed when he tried shutting the church door
them into more wights. against the Viking raiders. Once he was taken aboard the
Viking’s ship, he resigned himself to his fate and resolved to
The wights stay in the barrows during the day. They do show his captors his bravery. Drængr respected Eustace and
not like sunlight, and it will kill them in time. However, treated him reasonably. When they reached the inlet, Eustace
at night, some elder wights creep out from the barrow to advised Drængr that they should not trust Queen Lopthæna,
and that she was likely a witch. When the men were later at-
find new victims, typically using either through the hole tacked by wights, Eustace realized that they were vulnerable
in the fireplace, or via the hidden exit atop mound #4. If to silver. But his realization was too late, and he and the oth-
all entrances are blocked, the wights will dig new exits! ers were dragged into the King Kolbakr’s underground hall,
where the wights left him to die.
GM’s Note: Adjust the number of wights based on the
number of PCs. Typically, two servant wights per PC
and one elder wight per two PCs is about right, although If tended to, Eustace awakens enough to gasp and
experienced players can probably handle a few more. mumble. He repeats, “You have tried us, O God;
You have refined us as silver is refined,” again and again.
Only if he is removed from the mounds and treated with
1 - Tunnels of the Dead (e.g., a DC 10 Medicine or Wound-wise check) will
Three fresh corpses are shoved into these tunnels, their
he become clear-headed enough to talk to the PCs some
bodies inhabitant by pale white worms. These young
more and tell his story (see text box).
men were once part of Drængr’s crew. Two of the men
have broken arms, the result of Drængr’s mast splitting;
As long as the PCs treat Eustace well, he gives them four
the third has grievous wounds from a fight on his skull.
pieces of key information about the wights:
They have been stripped of all their valuables. These men
were killed by the wights, deemed unworthy of joining
• He explains that the wights are vulnerable to silver.
King Kolbakr due to their injuries, and left here to rot.
He suspected this from his reading while a church-
man, but tested it when he pressed his silver cross
2 - Vicar Eustace into the arm of one of the wights. “The creature was
A dying young English monk is crumpled on the floor repelled to the metal and stopped strangling me.”
of this chamber. He is breathing but unconscious. Black • He knows that they can possess a dying man’s body,
marks around his neck show that show he was recently and bring it to life again with unholy purposes. “It is
strangled. His left hand is severed and wrapped in like a dark soul possesses the dying man, murdering
bloody bandages. For whatever reason, the wights left him twice once more.”
him here to die, rather than take them to their hall with • If asked about the origin of the wights, he suspects
the other captives. that their king ate from the meat of the Sæhrímnir,
a mythical creature reserved for the warriors of
Servant Wights Elder Wights
Drængr’s Cursed Companions King Kolbakr’s Hunters
Armor Class 12 Armor Class 15 (mail)
Hit Points 27 (5d8+5) Hit Points 45 (6d8+18)
Speed 30 ft. Speed 30 ft.
Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 5 ft., one tar- Multiattack. Wights makes a claw attack and one Life Drain.
get. Hit: 6 (1d6 + 1) slashing damage.
Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one tar-
Life Chill. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one get. Hit: 6 (1d6 + 2) slashing damage.
target. Hit: 6 (2d4 + 2) necrotic damage. The target must
succeed on a DC 13 Con saving throw or be stunned for Life Drain. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
1 minute, due to chilling pains from inside their skull. The target. Hit: 6 (1d6 + 2) necrotic damage. The target must
target can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its succeed on a DC 13 Con saving throw or its hit point maxi-
turns, ending the effect on itself on a success. However, the mum is reduced by an amount equal to the damage taken.
victim will be affected by ongoing paranoia which lasts an This reduction lasts until the target finishes a long rest. The
hour after such a wound is taken. target dies if this effect reduces its hit point maximum to 0.
Those slain by this attack rises a day later as a servant wight!
Valhalla. He recalls or gestures to the image painted If these bodies are left undisturbed, they will rise as
above the fireplace. While he doesn’t believe in Val- wight servants within the hour, and join their brethren
halla, he does think that this strange animal could in the final burial mound (#9 below).
have poisoned the man or caused him in some other
way to be cursed by God. 4 - The Worm-ridden mound
• While he doesn’t know if Drængr is alive, he recently This chamber smells like damp, decomposing soil. Un-
heard some of his men screaming from deeper in the like the other mounds, the walls of this site are covered
mounds. He assumes that they are being kept hostage in thick yellow and hairy fungus. Finger-sized, pink
by the wights for some dark and unholy purpose. worms are nesting everywhere in the room.
3 - The Soulless The unnatural worms have been filled with the same
Two of Drængr’s dead crew lie in this room. Their bodies hatred of the living that the wights possess. Anyone who
are stone cold and are torn with deep, bloodless claw enters this room for more than a moment will cause a
marks. One man still clutches a fine hatchet in his hand, heap of these things to fall on the ceiling atop them. This
spattered with black blood and gristle. can be avoided with a DC 15 Dex save; otherwise, the
victim is Frightened and covered in the worms!
These corpses however are slowly being possessed by the
spirits of the ancient dead. At a particularly dramatic mo- Treat the worms as a grotesque and mindless swarm that
ment, both the corpses will convulse and shake, perfectly bites for 1D4 HP of injury per turn. It has 20 hit points,
in union with each other. Then they will lie still again for but its diffuse nature means it has damage resistance to
many more minutes before repeating the process. Seeing piercing and slashing attacks.
this occurrence will no frighten the heroes.
The ceiling here has a dark hole in it. If someone is
hoisted up, they can climb up a worm-ridden tunnel with King Kolbakr
a DC 12 Str (Athletics) check; this exits the barrow. He Who Craved Valhalla Too Soon
Armor Class 15 (mail)
Hit Points 51 (6d8+24)
5 - Mound of Heritage Speed 30 ft.
This mound is empty, although its insides are scorched
by a fire that burned many years ago. Inexplicably, a STR DEX CON
rune of heritage O is scarred into the earth floor. The 17 (+3) 14 (+2) 18 (+4)
wights avoid this chamber, as it once held the body of INT WIS CHA
a man who the gods favored. 11 (+0) 13 (+1) 15 (+2)
table so that they cannot move. All are bloody and barely all worth around 4,000 gp. Finally, there is Kolbakr’s
alive. Elder wights loom over the men, holding pale own ornate shield, intact after all these years except for
hands to their skulls. The wights’ lips move, but only its rotted straps. It is finely made and is enchanted as
meaningless, wrenching sounds come out. The wights are an Arrow-Catching Shield.
waiting for the men’s souls to depart so that other dark
spirits that lie within these barrows may inhabit the men.
King Kolbakr himself sits at the table, watching the rite Conclusion
with blank, white eyes. Observing this ritual requires a
DC 15 Wis save else become Frightened! The adventure concludes when the PCs have defeated
King Kolbakr and rescued Drængr Thar and as many
If disturbed, the wights cease their rite. They hate the of his companions that survived the ordeal. Or, per-
living and try to kill those they see, and then drag their haps the PCs will not survive the ordeal, and will join
dying or unconscious bodies back to the this chamber to King Kolbakr and his dark fellowship...
infuse their body with the soul of another wight. King
Kolbakr, intelligent and seething with venom for not be- For completing the adventure, the PCs should receive
ing allowed into Valhalla, will mercilessly taunt the PCs typical XP awards. They should receive bonus XP for
with the same fate... perhaps buying time for his servants good roleplaying or excellent performance, such as
to ambush the PCs from behind, before he relentlessly rescuing Drængr Thar and his surviving crew.
flies into battle like the frenzied warrior he was in life.
Gear: The troll has a handful of silver coins in his stomach, still
digesting from the last man he ate!
Handouts - Banter Cards
O Dræengr Thar must be rescued. O The wolves we hear in the forest is a good
sign. Svend told us about the wolves in this
O The gray clouds bring a chill to the air to- region.
day. It may bring our first winter storm.
O Dræengr Thar must be rescued.
O Dræengr Thar is too strong of a warrior to
die in this faraway land. O My late husband said giants live up here.
Hand each player their banter card at the start of the session. Give the players some basic background about
the adventure – how Drængr Thar was lost at sea, wounded, and needs rescue. Then, each player should take
turns reading or paraphrasing a line from their banter card. The scene ends when everyone’s gotten through all
the information. Encourage them to improv and make it organic!
Handout A
Vicar Eustace’s torn manuscript, where he wrote down what he thought was the
fate of the King Kolbakr.
“The King labored and ate from the flesh of the Sæhrímnir [the animal reserved
for the feasting men of Valhalla] and delighted in Death.”
Name: Young Haldor
Player: Age: 19
Class: Hersir (Warlord) Background: Jarl’s Son
Level: 3 Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Speed: 30 ft. Inspiration
+2 14
+0 DEX 11
Sleight of Hand
+2 CON 14
+0 INT 10
History Religion
+0 WIS 10
Animals Sailing
Survival +2
Hersir Training: You are proficient in all armor, shields, simple and martial
weapons.. You are also proficient in Cha and Wis saves.
+3 CHA 16
Order - Strike! (1st): As an action on your turn, you can allow an ally that
can see or hear you within 30 feet to make an attack as a free action.
Order - Get In! (2nd): Make a ranged attack. On a hit, an ally within 30
feet of you may move up to their speed towards the same target and
make a melee attack against it.
Passive Wisdom • Command - Death! (1st): Use an action. For 1 minute all allies that see
10 (Perception)
and hear you may roll their damage dice twice and choose the higher. You
must finish a short or long rest before you can use this again.
• Tactic - Always Ready (2nd): You and allies within 30 feet gain a bonus
+0+1 Initiative • Decree - Simultaneous Strike (3rd): Make an attack. You may spend
any number of Warlord Dice to allow that number of allies to spend their
reactions and make their own attacks.. .
• Decree - Guide (3rd): When an ally makes an attack roll, before the DM
says whether it hits, spend a Warlord Die and add the result to the attack roll
using your reaction..
Armor Class
Armor: 12
14 Shield:
+0 Main Weapons
Other: -
Weapon To-Hit Damage Type Weight
War Axe +4 1d8+2 slashing 6 lbs.
Hit Points (3d8) two-handed 1d10+2 slashing
Max: 24
Con: +2 Hunting Bow +2 1d6 piercing 4 lbs.
HD Used:
24 Temp:
Item Weight Notes
Leather tunic (AC 12)
Shield (AC+2)
Shoulder quiver
Weight Carried: lbs (5X Str is -10’ Speed; 10X Str is -20’ Speed and Disadvantage)
Languages Notes
XP Needed
Name: Reginleif the Unscarred
Player: Age: 38
Class: Drengr (Fighter) Occupation: Shieldmaiden
Level: 3 Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Speed: 30 ft. Inspiration
+2 14
+1 DEX 13
Sleight of Hand
+3 CON 16
+0 INT 10
History Religion
+1 WIS 13
Animals Sailing
Survival +1
Drengr Training: You are proficient in all armor, shields, simple weapons,
and the flail.. You are also proficient in Strength and Dexterity saves.
+0 CHA 10
Second Wind (1st): On your turn, you can use a bonus action to regain
hit points equal to 1d10 + your drengr level. Once you use this feature, you
must finish a short or long rest before you can use it again.
Battle-Webbing (1st): While wearing armor, you gain a +1 bonus to AC.
• Action Surge (2nd): On your turn, you can take one additional action on
Passive Wisdom top of your regular action and a possible bonus action. Once you use this
1011 (Perception) •
feature, you must finish a short or long rest before you can use it again.
Shield Fighting (2nd): While fighting with a shield in one hand and a
weapon in the other, you can make an attack with your shield as a bonus
+2+2 Proficiency Bonus action, using Strength and dealing 1d4 + Str modifier bludgeoning damage.
• Guardian (3rd): When a creature you can see attacks a target other than
you within 5 feet of you, you can use your reaction to impose disadvantage
on the attack roll. You must be wielding a shield..
+1 Initiative • Bright Mail and Shining Blade (3rd): In heavy armor, you gain +1 AC.
You reduce incoming slashing, bludgeoning, and piercing damage by your
Con modifier.
Armor Class
Armor: 15
19 Shield:
- Main Weapons
Other: +2
Weapon To-Hit Damage Type Weight
Broadsword +4 1d8+2 slash/pier 4 lbs.
Hit Points (3d10) two-handed 1d10+2 slash/pier
Max: 31
Con: +2 Shortspear +3 1d6+2 piercing 3 lbs.
HD Used:
31 Temp:
Item Weight Notes
Mail hauberk (AC 15)
Shield (AC+2)
Wool blanket
Languages Notes
English (broken)
XP Needed
Name: Falki the Red
Player: Age: 41
Class: Drengr (Fighter) Background: Smith
Level: 3 Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Speed: 30 ft. Inspiration
+3 16
+2 DEX 14
Sleight of Hand
Smith’s Tools
+2 CON 14
+0 INT 10
History Religion
+0 WIS 10
Animals Sailing
Survival +0
Drengr Training: You are proficient in all armor, shields, simple and martial
weapons.. You are also proficient in Strength and Dexterity saves.
+0 CHA 11
Second Wind (1st): On your turn, you can use a bonus action to regain
hit points equal to 1d10 + your drengr level. Once you use this feature, you
must finish a short or long rest before you can use it again.
Battle-Webbing (1st): While wearing armor, you gain a +1 bonus to AC.
• Action Surge (2nd): On your turn, you can take one additional action on
Passive Wisdom top of your regular action and a possible bonus action. Once you use this
10 (Perception) •
feature, you must finish a short or long rest before you can use it again.
Shield Fighting (2nd): While fighting with a shield in one hand and a
weapon in the other, you can make an attack with your shield as a bonus
+2+2 Proficiency Bonus action, using Strength and dealing 1d4 + Str modifier bludgeoning damage.
• Hard as Nails (3rd): While wearing no or light armor, add Con to AC.
• Whatever Works (3rd): While wearing light or no armor, you can roll
1d6 in place of unarmed strike or simple weapon damage, and make an
+2+1 Initiative •
unarmed strike or grapple as a bonus action. .
Walk it Off (3rd): You can use a use your reaction when hit by an attack
to reduce the damage by half. Once you use this feature, you must finish a
short or long rest before you can use it again..
Armor Class
Armor: 12
16 Shield:
+0 Main Weapons
Other: +2
Weapon To-Hit Damage Type Weight
War Axe +5 1d8+3 slashing 6 lbs.
Hit Points (3d10) two-handed 1d10+3 slashing
Max: 28
Con: +2 Hunting Bow +4 1d6 piercing 4 lbs.
HD Used:
28 Temp:
Item Weight Notes
Leather tunic (AC 12)
Shield (AC+2)
Shoulder quiver
Weight Carried: lbs (5X Str is -10’ Speed; 10X Str is -20’ Speed and Disadvantage)
Languages Notes
English (broken)
XP Needed
Name: Yngvildr
Player: Age: 26
Class: Skogarmadr (Outcast) Background: Mariner
Level: 3 Alignment: Chaotic Good
Speed: 30 ft. Inspiration
-1 8
+3 DEX 17
Sleight of Hand
Outlaw’s Tools
+2 CON 14
+2 INT 14
History Religion
+1 WIS 13
Animals Sailing
Survival +1
Outcast Training: You are proficient in light armor, shields, simple weap-
ons and bows. You are also proficient in Dexterity and Intelligence saves.
-1 CHA 9
• Sneak Attack (3rd): Once per turn, you can deal an extra 2d6 damage
to one creature you hit with an attack if you have advantage on the attack
roll. The attack must use a Finesse or a ranged weapon. You don’t need
advantage on the attack roll if another enemy of the target is within 5 feet
of it, that enemy isn’t incapacitated, and you don’t have disadvantage on the
Passive Wisdom attack roll.
1011 (Perception)
• Quick Smart (2nd): You can take a bonus action on each of your turns in
combat. This action can be used only to Dash, Disengage, or Hide..
• Shadow-wise (2nd): Within 60 feet, you treat dim light as if it were bright
+3+1 Initiative • Dance of Blades (3rd): As a bonus action on your turn, when you are
engaged with an enemy, and there are no other foes adjacent to you, you
may make a DC 10 Investigation check. On a success, add your Intelligence
modifier to your AC against this foe until the start of your next turn. In addi-
tion, you can use your Sneak Attack with any melee attack made against a
target that doesn’t have your allies, or its own allies, adjacent
Armor Class
Armor: 12
15 Shield:
+3 Main Weapons
Other: -
Weapon To-Hit Damage Type Weight
Scramasax Sword +5 1d6+3 pier/slash 2 lbs.
Hit Points (3d8) finesse
Max: 24
Con: +2
HD Used:
28 Temp:
Item Weight Notes
Leather tunic (AC 12)
English wool and fur cloak
Languages Notes
XP Needed
Name: Svend Trygg
Player: Age: 26
Class: Kyrrgangr (Survivor) Background: Raider
Level: 3 Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Speed: 30 ft. Inspiration
+1 12
+3 DEX 17
Sleight of Hand
Outlaw’s Tools
+2 CON 14
-1 INT 9
History Religion
+2 WIS 14
Animals Sailing
Survival +2
Survivor Training: You are proficient in light and medium armor, shields,
simple and martial weapons. You are also proficient in Dex and Con saves.
-1 CHA 9
• Quarry (1st): As a bonus action, you can mark a creature you can see
within 90 feet of you as your quarry. For the next hour, all attacks you make
against this creature deal an additional 1d6 damage. You can only have one
such quarry active at a time.
• Stalker (1st): Add your Wis modifier to your initiative rolls, and have advan-
Passive Wisdom tage on attack rolls against creatures who have not yet acted in initiative.
1012 (Perception)
• Wanderer (1st): In Norway, difficult terrain does not slow you, you are alert
to danger, you easily forage, and you move stealthy at a normal place.
• Battle-Webbing (2nd): While wearing armor, you gain a +1 bonus to AC.
+2+2 Proficiency Bonus • Marksman’s Quarry (3rd): The first time you hit your quarry with a
ranged attack, its speed is reduced by 10 feet for 1 minute.
• Marksman (3rd): You have 3 trick points which reset on any rest. The DC
for these is 8 + your Proficiency bonus + your Dex modifier.
+5+1 Initiative • Trick - Pin (1 point): The target must succeed on a Str save or have
their speed drop to 0 until the start of your next turn.
• Trick - Opening (2 points): The next attack against a target by an
attacker other than you has advantage if the roll is made before the start of
your next turn.
Armor Class
Armor: 15
19 Shield:
+2 Main Weapons
Other: -
Weapon To-Hit Damage Type Weight
Scramasax Sword +5 1d6+3 pier/slash 2 lbs.
Hit Points (3d10) finesse
Max: 28
Con: +2 War Bow +2 1d8 piercing 4 lbs.
HD Used:
28 Temp:
Item Weight Notes
Ringed leather coat (AC 15+Dex - max 2)
Shield (AC+2)
Languages Notes
English (broken)
XP Needed
+1 12
+0 DEX 10
Sleight of Hand
+0 CON 11
+0 INT 10
+2 WIS 14
Animals Sailing
Survival +4
Seidr Training: You are proficient in light armor, simple weapons, spears,
and sickles. You are also proficient in Int and Cha saves.
+3 CHA 17
Deep Wisdom (2nd): When you spend 10 minutes tending to a character,
you can remove the poisoned, freezing, or snowblinded condition.
Rebuke (2nd): Sketch a rune to ward of a jotun, alfr, or undead. The
effect remains on the object for 1 hour. The rune must be presented boldly,
with an action, toward such creatures, each of which makes a Cha saving
Passive Wisdom throw. Creatures that fail must stay at least 5 feet away from the rune and
1012 (Perception) •
cannot touch or make melee attacks against the creature presenting it
Silver-Tongued (3rd): You know a little of all languages.
• Seithkona Vessel (3rd): You summon spirits with Cha.. Your spell save DC
+0+1 Initiative can improvise). 1+ beyond, roll on the minor table, but also create any effect
from a Thaumaturgy, Druidcraft, or Prestidigation cantrip); 5+ beyond (major,
but also you can use a reaction to reduce damage by your Possession level);
15+ beyond (roll twice on the major table, but all those that look upon you
must make a Wis save or become frightened!).. Reduce your Possession by 1
for each short rest, or sacrifice an animal for D4 reduction.
Armor Class
Armor: 12
12 Shield:
- Main Weapons
Other: -
Weapon To-Hit Damage Type Weight
Spear +3 1d8+1 pier/slash 2 lbs.
Hit Points (3d8)
Max: 18
Con: +0 Sling +2 1d6 bludgeoning 2 lbs.
HD Used:
18 Temp:
Item Weight Notes
Leather tunic (AC 12+Dex)
Bag of runes
Languages Magic
• Wrack (0 or 1): An enemy within 30’ must make a Wis save or take 1d8 force
damage. For 1 Possession, they become Punch-Drunk until the end of their next
A bit of everything else turn.
• Wyrd (1 or 2): One minute to cast. You can ask about a course of action that
you plan to take in the next day. The DM responds with an omen. For 2 Posses-
sion, you can ask about something in the next month.
• Grimganga (2 or 4): As a bonus action, teleport to an unoccupied space
Experience within 60 ft. For 4 Possession, bring a willing creature within 5 ft of you with you.
• Ritual - Hati’s Eye: Three hours to cast, requires a bowl of water, and cast-
301 able only once per month. . You spy upon a figure that is known to you. he target
must make a Charisma saving throw, modified by how well you know the person
and what object yo have belonging to them. On a successful save, the target
isn’t affected, and you see only blurry outlines. On a failed save, you submerge
your head in the water and can see and hear as if you were standing next to the
target for the duration. of the spell (concentration, or up to 1 hour)..
XP Needed
Note that this character uses magic rules from Iskloft 5E. See that supplement for more details!
Young Haldor
Son of the Jarl
Passive Perception 10
Shieldmaiden of Bjørgvin
Passive Perception 11
Fálki the Red
The Great Craftsman of Bjørgvin
Passive Perception 10
Outcast Mariner
Passive Perception 11
Enigmatic Mystic
Passive Perception 12
Svend Trygg
Surviving Raider
Passive Perception 12