A thorough medical history is the basis for diagnosis. At the beginning of your clerkship,
it is recommendable that you take a history according to a standardized scheme that
covers the key elements. The more experience you acquire in taking a patient's medical
history, the more you will be able to readily determine what areas to focus on.
It may be helpful to begin the interview with a few general questions about the patient's
life, e.g., profession and familial status, as they may serve as an icebreaker.
Chief concern
Description: the main reason for the patient's visit [1]
Goal: Record the chief concern clearly in the patient's own words, e.g.,“knee hurts,”
“upset stomach,” “runny nose.”
When taking the patient's medical history, the first question should be as open as
possible in order to enable the patient to freely describe their concerns. Examples
o ”How may I help you?”
o ”What brings you here today?”
History of present illness
Description: a detailed description of the chief concern and progression of the
o Provide comprehensive details of the patient's present illness from the initial
symptoms or from the previous encounter.
o Determine which systems should be assessed carefully in the review of
systems and physical examination.
Key elements
o Onset of symptoms (context and location)
o Quality and intensity of symptoms (scale from 1 to 10, with 1 indicating a low
amount and 10 the maximal intensity of symptoms)
o Course (sudden, gradual, constant, or on and off)
o Duration of symptoms
o Associated symptoms
o Factors that improve or exacerbate symptoms
o Triggers or the patient's own explanation of the cause of the symptoms
Types of HPI
o Brief HPI: includes 1–3 elements
Example: “Dull pain in left knee over the past 2 weeks.”
o Extended HPI: includes ≥ 4 elements
Example: “Dull pain in left knee over the past 2 weeks. Patient stated pain started
after his fall during the soccer game. The pain relieved by sitting, warm
compress, and ibuprofen and aggravated by walking or standing.”
To remember the key points for evaluating pain, the most common reason for patients
to see a physician, recall the mnemonic LIQOR AAA.
o Location
o Intensity (on a scale of 1 to 10)
o Quality (e.g., sharp, aching, burning, pressure-like pain)
o Onset
o Radiation
o Aggravating factors
o Alleviating factors
o Associated symptoms
Pain scales
Another useful mnemonic to help remember the key points of HPI is COLD REARS SIT.
o Character of chief complaint (severity, type)
o Onset
o Location
o Duration (+ progression)
o Radiation
o Exacerbating factors or triggers
o Alleviating factors
o Related symptoms
o Severity
o Sick contacts/Similar symptoms previously
o Insight into cause
o Treatments tried/Travel
Past medical history
Description: a patient's health status prior to the current visit
o Identifying important clues and contributing factors regarding the current concern.
o Developing a holistic approach to patient care
Key elements
o Childhood illnesses
o Major adult illnesses
o Past surgical history, including type, date, and location of past surgical
o Medications
Prescription drugs
Over-the-counter drugs
Herbal remedies
Doses and frequencies
o Allergies
Drugs or environmental factors
Reaction to each allergen
Food intolerance
o Prior injuries (e.g., motor vehicle accidents, falls)
o Prior hospitalizations and/or transfusions
o Immunizations
o Screening exams (e.g., Pap smear, mammogram, colonoscopy)
o Psychiatric illnesses, including any psychological intervention or hospitalization
To remember the key points of past medical history, recall the mnemonic PAM HITS
o Past medical history
o Allergies including drug names and associated adverse effects
o Medications, including over-the-counter as well as prescription medications, and
o Hospitalization in the past
o Ill contacts
o Trauma
o Surgery
o Family history
o OB/GYN procedures
o Sexual history
o Social history
Family history
Description: a history of disease in first- and second-degree blood-relatives that
reaches back at least two generations
o Detecting hereditary patterns of disease
o Identifying contagious diseases
o Analyzing risks and providing preventive measurements
Key elements [2]
o Age and health status of first-degree blood relatives
o List of major medical conditions of first-degree blood relatives
Age of onset
o Genetic defects (e.g., cystic fibrosis, beta thalassemia, hemophilia, Huntington
disease, glycogen storage diseases)
o Living status of first-degree blood relatives
If deceased, note age at death and cause of death
If alive but ill, mention their diseases and prognosis
If alive and in good health, note “alive and well (A&W)”
Social history
Description: a part of a medical history that addresses social aspects (e.g.,
occupation, socioeconomic status, drug use) of the patient's life that might be
pertinent to the current medical condition [2]
o Getting to know a new patient as a person
o Acquiring enough information to support accurate decision-making and choosing an
appropriate treatment option
o Promoting healthy behaviors and lifestyle
Key elements
o Personal data (e.g., place of birth, history of childhood and adolescence, level of
education, and marital status)
o Occupation and current job
o Socioeconomic status and living situation
o Safety and health counseling on lifestyle hazards
Social support
o Diet
o Exercise and sports
o Sleep
o Stressors
o Interests and hobbies including recent travel and recreational activities
o Performance of ADLs and IADLs
Sexual history
Current/past contraception methods (if any)
Current/past sexual partners: male, female, or both
History of postcoital vaginal bleeding
History of sexual dysfunction (e.g., dyspareunia)
History of sexually transmitted diseases
Safer sex practices
History of sexual abuse
o Nosebleeds?
o Nose obstruction or discharge?
o Nose itching?
o Change in sense of smell?
o Postnasal drainage?
o Sinus pain?
o Hay fever?
Cough (dry or wet, productive)?
Sputum color, amount, and occurrence (e.g., green/yellow, bloody, particularly after
waking up)?
Asthma or wheezing?
Painful breathing?
Nausea or vomiting?
Change in appetite?
Abdominal pain?
Abdominal distention/bloating?
Early satiety?
Rectal pain?
Dribbling of urine?
Female patients
o Last menstrual period?
o Irregular menses?
o Menopause?
o Vaginal dryness?
o Hot flashes?
o Vaginal discharge or bleeding?
o Genital lesions?
o Genital itching or rash?
o STDs?
o Dyspareunia (painful intercourse)?
o Pelvic pain?
o Contraceptive methods?
o Number of pregnancies?
o Last Pap smear and mammogram?
Male patients
o Dyspareunia (painful intercourse)?
o Penile discharge or bleeding?
o Genital lesions?
o Genital masses or pain?
o Genital itching or rash?
o STDs?
o Changes in libido and erectile dysfunction?
o Hernia?
Joint swelling?
Joint redness?
Joint stiffness?
Bony deformity?
Muscle weakness?
Muscle atrophy?
Back pain?
Integumentary system
Skin and hair
Pruritus (itching)?
Hair loss/gain?
Nipple discharge?
Dimpling or retraction?
Change in memory?
Change in speech?
Convulsions or seizures?
Mood swings?
Psychiatric disorder?
See mental status examination for more information.
Excessive sweating?
Change in appetite?
Menstrual irregularities?
Hormone therapy?
Hay fever?
Seasonal allergies?
Hives or eczema?
The physical examination is typically the first diagnostic measure performed after taking
the patient's history. It allows for an initial assessment of symptoms and is crucial for
determining the differential diagnoses and further steps. Ideally, a complete physical
examination should be performed for every patient. In practice, the physical examination
is usually tailored to specific patient concerns. Sensitivity and specificity of physical
examination findings vary widely. In some cases, a diagnosis is possible on the basis of
the physical examination alone. This article covers the basics of the physical
examination and links out to other articles for more specific examinations, including:
Pediatric history taking and physical examination
Gynecologic and obstetric history and physical examination
Mental status examination
Neurological examination
Head and neck examination
Lymph node examination
Pulmonary examination
Cardiovascular examination
Abdominal examination
Skin examination and nail examination
The following sections provide an overview of all the parts of a physical examination
that should be considered, including:
General appearance
Vital signs
Skin and nails
Head and neck
Psychiatric: See mental status examination for more information.
Obstetric: See prenatal care and childbirth articles for more information.
In some cases, more details can be found in the links provided.
General appearance
Assess physical, behavioral, and emotional state, including:
o Physical characteristics and appearance: body type, distinguishing characteristics
or abnormal formations/symmetry, development, race, personal hygiene
o Behavior: alert, active, lethargic, calm, agitated, combative, compliant
o Wellness: well, unwell
o Color: rosy, pale, flushed, jaundice
o Posture and gait
Vital signs and measurements
Vital signs
Heart rate
Respiratory rate
Blood pressure
Oxygen saturation and supplemental oxygen device (see arterial blood gas
analysis and pulse oximetry)
Maximize tableTable Quiz
the head and neck Palpable lymph nodes of the axillary region Superficial
inguinal lymph nodes
Auscultation of Aortic, Pulmonic, Tricuspid, Mitral (APTM), and carotids areas
o Auscultate on the skin rather than clothing!
Jugular venous pulse (see clinical assessment of central venous pressure)
Pulses (see pulse examination)
Edema (pitting vs. nonpitting)
In cardiovascular examination, percussion and palpation (e.g., point of maximal
impulse, heave, thrills) only play a minor role.
See cardiovascular examination for a thorough examination.
locations and auscultatory sites for heart valves Sites of palpation for pulse
o Skin changes such as erythema, dimpling, scaling
o Nipple discharge
o Breast masses
o Breast tenderness
o Performed while the patient is supine and with hands behind the head. Palpate in
a concentric circle, verticle strip method, or “spokes of a wheel” method
Axillary examination: see palpation of the axillary lymph nodes
For more details: See “Clinical features” in benign breast conditions and breast
cancer articles.