An Introduction To CSS: Cascading Style Sheets CSS
An Introduction To CSS: Cascading Style Sheets CSS
An Introduction To CSS: Cascading Style Sheets CSS
An Introduction to CSS
Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) is a style sheet language used for describing the presentation of
a document written in a markup language.
CSS has a simple syntax and uses a number of English keywords to specify the names of
various style properties.
A style sheet consists of a list of rules. Each rule or rule-set consists of one or more selectors
and a declaration block.
Using CSS, we can format the colour of text, the style of fonts, the spacing between paragraphs,
size and layout of columns, background images as well as other effects. CSS saves a lot of
work. It can control the layout of multiple web pages all
at once. External stylesheets are stored in CSS files.
CSS Terminology:
Property - It defines how different elements look on the webpage.
Value – The option chosen or assigned to the property.
Declaration- A property along with its value is known as declaration. A colon : is used
for declaration.
E.g. color:green
There are three ways of including style sheet rules with an HTML document:
• Inline or attribute style
• Internal or embedded style
• External style sheet
An inline style may be used to apply a unique style for a single element. Inline style is used
when different occurrences of the same element have different formatting. Inline style rules
are provided in the body section.
To use inline styles, add the style attribute to the relevant element. The style attribute can
contain any CSS property. We can use any number of declarations, each separated by a
semicolon ;
This is not an efficient method as style rules are to be repeated every time even if the same
effect is to be used for every occurrence of the element.
The example below shows how to change the color and the left margin of a <h1> element:
<h1 style="color:blue;margin-left:30px;"> This is a heading. </h1>
An internal style sheet may be used if all occurrences of the element have the same style.
Internal styles are defined within the <style> element, inside the <head> section of an HTML
The example provided sets the width of horizontal line drawn to 50% and color to green:
<title> …..</title>
<style type=”text/css”>
hr{width:50%; background-color:green}
Style rules are defined separately in one file saved with .css extension and this is then linked
with the HTML document. This method uses two files – one contains the style code and other
contains the HTML code. The style definitions are normally saved in external .css files.
With an external stylesheet file, you can change the look of an entire website by changing just one
Each HTML page must include a reference to the external style sheet file inside the <link> element,
inside the head section. The external .css file should not contain any HTML tags.
CSS Comments
Comments are used to explain the code, and may help when you edit the source code at a later date.
Comments are ignored by browsers. Comments can also span multiple lines. This allows you to
enter notes into CSS that will not be interpreted.
A CSS comment is placed inside the <style> element, and starts with /* and ends with */:
We can use a combination of both inline and internal style. When for a given element, style
rules are specified using both internal and inline method, the inline rule gets precedence and is
Background Color
This property is used to set the background color of the HTML element
Syntax: background-color:value
Where value=color/RGB value/Hex code
Background Image
This property is used to set an image as the background of the HTML document.
Syntax: background-image:value
Where value=url(
Background Position
This property helps in placing the image at a desired location in the document.
Syntax: background-position:xpos ypos/ [top/center/bottom]//[left/center/right]
Background Repeat
This property is used to set the repetition pattern for background image.
Syntax: background-repeat:no-repeat/repeat-x/repeat-y/repeat
Background Attachment
This property is used to set the image to either fixed or to make it scroll when the user scrolls
the rest of the page.
Syntax: background-attachment:fixed/scroll
Text Properties
Text Properties in CSS provide various formatting options to style the text in a webpage. CSS
text formatting properties is used to format text and style text. CSS text formatting include
following properties:
This property is used to set the color of the text. Text-color can be set by using the name, hex
value or by its RGB value.
color:color name
Text-align: Text alignment property is used to set the horizontal alignment of the text. The text
can be set to left, right, centered and justified alignment.
text-align: value
Text decoration is used to add or remove decorations from the text. Text decoration can be
underline, overline, line-through or none.
Text transform property is used to change the case of text, uppercase or lowercase.
Text transform can be uppercase, lowercase or captitalise. Capitalise is used to change the
first letter of each word to uppercase.
Text indentation property is used to indent the first line of the paragraph. The size can be in px,
cm, pt.
This property is used to specify the space between the characters of the text. The size can be
given in px.
This property is used to set the space between the lines.
Text shadow property is used to add shadow to the text. You can specify the horizontal size,
vertical size and shadow colour for the text.
text-shadow:h_shadow v_shadow color
Word spacing:
Word spacing is used to specify the space between the words of the line. The size can be
given in px.
Font properties
Font Properties facilitate the settings and appearances of individual characters in a line of
Some of the font properties are:
• Font family
• Font size
• Font style
• Font
This property is used to change the face of a font.
Generic families are group of families having uniform appearance. E.g. Cursive, Serif, Sans-
Serif, Monospace, Fantasy
Family name specifies the font design. E.g. Comic Sans, Monotype Corsiva, Times New
Roman, Arial, Verdana, Lucinda Console, Impact.
This property is used to set the size of text.
where value=xx-large/ x-large/ large/ larger/ medium/ small/ smaller/ x-
smaller/ xx- smaller/length/%
This property displays text in either normal, italic or oblique.
where value=normal/oblique/italic
This is a shorthand property which is used to set all above properties in one declaration.
where value=font-style font-size font-family
example p{font:italic 15px Arial}
Margin properties
Margin properties help us specify the free space surrounding the elements. In HTML, each
element has four margins – top, bottom, right, left where margin is the distance from each
side to the side of the neighbouring elements of the document.
This property is used to set individual margins.
where side=top/right/left/bottom
This shorthand property is used to set all four margins in one declaration.
margin:top right bottom left
where value can be length/%/auto
Border properties
Border properties help us define the border of a given element.
Some of the border properties are:
• Border width
• Border color
• Border style
• Border
• Border-image
Border width
This property is used to set width for all four borders of an element. Default value is
where value=thin/thick/medium/numeric value
Border style
This property is used to set the style of the borders of an element. Default value is ‘none’.
Border color
This property is used to set color for borders of an element.
where value=name/RGB value/Hex code
The CSS border property defines the width, line style, and color of the border of a box. It is
a shorthand property for setting the border-width, border-style, and border-color CSS
border:border-style border-width border-color
The border-image property allows you to specify an image to be used as the border around
an element.
border-image: url( width border-style;
An animation lets an element gradually change from one style to another .You can change as
many CSS properties you want, as many times as you want. To use CSS animation, you must
first specify some keyframes for the animation. Keyframes hold what styles the element will
have at certain times.
When you specify CSS styles inside the @keyframes rule, the animation will gradually
change from the current style to the new style at certain times.
The following example binds the "example" animation to the <div> element. The animation
will last for 4 seconds, and it will gradually change the background-color of the <div>
element from "red" to "yellow":
/* The animation code */
@keyframes example {
from {background-color: red;}
to {background-color: yellow;}
Note: The animation-duration property defines how long an animation should take to
complete. If the animation-duration property is not specified, no animation will
occur, because the default value is 0s (0 seconds).
In the example above we have specified when the style will change by using the keywords
"from" and "to" (which represents 0% (start) and 100% (complete)).
It is also possible to use percent. By using percent, you can add as many style changes as you
The following example will change the background-color of the <div> element when the
animation is 25% complete, 50% complete, and again when the animation is 100% complete: