Report-Women Create Sustainable Value
Report-Women Create Sustainable Value
Report-Women Create Sustainable Value
A Sustainable Future
are two sides of the same Specifically this paper identifies relationships be-
tween female corporate directors and corporate
coin. Corporations build sustainability, and highlights why changes are impor-
better societies if they have tant for the future of business in two main areas of
balanced boards.” focus:
Kellie McElhaney is the Whitehead Faculty Fellow in Corporate Sustainability and the Founder of the
Center for Responsible Business at the Haas School of Business at UC Berkeley. Her research is in the area
of corporate sustainability strategy, corporate sustainability and brand, and women, business leadership
in relation to sustainability. She is also the author of the book Just Good Business.
Sanaz is completing her PhD at UC Berkeley’s Haas School of Business. Her background is in corporate
finance, specifically mergers, acquisitions, and capital raising transactions across a variety of industries
including consumer goods and diversified industrials. She also consulted for technology start-ups before
getting her MPP at the Goldman School of Public Policy at UC Berkeley.
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