Tender No. 2024/IRCTC/Tourism/Services/LTT/BT/PART - II 2024/IRCTC/Tourism/Services/LTT/BT/PART - II
Tender No. 2024/IRCTC/Tourism/Services/LTT/BT/PART - II 2024/IRCTC/Tourism/Services/LTT/BT/PART - II
Tender No. 2024/IRCTC/Tourism/Services/LTT/BT/PART - II 2024/IRCTC/Tourism/Services/LTT/BT/PART - II
Group General Manager/Services
Indian Railway Catering & Tourism Corporation Ltd.
M-13, 2nd Floor, Punj House, Connaught Palace,
New Delhi – 110 001
Tender No. 2024/IRCTC/Tourism/Services/LTT/BT/PART.II
ANNEXURE-II– Bill of Quantity 22
09 24
10 25
Tender No. 2024/IRCTC/Tourism/Services/LTT/BT/PART.II
1.1 The information contained in this Tender is being provided by IRCTC for the limited purposes
of enabling the Bidders to participate and submit a Bid in response to this Tender for
undertaking thee Project for exterior vinyl wrapping of Tourist Train coaches after removing
existing Vinyl Film and surface preparation in such a way that area around windows will also
match with adjoining side wallwall.. In no circumstances shall IRCTC, or its respective advisors,
consultants, contractors, servants and/or agents incur any liability arising out of or in respect of
the issue of this Tender, or the Bidding Process.
1.2 The objective of the Bid document is to provide the prospective Bidder(s) with all relevant
rmation to assist the formulation of proposals or bids.
1.3 This Tender may not be appropriate for all persons, and it is not possible for the IRCTC, its
employees or advisors to consider the investment objectives, financial situation and particular
needs of each party who reads or uses this Tender. The assumptions, assessments, statements
and information contained in this Tender may not be complete, accurate, adequate or correct.
Each Bidder should therefore, conduct its own due
diligence, investigations and analysis and
should check the accuracy, adequacy, correctness, reliability and completeness of the
assumptions, assessments, statements and information contained in this Tender and obtain
independent advice from appropriate sources.
1.4 Nothing in this Tenderr shall be construed as legal, financial or tax advice. IRCTC will not be
liable for any costs, expenses, however so incurred by the Bidders in connection with the
preparation or submission of their Bid. IRCTC reserves the right to amend this Tender or its
terms and any information contained herein or to cancel the Bidding Process or altogether
abandon the Project at any time by notice, in writing, to the Bidders. Further, it may in no event
be assumed that there shall be no deviation or change in any of th thee herein-mentioned
1.5 IRCTC may, in its absolute discretion but without being under any obligation to do so, update,
amend or supplement the information, assessment or assumptions contained in this Tender.
1.7 Each Bidder’s acceptance of delivery of this Tender constitutes its agreement to, and acceptance
of the terms set forth in this Disclaimer. By acceptance of this Tender, the recipient agrees that
this Tender and any information here
with supersedes document(s) or earlier information, if any,
in relation tone subject matter hereof.
Tender No. 2024/IRCTC/Tourism/Services/LTT/BT/PART.II
3. Complete tender document (all pages), including all Annexures, with supporting documents
shall be uploaded along w
ith financial bid, duly signed/ digitally singed and stamped by
authorized signatory.
4. All documents enclosed, should be self-attested.. Failure to attach attested copies may lead to
disqualification of the bidder.
6. The E-tender
tender is not transferable.
8. Tenderers are also suggested that they should visit the proposed site(s) so as to see the actual
ground conditions, before submitting their bid(s).
10. At any time prior to the bid submission date, IRCTC may, for any reason, whether at its own
initiative or in response to clar
ifications requested by a bidder, modify the bid document
through the issuance of Addendum which will be given on IRCTC website
www.tenderwizard.com/IRCTC not later than 4 days in advance to the last
date of submission of tender. IRCTC may, at its discretion, extend the bid submission date.
11. Bidder may or may not be present physically at the place of tender opening as the whole
tendering process is online an
andd the tender status is available
at http://www.tenderwizard.com/IRCTC .
12. Any failure on the part of bidder to observe the prescribed procedure and any attempt to
Tender No. 2024/IRCTC/Tourism/Services/LTT/BT/PART.II
canvass for the work shall render the bidder's bids liable for rejection.
13. IRCTC reserves the right to award contract to any successful bidder at its discretion and this
will be binding on bidders.
14. IRCTC may terminate the Contract if it is found that the bidder is black listed by any of the
Government Departments / Institutions / Local Bodies / Municipalities / Public Sector
Undertaking etc.
15. IRCTC reserves the right to reject any /all bids including the lowest bid or withdraw the
tender at any stage without assigning any reasons. Nothing contained herein shall confer
right upon a bidder or any obligation upon IRCTC
16. It would be desirable that prior to the uploading of bid, the bidder has made a complete and
careful examination of the requirements and other information set forth in this bid
bi document.
17. IRCTC shall not be liable for any mistake or error or neglect by the bidder in respect of the
18. No bid shall be modified or withdrawn by the bidder after the bid submission date.
Withdrawal of a bid during the interval between bid submis
sion date and expiration of the
bid validity period would result in forfeiture of the EMD.
19. Tender Evaluation: The entire process of evaluation of the offers shall be in single stage.
GCC Works 2022 of Indian Railway is applicable in this tender. Bidders may download
GCC 2022 works Indian railways from the Indian Railway website available on internet.
Any issue/ambiguity during the work execution will be dealt as per GCC- GCC
2022 Works of Indian Railway/IRCTC SOP.
GCC Works 2022 of Indian Railway is applicabl applicablee in this tender. Bidders may
download GCC 2022 works Indian railways from the Indian Railway website
available on internet.
The Special Conditions of contract (SCC) should be read in conjunction with
the General Conditions of Contract (GCC). However, if tthere here is any provision
in the GCC, which is at variance with the provisions in SCC, the provisions in
the Special Conditions of Contract (SCC) shall take precedence.
20. During tender evaluation, IRCTC may, at its discretion, ask the Bidder for a clarification of
its tender. The request for clarification and response shall be in writing, and no change in the
price or substance of the tender shall be permitted in response.
21. The bids received will be evaluated by IRCTC. The company quoting the lowest over all
ract price which includes, material, labour, supervision cost, along with all taxes and
Tender No. 2024/IRCTC/Tourism/Services/LTT/BT/PART.II
duties (to be specified) etc. shall be considered for award of this work.
22. The bidder must upload complete set of all the required documents as mentioned in the
tender document. The tenderers shall submit a copy of certificate stating that all their
statements/documents submitted along with bid are true and factual. Standard format of
certificate to be submitted by the bidder is enclosed as Annexure- VI. It shall be mandatorily
incumbent upon the tenderer to identify, state and submit the supporting documents duly
attested/digitally signed by which they/he is qualifying the Qualifying Criteria
mentioned in the Tender Document.
27. IRCTC will treat all information submitted as part of all bids in confidence and will insist
that all who have access to such material treat it in confidence.
Tender No. 2024/IRCTC/Tourism/Services/LTT/BT/PART.II
3.1 The contractor will remove the complete exterior vinyl and patch part of interior vinyl and
will dispose the removed vinyl wrapping at a proper place outside the Railway area as per
applicable laws.
3.2 After removing the existing vinyl film, the contractor will prepare the surface by scraping,
rubbing and by providing light weight body filler as per MDTS 176 Rev 4 & Polyester Putty
as per RDSO Spec 100/2018 when
whenever required interior/exterior.
3.3 The contractor will make the proper surface level by filling of holes, joints uneven surfaces,
grinding & Rubbing the extra mater
ial wherever required in the exterior metal body and
a will
also eliminate waviness as per maximum level possibilities to IRCTC Satisfaction.
Application of PU Surfacer & one coat base col colour
ur Top Coat at complete both side wall as
per M&C/PCN/100/2018 of RDS RDSO O Approved Source PU Paint system which Complies to
EN45545 R1 ,R7 HL3. PU Paint system OEM must in house own Testing facilities along
with NABL Accredited Lab which is mandatory to PU Paint OEM for warranty & Quality
Incoming facilities. All outside & Ins
ide Required Lettering / Decal as drawing to be applied
& supplied as per RCF Specification MDTS 156 Rev 7. All compliances to be enclosed at
the time of BID only otherwise offers will summarily rejected.
(i) Base Film will be cast PVC film having thickness not more than 50 microns. Plasticizers
and other additives materials must not emerge or exude. The film shall not include any
materials having harmf
harmfulul effect on painted surfaces, human beings and environment. The
film should be of either M/s 3M or Avery Dennison make.
(ii) The base film shall be white in colour with whiteness index of 90 to 100 as per test
method ASTM E 313.
(iv) Film shall be printed with digital printing technology with eco-friendly
friendly low emission
Tender No. 2024/IRCTC/Tourism/Services/LTT/BT/PART.II
(v) The graphic has to be printed with printing resolution of the minimum of 720 dpi by
1440 dpi (Dots/inch).
(vi) Thickness: The film thickness shall be not more than 0.150mm +/ +/- 15%, with sealing
and print colour. The test procedure for measu
measuring thickness is ASTM D 36S2.
(vii) Gloss Value: The minimum gloss value shall be 70 achieved at 60 degree measured by
gloss meter as per ASTM D 523, Gloss value retention after two years should not be less
than 30 at 60 degree measured by gloss meter as per AS
ASTM D523.
(viii) Durability & Weathering Resistance: The Graphic Films shall be durable & resistant
to weathering for at least 78 months in permanent outdoor - exposure. No kind of
detachment, cracks, bubbles or similar effects shall occur during the applied state.
stat The
supplier shall submit proof of test from reputed independent laboratory (Govt.
Accredited of accelerated weathering, UV and environmental exposure as per ASTM
SAJ2527 using xenon arc/QUV panel machines at 0.63 nanometers UV A lamps with 4
hour condensation
nsation and 4 hour UV exposure for min of 1500 hrs.. Post cycle specular
glass value, delta E color change; visual discoloration has to be reported. The colour
change should not be more than delta E=3, measured by approved photo spectrodensito
meter (The instrument
strument measures colour value
(x) Dimensional Stability: The shrinkage of the graphic film after application shall not
exceed 0.2%. This is to be tested as per clause of RDSO specification.
(xi) Resistance to Detergents: The graphic films shaft should be resistant to detergents used
by the IR for exterior cleaning of the coaches. The surface of the sealed film shaft should
not soften and the colour and the adhesive power shaft should not change. The same
applies to surface softening and to all kind of detachments (waves, bubbles etc.) this
should be tested as per clause of RDSO specification.
(xii) Wash
ash and attrition Resistance: The graphic films shall not suffer any visible color and
gloss changes, detachments, cracks, bubbles etc. During external coach washing
was in
accordance with IR field practices. Furthermore the films shall not expand. The graphic
Tender No. 2024/IRCTC/Tourism/Services/LTT/BT/PART.II
films along with over laminate shaft not show any visible color and gloss changes when
tested as per ASTM D 1044 using cleaning solution as per clause of RDSO specification.
(xiii) The removal of the applied film should not be tedious. The removal should be done using
a hot air blower but the temperature should not exceed 70 degree C. In case any film or
adhesive residue is observed after removal the residue should be possible to remove by
use of ISO propyl alcohol and lint free cloth.
(xiv) Printing shall be same to existing style, design, pattern/theme & colors.
(xv) The contractor will have all the responsibility of their Iabour’s stay like shelter, food, etc.
(xvii) The contractor will carry out Vinyl pasting and wrapping work with complete edge
sealing, tamper proofing and with speed resistant coating.
(xviii) Material test certificate in compliance of all the above parameters have to be submitted
before commencement of application of vinyl.
(xix) In addition to vinyl wrapping on 12 Buddhist coaches,, the contractor will ensure
removal of existing vvision films from windows & supply and application of fresh
one way vision film 3MM wrapping on all windows of the all the coaches (14 coaches
of Buddhist including 02 3rd AC coaches). For reference, Size of windows of FAC –
1119mmX699mm, 2nd & 3rd AC – 819mmX699mm & Restaurant coach –
1419mmX819mm. No sep separate
arate payment for this work will be paid. The contractor
is hereby advised to quote rate in exterior rate schedule 1 including this work.
Part – 2 – Interior vinyl as per RCF specification i.e. MDTS 25305 Rev 1
(i) Base Film will be cast PVC film having thickness 190/200 microns as per specification.
Plasticizers and other additives materials must not emerge or exude. The film shall not
include any materials having harmful effect on painted surfaces, human beings and
environment. The film should be of either M/s 3M or Avery Dennison make.
(ii) The removal of the applied film should not be tedious. The removal should be done using
a hot air blower but the temperature should not exceed 70 degreeC. In case any film or
adhesive residue is observed after removal the residue should be possible to remove by
use of ISO propyl alcohol and lint free cloth.
(iv) The contractor will have aall the responsibility of their labour’s
abour’s stay like shelter, food, etc.
(v) The contractor will have to arrange ssufficient nos. of skilled labour to finish the work in
stipulated time period, no shortage of will be tolerated.
(vi) The contractor will carry out Vinyl pasting and wrapping work with complete edge
sealing, tamper proofing and with speed resistant coating.
(vii) Material
erial test certificate in compliance of all the above parameters have to be submitted
before commencement of application of vinyl.
b) IRCTC may at its discretion reduce/increase the quantities at the time of award of the work.
c) The Contractor will ensure that highest quality of work is carried out of all the coaches and
will also be responsible
sible that no substandard work is permitted. He will have to personally
inspect all the materials received from suppliers and also supervise the work on the said
d) To supervise the execution of the work done to ensure that executing the work is carry out
the same in a sound and satisfactory manner duly conforming to the designs, specifications,
Tender No. 2024/IRCTC/Tourism/Services/LTT/BT/PART.II
workmanship and according to the agreed time schedule, periodical visits to the site as per
requirements to monitor progress of work. Contractor shall ssend
end periodical reports about the
progress of work, quality and related matters.
e) To render such other professional services as are necessary and incidental to the satisfactory
completion of the work.
g) It shall be the responsibility of the Contractor to carry out the work in accordance with
approved design and specifications and ensure that the materials used and workmanship are
of top quality.
h) For constantt supervision of the work, the Contractor shall appoint experienced technical
supervisor and required supporting staff at site right at the start of the repair work. It is
however, made clear that all such officers and staff shall be employees of the Contractor
Contr and
he/she will agree to remove any staffs that is considered undesirable by IRCTC. The
Contractor, executives and staff shall always be subject to the same security regulations as
applicable to the corporation staff.
Tender No. 2024/IRCTC/Tourism/Services/LTT/BT/PART.II
Tenderer not meeting the he criteria as mentioned below as well in tender documents will be
summarily rejected:
1. Should be authorized either by M/s 3M India Ltd. or M/s Avery Dennison
For conformance of cast vinyl film to RDSO specifications No. RDSO/2010/CG-08.
(Tender Specific Authorization
uthorization letter from M/s 3M India ltd or M/S Avery Dennison
be enclosed.).. Relevant check list (Annexure VII) with compliance to be attached for
For or conformance of PVC film to RCF CF Specification MDTS 25305 Rev 1 (Tender(
Specific Authorization letter from M/s 3M India ltd or M/S Avery Dennison be
enclosed.).. Relevant check list (Annexure VII) with compliance to be attached for
2. Should comply RCF Addendum to RDSO /2010/CG 08 (Oct 2010 2010) & RCF Specification
MDTS 25305 Rev 1 at the time of BID only. In case of non-Compliances Compliances offer will be
rejected only.
3. The tenderer must have successfully completed or substantially completed any one of the
following categories of work(s) during last 07 (seven) years, ending last day of month
previous to thee one in which tender is invited: -
Three similar works each costing not less than the amount equal to 30% of advertised value of
the tender,
Two similar works each costing not less than the amount equal to 40% of advertised value of
the tender,
One similar work costing not less than the amount equal to 60% of advertised value of the
4. Financial Eligibility Criteria: The tenderer must have minimum average annual contractual
turnover of 1.5 V/N crores; where
V= Advertised value of the tender in ccrores of Rupees
N= Number of years prescribed for completion of work for which bids have been
invited which will be counted as 01 year in instant tender for calculation of Financial
Eligibility Criteria only.
The average annual contractual turnover shall bbee calculated as an average of “total contractual
payments” in the previous three financial years, as per the audited balance sheet. However, in
case balance sheet of the previous year is yet to be prepared/ audited, the audited balance sheet
of the fourth previous year shall be considered for calculating average annual contractual
turnover. The tenderers shall submit requisite information along with copies of Audited
Balance Sheets duly certified by the Chartered Accountant/ Certificate from Chartered
ntant duly supported by Audited Balance Sheet.
Tender No. 2024/IRCTC/Tourism/Services/LTT/BT/PART.II
5.1 The Bidders are required to submit the Bids completed in all respect in terms of the instructions
specified in the Tender Document along with all Annexure before tthe
he specified Bid Due date.
5.2 The Bidders should satisfy the eligibility criteria mentioned in the Tender Document and submit
all the supporting documents duly signed and stamped by the Authorized signatory on all pages
including the Tender Document.
Tender No. 2024/IRCTC/Tourism/Services/LTT/BT/PART.II
5.10 The total vinyl wrapped surface Area will be under 78 months’ warranty for fading,
discoloration, formation of bubbles,
bubbles, surface imperfection and peeling out, opening of joints,
opening of edges, after completion of work.
5.21 The tenderer should be ready with Minimum of 10% spare printed quantity of total vinyl
wrapped surface area and the same to be maintained for the period through out three years of
warranty period which may be used ffor
or replacement whenever required due to defects arising
during warranty.
5.22 The work should be completed with edge sealing, it should be tamper pr proof
oof and coating should
be speed resistant. The bordering area of windows should be matched with side wall surface
surfac by
application of light weight body fillers/ PU putty in such a way it does not look different from
remaining side walls.
5.23 The coaches may be given in lots if required and the work is to be completed within 13 stabling
days (excluding date of arrival and
an departure from New Delhi elhi area) up to 08.01.2025 after
Tender No. 2024/IRCTC/Tourism/Services/LTT/BT/PART.II
handing over of 1st coach to contractor. Strength of the team to be deployedd accordingly.
5.24 The printed vinyl should have individual IRCTC coach nos., requisite Logos,
Logo as existing colour
scheme print, design style and pattern of Buddhist express.
5.19.2 All such clarifications to be sought by the IRCTC from the bidder(s) would be in written form or
by facsimile.
5.19.3 No change in the contents of the proposal would be permitted by way of such clarification
sought from the bidder(s) by the IRCTC.
5.20.2 IRCTC reserves the right to reject any Proposal, at any stage, in case of wrong
disclosure/misrepresentation/lack of response from the bidder, with forfeiture of security
5.21.2 All the terms and conditions as stated in the Tender documents, Appendices and Acceptance
conveyed by IRCTC will constitute the contract between the
the Bidder and IRCTC.
5.21.3 The selected company is expected to commence the Assignment on the date and at the location
to be specified in the work order to be issued by IRCTC as per its requirement & on the terms &
conditions specified.
Tender No. 2024/IRCTC/Tourism/Services/LTT/BT/PART.II
days from the date of issue of Letter of Acceptance (LOA). Extension of time for submission of
PG beyond 21 (Twenty-one) one) days and up to 60 days from the date of issue of LOA may be given
by the Authority who is competent to sign the contract agreement. However, a penal interest of
12% per annum shall be charged for the delay beyondbeyon 21(Twenty-one) one) days, i.e., from 22ndday
after the date of issue of LOA. Further, if the 60thday happens to be a declared holiday in the
concerned office of the Railway, submission of PG can be accepted on the next working day. In
all other cases, if the Contractor fails to submit the requisite PG even after 60 days from the date
of issue of LOA, the contract is liable to be terminated. In case contract is terminated railway
shall be entitled to forfeit Bid Security and other dues payable to the contractor against that
particular contract, subject to maximum of PG amount. In case a tenderer has not submitted Bid
Security on the strength of their registration as a Startup recognized by Department of Industrial
Policy and Promotion (DIPP) under Ministry of Co Commerce
mmerce and Industry, DIPP shall be informed
to this effect.
The failed Contractor shall be debarred from participating in re re-tender
tender for that work.
(b) The successful bidder shall submit the Performance Guarantee (PG)/ Performance security deposit in
form off DD/NEFT/RTGS in favour of IRCTC amounting to 5% of the original contract value.
(c) PG shall be released after satisfactory performance of the work done & after the end of warranty
period, provided the contractor has satisfactorily provided all services in accordance with the
conditions of contract and after deducting the service level penalties by IRCTC, if any.
5.22.2 The PG/ Security Deposit of 5% of the Contract value is to cover the warranty period of 78
months and will be valid for 78 months from date te of handover of the train after Exterior Vinyl
5.24.3 Contractor will not generate any financial liabilities or encumbrance on IRCTC/IR from its
subcontractors, banks or other financial agencies and material suppliers.
5.24.4 Payment to contractor will be after tax deduction at source as per the provision of Income Tax
Act 1961 and any other taxation laws as may be applicable
applicable.. The Contractor must provide its
PAN No., TAN No. & GST Registration Number. IRCTC willl issue TDS certificate to the
Tender No. 2024/IRCTC/Tourism/Services/LTT/BT/PART.II
5.24.5 The Contractor must comply with all the safety parameters at work. For any mishap or injury to
his or railway staff or damage to railway property, the contractor will be responsible for all the
consequences,s, losses, costs and penalties, including cost litigation, if any.
5.24.6 The Contactor, during the period of contract, will observe all the statutory laws as laid down
from time to time.
5.27.7 The staff of the contractor should be medically fit and be present for work in time with badges
and identity cards.
6.3 Termination of Contract:: The contractor/Successful Bidder shall ensure completion of contract
work: for the removal and proper disposal of existing vinyl film for the the exterior vinyl wrapping
of tourist train, vinyl printing to existing style, design, colour and pattern, surface preparation
including leveling of coach exterior
e surface with primer & PU putty where ever required, surface
application, pasting & wrapping w work,
ork, complete with edge sealing and tamper proofing, with
speed resistant coating on 12 coaches withinithin the stipulated period. In the event of a breach of
contract, IRCTC shall take appropriate action, including ter termination
mination of the agreement with the
contractor/successful Bidder and forfeiture of security deposit and debarment from participation
in future projects of IRCTC.
Tender No. 2024/IRCTC/Tourism/Services/LTT/BT/PART.II
6.4 Performance
formance of assignment:
The Successful Bidder is expected to complete the contract work awarded within 13 stabling
days (excluding date of arrival and departure from New delhi area) up to 08.01.2025 after
receiving of 1st coach. Any delays in execution and progress of the project will be dealt as per
para 17B of GCC works 2022
6.5 Subletting:
The Bidder shall not sublet, transfer or assign the contract or any part thereof to other party. In
the event of the Company contravening this condition, IRCTC shall be entitled to terminate the
contract and get the work done through other party at the risk & cost of the Company. In such
case the EMD/security deposit of the selected Company, will be forfeited.
6.7.2 IRCTCC will treat all information submitted as part of all bids in confidence and will insist that all
who have access to such material treat it in confidence.
6.7.3 IRCTC will not divulge any such information unless it is ordered to do so by any Government
thority that has the power under law to require its disclosure or due to statutory compliances.
(i) "Corrupt practice" means the offering, giving, receiving or soliciting of anything of value
to influence the action of a public official in the selection process or in contract
(ii) "Fraudulent practice" means misrepresentation or omission of facts in order to influence
a selection process or the execution of a contract to the detriment of IRCTC. Submission
of forged documents in connection
conn with this tender.
(iii) “Collusive practice” means a scheme or arrangement between two or more Company,
Tender No. 2024/IRCTC/Tourism/Services/LTT/BT/PART.II
with or without the knowledge of IRCTC (prior to or after proposal submission) designed
to establish bid prices at artificial non-
non competitive levels and
(iv) “Coercive practice” means harming or threatening to harm, directly or indirectly, persons
or their property to influence their participation in a procurement process, or affect the
execution of contract.
a. In the event of any dispute or difference between the parties hereto as to the construction or
operation of this contract or the respective rright
ight and liability of the parties on any matter in
question, with reference to the contract, the Parties agree to use their best efforts to attempt to
resolve all disputes in prompt, equitable and good faith. In the event the Parties are unable to do
so, such party may submit demand in writing for reference of dispute to arbitration as prescribed
b. The parties hereto further agree to waive off the applicability of sub sub-section 12 (5) of
Arbitration and Conciliation (Amendment) Act 2015 and will submit
submit demand in writing that the
dispute/differences be referred to arbitration along with format annexed hereto as Annexure
Annexure-1 as
given below. The demand for arbitration shall specified the matters which are in question, or
subject of dispute or differences as also the amount of claim item wise.
c. Only such dispute or differences, in respect of which the demand has been made, together with
counter claims of setoff given by IRCTC shall be referred to arbitration and other matters shall
not included in the reference.
d. In the event of demand made as mention herein above, such dispute or difference arising under
any of these conditions or in connection with this contract (except as to any matters the decision
of which is specially provided by these or the special conditions)
conditions) shall be referred to Sole
Arbitrator from the panel of Arbitrators appointed by Chairman and Managing Director of
IRCTC. The award of arbitrator shall be final and binding on the parties to this contract. The
venue of the Arbitration shall be at New Delhi. The fees and expenses of the Arbitration
Tender No. 2024/IRCTC/Tourism/Services/LTT/BT/PART.II
tribunal and all other expenses of the Arbitration shall be borne jointly by the Parties in equal
proportion subject to determination by the Arbitration tribunal.
The failure of a Party to fulfill any ooff its obligations under the contract shall not be considered to
be a breach of, or default under, this Contract insofar as such inability arises from an event of
Force Majeure, provided that the Party affected by such an event.
Has taken all reasonable precautions,
precautions, due care and reasonable alternative measures in order to
carry out the terms and conditions of this Contract, and (b) has informed the other Party as soon
as possible about the occurrence of such an event and such impossibility subsists for not less
than 60 days.
Any period within which a Party shall, pursuant to this Contract, complete any action or task,
shall be extended for a period equal to the time during which such Party was unable to perform
such action as a result of Force Majeure.
Thee Company is entitled to the payments for the portion of the work already completed before
the happening of any event constituting force Majeure culminating in termination of contract.
Decision of IRCTC in this regard will be final.
The parties hereby irrevocably consent to the sole jurisdiction of the Courts of Delhi only in
connection with any actions or proceedings arising out or in relation to this Tender.
Tender No. 2024/IRCTC/Tourism/Services/LTT/BT/PART.II
ARTICLES OF AGREEMENT made this ………………… 2024 between the President of India
acting through the Railway hereinafter called the "Indian Railway Catering and Tourism Corporation
Limited (referred as ‘IRCTC’) " of the one part and M/s ……………………………….. hereinafter
called the "Contractor" of the otherpart.
WHEREAS the Contractor has agreed with the IRCTC during the period of ……. days from
…………… to ……………….. for the performance of works “COMPLETE NEW VINYL WRAPPING
BUDDHIST EXPRESS.”” with accepted cost of Rs. ……………/- set forth in the schedule hereto
annexed upon the standard general condition corrected up to the latest correction slips and Standard
Specifications of the IRCTC/Indian Railway co corrected up-to latest correction slips and the Special
Conditions and Special Specifications, if any in conformity with the drawings (if any) that will be
issued with the work order, aforesaid AND WHEREAS the performance of the said work is an act in
which the public are interested.
NOW THIS INDENTURE PRESENTS WITNESSETH That in consideration of the payment to be
made by the IRCTC, the Contractor will duly perform the works set forth in the said Work Order and
shall execute the same with great promptness, ccare and accuracy, in a workman like manner to the
satisfaction of the IRCTC and will complete the same on or before ………………………….. 2024
specified therein in accordance with the said specifications and said drawings (if any) and said
conditions of contract and d will observe, fulfill and keep all the conditions therein mentioned, (which
shall be deemed and taken to be part of this contract as if the same had been duly set forth herein),
AND the IRCTC both here-by by agree that if the Contractor shall duly perform tthe said work in the
manner aforesaid and observe and keep the said terms and conditions, the IRCTC will pay or cause to
be paid to the Contractor for the said works on the completion thereof the amount due in respect thereof
at the rates specified in the schedule
chedule hereto annexed.
Tender No. 2024/IRCTC/Tourism/Services/LTT/BT/PART.II
Bill Of Quantity
E-TenderNo. 2024/IRCTC/Tourism/Ser
Name of work Complete new vinyl wrapping in exterior and patch repair work in interior of coaches running in
Buddhist express
Tender Value of the work 51,32,070/- (With GST).
Rs. 51,32,070
Period of work 13 stabling days
days(excluding date of arrival
ival and departure from New delhi area) up to 08.01.2025 for
completion of work and 78 months warranty from the date of completion of work
Bid Security Rs. 102700/-only
Date of tender closing 09/12/2024 up to 15:00 Hrs
Complete new vinyl wrapping in exterior and patch repair work in interior of coaches running in Buddhist express
Total Cost with
SN Description of work Unit Total quantity Unit rate
1 Removal and proper disposal of existing vinyl film, exterior Coach 12
vinyl wrapping, vinyl printing to existing style, design,
colour and pattern, surface preparation, pasting and
wrapping complete with edge sealing, & tamper proofing Rates are to be
with speed resistance on 12 Buddhist coaches, as per quoted
RDSO specs no. RDSO/2010/CG-08 08 along with additional inhttps://www.ten
requirements as perer RCF designs letters MD22151 dated
10/05/2017 and 30/04/2018, anti graffiti application as per
ASTM D-6578-00 00 & fire retardant compliance as per EN CTC rate schedule
45545. page only
2 Vinyl wrapping (Patch repair) inclusive of preparation of Per Sqft 4500
surface and pasting of newew vinyl graphics at exact patch
location matching INTERIOR theme color of
Buddhist/BGT Special Train coaches as per MD 46271 &
MD 25305
Total Approximate amount in Rs.
GST@18% in Rs.
Total Approximate amount with GST@18% in Rs.
Note - In addition to vinyl wrapping on 12 Bud ddhist coaches in schedule 1,, the contractor will ensure removal of existing vision films from
windows & supply and application of fresh one way vision film 3M wrapping on all windows of the all the coaches (14 coaches of Buddhist
including 02 3rd AC coaches). For reference, Size of windows of FAC – 1119mmX699mm, 2nd & 3rd AC – 819mmX699mm & Restaurant coach –
1419mmX819mm. No separatearate payment for this work will be paid. The contractor is hereby advised to quote rate including this work.
Note: 1. This Sample Schedule of Quantity and Rates is for reference purpose only. Rates are to be quoted
inhttps://www.tenderwizard.com/IRCTC rate schedule page only. The quantities shown in above Bill of
Quantities are approximate and are as a guide to give the tenderer(s) an idea of quantum of work involved.
The IRCTC reserves the right to increase/ decrease and/or delete or include any of the quantities given above
and no extra rate willl be allowed on this account.
Tender No. 2024/IRCTC/Tourism/Services/LTT/BT/PART.II
GGM (Services)
Dear Sir,
We are enclosing our proposal, with the details as per requirements of this bid documents.
We confirm that our proposal is valid for a period of 90 days from__________________
Due Date).
The undersigned hereby also so declares that the statements made and the information provided in the
proposal is complete, true and correct in every detail.
Dated this_________________day
day of
Tender No. 2024/IRCTC/Tourism/Services/LTT/BT/PART.II
(Name, Title and Address) of the Attorney
(*To be signed in token of acceptance by the Attorney Holder)
The mode of execution of the Power of Attorney should be in accorda
nce with the procedure, if any,
lay down by the applicable law and the charter documents of the executants(s) and when it is so
required the same should be under common seal affixed in accordance with the required procedure.
Tender No. 2024/IRCTC/Tourism/Services/LTT/BT/PART.II
Anti-Collusion Certificate
We hereby certify and confirm that in the preparation and submission of this proposal, we have not
acted in concert or in collusion with any other Bidder or other persons(s) and als
o not done any act,
deed or thing which is or could be regarded as anticompetitive.
We further confirm that we have not offered nor will offer any illegal gratification in cash or kind to
any person or agency in connection with the instant proposal.
Dated this ............................. Day of 2024.
Tender No. 2024/IRCTC/Tourism/Services/LTT/BT/PART.II
………………(Name and designation)**appointed as the attorney/authorized
ttorney/authorized signatory of
the tenderer (including its constituents), M/s_____________________________ (hereinafter called the
tenderer) for the purpose of the
Tender documents for the work of____________________________________________
of____________________________________________ as per the tender
No.____________ of ________(IRCTC)**, do hereby solemnly affirm and state on the behalf of the
tenderer including its constituents as under:
1. I/we the tenderer (s) am/are signing this document after ca carefully reading the contents.
2. I/We the tenderer(s) also accept all the conditions of the tender and have signed all the pages in
confirmation thereof.
3. I/we hereby declare that I/we have downloaded the tender documents from ee-tender
.tenderwizard.com/IRCTC. I/we have verified the content of the document from the
website and there is no addition, no deletion or no alteration to the content of the tender document. In case
of any discrepancy noticed at any stage i.e. evaluation of tender
tenders, execution of work or final payment of the
contract, the master copy available with the railway Administration shall be final and binding upon me/us.
4. I/we declare and certify that I/we have not made any misleading or false representation inthe forms,
statements and attachments in proof of the qualification requirements.
5. I/We also understand that my/our offer will be evaluated based on the documents/credentials submitted
along with the offer and same shall be binding upon me/us.
6. I/We declare that the information and documents submitted along with the tender byme/us are correct
and I/we are fully responsible for the correctness of the information and documents, submitted by us.
7. I/we certify that I/we the tenderer(s) is/are not blacklisted or debarred
deba by Railways or any other Ministry
/ Department of Govt. of India from participation in tender on the date of submission of bids, either in
individual capacity or as a HUF/ member of the partnership firm/LLP/JV/Society/Trust.
8. I/we understand that if the contents of the affidavit submitted by us are found to beforged/false or
incorrect at any time during process for evaluation of tenders, it shall lead to forfeiture of the Bid Security
besides banning of business for a period of upto five year.
r, I/we (insert name of the tenderer) **_____________and all my/our constituents understand that
my/our offer shall be summarily rejected.
9. I/we also understand that if the contents of the affidavit submitted by us are found to befalse/forged or
incorrectt at any time after the award of the contract, it will lead to termination of the contract, along with
forfeiture of Bid Security/Security Deposit and Performance guarantee besides any other action provided in
the contract including banning of business for a period of upto five year.
10. I/We have read the clause regarding restriction on procurement from a bidder of a country which shares
a land border with India and certify that I am/We are not from such a country or,
11. if from such a country, have been registered with the competent Authority. I/We hereby certify that
I/we fulfil all the requirements in this regard and am/are eligible to be considered (evidence of valid
registration by the competent authority is enclosed)
Tender No. 2024/IRCTC/Tourism/Services/LTT/BT/PART.II
Annexure – VII