STD - 8 Chap 2
STD - 8 Chap 2
STD - 8 Chap 2
QD Short Answers
The file extension for Microsoft Access files depends on the type of file:
• .accdb :The default file extension for Microsoft Access 2010 and later versions. This file format
supports new features like multivalued fields and attachments.
• .accde : The file extension for Microsoft Access files in "execute only" mode. This file format
hides all Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) source code.
• .accdr : The file extension for Microsoft Access runtime databases. You can change a
database's file extension from .accdb to .accdr to create a "locked-down" version of your
Records : In Access, a record is a row in a table that contains all the information about a particular
entity, such as a customer or order.
Tables : In Access, tables are made up of rows and columns, similar to a spreadsheet or accountant's
pad. Each table stores information about a specific subject, like products or employees.
Foreign Key :In Access, a foreign key is a field or fields in a table that references the primary key in
another table. Foreign keys are used to establish and enforce a link between the data in two tables.
A database management system (DBMS) is a software program that allows users to create, manage,
and access data in a database. It acts as an interface between the database and the end user, allowing
users to perform a variety of operations on the database, such as:
• Monitoring performance
• Tuning
• MySQL: A popular, open-source RDBMS that is known for its speed, reliability, and usability
• Oracle Database: A scalable and secure RDBMS with a varied feature set
• Azure SQL: A cloud-based RDBMS from Microsoft that is used for small database applications
5. To move to the next field, press Tab, use the arrow keys, or click the cell
6. Access saves the record when you view another record, close the table, or form
• Clicking the New record button on the Record Navigation bar at the bottom of the window
In Microsoft Access, the main difference between Datasheet View and Design View is that Datasheet
View is for viewing and editing data, while Design View is for working with the structure of tables,
forms, and queries:
• Datasheet View : A simple view that displays data in rows and columns, similar to a
spreadsheet. It's useful for quickly viewing and editing data, adding new records, and deleting
records. You can also use built-in filtering and sorting options to search for specific
data. However, you can only make minor changes to the database format, such as inserting or
deleting columns.
• Design View : A more detailed view that allows you to work with the underlying structure of
your database objects. You can use Design View to create or change tables, forms, and other
database objects, and configure the fields. You can also define specific data types, validation
rules, and relationships between tables. However, you can't see the underlying data while
you're making design changes.
In Microsoft Access, an input mask is a set of characters that controls the format of data that can be
entered into a field. Input masks are used to ensure that data is entered consistently and in the correct
• Phone numbers: An input mask can be used to require that a phone number entered into a
field is exactly ten digits long, including the area code.
• ID numbers: An input mask can be used to guide users on how to enter their Social Security
• ZIP codes: An input mask can be used to guide users on how to enter their ZIP code.
Input masks can be created using the Input Mask Wizard, which is a quick and easy way to create input
masks for phone numbers, ID numbers, ZIP codes, and date and time fields. Another way to create an
input mask is to type a series of characters directly into the Input Mask box.
• Improve data accuracy : Relationships help ensure that data is consistent and accurate by
preventing duplicates and keeping deleted data from getting out of sync.
• Improve query design : Relationships help you work with records from multiple tables by
joining them in queries. For example, you can join the Customers and Orders tables to return
rows that list all orders for each customer.
• Improve form and report design : Relationships help Access provide informed choices and
default values when you design forms and reports.
• Improve table structure : Relationships help reduce redundant data and improve table
• Make data more useful : Relationships allow you to pull data together in meaningful ways. For
example, order information is more useful when you know which customer placed each order.
QE Long Answers
• Tables and relationships : To store your data, you create one table for each type of information
that you track. Types of information might include customer information, products, and order
details. To bring the data from multiple tables together in a query, form, or report, you define
relationships between the tables.
• Queries : A query can help you find and retrieve the data that meets conditions that you
specify — including data from multiple tables. You can also use a query to update or delete
multiple records at the same time and to perform predefined or custom calculations on your
• Forms : You can use a form to easily view, enter, and change data one row at a time. You can
also use a form to perform other actions, such as sending data to another application. Forms
typically contain controls that are linked to underlying fields in tables. When you open a form,
Access retrieves the data from one or more of those tables, and then displays the data in the
layout that you chose when you created the form. You can create a form by using one of
the Form commands on the Ribbon, the Form Wizard, or create a form yourself in Design view.
• Reports : You can use a report to quickly analyse your data or to present it a certain way in
print or in other formats. For example, you may send a colleague a report that groups data
and calculates totals. Or, you may create a report with address data formatted for printing
mailing labels.
• Data Security: The more accessible and usable the database, the more it is prone to security
issues. As the number of users increases, the data transferring or data sharing rate also
increases thus increasing the risk of data security.
• Data integration: Due to the Database Management System we have access to well-managed
and synchronized forms of data thus it makes data handling very easy and gives an integrated
view of how a particular organization is working and also helps to keep track of how one
segment of the company affects another segment.
• Data abstraction: The major purpose of a database system is to provide users with an abstract
view of the data. Since many complex algorithms are used by the developers to increase the
efficiency of databases that are being hidden by the users through various data abstraction
levels to allow users to easily interact with the system.
• Reduction in data Redundancy: When working with a structured database, DBMS provides
the feature to prevent the input of duplicate items in the database. for e.g. – If there are two
same students in different rows, then one of the duplicate data will be deleted.
• Data sharing: A DBMS provides a platform for sharing data across multiple applications and
users, which can increase productivity and collaboration.
• Data consistency and accuracy: DBMS ensures that data is consistent and accurate by
enforcing data integrity constraints and preventing data duplication. This helps to eliminate
data discrepancies and errors that can occur when data is stored and managed manually.
• Design view: Used to create and design tables and organize data in a database.
• Datasheet view: Displays the database in a table format similar to Excel, and allows users to
edit the content and tables.
• Layout view: Used to modify forms, and shows how the form will look in Form view.
▪ Can include any combination of letters, numbers, spaces, and special characters except a
period (.), an exclamation point (!), an accent grave (`), and brackets ([ ]).
▪ Can't include a double quotation mark (") in table, view, or stored procedure names in a
Microsoft Access project.
A primary key in Microsoft Access is a field or set of fields that uniquely identify each record in a
table. It has several uses, including:
• Ensuring data integrity: A primary key helps maintain the accuracy and reliability of data
stored in a database. It prevents duplicate entries, which helps eliminate data redundancy and
• Improving database performance: Access automatically creates an index for the primary key,
which can help improve database performance.
• Identifying unique data: A primary key can help identify unique data, such as a customer ID.
• Updating and deleting records: A primary key helps ensure that only specific records are
updated or deleted.
• Setting up relationships between tables: A primary key can help set up relationships between
In Access, you can automatically create a primary key field when you create a table, or you can specify
the fields that you want to use. You can change or remove the primary key in Design view.
In Microsoft Access, field properties define the characteristics and behaviour of data in a field. Some
examples of field properties include:
• Data type: The most important field property, as it determines what type of data the field can
• Validation rule: A property that can be used to specify an error message that appears when
an incorrect value is entered into a field
• Default value: A property that can be used to specify a default value for a field
• Field size
• Input mask
• Caption
• Required
• Indexed
• New values
Field properties can be set in Design view using the Field Properties pane, or in Datasheet view for
some properties. Setting field properties can help control the appearance of data, prevent incorrect
data entry, and speed up searching and sorting.
• Short Text : A simple data type that allows any characters in a row of a table, but is limited to
255 characters. It's a common choice when the data won't be used in calculations.
• Number : A data type for values that are used in numerical calculations, such as integers,
decimals, and currency values.
• Long Text : A data type that allows for up to 63,999 characters. It's often used for detailed
product descriptions.
• AutoNumber : A special type of Long Integer that automatically generates unique values for
each new record. It's commonly used as a primary key or for record identification.
• Yes/No : A data type that can only contain one of two values, such as Yes or No, True or False,
or On or Off.
• OLE Object : A data type that allows you to embed files created by other applications, such as
Word or Excel.
• Hyperlink : A special type of text that acts as a link to open a file when clicked.
• Attachment : A data type that allows you to attach images and other files to records in your
In Microsoft Access, a relationship is a way to connect data from different tables by cross-referencing
information between them. There are three types of relationships:
• One-to-one : A record in one table is related to a single record in another table. For example,
an employee can only have one company car.
• One-to-many : A record in one table is related to multiple records in another table. For
example, a purchase order can include multiple products.
• Many-to-many : One or more items in one table can be related to one or more items in
another table. For example, an order can have multiple products, and each product can appear
on multiple orders.
Relationships can help prevent missing data by keeping deleted data from becoming out of sync, which
is known as referential integrity. They can also be used to create lookup lists for tables that have
repeated values.