Brochure Blockchain (Internship)
Brochure Blockchain (Internship)
Brochure Blockchain (Internship)
Kashmere Gate, Delhi-110006
IGDTUW Anveshan Foundation is incorporated as a Section 8 company under the Company’s Act 2013,
MCA, GoI. It is promoted by ‘Indira Gandhi Delhi Technical University for Women (IGDTUW)’ and funded
by the Government of NCT of Delhi and Department of Science & Technology, GoI.
Prime objective of IGDTUW Anveshan Foundation is to motivate and facilitate budding entrepreneurs
towards their successful entrepreneurial journey, proving their success story, contributing
entrepreneurial spawning and ultimately converging benefits to the society.
2. Objectives of Internship:
3. Eligibility:
• Students perusing any UG/ PG/ PhD course from a recognized Indian University/ College
• Anyone active in the entrepreneurial ecosystem, aspiring entrepreneurs, founder & promoters, Brand
& Communication Managers, etc.
4. Course Fee:
5. Internship Scheme
Internship has two components as mentioned below:-
7. Detailed Contents
Session No Contents
Session 1 Introduction to Blockchain Technology I
Session 2 Introduction to Blockchain Technology II
Session 3 Introduction to Algorand Blockchain I
Session 4 Introduction to Algorand Blockchain II
Session 5 Basics of Blockchain Development I
Session 6 Basics of Blockchain Development II
Session 7 What is AlgoKit I
Session 8 What is AlgoKit II
Session 9 Setting Up the environment for Algokit I
Session 10 Setting Up the environment for Algokit II
Session 11 Algorand Python SDK I
Session 12 Algorand Python SDK II
Session 13 Algorand Python SDK III
Session 14 Algorand Python SDK IV
Session 15 Algorand Standard Assets I
Session 16 Algorand Standard Assets II
Session 17 Algorand Standard Assets III
Session 18 Algorand Standard Assets IV
Session 19 How to Mint NFT on Algorand I
Session 20 How to Mint NFT on Algorand II
Session 21 Algorand Smart Contracts I
Session 22 Algorand Smart Contracts II
Session 23 Algorand Smart Contracts III
Session 24 Algorand Smart Contracts IV
8. Important Dates
Registration Link: