Number 4
Number 4
Number 4
Data Management
In a monolithic system, all components typically share the same database. However,
in a microservices architecture, each service ideally has its own database to
ensure decoupling. This makes it necessary to overhaul the data architecture of an
Solution: Implement a carefully planned data migration strategy that may involve
breaking down the monolithic database into smaller, service-specific databases.
Make use of database refactoring techniques and adopt data synchronization methods
where necessary. Consider implementing API endpoints to handle cross-service data
interactions, and look into techniques such as eventual consistency to manage data
across services.
Service Communication
In a monolithic system, components usually communicate through method calls within
the same codebase. When moving to a microservices architecture, you must determine
how services will interact with each other, as they are now separate entities
running in different environments.
1. Incremental Refactoring
Incremental refactoring involves gradually transforming a monolithic system into a
microservices architecture. This strategy allows you to progressively decompose a
monolith into microservices, reducing the risk of business disruption.
With incremental refactoring, you can start by identifying the parts of the
monolith that are most suitable for becoming independent microservices. These could
be functionalities that are relatively isolated from the rest of the system or
those that would benefit most from the advantages offered by microservices, such as
scalability and speed of deployment.
2. Strangler Pattern
The strangler pattern is a strategy that involves gradually replacing parts of a
monolithic application with microservices while the monolith is still running. This
pattern is inspired by the strangler fig tree, which grows around other trees and
gradually replaces them.
The strangler pattern allows you to gradually introduce microservices into your
system without disrupting the functioning of the monolith. This approach helps
reduce risk and allows for a smoother transition process.