Unit2 Current Dist. Dipole Array 2024 ICT
Unit2 Current Dist. Dipole Array 2024 ICT
Unit2 Current Dist. Dipole Array 2024 ICT
The 1/r3 term is called the electrostatic field, since it corresponds to the
field of an electric dipole This term dominates other terms in a region
very close to the Hertzian dipole.
The 1/r2 term is called the inductive field. The term is important only at
near field, that is, at distances close to the current element
The 1/r term is called the far field or radiation field because it is the
only term that remains at the far zone, that is, at a point very far from the
current element.
Power Density and Radiation Resistance
To find the input resistance for a lossless antenna, the Poynting vector is formed in
terms of the E- and H-fields radiated by the antenna.
The above equation which gives the real and imaginary power that is moving
outwardly, can also be written as
• It is clear from the equation that the radial electric energy must be larger than the
radial magnetic energy. For large values of kr (kr ≫ 1 or r ≫ λ), the reactive power
diminishes and vanishes when kr = ∞.
• Since the antenna radiates its real power through the radiation resistance, for the
infinitesimal dipole it is found by equating
Example: Find the radiation resistance of an infinitesimal dipole whose overall length
is l = λ∕50.
Since the radiation resistance of an infinitesimal dipole is about 0.3 ohms, it will present a
very large mismatch when connected to practical transmission lines, many of which have
characteristic impedances of 50 or 75 ohms. The reflection efficiency (er) and hence the
overall efficiency (e0) will be very small.
Note: The reactance of an infinitesimal dipole is capacitive.
Since the input impedance of an open-circuited transmission line a distance l/2 from its
open end is given by
Zin = −jZccot(𝛽l∕2),
where Zc is its characteristic impedance, it will always be negative (capacitive) for l ≪ λ.
The E- and H-field components are perpendicular to each other, transverse
to the radial direction of propagation.
The shape of the pattern is not a function of the radial distance r, and the
fields form a Transverse ElectroMagnetic (TEM) wave whose wave
impedance is equal to the intrinsic impedance of the medium.
In most cases, the radiation pattern is determined in the far-field region and is
represented as a function of the directional coordinates. Radiation properties include
power flux density, radiation intensity, field strength, directivity, phase or
A trace of the received electric (magnetic) field at a constant radius is called the
amplitude field pattern. On the other hand, a graph of the spatial variation of the
power density along a constant radius is called an amplitude power pattern
• Often the field and power patterns are normalized with respect to
their maximum value, yielding normalized field and power patterns
The techniques that were developed previously for infinitesimal dipole can also be used to analyze the
radiation characteristics of a linear dipole of any length. To reduce the mathematical complexities, it will be
assumed in this chapter that the dipole has a negligible diameter (ideally zero).
This distribution assumes that the antenna is center-fed and the current vanishes at the end points (z′ =
±l∕2). Experimentally it has been verified that the current in a center-fed wire antenna has sinusoidal form
with nulls at the end points.
Current distribution on a λ∕2 wire antenna for different times.
Elevation plane amplitude patterns for a thin dipole with sinusoidal current
distribution (l =λ∕50, λ∕4, λ∕2, 3λ∕4, λ).
As the length of the dipole increases beyond one wavelength (l > λ), the number of lobes begin to increase.
The electric and magnetic field components of a half-wavelength dipole can be obtained from
Eqs by letting l = λ∕2. Doing this, they reduce to
Three- and two-dimensional patterns of a λ∕2 dipole (a) three-dimensional pattern of a λ∕2 dipole. (b)
comparison of two-dimensional patterns for a λ∕2 dipole.
The maximum directivity of the half-wavelength dipole
reduces to
To reduce the imaginary part of the input impedance to zero, the antenna is matched or reduced
in length until the reactance vanishes. The latter is most commonly used in practice for half wavelength
More specifically, we define the boundary between the near and the far zones by the
value of r given by
r = 2d2 / λ
The magnetic vector potential at P due to a differential length dl (= dz) of the dipole
carrying a phasor current
Is = Io cos βz
The total input impedance Zin of the antenna is the impedance seen at the terminals
of the antenna and is given by
For , ℓ = 0.485 λ, the dipole is resonant, with Xin = 0. Thus in practice, a λ/2 dipole is
designed such that Xin approaches zero and Zin = 73 Ω.
This value of the radiation resistance of the λ/2 dipole antenna is the reason for the
standard 75 Ω coaxial cable. Also, the value is easy to match to transmission lines.
These factors in addition to the resonance property are the reasons for the dipole
antenna’s popularity and its extensive use
The quarter-wave monopole antenna consists of
half of a half-wave dipole antenna located on a
conducting ground plane, as in Figure.
The monopole antenna is perpendicular to the
plane, which is usually assumed to be infinite
and perfectly conducting. It is fed by a coaxial
cable connected to its base.