Spanish Syllabus
Spanish Syllabus
Spanish Syllabus
My personal syllabus -
Grammar Vocabulary
Irregular Preterite Verbs Items inside your house
Preterito Imperfecto
Present Participle and Past
Future Simple Tense Parts of the Body
Commands – Formal and
Por vs Para
Saber vs Conocer
Tener vs haber
Conditional Tense
A1 Level Syllabus
Personal pronouns: yo, tú, él, ella, etc. Occupations Shopping: asking for
products, asking prices, etc,
Uses of: (muy / bastante) bien, regular, Work places and occupations Talking about preferences
mal, etc.
Hay / no hay Leisure How to make a reservation
Superlative Climate and weather How to describe where you
Use of quantifiers: muy, mucho, Seasons Ordering food in a restaurant
mucha, muchos, muchas.
Interrogatives: cómo, dónde, qué, Geography Asking for directions and
cuál, cuáles, cuántos, cuántas. public transport
Por, para, porque. Places of interest Arranging to meet someone
Accepting or rejecting an
Obligation: tener que + Infinitive. Information about countries
Demonstratives: este, esta, estos, Colours
estas, esto.
Volver, Ir, Salir Clothes and accesories
Present tense of irregular verbs Common objects
Haber, Llamar
Querer, Gustar, Poder, Quedar
Present tense of irregular verbs Days of the week Talking about personal
Pronominal verbs (levantarse) Times of the day Talking about habits
Impersonal forms with se Foods, Ways of cooking, Utensils Asking for and giving the time
and recipients
The verbs poner and traer Adjectives to describe places Ordering in bars and
Direct object pronouns (lo, la, los, las) Describing health diseases and cures Talk about what you like the
most about a place
Uses of de and con Talking about past habits Ask for and give directions