Methods of Separation
Methods of Separation
Methods of Separation
Lesson 1:
Methods of
The method is used to separate
components of heterogeneous
mixtures that are big enough to be
separated. How do you separate and
sort your craft materials? You pick
them one by one and put them in
separate containers.
Magnetic Separation
How do you separate the magnetic
components from a mixture? Use a
magnet. Some metals, such as nickel
and iron, are easily attracted to
magnets. In modern recycling shops
and landfills, strong magnets are
used to separate materials with
magnetic components from other
materials. This helps reduce the time
spent in segregating the waste
Evaporation is a method that can
separate a soluble solid from a
liquid solvent. This separation
method requires heating the
mixture. Upon heating or boiling,
the solvent will evaporate, leaving
behind the solute component in
solid form. The remaining solid is
called residue.
In a laboratory, evaporation is done using a bunsen burner or an
alcohol lamp, tripod, evaporating dish, and wire gauze. The solution is
placed in the evaporating dish and is heated until the liquid boils and
completely evaporates, leaving the residue behind.
Salt makers in Anda Pangasinan collect seawater and expose it to
sunlight to naturally allow water to evaporate. Through evaporation,
salt is left behind and is separated from the collected seawater. The
salt passes through several stages to be crystallized, harvested and
packed for public consumption.
Distillation is the process of
separating the components of a
mixture by evaporation and
condensation. Distillation is best
used in separating liquid-liquid
mixtures, it is possible to separate
the components of liquid-liquid
mixtures because they have
different boiling points.
An example of liquid-liquid mixture is rubbing alcohol
or alcohol-water mixture. Alcohol can be separated
from the water by distillation, Alcohol and water have
different boiling points. Pure alcohol has a boiling
point of 78°C and water has a boiling point of 100°C.
In the illustration below, the alcohol-water mixture is
placed in an Erlenmeyer flask and then heated.
Alcohol has a lower boiling point than water, it will
evaporate first. The alcohol vapor gets into the
condenser to be cooled and condensed, which will
eventually flow into another container. The liquid
alcohol that is condensed is called distillate.
The Philippines have enough source of
fresh water, while other places like
Dubai and Hong Kong get most of
their water supply from the sea.
Seawater is desalinated and made into
fresh water through the process of
distillation. The desalinated water is
evaporated, cooled, and condensed
into a separate container.
Gasoline, kerosene and oil can also be
obtained from crude oil through
Filtration is used to separate components of a
mixture that have different sizes by using a filter
paper. Let us study the sand-water mixture. Fold
the filter paper in a cone and position it on the
mouth of a container. Carefully and slowly pour
the mixture in the filter paper. The residue that
cannot pass through the filter paper is
composed of insoluble solid; the component that
passes through the filter paper is called filtrate,
Filtrate can be a liquid or a gas that is small
enough to pass through the filter paper. Filter
paper can have pores of different sizes,
depending on the usage. In a sand-water
mixture, which do you think is the residue and
which is the filtrate?
Sifting or sieving is like filtration, but it
uses a sieve or strainer with bigger holes
compared to that of a filter paper
Strainers are used in baking to catch and
separate lumps of flour. Sifted flour is
easier to mix with other ingredients than
unsifted flour.
Sieving is also used to separate stones
from sand. Sand is sieved using an
improvised mesh. The small particles of
sand pass through the mesh, while
bigger stones remain on the mesh.
Sedimentation and Decantation
Separating solid-liquid mixtures can be done through
sedimentation and decantation Separating solids from
liquids is possible because solid and liquid materials
have different densities. Solid materials are usually
denser compared to liquid materials. Therefore, solid
materials usually settle at the bottom of a sold liquid
In sedimentation, the solid component in
the mixture is allowed to settle at the
bottom of a container, this component is
called sediment.
Decantation is another process of
separating solid-liquid mixtures. The
layer of liquid or supernatant is gently
poured to another container, leaving
behind the solid sediment.
The supply of potable water is very important
But in many places in the Philippines especially
in the mountains, people still get drinking water
from rivers or ponds. Fresh water from these
sources contains mud and soil particles. Rivers
and ponds even become muddier during rainy
season. How do people in these places clean
their water? Soil particles are denser than water,
thus they sink. So they leave the water in the
container undisturbed until the soil particles
settle. Then, the clear water on top is carefully
transferred or decanted to another container,
effectively separating it from the sediments.
What can they do to make sure that the
decanted water is safe to drink?
Methods of Separation/ Separation Techniques
Physical Manipulation
Magnetic Separation