Junior WAEC Past Question Computer
Junior WAEC Past Question Computer
Junior WAEC Past Question Computer
1. Information can be transmitted through the following
17. Projector is a/an device.
A. camera
2. The following are examples of electronic media EXCEPT. A. Cable B.Machine C.Radio D.Ring
4. An electronic device that is used to process, manipulate and B. logo graphics C. paint
store data is called A. corel draw
A. booting B.computer D.photo shop E.power point
C. machine
21.Thefollowing are the features in the paint environment
D.radio E. video EXCEPT.
5. In data processing circle, the last stage is A.colour palette B. menu bar
6. The first generation of computers were built with 22. The number of arrow keys on a keyboard is
10. Which of the following is NOT an example of analog computers? A.dancing B.input C.music D.output E.sound
B.Calculator C.Fuel gauge 28. Which of the following is NOT the function of the system
A. Barometer
C.Automated Teller Mercury. 29. Which of these computer languages can only be run
without modification?
D. Automatic Teller Machine
0 1 1
1 0 1
1 1 0
0 0 0
0 1 1
1 0 1
1 1 1
Page 1
A.Alt key
B.Control key
C.Page up key
D. Shift key
E.Shift key+F3
47. The process of locating the stored data and making them
available for use is known as
A. applying B.data collection
C. retrieval
D.sorting E.storing
31.OR gate 48. Which of the following keeps computer working when there
is power outage?
32. AND gate
33. NAND gate D.ROM E.UPS
35.The capacity of storage device are measured in these A.information Computer Technology
units EXCEPT.
B.Information and Communication Technology
E. Universal Resource Location 51. The asterisk (**) sign is used for in Basic Programming
37. Data base management system is defined as the A.addition B.division C. exponential
41.Which of the following are typical operating systems? 56. Which of the following statements represents the TRUTH
i.Ms-Dos ii. ROM iii. UPS TABLE?
58.Which of the following is NOT an anti-virus program? D.sending and receiving e-mail messages
E. Pc-cillin 15. The word processing packages include the following EXCEPT.
59.The computer professionals include the following EXCEPT. B.C.Spradsheet
Microsoft word
A. Amipro
A. computer educators D.Word perfect E. Word star
60.Which of the following is the largest category of computer criminals? D.share information and resources
MULTIPLE CHOICE 18. LAN simply means_ Network.
B. Basic Coded Decimal 19. The software package “Amipro” is used for
E. Binary Computer Decimal 20. The pressing and releasing of the left mouse button is
2. The statement,titusbabasola @yahoo.com is referred to as_ B. clicking C.dragging
address. D.moving
A.data B.field C.file D.folder E.information In Basic Programming SQR simply means to
4.In basic programming, the slash (/) sign is used forc A. return a string that represents value.
A.client B.hub C.operating system machine E. return the tangent of value in radian.
22.An electronic machine used for the registration of electorate is known as_ machine
8. The spreadsheet packages include the following EXCEPT. 23. The "312 high density diskette has capacity.
B. lotus 123 C.Microsoft word C.1.44 megabytes B. 720 kilobytes
A. easy calc.
D.720 megabytes
9. Thebasic programs must always terminate with command. 24. The diagram represents_ gate.
10. The command"open" can be found under_bar. 25.Which of the following is NOT an
A.Fax machine
electronic medium? B.Radio C.Satellite
A.edit B.menu C.title D.tool E.view A.AND B.NANDC.NOR
D.Telegram E. Television
11. The binary number 1111 can be converted to base 10as 26. Base eight number system is known as
A.12 B.15 C.10 D.16 E.18 A. binary B.decimal C. heptal D. octal E.nonal
13. The uses of ICT for communication include the following EXCEPT.
27.Which of the following is NOT among the sizes of computer? A. ALT +CTRL, then DEL.
B.COUNT(A4:A7)*C4 E.telex
A. binary B.decimal C. decimal fraction D.octal 47.The function of the control unit of a computer is to
33. Which of these is NOT a search engine on the internet? E. stores all information in the computer
E.record C.blue,yellow
E. website
53. The_ file is used when a program is run.
D.update E.work
39. Editing of document in word processing involves the 54.The procedure for saving a file is
A.friend B.home C. message D.profile C.click save → click save as enter file name→click file
E.you tube
41. The symbol represents_ in flowcharts. D.click save as →click file enter file name click save
D. operating
A.C-max B.C-mas C.C-mex 56.Which of these is NOT associated with page formatting?
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E.Adjustment of the size of margins It makes job less tedious and more interesting.
57. The__of a computer is the most important factor to consider
when choosing a micro computer for a company.
E. Opening up of economy
1.B 7.E13.D 19.C 25.D 31.B 37.B 43.A 49.B 55.E
2.D 8.E 14.A 20.E 26.E 32.C 38.D 44.D 50.B 56.D
3.B 9.E 15.D 21.E 27.D 33.D 39.A 45.B 51.C 57.A
IMPORTANCE OF COMPUTER 4.B 10.B 16.E 22.C 28.C 34.E 40.E 46.D 52.A 58.A
exa 13.B 19.E 25.D 31.A 37.B 43.A 49.A 55.A 2.B 8.C 14.D 20.B 26.D 32.A 38.D 44.D 50.E 56.D 3.C 9.B 15.C 21.D 27.B 33.B 39.E 45.D 51.E 57.D 4.B 10.B 16.D 22.C 28.A 34.E 40.E 46.C 52.B 58.A 5.B 11.B 17.A 23.C
29.D 35.E 41.C 47.E 53.D 59.D 6.E 12.D 18.B 24.A 30.E 36.A 42.D 48.E 54.A 60.C
Computer 2012
2. Who invented mechanical calculator for adding numbers? E. Input Program Output.
E.Utility Computer.
B. A point at which data may leave or enter the computer.
A. diskone
23. Which drive
of the following is NOT a programming language of a computer?
D. smart card E.temporary
9.The system unit is made up of what
10. Which of the following elements is associated with microchip of a computer? C. Private Company.
D. Private Computer.
A.booting B.input C.music D.output 26. The blinking symbol on the computer screen is called
A. American Code Information Standard Interchange. 27. The function of control unit in the CPU is to
14. The output display on monitors is referred to as E. transfer data to primary storage.
copy. 28. Integrated circuit used in computers are usually
A. CPU B. hard C.mainframe made-up of
E. soft A.aluminium B.chromium C.gold D.lead
17. Which of the following is NOT an example of operating system? E. Digital Volatile Disc.
A.booting on B.cold booting C.start up D. Super computer works slower than microcomputer.
D.switch on E.warm booting E. Super computer works slower than mini computer.
19. Which one of the following is neither an input device nor 31.The ROM is contained in one of the following
output device? A.Compact disk B. Flash drives
E. UPS E. Memory.
20. The translator program that converts high level language into 32.The word 'Foxpro' is referred to as
machine code line by line is called A.a search engine B.a virus C.a
34. The amount spent is debited by_in banking system when some C. an animated character that provides help and
goods are purchased through internet. suggestion.
A.Automated Teller Machine. D. an application that allows you to take notes and save
them in a file.
B. Data transfer machine,
E. an icon on the standard toolbar that executes the print
C.Money transfer card. command
36. The error that can be detected by computer is known as C.Mini-computers are task-oriented
A.debug error B. interner error C.logical error D. Plotters are not available for micro computer systems.
37. An octal number 237 is equal to the binary number E.The contents of ROM are easily changed
A.010011111 B.010111011 C.011000001 50. The monochrome monitor displays how many colours?
38. A dot-matrix printer is known as a/an 51. Which of the following is NOT a benefit of the new
A. input-output device
39.The magnetic disk is a medium known as access storage. E.Unity among nations.
A. direct B.parallel C. sequential 52. The number base system used for everyday arithmetic is
A.002 B.012 C.102 E.202 E.base 16
41.The following programs belong to the samegroup EXCEPT
exar Why is it NOT good to exchange personal details with people
you meet online?
A. It allows you to have more friends.
A.20 B.23 C.25 D.26 E.27 B. Detects error and provides error message.
44. The functions of an operating system include the following C.Provides e-mail facility.
D. Provides security for task or users' jobs.
A.allocates computer resources and time to various tasks.
E. Requires special computer program skill.
D. provides the basic command for operating the C.Network system. D.Sharing system.
E Topology.
E. requires special computer science skill 56.The basic feature of work processor that automatically
moves the insertion point to the next line once the current line
45. The shortcut for opening a file is is full is called
B. Ctrl+O
47. In computer operation, the word Assistant refers to 57. The number of arrow keys on a keyboard are
A. a button on the standard toolbar that executes the print command B. a collection of frequently misspelled words in a dictionary file
E.6 58. Which of these is NOT necessarilyB.3considered
C.4 D.5 when taking
an electronic device for a trip?
E. Portability of device. 10.The is a point where external devices are attached to the
system unit.
59. Which of these is NOT a feature in the paint
environment? A.bracket B.circuit C.port D.socket E.slot.
A. Colour palette B. Menu bar 11. Which of the following functions calculates the largest
value in a set of numbers in Microsoft Excel?
C.Printable area D.tool bar
D. opportunity for making friends. 13. The function PRODUCT (B1:B4) is equivalent to
C.sign-up address D.user address. 14. In spreadsheet package, columns are identified using
A.Short Machine System. 15. The formula (A2 +A3 +A4)* B5 is equivalent to
4.The statement,
C.alphabets only
D.not telling anyone of your photograph. 23. Convert 271 to an equivalent binary number.
D. Fact finding 24.What displays the content of the active cell in Microsoft
A.Edit menu B.Formula bar
9. Which one of the following cannot be used to communicate online? E.Task pane.
D.Row heading
C.Name box
A. Electronic mailing system. 25.What happens when you press Ctrl + V key on a keyboard?
B.Instant message.
in your document
37.Which of these commands creates a loop in BASIC programming? C. If (condition) THEN (action) ELSE
E.stop C. output
27.The keyboard shortcut 38. The values of variables A, B and C are shown in the number
for CUT line
D.CTRL+X E.CT.CTRL+Z 39. The output of the program will look like
28. The word function that corrects text as you type is referred to as A. B. Sum 20 C.Sum 30
10 E. Sum=60
D. Sum
A. Auto correct B.Auto insert C.Auto spelling 40. The number line_shows the arithmetic operation.
D. Auto summarize E.Auto track.
A.5 B.20 C.30 D.40E.50
29.Which of the following commands is given to reboot the
computer? 41. Which of the following statements is NOT on the program?
B.. Ctrl +Alt + Shift
Ctrl + Alt + Del A.ASSIGNMENT statement.
E. OUTPUT statement
A.Amber and Yellow B.Black and White 42.Which of the statement numbers indicates CLEAR THE
C.Brown and White D.Green and Blue
E.output statement.
A. Colour paletteB. Manue bar C. Printable area A.CLS B.LET C. PRINT D. READ
D.Tool bar E. View.
45. Which of these is NOT an arithmetic operator in BASIC?
34.Which of these is an example of graphics package?
A.Corel draw B.Lotus 1.2.3 A.+ B.-C.* D./ E.=
46. Character set used in BASIC includes the following EXCEPT.
C.Power point D.Microsoft Access
E. Microsoft Excel.
I. AND ii.END ili.FOR iv.NOT v.OR 36. The basic statement below means
Use the pro gram below to answer questions 38 to 42. A.eight binary digits. B. eight decimal digits.
Page 9
C.Unix D. Windows 1. Use Microsoft Word to prepare your Curriculum Vitae (CV)
A.Internet B.Linux showing the following information:
(a) Name
52. Which of the following circuits is used as a memory device in a
computer? (b) Date of Birth
53.Which of these is NOT a type of system unit case? (e) State of Origin
54.Which of the following places the common data elements in (h)Next of kin
order from smallest to largest?
(i) Next of kin GSM number
A.Character,field, record, file, database
(i) One Referee (Name only)
B. Character,file,field,record,database.
C.Character, file, record, field, database. 55. The maximum number of characters that the value
of a field may assume is known as
D.Character,record,field, file, database
A. Dec B. Field Type
E.Character,record,file,field,database. C.Field width D.Float
E.Index Note: i. Items a to j should be bold and information
provided should be italicized.
56.The gap between those that have access to technology and
those that do not is known as The heading (CURRICULUM VITAE) should be in upper case,
bold and underlined.
2. Use Corel draw to design a simple letter head paper for your
father or any relation's business organization,showing the
following information:
(f) Use any suitable line to demarcatethe heading and body of the paper.
Note:Print out the hard copy showing your Name and Examination Number at the bottom of your design work and submit.
E. System Designer.
58. Which of these statements is TRUE about star topology?
E. The network operates even if the central hub fails 16.D 22.C 28.E 34.A 40.C 46.C 52.D 58.B 5.A 11.C 17B 23.D 29.D 35.D 41.D
47.C 53.D 59.E 6.D 12.B 18.A 24.B 30.B 36.E 42.B 48.D 54.A 60.D
59.A iis a special message in ring topology used for transmission of
A.Both ends of the cable are fixed with terminator. COMPUTER PAPER II 2012
C.It has basically a single cable 1.E 7.E 13.B 19.D 25.C 31.C 37.A 43.A 49.E 55.C
D.It is easy to extend 2.D 8.C 14.A 20.B 26.D 32.A 38.C 44.C 50.D 56.B
E.It is less expensive 3.B 9.C 15.E 21.D 27.D 33.E 39.E 45.E 51.A 57.A
4.A 10.C 16.D 22.E 28.A 34.A 40.C 46.C 52.C 58.A
PAPER III (PRACTICAL) 5.A 11.C 17.A 23.D 29.A 35.B 41.B 47.B 53.A 59.E
INSTRUCTION: Answer ALL questions. 6.A 12.A 18.A 24.B 30.B 36.D 42.A 48.A 54.A 60.B
D.program E.pseudocode
4. Conversion of data to information is a process called A. 1951 B. 1960 C.1961 D. 1964 E.1974.
C. secondary and tertiary source. 15. Pick out the odd one out of the
D. secondary and universal source.
A. COBOL B. Disk Drive C. Plotter D.
E. visible and invisible source. Printer
7. One of the following is NOT an equipment used in information E. Scanner
B.Clicking on the control panel. 23. A collection of programs that perform a specific task
is called
C.Clicking on the shut down.
A. application software B. information
D. Clicking on the start button.
C.operating system D.program
E. Clicking on turn off.
E. utility software.
18.What are the two common input devices?
24. The process of restarting a computer is called
l. fax Il.keyboard Ill.monitor
A.boot sector
IV. mouse V. USB B.boot strap C. cold booting
D.IV and IIl E. Il and IV 25. Arithmetic and logical operation are performed in
19. The main memory consists of the following
A. central processing 8. input C. memory
A.Diskette B.Hard disk C.Memory card
D.monitor E.ouput
D.RAM and ROM E. Secondary memory
26. The value of 110002 in base 10 is
20. DOS is an acronym which stands for
A. 1010 B.1810
A. Disk Opening Software. C.2010 D.2410 E.3010
B.Disk Opening System. 27. The capacity of a storage device is measured in the
following units EXCEPT
C.Disk Operating Service.
A. bit B. byte C. decimal D. nibble E.word
D. Disk Operating Software.
28. Binary language is expressed as
E. Disk Operating System.
A.A's and Z's B.B's and I's
21. A system program that manages and coordinates the activities of
the computer hardware device is known as C. O's and C's D. O's and R's
A. computer system B. hardware system
E.O's and 1's.
E. Lotus 123
D. shifts E. translates
40. The following are types of database EXCEPT C. Global System for Mechanical Computer
Page 12
A.Bus topology
B.Mesh topology
55. The program used in protecting and detecting virus MULTIPLE CHOICE
in the computer system is called
1. Base 8 is called_number system
A. Anti-protection program
A.binary B.decimal C.
D. number E. octal
E.octal code
A. agents
B. crackers C. employers
D.hackers E. organized
59. Which of these is NOT a function of the
A. Benchmark B. Bookmark C. Facebook B. Internal Source Provider
14. Alphabets can be displayed in either lower or upper A. a computer E.E-mail C.Telegram
case with the aid of button.
D.web browser E.website
A.Alt key B.Arrow key
C.Control key
25. A specialised digital video camera that
D. page up key E. shift key captures images and sends them to a computer
for broadcast over the internet is called
15.Which of the following is found on the keyboard?
A. Formatting bar B.Functions keys A. digital camera B.graphics tablet
19.What is the full meaning of ICT? 28.The benefited which the internet provides
include the following
A. Information Common Technology
D. Internal Communication Technology 29. Which of these electronic machines is used for
registration of electorate?
E. Internal Current technology
A. Analog computer Machine
20. Theconnects web pages on the internet
B. Digital computer Machine
D. Pornography E.spam
D.row E.worksheet
D. Reporting data
E. Storing data
21. How many internal symbols are there in the 33.The is the intersection of each column and row.
A. cell B.column C.pie-
A.1 B.2 C.3 D.4 E.5 charts
22. What is the last value in variable T
D.spreadsheet E.worksheet
B.2 C.5 D.10 E.15
34.Ais a document on the World Wide Web.
23. The value written for S as indicated in the diagram
A.e-mail B.hyperlink
A.0 B.1 C.3 D.10
D.website E. world wide web
24. The following are related to the internet EXCEPT
35.Which of the following is a purpose of using
computer files?
Page 14
B. For file maintenance 48.Thecomputer operates on the basis of electrical
states known as
C. For file search
A.1 and 2 B. NOT and
D. For file sorting OR C. ON and OFF
36.The key stroke Ctrl + means 49. The diagram below represents gate.
C. Delete one word before the insertion point A.AND B.NAND C.NOR D.NOT E.OR
D. Delete the character on the insertion point 50.The equivalence of 11002 in base 10 is
E.Delete the character the word from the page A.810 B.1010 C.1110 D.1210 E.1410
37. Application of spreadsheet package includes Using the tablet below, identify the truth table for the gates in
questions 51 to 54.
A.Booting of a system
1 0 1
1 1 1
A. Indexed sequential method 1 1 0 D
B. Random method 100
C. Sequential method E.2
D. Serial method
E. Sorting method
E.file sorting 1 1 0
0 0 0
0 1 0
1 0 0
1 1 1
A. click bold button B to make it bold 51. Which of the tables stands for NOR gate?
B.click open C.click the insert menu A.I B.II C.IIl D.IV E.V
D.enhance the text E. highlight 52.Which of the table stands for AND gate?
the text
41. A short cut to highlight an entire document is
53. Which of the tables stands for OR gates
A. Ctrl A B.Ctrl H C.Ctrl O
D.Ctrl Y E.Ctrl Z
54. Which of the tables stands for NAND gate
42. Identify the largest number out of 1011112,25,
12810,10016 and 2
55.Which of the following represents decimal 15in
D10016 E.24 hexadecimal?
A.1011112 B.25 C.12810
43. The octal system uses the digits of
A.0-5 B. 0-7 C. 0-8 D. 1-8 E. 1-9 A.A B.C C.E D.F E.G
56.A kilobyte represents bytes sent2 D.20
44. The value of 11102 in basis TEN is
A.210 B.211E.230
A.1010 B.1110 C. 1310 D.1410 E.1510 57.The TRUTH tables are represented by
E. Software section
D. decimals E. integers
60.The is called the main memory unit of the COMPUTER PAPERI 2011
A.external storage B.hard disk
D.output storage 1. E 11.D 21. E 31._ 41.E 51.B
C. input storage
E. primary storage 2. A 12. C 22.E 32.C 42.8 52.B
3. B 13.D 23.A 33.C 43.B 53.A
5. B 15. A 25. A 35. D 45.A 55.B 2. A 12.E 22._ 32.C 42.D 52.C
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