Date: 2022.11.01
14:01:02 IST
Reason: IREPS
Location: IREPS-CRIS
1.1 Tentative Quantities of Pre-stressed Mono-block BG concrete line
sleepers (RT-8746) of which supplies are proposed to be taken by ---------
---- (Zonal) Railway over a period of two years are given below : -
Tenderers are expected to upload their bids after downloading the tender
document online as made available in IREPS website. The cost of tender
document has been dispensed with for downloading the tender documents
by the bidders.
2.1 Tenders should be duly filled in (on the assigned space), duly signed with
the digital signature and submitted online. All mandatory fields marked
(*) have to be filled by the tenderers.
2.2 Tenderers must fill-in the techno-commercial offer form (consisting of
eligibility criteria, terms and conditions, performance statement, deviation
statement, checklist & special conditions etc.), financial offer form and
attach scanned copy of necessary documents.
2.3 All the mandatory fields of the Techno-commercial offer form and
Financial offer form (i.e. Rate page) including basic rate, all taxes and
duties (including maximum percentage of GST), or any other taxes/ duties
which may become applicable during the currency of the contract and any
other charges have to be filled up by the vendor. The unit of rate shall be as
indicated in the tender schedule and cannot be altered by the vendor. 2.4
All-inclusive rates on station of dispatch basis (FOR Loading point) shall
be automatically calculated by the system and shown to the vendor before
submission of offer (Screenshot/ print screen will not be taken as proof of
having submitted the same rate). Inter-se position shall be automatically
generated by the system accordingly.
2.5 Any financial elements indicated in the remarks column will not be taken
for ranking/ evaluation and will be summarily ignored. Tenderers are
therefore advised not to enter any financial element in the remarks column
available in the Financial Rate page.
2.6 Plant Location should invariably be mentioned against ‘designated field’ of
financial rate page. A Firm owning more than one plant, is permitted to
quote for more than one plant, for which separate offer sheet needs to be
filled up for each plant by using the link “Submit Alternate Bid” duly
mentioning the location of plant in designated field, which will be
considered as separate offer.
2.7 In case a tenderer submits two offers for the same plant, inadvertently, then
the offer with lower rates shall only be considered.
2.8 The Tenderers are required to quote their rates in the space earmarked in the
tender schedule. Any deviation in this regard will lead to summarily
rejection of offer.
(ii) In case of a registered Partnership firm, the signing individual(s)
should either be partner(s) or their attorney (s) as per Constitution
of Partnership Deed. A copy of partnership deed and power of
attorney (whichever applicable) duly attested should be uploaded
with the offer;
(iv) In the case of a firm not registered under the Indian Partnership
Act, all the partners or attorney duly authorized by all of them
should sign all other connected documents. The original power of
attorney or other documents empowering the individual or
individuals to sign should be furnished to the purchaser for
verification, if required.
2.10 Offers shall be as per terms and conditions given in the tender documents.
However, deviations, if any, may be brought out in a separate “deviation
form” provided with e-tender, detailing clause number of the tender
document, stipulation as per the clause and deviation asked for, otherwise
the tenderer shall be deemed to have accepted all provisions of the tender
documents. The purchaser, however reserves the right to accept or reject
these deviations and Purchaser’s decision thereon shall be final. Tenders
with any kind of technical deviation will be summarily rejected.
2.11 The status of tenderer shall be reckoned as on the date of tender opening
unless there is a case of downgrading/removal/suspension/banning.
2.12 Any offer with longer delivery period or not agreeing with the delivery
schedule specified in the tender, will be summarily rejected.
2.13 Any offer with different PVC formula or quoting different base month or
linkage with different indices or fixed rate etc. as compared to PVC
formula provided in the tender or offers different formula/scheme for
input tax credit as compared to provisions of SCC, will be summarily
3.0 Earnest Money Deposit (EMD):
3.2 EMD should remain valid for a period of 45 days beyond the final
offer validity period. EMD (without any interest) will be refunded to the
successful tenderers on receipt of security money. EMD (without any
interest) will also be refunded to unsuccessful tenderers after finalization
of tenders. Offers without Earnest Money shall be summarily rejected, if
not under valid exemptions.
3.3 Tenderers intending to supply PSC line sleepers from their existing
RDSO certified/approved sleeper plants, can submit their tenders without
Earnest Money. Tenderers willing to claim Earnest Money exemption on
this account should upload documentary evidence of having valid RDSO
certified/approved plant.
The Purchaser shall have the right to forfeit the Earnest Money Deposit if
the tenderer withdraws or revises his offer within its validity period.
5.3 The validity of offer should be for a minimum of 180 days effective from
the date of opening of tender. Offers with validity less than 180 days shall
be summarily rejected.
The tenderer (Concrete Sleeper Plant i.e CSP) must, fulfill all the
following conditions to be eligible for placement of
regular/developmental orders against this tender:
6.2 Existing manufacturers quoting for supply from a new location within
geographical jurisdiction of --------------(Zonal) Railway after shifting
their existing plant should have prior approval for supply from new
location as per instructions of Railway Board vide letter No. 2004/Tk-
II/22/11/5 dated 22.02.2006.
Plants, which have already been permitted for shifting of location but
have not shifted/started production from new location within geographical
jurisdiction of ---------(Zonal) Railway, even after lapse of one year or
more from date of issue of permission letter, shall not be eligible to quote
from old location. They will be eligible to quote from new location within
geographical jurisdiction of ------------(Zonal) Railway only if they have
already obtained the RDSO certification of Plant at new location within
geographical jurisdiction of -----------(Zonal Railway) , before the date of
tender opening.
6.3 Those plants will be considered “closed”, which have not manufactured
any type of sleepers (mainline, Turnout, special sleepers) for more than
five years reckoning from the date of tender opening. Such plants will not
be eligible for tender.
6.4 Minimum Quoted quantity by a tenderer for a plant should not be less
than 50% of RDSO certified rated production capacity for period of 2
years under consideration i.e minimum quantity to be quoted by a
tenderer should not be less than or equal to = ( 2 X 0.5 X12 X monthly
certified production capacity by RDSO). Offers quoting for less than
specified Minimum quantity or tendered quantity (whichever is lower)
will be summarily rejected.
(ii) Quantity allotment to a particular CSP for two year period will not
exceed the “quoted quantity” or the “production capability” as
defined in para 7.0(i) above , whichever is lower.
(iv) Quantity left over after Quantity distribution in First round as per
para (iii) above , will be distributed as per following Pre-decided
quantity splitting criteria :
tenderer, TC/TAA shall decide.
(v) Purchaser reserves the right to allot lesser quantity than the
quantity quoted by the tenderer at the same rate, terms and
conditions which shall be binding on the tenderer.
(vii) For CSPs located within geographical location of --------(Zonal)
Railway but are certified as Developmental Plant by RDSO for
any category of PSC sleepers will not be eligible for regular order
and may be considered for an developmental order of total
maximum 20% of NPQ for all developmental certified plants
taken together.
(a) E-bid along with the relevant documents must be uploaded and
digitally signed with the digital signature of the pre-authorized
personnel of the tenderer already registered with the IREPS
website. Digital signature used must be “Class IIIB with Company
Name” obtained from G.O.I. approved Certifying Authority.
(b) Tenderers must look out for NIT for as soon as it is available in
IREPS website and upload their offer well in advance without
waiting for closing date and time, to avoid last minute hassles in
their own computer system or communication line. Purchaser will
not be responsible for non-participation of vendors due to any
technical problems on the day of tender closing time.
(c) Only bids received in the Electronic tender box available on the
“Goods & Services Tenders” module of Web Site
www.ireps.gov.in will be considered.
(d) The e-procurement system does not permit submission of any
offer after the closing date and time of that e-Tender. Hence, there
is no scope of any Late/ Delayed offers in the online bidding
(d) Offers not complying with essential technical & commercial
requirements of the tender shall be declared as ineligible.
(e) Initial Price Offer of only those bidders categorized as eligible for
regular/developmental order shall be opened and tabulated by
system separately.
(j) Minimum admissible bid value will be last bid value minus
minimum decrement as specified by the tendering authority before
starting of reverse auction. Starting point for reverse auction shall
be the lowest Initial Price Bid of the tenderer eligible for award of
(k) After close of the RA, tabulation of last (minimum) bids received
from all the tenderers will be generated and made visible to
Railways and participating tenderers.
(m) L-1 will be defined as the lowest bid obtained after the closure of
R.A. session.
(o) All the participating vendors who have submitted valid electronic
offers can view their own offer details as well as the tender
tabulation statement after tender opening, from any remote
location using internet access by visiting the web site
www.ireps.gov.in instantly after opening of the virtual tender box,
by clicking on the icon.
(p) The purchaser does not guarantee opening of the tenders
immediately after the closing date and time due to reasons beyond
its control and hence tenders can be opened after the due date and
time also. It will however, be ensured that no offers are submitted
after tender closing date and time. Vendors cannot submit/ modify
any offer or attach any file to it after the closing date and time as
stipulated in the tender notice. System does not permit any
alteration, modification, deletion of any entry or condition, offered
by the tenderer in the e-tender, after closure of the virtual tender
11.1 The purchaser reserves the right to reject any or all of the tenders in part
or full at his sole discretion without assigning any reasons.
11.2 Railways does not pledge itself to accept the lowest or any tender and
reserves to itself the right of acceptance of the whole or any part of the
quantity offered. The decision of Railways with regard to allotment of
quantity so as to ensure uninterrupted supply of sleepers will be final. .
12.0 The Special Conditions of Contract are enclosed. The Special Conditions
of the Contract will have precedence over the IRS conditions and
instructions to tenderers.