By Mr. Dhanush Leelodharry
By Mr. Dhanush Leelodharry
By Mr. Dhanush Leelodharry
Dhanush Leelodharry
WEB 1.0
It is the readable format of the flat data that is bieng
displayed. Web 1.0 is considered as “Read Web”
Limited interaction between sites and web users
It only shares information and there is no opportunity to post
views, comments and feedback
Make use of HTTP and HTML
WEB 2.0
It is the writable face of the www with interactive data.
Facilitates interaction between web users and sites
It encourages participation , collaboration and information
sharing e.g; Facebook, youtube,
Web 2.0 is the original web as most people know it. It is the
typical web used by most of the people in the Internet.
We can socialise with other people through social media,
It is either you give out information or seach what you need
Word press is the best example of web 2.0, it allows users to
créate blog that not only contains user’s own content but
oher’s as well through comments.
Web 2.0 welcome response that demandes to be more
involved in what information is available
Web 2.0 is considered as Read-Write Web
Uses JavaScript, Ajax frameworks, XML, JSON
Web 3.0
Involves with dynamic applications, interactive services and
machine-to-machine interaction
It is the semantic web which reflects the future
Here computers can interpret information like humans
Eg is TiVo, it is a digital video recorder. Its recording program
can search the web based on your preferences
Web 3.0 is considered as Read-Write-Execute web
It is the semantic web we are currently in or the era we are
still creating, meaning computers and machines perform on its
Web 3.0 deals with AI (e.g youtube use AI)