Bazaar E Commerce Project Guideline Book v2
Bazaar E Commerce Project Guideline Book v2
Bazaar E Commerce Project Guideline Book v2
Guideline Book
1. Introduction
2. Project Structure
Backend Architecture
- Django Framework: The heart of the project, managing all backend functionalities
including authentication, database models, and API interactions.
- SQLite Database: Integrated with Django for easy development but scalable options are
considered for production.
- SSLCommerz Payment Gateway: Integrated for secure, reliable online payments.
- Django Admin Panel: Customizable interface to manage products, users, and orders.
Frontend Overview
User Authentication
- Login/Logout: Secure login and logout using Django's built-in authentication system.
- User Profile: Users can view and update their profiles.
- Password Management: Password reset and recovery functionality.
Product Management
- Product Catalog: Admin can add, edit, and delete products. The product details include
name, description, price, stock, and image.
- Categories: Products are organized by categories, and users can filter by category.
- Product Search: Search functionality for products by name or category.
Shopping Cart
- Add/Remove Products: Users can add or remove products from their cart.
- Cart Updates: Cart is updated in real-time with the use of Django sessions.
- Cart Summary: View total price, item count, and checkout button.
Order Processing
Admin Panel
5. Technical Guidelines
Database Setup
- By default, the project uses SQLite. For production, you can configure PostgreSQL or
- Migrate Database:
python migrate
- SSLCommerz API Key: Set up an account on SSLCommerz and configure your API keys in
the file.
SSL_COMMERCE_API_KEY = 'your-api-key'
SSL_COMMERCE_API_SECRET = 'your-api-secret'
- Password Security: Ensure that user passwords are stored securely using Django's
password hashing system.
- CSRF Protection: Use Django's built-in CSRF protection to prevent cross-site request
forgery attacks.
- Secure Payments: Use SSL encryption for secure payment transactions via SSLCommerz.
- HTTPS: Make sure your website is served over HTTPS for secure data transmission.
- Input Validation: Always validate user inputs to prevent SQL injection and other
7. Deployment Guidelines
- Environment Variables: Store sensitive data such as API keys and database credentials in
environment variables.
- Static and Media Files: Collect static files for deployment using:
python collectstatic
- Set Debug to False: Ensure DEBUG = False in before deployment.
- Railway Deployment: Push your project to Railway and set up the environment
configuration through the platform’s UI.
- Heroku Deployment: Alternatively, you can deploy on Heroku by following these steps:
1. Create a Heroku app.
2. Push the code to Heroku using Git.
3. Set environment variables and database configurations.
8. Future Enhancements
- API Integration: Add a RESTful API using Django Rest Framework (DRF) to support mobile
applications and third-party services.
- Advanced Search Functionality: Implement more advanced search filters, such as by
rating, price range, etc.
- Customer Reviews: Allow customers to leave reviews and ratings for products.
- Two-Factor Authentication: Add an additional layer of security for user accounts.
- Database Optimization: Migrate to PostgreSQL or MySQL for better handling of larger
9. Conclusion
Bazaar is designed to be a highly flexible and scalable e-commerce platform that can grow
with the needs of its users. By leveraging Python and Django, you can ensure that the
backend is secure, robust, and capable of handling increasing demand. The platform is easy
to deploy, with the potential for continuous improvement through integration with modern
APIs and enhanced features.