Location de Voiture
Location de Voiture
Location de Voiture
The Executive Summary provides an overview of the business plan, offering key information that can
quickly inform potential investors or partners about the business and the benefits of Regina beauty skin
To help customer unlock their natural beauty through innovative skincare products further more
To set a new standard in skin care innovation , delivering exceptional results and customers experiences.
-Company Description
Company Name: Regina beauty skin care
Tagline: unlock your natural beauty
Regina beauty skin care is an innovative beauty dedicated to providing high quality natural skin care
product that empower individuals to achieve healthy radiant skin. Our mission is to help customer unlock
their natural beauty through effective and sustainable skincare solutions.
Our story
The Company was born out of wanting to help people with skin care problems and a commitment to
making a positive impact on the environment .
- Objectives
Short term objectives(6-12months)
Increase websites traffic by 30% through SEO optimization and social media marketing
Launch different sizes and weight of the skin care product
Build a customer data base of 10000 subscribers
Mid term objectives(1-2year)
Regina beauty skin care it is an eco friendly skincare brand offering natural effective ,and sustainable
products that empower individuals to achieve healthy radiant skin . Our mission is to provide good quality
skincare solutions .
Concept statement
Regina beauty skincare combines the power of nature to create innovative skincare products that
addresses specific skin concerned . Our products are
. Women anden aged 25-55
. Middle to upper - income level
. Urban and suburban areas
. Health-conscious individuals seeking natural skin care
. Individuals seeking good quality skincare solutions
- Company Background
Company name: Regina beauty skincare
Founded: 2023
Location : Yaoundé Cameroon
Founder: Regina otang Tarh
Industry: skincare
Company type : Private, limited liability company
Mission Statement
To empower individuals to achieve healthy , radiant skin through natural effective and sustainable skincare
Company history
Regina beauty skincare was founded in 2023 by Regina otang Tarh with a vision for natural and effective
- Product Concept
Product name: Savon noir glow
Product concept
Savon noir glow is a lightweight body soap
Infused with natural ingredients to visibly brighten, smooth and hydrate the skin . Our unique moto is to
use natural and tested ingredients good for the skin.It helps in
Key ingredients
Product benefit
-Suitable for all skin types (normal,dry, oily and combination)
-Gentle exfoliation
-soothing and calming irritated skin
-Mosturizing and hydrating
Product features
Physical characteristics
-Size: 4 oz (300g)
-shape: Round
-Colour: black
-Texture: smooth, gentle and creamy
Natural ingredients: eg palm kennels oil
No harsh chemicals: eg Texapon
. Recyclable plastic packaging
. Minimal branding and design
Price point
Small size: 2500frs
Medium size: 3500frs
Large size: 5500frs
Value Proposition
Headlines: Unlock your natural radiance with Regina beauty skin care.
Subheadings: Experience the power of natural effective skincare solutions tailored to your unique skin .
Regina beauty skin care offers good performance and skincare products that empower you to achieve
healthy , glowing skills n without compromising you're values . Our formulas combines potent natural
ingredients and sustainable practice to deliver.
Market overview
.Industry: Natural skin care
.Market size: 1million(2023)
. Target market: Health conscious individuals ,enviromentally aware consumers and skincare athusiast.
- Age: 15-55
- Income : 5000000f
- Education: college educated
2. Sychographics
- values natural and sustainable living
- concerned about skin health and appearance
- Active online seeking skin care advice and recommendations.
3. Skin type
- Normal
- Dry
- Oily
- Combination
- sensitive
4. Skin concern
- Aging
- Acne
- Dryness
- Hyperpigmentation
Market trend
- sustainable packaging
- Natural and organic ingredients
- Personalized skincare
SWOT Analysis
. Regulatory changes
. Economic downtown
Market strategy
Financial projections
- Revenue growth(20%)
- Gross margin(30%)
- Operating Expenses (20%)
- Net income (1000000f)
- **Demographic Focus**:
.Age: 25-55
.Gender : Female70% Male 30%
- packaging Objectives
.Enhance brand image and recognition
. Protect the product during delivery
. Meet regulatory requirements
-Packaging materials
.Bottles : recyclable PET
- Packaging design
. Colour scheme: Soft natural colours(black )
. Logo : Prominently displayed on packaging
. Product name and description: clear and easy to read
. Ingredients listing : visible on packaging
Packaging size
. Small
. Medium
. Large
Organizational structure
Founder : Regina Otang
Marketing manager : Awono Nerice
Customer service representative : Oslar Ako Tarh
Product development
Customer service
2 Marketing manager
. Digital marketing
. Content creation
Human resources
.Recruitment and hiring
Financial management
. Financial reporting
Financial projections
. Marketing and advertising
. Employees salaries and benefits
Financial projection
Year 1
Revenue : 3000000f
Gross profit : 2500000f
Operating Expenses : 500000f
Net income : 50000f
Year 2
Revenue : 1200000f(growth)
Gross profit : 2700000f
Operating Expenses :700000f
Net income : 700000
Year 3
Revenue : 1500000f
Gross profit : 300000f
Operating Expenses : 800000f
Net income : 100000f
Cash-flow projections
1 Monthly cash-flows : 20000f (revenue)
2 Monthly cash outflow : 10000f(expenses)
3 Net cash-flow : (30000f)
10. Appendices
2- Competitor analysis
- Sandra beauty skincare
b. Colour pallet
-Primary colour #3498jb(blue )
-secondary colour#flc40f(orange)
- Accent colour #2ecc71(blue)
C. Topography
- Font family : Open sans
- Font size : Headings (18-24 px) body text (14-18px)
b. Content themes
- Product features (eg natural ingredients)
- Skincare tips and advice
- Customer testimonials
c. Hashtags
- # Natural skincare
- Radianglow skincare
b. Product description
. Short description( eg 50 words)
.Long description (eg 200 words)
1. Income statement (2023)
- Revenue : 30000f
- Expenses : 10000f
- Net income : 20000f
Management resumes
1. Reguna otang Tarh (founder)
- Experience ( 2years in skincare industry)
- Education (Advanced level certification)