Course Portfolio Prof. Hasan-L
Course Portfolio Prof. Hasan-L
Course Portfolio Prof. Hasan-L
Prof. Dr. Hasan Hamodi Joni
Office: Civil Engineering Department
E mail:
1. Understand the highway planning process, the process of selecting a highway route
location, evaluating the alternatives, and the requirements for each.
2. Provide students with the basic and important information about the fundamentals
and characteristics of traffic engineering.
3. Provide students with practical knowledge about the mass haul diagram including
the amount of earthworks and the cost of excavated soil transport.
4. Providing students with scientific tools for the geometric design of the Highway
including the cross-section characteristics, designing horizontal and vertical curves
and the installing of the stopping and overtaking sight distance.
5. Training students on designing asphalt mixtures in terms of proportions of
materials in the design and how to prepare mixtures and conform to the approved
standard specifications.
6. Training students on the structural design of the pavement layers for rigid and
flexible pavement.
7. Providing students with practical knowledge about the types of distresses in rigid
and flexible pavement, their causes and methods of treatments.
- 2 hours weekly: Theoretical Lecture
- 2 hours weekly: Laboratory
Title Topic
per week
2 Introduction of transportation engineering 1
2 Transportation planning 2
2 Surveys and costs (Mass Haul Diagram) 3
2 Traffic Fundamentals 4
4 Traffic Characteristics 5
4 Design of highway elements 6
4 Pavement types and design 7
4 Flexible pavement design 8
2 Rigid pavement design 9
4 Pavement distresses 10
Title Topic
per week
2 Penetration Test 1
2 Ductility Test 2
2 Softening Point Test 3
2 Flash Point Test 4
2 Viscosity Test 5
2 Loss on Heating Test 6
2 C.B.R. Test 7
2 Marshall Test 8
5% Quizzes
5% Homeworks
30% Mid-Term Exam
10 % Lab.
50% Final Exam
100% Total
90-100% Excellent
80-89% Very Good
70-79% Good
60-69% Fair
50-59% Pass
<50% Poor
The ranges are given as examples only. Grades will depend to some extent on the
performance of the entire class.
1. Homework:
- There will be a minimum of four sets of homework during the academic course.
- Please note that homework should be submitted at the beginning of the class before the
start of the lecture.
- The homework will count 5 % of the total course grade.
2. Quizzes:
- There will be a four closed books and notes quizzes during the academic year.
- The quizzes will count 5 % of the total course grade.
3. Mid-Term Exams:
- There will be two closed books and notes exam during the academic year,
- The mid-term exam will count 30% of the total course grade.
4. Laboratory:
- There will be a required specific test each week,
- There will be one required report on a specific test for each student,
- There will be a required quiz on the previous conducted test for each student,
- The laboratory will count 10% of the total course grade.
5. Final Exam:
- The final exam will be comprehensive, closed books and notes, and will take place for
three hours,
- The final exam will count 50% of the total course grade.
- Assessment of the topic material is based on the information provided in Tables 1
– 4. Table 1 lists the learning outcome in the first column and the specific
approaches to teach and reinforce the material in the second column.
Reinforcement is done through homework, quizzes, and student engagement
during lectures.
- Table 2 lists the objective course learning outcomes by number based on Table 1
with space shown to record the class averages on each learning outcome for each
exam and the standard deviation for each learning outcome. This is an objective
measure of the student/class mastery of the learning objective.
- Table 3 lists the responses obtained from student survey conducted at the end of
term as well as the instructor evaluation of each outcome of Table 2. A list of
questions is included in Appendix A. The instructor evaluation takes into account
the metric results of Table 2 as well as the student survey results included in Table
3. Student ratings are averaged. Instructor rating system uses a 0.5 demarcation,
i.e. scale is X.0 or X.5. Instructor comments are included in the third column of
Table 3 based on the observations of the instructor. Student survey responses will
be collected every year, but the instructor evaluation will be performed every two
or three years unless a large weakness is observed (rating below 3.5 out of a
possible 5.0).
- Results of Table 3 are used in Table 4 to assess changes/improvements from the
previous evaluation as well as changes/improvements that will be made to the
course to improve student achievement of the learning outcomes.
Strategies for Achieving Outcomes Learning Outcome
Review the subject how decisions to build
facilities are reaches and highlights the major 1. Conduct
element of the planning process. transportation
planning for highway
Questions Review the basic principle for locating
facilities and identify
on exam highways is that roadway elements such as
the best route
curvature and grade must blend with each
location for the
other to produce a system that provides for the
proposed highway by
easy flow of traffic at the design capacity,
analyzing each
while meeting design criteria and safety
Performance Indicators
Term Term Term 2023-2024 Term 2022-2023
Instructor Student
Instructor Comments Learning Outcomes
Ratings2 Ratings1
A good indicator, but we hope 3.0 3.1 7- Design the thickness of the flexible and rigid
to achieve more pavements layers such as surface layer, base and
subbase layers, which is conform to the approved
standard specifications.
Student performance ratings by the students in regards to the learning outcomes is on a scale of 1 to 5 with 5 implying very
high performance and 1 implying very low performance.
Instructor performance ratings by the instructor is also on a scale of 1 to 5 with 5 implying very high performance and 1
implying very low performance.
Table 4 Changes/Improvements
0 = Not Applicable
1 = Strongly Disagree
2 = Disagree
3 = Neither Agree nor Disagree
4 = Agree
5 = Strongly Agree.
Learning Outcome
1. Conduct transportation planning for highway facilities and identify the best route
location for the proposed highway by analyzing each alternative.
2. Compute the total cost for the amount of earthworks by calculate free haul
3.5 volume, over haul volume, barrow and waste volume, also installation of free haul
distance and limit of economic haul.
3. Installation all the visible dimensions to cross section elements for highway like
lane width, cross slope, side slope median, shoulders, curbs, camber, guardrail, etc.
5. Design vertical alignment of the highway including vertical curves elements such
as length, grades, elevations and safety stopping distance on the curve.
6. Design of asphalt mixtures in terms of proportions of materials in the design and
how to prepare mixtures and conform to the approved standard specifications.
7. Design the thickness of the flexible and rigid pavements layers such as surface
layer, base and subbase layers, which is conform to the approved standard.