CC 43 of 2024
CC 43 of 2024
CC 43 of 2024
Engineer-in-Chief /Gommercial, Patiala, Ph'No'0175-2214495)
Regd. Office- PSEB Head Office, The Mall, Patiala-l47001
pspcl in
Tele Fax: .O175-2210320 email: ce-commercial@psocl inwebsite: www
This office vide Commercial Circular 41t2024 has intimated regarding notification
Punjab state Electricity Regulatory commission (Electricity supply code, standards
Performance and Related Matters) Regulations, 2024"-in short supply code,
2024 issued
by Hon',ble PSERC. These Regulations shall come into force with effect
from 14th
November, 2024.
n gist of salient changes incorporated in New Supply code,2024 along with brief
explanation regarding the implementation of these changes is attached herewith
The salient changes elaborated should be read in conjunction with the supply code
2024 and in case of any contradiction, the supply code 2024 shall
DA/As above L4'1rv
Dy. CE/ Sales-1,
for EIC/Commercial
PSPCL, Patiala.
flio nt*e d: 1131t3gtiR463t12tL fi+*: 08.11.2024
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2) W.e.f. 14th November, 2024 wherever in Contradiction, Supply Code 2024 shall
supersede the existing provision/instructions of ESIM-2018 and Commercial Circulars
issued by Commercial Organization.
3) As per Regulation 5.2, 32.1.(ii).(a) & 33.1.(ii) of Supply Code 2024, the Maximum
Contract demand allowed at 11 kV Supply Voltage has been increased from 4000 kVA
to 5000 kVA. Further these consumer shall pay actual full cost of providing 11 kV supply
including cost of breaker, as specified in Regulation 32 or 33. However existing
consumers with sanctioned contract demand exceeding 4000 kVA but not exceeding
5000kVA being catered at 11 kV (by payment of surcharge) shall be allowed to convert
their Supply Voltage as per the amended limits by signing a fresh A&A form provided
no change in 11 kV supply system is envisaged.
5) As per Regulation 7.6 & 10.1.(i), submission of A&A form through Aadhaar Validation
has been allowed. Under this provision no signatures on the A&A form or separate
identity proof shall be required and applicant shall upload only the proof of
6) As per Regulation 8, new provision of Contracted Load has been started which shall
be applicable on applicant of DS/NRS category not covered under contract demand
system. These applicants/consumers shall declare Contracted Load in kW in the A&A
form at the time of applying for new connection or extension in load which shall not be
less than 70% of the connected load. This contracted load in kW shall be used for
recovery of various charges including for billing purpose. If the applicant/consumer fails
to declare his contracted load then the sanctioned load shall be considered as
contracted load for all intents and purposes. This provision shall be applicable on
existing as well as new consumers.
7) As per Regulation 9.1, no Feasibility Clearance shall be carried out for cases having
total demand upto 2000 kVA. However, additional 10 days’ time has been allowed for
issuance of demand notice under Regulation 11.4 for finalizing supply system for
applicants with demand including 500 kVA but not exceeding 2000 kVA.
Note: For feasibility of applicant/consumer (with load exceeding 500 kVA upto 2000
kVA), Supply Code 2014 (amended upto date) shall be applicable for cases who has paid
EMD before 14.11.2024 and Supply Code 2024 for cases who deposits Security on and
after 14.11.2024.
8) As per Regulation 9.2.(i), time period for issuance of feasibility clearance has been
reduced to 45 days. Further the EMD deposited by consumer shall be considered to
include route survey fee. Balance EMD after deducting route survey charges actually
incurred by the licensee shall be adjusted against Security (consumption). No separate
route survey fee shall be got deposited from the applicant.
Note: For this change, Supply Code 2014 (amended upto date) shall be applicable for
cases who has paid EMD before 14.11.2024 and Supply Code 2024 for cases who
deposits Security on and after 14.11.2024.
9) As per regulation 9.2.(ii), the extension in time period of submission of A&A form has
been reduced to 45 days (i.e 30 days existing period + 15 days extended period) from
earlier 60 days. Further, if the applicant submits requisition for reduction in demand
during the period of submission of A&A form, it shall be allowed and shall not be
considered as new requisition provided there is no change in Supply Voltage. This
opportunity can be availed only once by the applicant.
Note: For this change, Supply Code 2014 (amended upto date) shall be applicable for
cases where feasibility letter has been issued before 14.11.2024 and Supply Code 2024
for cases where feasibility letter has been issued on and after 14.11.2024.
10) As per regulation 9.2.(iv), the HT/EHT consumers, requiring additional demand upto
10% of their sanctioned contract demand or 500 kVA, whichever is less, subject to the
condition that specified voltage level as per Regulation 5(2) after extension in contract
demand does not change, shall be released by load sanctioning authority within 15
days from the date of receipt of application complete in all respect. All the charges and
documents shall be taken at the initial stage. In case any augmentation or extension
of the existing distribution system is required, the same shall be carried out by the
licensee after release of extension in demand. This option shall be exercised by the
consumer only once in three years.
11) As per Regulation 2.55, 2.57 & 10.1.(ii), both owner & occupier of premises shall be
given connection and the documents of owner and occupier have been specified.
In the absence of specified proof of ownership or occupancy, the applicant may submit
any other address proof, not given as part of identity proof, where connection is to be
released. Such applicants shall have to deposit Security(consumption) at double the
normal rate approved by the Commission for the relevant category.
12) As per Regulation 11.2, the seniority queues shall be specified by the PSPCL for which
separate Circular shall be issued by Commercial office.
13) As per Regulation 11.3.(i), 32.1.(i) & 33.1.(i), for all the connections having demand
upto 150 kW/kVA, the cost shall be recovered on normative basis i.e on per kW/kVA
basis, without any consideration of length of line. As such, consumer shall deposit the
full cost & all the documents at the initial stage & no separate demand notice shall be
issued in these cases. After acceptance of documents, the connection shall directly
become pending for Release of Connection.
However, in case of electric connection outside the village phirni, where the total length
of service line exceeds 500 meters, the applicant shall also pay variable charges for
the additional length of service line along with fixed service connection charges on kW
Note: For this change, Supply Code 2014 (amended upto date) shall be applicable for
cases applied before 14.11.2024 and Supply Code 2024 for cases applied on and after
14) As per Regulation 11.3.(ii), where ever applicable applicant/consumer shall submit
vetted route plan at the time of compliance of demand notice. Further in case the
applicant/consumer submits requisition for reduction of demand within the period of
compliance of demand notice the same shall be allowed after adjusting the excess
EMD/Security (Consumption) against first energy bill, and it shall not be considered as
new requisition in case there in no change in specified voltage.
In case the applicant submits requisition for additional demand within the period of
compliance of demand notice, including extended period of demand notice, the same
shall be allowed after accepting the additional EMD/ Security (Consumption), (after
adjusting original EMD/Security (Consumption) deposited) but it shall be considered
as new requisition.
The applicant/consumer can avail above opportunity only once.
Note: For this change, Supply Code 2014 (amended upto date) shall be applicable for
cases where demand notice has been issued before 14.11.2024 and Supply Code 2024
for cases where demand notice has been issued on and after 14.11.2024.
15) As per Regulation 11.5, in case applicant/consumer fails to pay applicable charges
within the original validity period then the connection to his junior applicant who has
complied with the demand notice shall be released and technical feasibility of the
consumer/ applicant whose connection was put on hold on account of non-submission
of applicable charges shall be re-examined at the time of receiving the charges within
the extended validity of Demand Notice.
Note: For this change, Supply Code 2014 (amended upto date) shall be applicable for
cases where demand notice has been issued before 14.11.2024 and Supply Code 2024
for cases where demand notice has been issued on and after 14.11.2024.
16) As per Regulation 11.6, 15 days' notice shall be issued to consumer/applicant before
cancellation of demand notice through any electronic means viz through registered
email/mobile phone.
Note: For this change, Supply Code 2014 (amended upto date) shall be applicable for
case where demand notice has been issued before 14.11.2024 and Supply Code 2024
for cases where demand notice has been issued on and after 14.11.2024.
17) As per Regulation 11.7, in case an applicant/consumer requests for extension of
load/demand before release of his already applied new connection/extension of load
then the same shall be allowed subject to condition that consumer has already
complied with the conditions of the demand notice issued against his existing
application and release of connection is pending. Both the cases shall be dealt
independently but the load/demand against second application shall only be released
after release of load/demand against first application. The applicant may avail this
opportunity only once.
18) As per Regulation 17, the procedure for release of Temporary connection has been
completely changed and this regulation may be read in detail. Major points are:
a. Temporary Supply shall be provided initially for a period of not exceeding two
years which shall be extended upto a Maximum time period of 5 years for all
consumers and 8 years for mega projects.
b. Security (works) shall include cost of material, erection, dismantlement charges
and other charges as per the cost data approved by the Commission.
c. For temporary connection for construction purpose with load not exceeding 7kW
consumer shall pay monthly service rental @ Rs.40 per kW per month along with
the energy bills. No security (works) or cost of depreciated material shall be
d. PSPCL shall review the advance security against consumption deposited by the
consumer after every 6 months on the basis of average energy bills of last 6
Note: For this change, Supply Code 2014 (amended upto date) shall be applicable for
case applied before 14.11.2024 and Supply Code 2024 for cases applied on and after
21) As per Regulation 22, applicant/consumer may avail the sanctioned demand in phases
within a period not exceeding six months. Applicant/Consumer may seek extension
which can be granted in block of six months up to a maximum period of 2 years. If
consumer/applicant surrenders the balance load/demand, the excess Security
(consumption) and Security (works), if any, shall be refunded through the energy bills
after deducting any expenses incurred by the distribution licensee to erect or to process
erection of the electrical system for catering to the full sanctioned contract demand of
the applicant.
22) As per Regulation 24, in case of DS/NRS consumers not covered under Contract
demand system, the maximum demand (in kW) exceeds the sanctioned or the
contracted load, as the case may be, in three or more billing cycles (in case of monthly
billing) and two or more billing cycles (in case of bi-monthly billing) in a financial year,
then the lowest of the maximum demand so recorded in such billing cycles shall be
deemed to be the revised sanctioned or the contracted load of the consumer from next
financial year for levy of all charges including Service Connection Charges for the
additional load as per the Cost data approved by the Commission through energy bills.
Such exercise shall be carried out by the distribution licensee at the start of each
financial year.
23) As per Regulation 25, group of new/existing HT/EHT consumers with their total
contract demand above 5000 kVA can install a 33 kV or higher Voltage Cluster Sub-
24) As per Regulation 27.2.(iv), consumer/person can also carry out the works of shifting
of LT/HT/EHT line or Distribution Transformer at his own cost as per provision specified
in Regulation 18. He shall get the same carried out through A class Licensed Electrical
Contractor as per layout plan approved by the distribution licensee and subject to
payment of supervision charges to the distribution licensee@ 15% of labour charges
Provided further that a HT/EHT consumer carrying out shifting of HT/EHT line or any
other work shall furnish a BG equivalent to cost of the material to be dismantled
calculated at 50% of the stock issue rates. The BG shall be returned after material is
handed over to the distribution licensee.
25) As per Regulation 29.1.(i), In case the applicant after submitting his application for
supply of electricity/extension of load etc. withdraws the same, 10% of the Security
(consumption)/additional Security (consumption) shall be deducted by the distribution
licensee and the balance refunded within thirty (30) days to the applicant without
payment of any interest by the distribution licensee.
Provided that in case the application is cancelled due to non-compliance by the
applicant/consumer, 20% of Security (consumption)/additional Security (consumption)
shall be deducted by the distribution licensee and balance refunded within thirty (30)
days to the applicant without payment of any interest by the distribution licensee
26) As per Regulation 30, various changes in the Safety measures as per CEA Safety
Regulation 2023 have been incorporated.
27) As per Regulation 32.1.ii, 33.1.ii & 18.1.(i), the demand notice to the consumer for
Security (Works) shall be issued as per Standard Cost Data to be issued by
Commission. After the compliance of demand notice by the applicant/consumer or after
deposit of Security (works) by the applicant pending submission of test report (in case
of work in hand as per Regulation 18.1), the detailed estimate shall be prepared by the
concerned office and in case the total amount of the sanctioned estimate exceeds the
Security(works) deposited by the applicant by 30%, PSPCL may issue a
supplementary demand notice for recovery of excess estimated amount. The
applicant/consumer shall be provided at least 15 days to deposit the additional Security
As per above, field office shall issue demand notice to the consumer only on basis of
Cost Data and Detailed estimate shall be prepared and got approved from the
competent authority.
28) As per Regulation 32.1.(ii).(a), it has been clarified that in case a new line has to be
erected directly from the nearest feeding grid substation to the consumer premises
then same shall be considered as Distribution Main and portion of the line from last
pole to consumer premises shall be considered as Service line.
29) As per Regulation 32.1.(ii).(d) & 33.1.(ii), the existing Regulation regarding expenditure
to be recovered while tapping of 66 kV lines has been removed. Further as per Order
of Commission regarding Supply Code Notification, “….Solid tapping of 66 kV lines is
not permitted as per CEA (Measures related to Safety and Electricity Supply)
Regulations, 2023. PSPCL has to find ways and means to tackle operational issues in
the light of safety rules….” As per this order, Solid Tapping of 66 kV lines has been
restricted in Supply Code 2024.
30) As per Regulation 33.1.(ii), it has been clarified that in case there is change in the
specified Supply Voltage of the consumer due to additional demand, the consumer
shall be liable to pay expenditure as per relevant Regulation treating it as a new
31) As per Regulation 35.1, the continuous supply of electricity shall mean supply to the
consumer without application of regulatory measures viz power cuts, off days etc. as
applicable to general category consumers except as specifically approved by the
Commission under section 23 of the Act.
32) As per Regulation 39.1.(ii), it has been specified that LT- CT operated meters or HT
CT/PT operated meters cannot be used in prepaid mode.
33) As per Regulation 39.3.(vii), in case of complaint from the consumer regarding their
meter readings not being commensurate with his consumption of electricity, PSPCL
shall install an additional meter within 5 days from the date of receipt of the complaint,
to verify the consumption, for a minimum period of 3 months. A copy of the test results
indicating the accuracy of the meter shall be provided to the consumer immediately.
If after testing, the meter is found to be correct then the consumer shall be charged
testing fee as per Schedule of general Charges in the electricity bill for the immediately
succeeding billing cycle.
In case a consumer is not satisfied with the site testing of the meter installed in his
premises or the meter cannot be tested by the distribution licensee at site then the
meter shall be removed and packed/sealed in the presence of consumer/ authorized
representative or the occupier of the premises for testing in the laboratory and another
duly tested meter shall be installed at the premises of such a consumer.
34) As per Regulation 39.3.(viii), defective meter means a meter where inaccuracy cannot
be determined through testing either in laboratory or at site.
35) As per Regulation 39.4, maximum time period for which Consumer account in case of
inaccurate meters can be overhauled has been increased from 6 months to 12 months.
However, the maximum time period for which Consumer account can be overhauled
in case of application of wrong multiplication factor has been limited to 3 years instead
of entire period earlier. Further the procedure of overhauling of Bidirectional Meter has
also been defined under Regulation 39.4.(iii).
36) As per Regulation 42.2, whenever billing is carried out through spot billing, AMR or
online capturing of meter data through smart meter, the Security (consumption) shall
be maintained on the basis of consumption charges for two months for bimonthly billing
and one month for monthly billing categories.
38) As per Regulation 51.3.(ii), in case of theft of electricity the assessment of charges
shall be done by assessing officer as designated in case of UUE (Annexure - 8 of
Supply Code). However, all the action has to be taken under section 135 of the Act.
Further the assessing officer shall have 3 days to asses the charges in case of Theft,
however disconnection of the supply and complaint lodging has to be done within 24
hours. In these 3 days the assessing officer shall check the assessment period on
basis of proof submitted by consumer (if any) or other data available with him.
The assessment order shall be a speaking order and in case, the assessment period
is less than 12 months, the assessing officer shall record the reasons in the speaking
Note - As per new changes in Supply Code, the assessing officer in case of theft has
been changed and the authorized officer and assessing officer in Theft can be
different/same. However, it may be kept in view that even if assessing officer in case of
Theft is same as that of UUE, the assessment in theft shall be done under section 135
only and as per Regulation 51 of Supply Code.
39) As per Annexure - 6, Aadhaar number, Email Id & Mobile number of the consumer has
been made part of the Bill of the consumer as such these data has to be sought from
each consumer. However, it may be noted that as per Order of Commission regarding
Supply Code Notification, it has been ordered that on the bill of the consumer these
information should be masked and only last four digits should be displayed.
40) As per Annexure - 7, changes in LDHF formula have been made to include all the
categories as per Schedule of Tariff. Further some changes in existing factors have
been made in the new Supply Code.
41) In Supply Code 2024, the rate of interest in various regulations has been changed from
SBI Base rate + 2 % to MCLR rate.