Dol 0000 GSP 00002 - Z16
Dol 0000 GSP 00002 - Z16
Dol 0000 GSP 00002 - Z16
Document Class. 2
Discipline: GENERAL
Document Title:
Rev. Purpose/Description of Revision Prepared Reviewed Approved Company
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any purpose other than that which it is specifically furnished without the written consent of Dolphin Energy Ltd.
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File Name:09004ed580381807_--_A4_--_.doc 1 of 72
||___ P-200
DOLPHIN PROJECT Company Doc. No.: DOL-0000-GSP-00002
(Doc.Title TAG NUMBERING PROCEDURE) Contractor Doc. No.: S-000-1141-102 <Z16>
Minor modifications to Unit and section codes, Fire Zones and product
A08 13-05-03
codes. Pipeline identification added to Appendix 10.
<EPC Phase>
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1 HEADING 1 PURPOSE.......................................................................................................................... 5
2 SCOPE.................................................................................................................................................... 5
3 DEFINITIONS ......................................................................................................................................... 5
3.1 Unit Code......................................................................................................................................... 5
3.2 Train Number .................................................................................................................................. 6
3.3 Identifiers ......................................................................................................................................... 6
3.4 Section Number............................................................................................................................... 6
3.5 Sequential Number.......................................................................................................................... 7
4 RESPONSIBILITIES............................................................................................................................... 7
4.1 Contractor........................................................................................................................................ 7
4.2 The Company Representative......................................................................................................... 7
5 RELATED DOCUMENTS....................................................................................................................... 7
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APPENDIX 1 : UNIT NUMBERS........................................................................................................... 31
APPENDIX 2 : SECTION NUMBERS ................................................................................................... 33
APPENDIX 3 : FIRE ZONE CODES ..................................................................................................... 42
APPENDIX 4 : DISCIPLINE CODES .................................................................................................... 45
APPENDIX 5 : MAJOR EQUIPMENT CODES ..................................................................................... 46
APPENDIX 6 : MINOR EQUIPMENT CODES...................................................................................... 47
APPENDIX 7 : Not Used ....................................................................................................................... 52
APPENDIX 8 : VALVE TYPE CODES .................................................................................................. 53
APPENDIX 9 : PRODUCT CODES ...................................................................................................... 54
APPENDIX 10 : PIPING CLASSIFICATION AND INSULATION CLASSES ....................................... 58
APPENDIX 11 : INSTRUMENT TYPE (I.S.A.) –CODE DERIVATION ................................................. 60
APPENDIX 13 : PROCESS FUNCTION NUMBERS............................................................................ 67
APPENDIX 15 : NOT APPLICABLE ..................................................................................................... 70
APPENDIX 16 : MINOR EQUIPMENT CODES FOR HVAC ................................................................ 71
APPENDIX 17 : Building Identification Code ........................................................................................ 72
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The purpose of this specification is to define requirements for the various identification and numbering
systems applied to major and minor equipment, valves, instruments, cables, structural members, fire
zones, lines, etc.
This procedure shall apply to the application of Tag numbers to all design locations including locations
within vendor packages. The extent of Tag numbering is that sufficient to allow the future tracking of
maintenance and integrity inspection at unique item level, as further detailed herein.
For Equipment Numbering (identification) procedure, refer to DOL-000-GSP-00003 (S-000-1141-103).
The initial three digits of all tag numbers determine the unit to which the tag number is assigned.
As a general principle, the first digit of this string of three is:
• 0 for upstream offshore platforms and sealines
• 1 for onshore (Ras Laffan) upstream facilities
• 2 for midstream facilities including Export compression
Along a process line, the unit break between this networking unit (160) and the interconnected process
units is defined at the flange of the unit isolation valve.
appear within a drawing, the unit identifier shall be included as an integral part of the tag/identification
In the case of P&ID’s, the unit identifier might be omitted to avoid repetitious clutter, provided that the
omission is fully explained by a note on each specific P&ID. (but note the full number in correct format will
be within the PDS P&ID database)
Any P&ID showing more than one unit shall, however be fully annotated.
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For the export compressor units, each compression will be considered as a train.
Within a unit, equipment not specific to a train (shared by all Trains) shall be allocated either 0, or 8, or 9
as train number, as detailed below. This is regardless of their actual location, which might be in some
case within the layout boundaries of a train.
In the case of P&ID’s, the train identifier might be omitted to avoid repetitious clutter, provided that the
omission is fully explained by a note on each specific P&ID. (subject to full number in PDS P&ID
Any P&ID showing more than one train shall, however be fully annotated.
3.3 Identifiers
Units are further divided into sections centered around major process equipment. Each section is
defined to perform primarily a specific basic process function (e.g. for Unit 103: Preflash, Desalting,
Stabilisation, Offgas compression, Degassing, Drain, Vent, etc.).
Tag numbers for major, minor and other equipment incorporate a two character number, as the first two
numerical digits in the numeric string in order to identify the section the equipment is within.
Equipment, which is specific to utilities (distribution) and to generic process functions (e.g. drains, vents,
relief and depressurisation) shall be given the tag number of the process units where they are located.
They shall be the subject of a dedicated section.
Use standard section numbers for these utilities and generic process functions (e.g. 99=drains, etc..), in
order to provide meaningful information to the end-user. E.g.
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Utility Section
Groundwater Monitoring Well 71
Air Holder 81, 82, 83
Sample Connection 84
Flare System - Header 85
Hydraulic Power Systems 86
Cooling water 88
Nitrogen 89
Instrument and Service air 90
Potable. Polished and Desalinated water 91
Sea water 92
Condensate 93
LP steam 94
MP steam 95
HP steam 96
Chemicals 97
Closed drains 98
Open drains 99
Tag numbers are then numbered sequentially, first digit from either 0 or 1, for each specific equipment
identifier, unless otherwise specified.
Amongst the exemptions to the above principle, see section 7.1 for specific requirement on tag allocation
for major equipment, which shall be numbered in incremental block of ten, from 0.
Use of block numbers may be effected where this provides the user with further information (e.g. the use
of a section number as detailed in 3.4 is a particular application of block numbering). This may also be
appropriate for other specific applications: e.g. cable numbers, minor equipment telephone numbers.
4.1 Contractor
The Contractor is responsible for ensuring that engineering tag numbers prepared by them or by
sub-parties/sub-contractors (such as process licensors) meet the requirements of this specification, with
tag numbers correctly depicted.
The Contractor is responsible for the management and maintenance of the COMPANY master database
for allocating and registering Tag numbering for contractors scope of work.
The Company Representative is responsible for ensuring that tag numbers are uniquely allocated and
registered in accordance with the conventions of this specification.
In the event that the Contractor's responsibility extends to equipment procurement, the Contractor's
Representative shall ensure that tag numbers for locations within the equipment are correctly tagged in
accordance with this procedure.
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6.1 General
Tag numbering is intended to be logically applied with a clear intention that the numbers should provide
meaningful information to users.
To allow a logical progression of tag numbers, blocks of sequential numbers may be allocated for major
scopes of work. The need to upload project generated information onto operations databases at some
time prior to final project hand-over shall be taken into account. Provision shall be made by the
Contractor for population of the fields in the COMPANY master databases.
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Parallel and serial duplicate occurrences are discriminated by use of suffix; alphabetically for parallel and
numeric for serial occurrences.
The basic rule for tag numbering for the duplicate equipment unless otherwise items that cannot be in
sequential from the view point of technical, is assigned the number starting from north to south or from
west to east where the items are located. The items only located in Stream-2 are applied for same
arrangement of Stream-1, instead of this rule.
As shown below.
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Tag numbering is intended to be logically applied with a clear intention that the numbers should provide
meaningful information to users, and be applied to an extent is that sufficient to allow the future tracking
of maintenance and integrity inspection at unique item level (every device certified for use in a
hazardous area needs to be uniquely identified, every instrument item etc). In certain circumstances for
example ‘Major equipment packages’ items application of the system may be impracticable and this
section addresses what minimum requirements apply. Application of vendor tag numbers shall only
occur with formal approval of COMPANY.
Where agreed the number format will be vendor number as depicted on drawings etc prefixed with the
related parent equipment tag number (and this latter number must be in accordance with this procedure
and not a vendor tag number). Please note it is essential that the vendor number is a unique number and
cannot occur more than once within any specific equipment package (nor be replicated across different
equipment types/disciplines).
Regarding instrumentation, this concession will only be considered for devices remote from the central
control system with no control action or signal being directed from the central control systems (ICSS etc).
Line numbering within a vendor package may be restricted with regard to utility systems but shall be
applied to all process lines.
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Fixed Characters
Unit Code (see Appendix 1) Duplicate Item Suffix, where
Train Number (see sect. 3.2) applicable (see sect. 6.2)
Major Equipment Type, Sequential Number (see below)
Maximum 2 digits (see Appendix 5) Section Number (see sect. 3.4)
Within each system, major equipment must be numbered in sequence, regardless of their equipment
type (vessel, pump, etc.).
To allow sufficient instrument tag number space for logical association of instruments to their respective
vessel, pump etc, major equipment shall generally be numbered in incremental blocks of ten.
Incremental blocks of twenty or greater may be required where a complex instrumentation system exists,
this is determined by the section number.
As far as practically feasible, the main equipment of a process function (e.g. the Condensate Preflash
Drum in a Preflash section) will be given the sequential number 00.
Other major process equipment used in the same section will be given a sequential number starting from
10. This will provide the users with a direct association of the section number with the related process
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Tag numbering for Minor Equipment is only applied for the equipment shown in Appendix 6. Minor
Equipment Codes shall be added following to discipline code of major Equipment only once.
Fixed Characters
Characters from Associated
Major Equipment Tag Number
Unit Code (see Appendix 1) Duplicate Item Suffix, where
Train Number (see sect. 3.2) applicable (see sect. 6.2)
Discipline Identifier Sequential Number
(see Appendix 4) Section Number (see sect. 3.4)
Minor Equipment Type
(see appendix 6)
7.2.2 Minor Equipment Not Associated with a Section (Except for HVAC)
For every combination of Unit, Train, Discipline Identifier and Minor Equipment Type the sequence
number is assigned starting at 0001 and end at 0099. (00 is used as section number for non section
related equipment items. )
The Multi-Item Suffix is only included when parallel or sequential instances occur (see 6.2).
Fixed Characters
Unit Code (see Appendix 1) Duplicate Item Suffix, where
Train Number (see sect. 3.2) applicable (see sect. 6.2)
Discipline Identifier Sequential Number
(see Appendix 4) (From 0001 to 0099)
Minor Equipment Type
(see appendix 6)
System Unit code
(See Appendix 1)
Sequential number
(Use 001 to 999)
Train number
Fire zone (appendix 3)
Telecom equipment type
(Discipline Code “T” plus Minor Equipment Codes shown in Appendix 6)
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Tag numbering for HVAC is including building identification number in the position of section number for
Minor Equipment associated with a section.
Fixed Characters
Unit Code (fix “166”) Duplicate Item Suffix, where
Train Number (fix “0”) applicable (see sect. 6.2)
Discipline Identifier Sequential Number
(fix “H”) (From 0001 to 0099)
Minor Equipment Type for HVAC Building Identification Number
(see appendix 16) (see appendix 17)
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Sequential number from 01 to 99
* IS = intrinsically safe
Control (PCS)
BCA Analogue inputs/outputs
BCI On/Off inputs
BCO On/Off outputs
BGA Analogue inputs/outputs
BGI On/Off inputs
BGO On/Off outputs
BSA Analogue inputs/outputs
BSI On/Off inputs
BSO On/Off outputs
BNA Analogue inputs/outputs
BNI On/Off inputs
BNO On/Off outputs
Use same identification as Instrument Junction Box except the JB type B is followed by the system code
defined in Appendix 6.
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7.4 Cables
Sequential number
Unit number
Train number
Signal type
0 (zero) = “not IS” I = “IS”*
Cable Function
(see below)
* IS = intrinsically safe
Note: As far as practicable the sequential numbers for cables should match the junction box
• Cables
Instrument (PSD)
CGA Analogue inputs/outputs
CGI On/Off inputs
CGO On/Off outputs
Instrument ESD
CSA Analogue inputs/outputs
CSI On/Off inputs
CSO On/Off outputs
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7.4.2 Electrical
Unit number
Section number
Equipment number
(see sect 7.11.1 and Appendix 5)
Serial number
Starting with 1 (if required)
Cable Function*
*Cable Function
P for power cables
C for control cables
Example 1 (2 power cables in // feeding swithchboard 1ES31, first feeding from emergency
Swichborrd Number
Duplicate Item Suffix, where applicable
(See Sect. 6.2
Cable Function
Original Number of Cables
Example 2 (2 power cables in // feeding swithchboard 1ES31, second feeding from emergency
Swichborrd Number
Duplicate Item Suffix, where applicable
(See Sect. 6.2
Cable Function
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The numbering of these cables is based on the tag numbers of the cabinets linked together by the cable
(see 7.6.3):
Origin cabinet tag number Cable type Destination Cabinet tag number
Cable type:
C (for cable) + 1 character (C,G,S,N,F) + 3 characters (sequential number) starting from 01
CC control Cable
CG PSD Cable
CS Shutdown cable
CN Fire and Gas Cable
CF Fibre optic Cable
For every combination of Unit, Train, Product Code, the sequence number is assigned starting at 01,
except for underground lines, such as open drains and sewerages
Fixed Characters
Unit Code (see Appendix 1) Sequential Number*
* For vendor packages sequential numbers will start from 0501 and will be allocated for each package by
the responsible package engineer.
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7.6 Instruments
7.6.1 Process
Characters from associated
major equipment tag number
Unit Code (see Appendix 1)
Train Number (see sect. 3.2) Multiple Item Suffix, where
Instrument Society of America applicable (see sect. 6.2)
(ISA) code, max. 5 characters
(see Appendix 11 & 12)
Section Number (see sect. 3.4) Instrument sequential number,
Major equipment sequential number Preferably reflecting the
(see sect. 7.1) control/shutdown function
(see Appendix 13)
Wherever possible, instrumentation shall bear the number of the tag for the major equipment where it is
measuring or controlling. Generally governed by constraints of conflicting tagging, additional numbers
will be required to identify the various instrument loops within the major equipment incremental block
(see below).
b. To signify parallel operation of like instrumentation, aligning tag designation with suffix letters of
parallel major equipment.
c. As a repeat to a main function. The suffix should be omitted if the repeat is on a supervisory system
gathering data from the originating device.
a. To indicate duty/standby or repeat instrumentation fitted to parallel processes which already bear
letter suffices.
This suffix rule should also be used for identifying PSVs duplicated on parallel or duty/standby (letter suffixed)
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b. To separately identify multiple minor instrumentation, generally associated with small items of
equipment, e.g. pressure gauges on a multi-stage regulator.
System Unit code
(See Appendix 1)
Sequential number (note 4)
(Use 001 to 200) (see below)
Train number
Fire zone (appendix 3)
Detector type
(See below)
Sequential number (note 4)
System Unit code (Use A to Z)
(See Appendix 1)
Sequential number
(Use 201 to 999) (see below)
Train number 0 (always)
Fire zone (appendix 3)
Detector type
(See below)
• Fire detectors
NDTS Thermostatic detection
NDHR Detection based on temperature rise
NDUI Optical detection of flame (UV/IR)
NDIR Optical detection of flame (IR)
NDEW Early warning smoke detection
NDOS Optical smoke detection
NDIS Ionisation Smoke detection
NDFP Detection based on fusible plugs
• Gas detectors
Tag Number (Outdoor) Tag Number (Indoor)
GDC Catalytic gas detection - 251 – 400
GDT Toxic gas detection 101 – 200 401 –
GDIR Infrared gas detection 001 – 050 201 – 250
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1. ISA code "B" will only be used for Flame detection related to process functions.
Ex Flame detection on burner
2. ISA code “N” will then be used for Flame detection related to F&G system
3. Alarms associated to Fire & Gas detectors will be tagged independently from type of measure ex.
4. This character shall be used when more than one detector are connected to the same cable loop.
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① Control & Telecom cabinets (DCS, Control Panel and Package Unit Panel)
Note: Discipline and Train are not referenced within the Tag Number
Sequential Number
System Unit Number (Use 01 to 99)
(See Appendix1)
Cabinet Type Unit Location
(see Table 7.6.3-1) (See Table7.6.3-2)
Cabinets are numbered by fire zone and the following system unit:
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Example: 1720HS14A01 (ESD Hand Switch Fire Zone 14A, No.: 01, no suffix)
Selected Shutdown Type
- ESD: 1720 Suffix No. (A to Z)
- EDP: 1760
Sequential number
(Use 01 to 99)
Fixed (HS) Hand Switch Type B for ESD2 (including indoor and outdoor push buttons)
Example: 1720HS103101 (ESD Hand Switch Unit Code: 103-1, No.:01, no suffix)
Selected Shutdown Type
- ESD: 1720 Suffix No. (A to Z)
Sequential number
(Use 01 to 99)
Fixed (HS) Hand Switch
Example: 1710HS103106001 (PSD Hand Switch Unit Code: 103-1, K0600 (compressor) No.:01, no suffix)
Selected Shutdown Type
- PSD: 1710 Suffix No. (A to Z)
- ESD: 1720
Sequential number
(Use 01 to 99)
Fixed (HS) Hand Switch
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Sequential number
(Use 1 T0 9)
Substation number
(See Appendix 14)
Voltage level
(See below)
Minor Equipment Code
(See Appendix 6)
0 132 kV
1 33 kV
2 11 kV
3 6.6 kV
4 690 V
5 400 V
6A 230 V
6B 230 V (UPS)
7 110 V / 125 V-DC
8 48 V-DC
9 24 V-DC
Note: For transformers primary voltage level followed by secondary voltage level will be indicated.
Example below shows first transformer 6.6 kV / 0.4 kV in sub station SS0
Substation number Sequential number (Use 1 to 9)
(See Appendix 14)
(2) Secondary Voltage (See above)
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Sequential number
(Use 1 T0 9)
Substation number
(See Appendix 14)
Minor Equipment Code
(See See Appendix 6)
Equipment Number
2 A1
3 A1 2 A2 2 B1 4 B1
4 A1 1A C 1B 3 B1
3 A2 2 A3 2 B2 4 B2
2 A4
Example UPS
Example (230V)
Substation number Sequential number (Use 1 to 9)
(See Appendix 14) Voltage Level (See above)
Minor Equipment Number (See Appendix 6)
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(motor driving pump 103-1P0110-A1)
(motor driven air cooler 103-1A0410-A)
(motor driving compressor 103-1K0600)
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Local Control Station (fix) Electrical Motor Number
Power junction boxes shall be identified by the corresponding motor or equipment identification.
Power Junction Boxes
(See above) Electrical Motor Number
Control Junction Boxes Electrical Motor Number
(See above)
Sequential Number (Use 01 to 99)
Lighting Junction Boxes
(See above)
Circuit Serial Number (Use 01 to 99)
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(a).1.1 127-NL1
Unit number
See appendix 1
Sequential number
(Use 1 to 9)
Minor equipment Code
See appendix 6
(a).1.1 127-NL10101
Circuit number 1
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Not used
For every combination of Unit, Train, Valve type, the sequence number is assigned starting at 01.
Fixed Characters
Unit Code (see Appendix 1) Sequential Number
Fixed Character “SP” (see Appendix-6)
Unit Code (see Appendix 1) sequential Number (Note)
All material items not covered by Project Materials and Valve specifications and designated special
materials. For every Unit / Train the sequence number is assigned starting at 001.
Fixed Character
Unit Code (see Appendix 1) sequential Number
_ __ For Hook-ups use the same format substituting HU for SP i.e. 103-1HU001
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For Tie-ins use the same format substituting TI for SP i.e. 103-1TI001
For Sample connections use the similar format substituting SC for SP and the sequential number two
digits i.e. 103-1SC01
7.10 Structural
First 3 digit of PCWBS Sequential Number (Start with 01)
Level-3 (*)
Type of Structure (**)
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_ __ 131 Diesel
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Unit Code Unit Description
200 Export Gas Compression, Metering, pipeline and fuel gas compression
266 HVAC
267 Electrical distribution in ITR’s (Instrument Technical Rooms)
272 ESD
273 FGS
_ __ 274 Telecom
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Continuation numbers apply where a significant number of equipment tags are required.
For minor Equipment not associated to a section, use 00. Use 2 digit sequence number from 01 to 99 for
minor equipment associated to a section.
Note: A number of Units will have a section 87 (firewater) not referenced in the Equipment list but
identified in with instrument (e.g. deluge valve).
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__ RA| 116 01 Feed gas pre-treatment Trains 1 and 2 Trains 1 and 2 RLP
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__ RA| 146 07 Fresh Amine storage / distribution for Unit 112 RLP
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Note: Fire zone codes are used in the Fire & Gas detector tag numbering.
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12A 101-1 Gas Treatment - TRAIN 1 Sections 01, 02, 06, 97, 98 SS12 ITR12A RLP
12A 104-1 Dehydration & Mercury Guard TRAIN 1 SS12 ITR12A RLP
12A 105-1 NGL Recovery TRAIN 1 SS12 ITR12A RLP
12A 122-1 HP & LP Fuel gas drums SS12 ITR12A RLP
12A 101-8 Gas Treatment - TRAIN 1 Sections 03, 04, 05, 07, 93, 99 SS12 ITR12A RLP
12B 101-2 Gas Treatment - TRAIN 2 Sections 01, 02, 06, 97, 98 SS12 ITR12B RLP
12B 104-2 Dehydration & Mercury Guard TRAIN 2 SS12 ITR12B RLP
12B 105-2 NGL Recovery TRAIN 2 SS12 ITR12B RLP
14A 103-1 Condensate Stabilisation TRAIN – 1 SS14 ITR14 RLP
14A 118-1 Condensate Treatment TRAIN – 1 SS14 ITR14 RLP
14B 108-1 Sulphur Recovery & Tail gas Clean up TRAIN 1 SS14 ITR14 RLP
14B 112-1 Sulphur Recovery TRAIN 1 SS14 ITR14 RLP
14B 117-0 DSO Treatment SS14 ITR14 RLP
14C 100-1 Reception Facilities TRAIN 1 Sections 93, 97 SS14 ITR14 RLP
14C 100-2 Reception Facilities TRAIN 2
14C 006-1 Inlet Sealines Scrapper Receiver, Train1 Section 02 SS14 ITR14 RLP
14C 006-2 Inlet Sealines Scrapper Receiver, Train2 Section 02 SS14 ITR14 RLP
14C 100-0 Slugcatcher and reception facilities SS14 ITR14 RLP
14C 130-0 Slug catcher foam storage tank SS14 ITR14 RLP
14E 140-1 Flare system package sections 01, 02, 03 SS14 ITR14 RLP
14E 140-0 Flare sump drum section 98 SS14 ITR14 RLP
15 - Future Acid Gas Compression TRAIN 1 SS15 ITR15 RLP
15 - Future Acid Gas Injection SS15 ITR15 RLP
21 107-2 NGL Fractionation TRAIN 2 SS21 ITR21 RLP
21 111-2 Propane refrigeration TRAIN 2 SS21 ITR21 RLP
21 114-2 Propane Treatment & Drying TRAIN 2 SS21 ITR21 RLP
21 115-2 Butane Treatment & Drying TRAIN 2 SS21 ITR21 RLP
21 116-2 Ethane Treatment & Drying TRAIN 2 SS21 ITR21 RLP
22A 101-3 Gas Treatment - TRAIN 3 Sections 01, 02, 06, 97, 98 SS22 ITR22A RLP
22A 104-3 Dehydration & Mercury Guard TRAIN 3 SS22 ITR22A RLP
22A 105-3 NGL Recovery TRAIN 3 SS22 ITR22A RLP
22A 122-2 HP & LP Fuel gas drums SS22 ITR22A RLP
22A 101-9 Gas Treatment - TRAIN 3 Sections 03, 04, 05, 07, 93, 99 SS22 ITR22A RLP
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22B 101-4 Gas Treatment - TRAIN 4 Sections 01, 02, 06, 97, 98 SS22 ITR22B RLP
22B 104-4 Dehydration & Mercury Guard TRAIN 4 SS22 ITR22B RLP
22B 105-4 NGL recovery TRAIN 4 SS22 ITR22B RLP
24A 103-2 Condensate Stabilization TRAIN – 2 SS24 ITR24 RLP
24A 118-2 Condensate Treatment TRAIN 2 SS24 ITR24 RLP
24B 108-2 Sulphur recovery & Tail Gas Clean up TRAIN 2 SS24 ITR24 RLP
24B 112-2 Acid Gas Enrichment TRAIN 2 SS24 ITR24 RLP
24C 130-0 Fire foam pumps and tanks, Section 05 SS24 ITR24 RLP
24C 151-0 Off-spec condensate storage and re-cycling / DSO SS24 ITR24 RLP
24D 109-0 Sour water striping Section 98 SS24 ITR24 RLP
24D 109-1 Sour water striping Sections 01, 02, 93 SS24 ITR24 RLP
24D 109-2 Sour water striping Sections 01, 02, 93 SS24 ITR24 RLP
24D 129-0 Waste effluents disposal, All sections except 16 SS24 ITR24 RLP
24D 133-0 water injection well SS24 ITR24 RLP
24E 140-2 Flare system package sections 01, 02, 03 SS24 ITR24 RLP
25 Future Acid Gas Compression TRAIN 2 SS25 ITR25 RLP
25 Future Acid Gas injection wells TRAIN 2 SS25 ITR25 RLP
30 200-0 Export gas compression, compression (200-0, SS30 ITR30 RLE
200-1,……..200-6) gas and third party & Ethane metering ITR31
(116-40), launcher and fuel gas TR33
32 200-0 Future export gas compression SS30 ITR32 RLE
33 116-0 Metering & Product Rundown SS30 ITR30 RLE
40 143-0 Condensate storage and metering SS40 ITR40 RLH
40 153-0 Firewater storage and distribution - Condensate storage SS40 ITR40 RLH
40 154-0 Emergency generation - Condensate storage area SS40 ITR40 RLH
40 182-0 Instrument Service Air - Condensate storage area SS40 ITR40 RLH
43 159-0 Condensate loading facilities SS40 ITR40 RLH
000 160-0 Interconnecting Pipe Track RL0
000 170-0 Interconnecting off sites RL0
000 GEN Fire Zone General SS0 ITR0 RL0
000 ST1 Fire Zone Stream1 SS0 ITR0 RL0
000 ST2 Fire Zone Stream2 SS0 ITR0 RL0
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Code Description
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A Air Cooler
B Boiler
C Column
D Drum Diesel Engine
E Heat Exchanger (condenser, cooler, reboiler, etc..)
F Filter
FL Flare Tip
G Electric Generator Gas Motor
GB Gear Box
H Fired Furnace, Heater, Steam Boiler
I Do not use
J Ejector
K Compressor, Blower, Fan
L Scraper Launcher / Receiver
M Mixer, Agitator, Static Mixer Electrical Motor
N Xmas Tree
O Do not use
P Pump
R Reactor
S Lifeboat Steam Turbine
T Storage Tank, Neutralisation Pit, Sump Pit Gas Turbine
U Package Unit
V Crane (Pedestal and Gantry)
W Mobile Equipment (e.g. mobile pump, skid,..)
X Miscellaneous
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F BA Breathing Apparatus
M BC Beam Clamp
F,T BN Beacon
J BP Base Plate (Area Allocation for Junction Box Mounting Frame)
T BR Battery Charger
J CA (Reserved for Instruments 7.2.6)
F CC Chemical Cabinet
R CG Coupling
T DA Dish Antennae
T DB Non-Directional Beacon Equipment
F DV Deluge Valve
F DH Deluge / Sprinkler Head & Accessories
F DP Fire Extinguisher (Dry Powder)
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B DR Door
T DS Data System/LAN
F EB Eye Bath; Safety Shower, Eye Wash Station
F EC Fire Extinguishers Cabinet
F EE Live Electrical Emergency Equipment
F FF Fireman's Equipment
F FE Fire Extinguisher (CO2)
F FG Firefighting, Galley System
F FM Fire Extinguisher (Foam)
T FO Fibre Optic
M, , L FR Filter and Strainer
F FU Mobile Foam Unit
T FX Facsimile & Telex Equipment, Photocopier, Office Computer
J GA (Reserved for Instruments)
R GB Gearbox
R GC Compressed Gas Cylinder
F GD Portable Gas Detector
J GI (Reserved for Instruments)
J GO (Reserved for Instruments)
F HA Personal Safety Kit Holdall
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R HB Hoist
E, HC Heating Element / Coil
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M,S PE Padeye
F PF In-Line Foam Proportioner
T PU Power Supply Unit
R RB Runway Beam
T RE Tape Recorder
T RF Radio – UHF/FM
T RG Radio Paging
T RM Remote Handset
T RP Repeater
T RS Radio/Satellite
T RT Router
J SA (Reserved for junction box See 7.2.6)
F SH Smoke Hood
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T VM CCTV Monitor
T VR Video Recorder
E WS Welding Socket Outlet
F WT Fire Extinguishers (Water)
R WY Winches
T XB Xenon Flashing Beacon
T XT Emergency PABX
F,T YL Visual Warning
F,T YT Sounder; Horn; Bell
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Code Specific
VB Ball Valve
VC Check Valve
VD Double Block & Bleed Valve Mono-Block Assembly
VF Butterfly Valve
VG Gate Valve
VL Globe Valve
VN Needle Valve
VP Plug Valve
VR Diaphragm Valve
VT Through-Conduit Gate Valve
VW 3 Way Valve (or Greater Number of Ports)
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AF Anti Foam
AM Amine
AS Anti Scale
ATM Atmospheric vent
AV Volatile amine
BB Boiler blowdown
BI Biocide
BR Brine reject
BW Boiler feed water
CA Catalyst
CC Cold steam condensates
CD Cleaning agent (distillation)
CE Cleaning agent (electro-chlorination)
CF Fresh caustic
CG Coagulant
CH HP steam condensates
CK Corrosion inhibitor
CL LP steam condensates
CM Calcium Chloride
CP Polluted steam condensates
CS Chemical sewer
DA1 Amine drain Unit 101
DA2 Amine drain Unit 108 /112
DA3 Amine drain Unit 116
DA4 Amine drain Unit 114/115
DC Caustic drain
DD Disulphide Oil Drain
DE Demulsfier
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DF Disulphide oil
DO Diesel oil
DP Cold Hydrocarbon drain
DPB Butane Cold drain at Harbour area
DPP Propane Cold drain at Harbour area
DR Hydrocarbon drain
DS Sour water drain
DW Drinking water
FA High pressure wet flare header
FB Low pressure flare header
FC High pressure cold flare header
FF Flocculant
FG Fuel gas (To Gas turbine)
FS MP Sour gas flare header
FT MP Dry Flare header
FW Fire water
G Hydrocarbon gas
GA Acid gas (H2S + CO2)
GA2 SO2 Rich Gas
GD Glycol (tetra ethylene glycol dimethyl ether)
GDE Glycol Dimethyl ether
GM Glycol (MEG)
GT Glycol (TEG)
HC Hydrocarbon (liquid and/or gas)
HFG HP Fuel Gas
HO Hydraulic fluid
HW Accidentally contaminated water sewer
HY Sodium hypochlorite
IA Instrument air
IG Inergen gas
KHI Kinetic hydrate inhibitor
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L Hydrocarbon liquid
LC Lean caustic
LD Laboratory drains
LFG LP Fuel Gas
LO Lube oil
LS Sulphur (liquid)
MD Glycol drain (MEG)
ME Methanol
MO Morpholine
MT Methanol drain
N Nitrogen
NW Non-contaminated sewer
OD Oily water sewer (open drain)
OX Oxygen scavanger
PA Process air
PH Phosphate
PR Propane refrigerant
RC Rich caustic
RE Reverse demulsifier
RF Refrigerant
RW Desalinated water
SA Sulphuric acid
SB Sodium Bicarbonate
SC Spent caustic
SD Solvent 117 drain
SG Seal gas
SH High pressure steam
SL Low pressure steam
SLL LLP saturated steam
SO Seal oil
SP Reserved (Piping special Items)
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SS Sulphur (solid)
SSH HP Superheated steam
SU Sulphite
SW Seawater
SY Sodium hydroxide
TD Glycol drain (TEG)
TCW Tempered cooling water
TW Demineralised water
UA Utility air
UW Utility water
V* Reserved (Manual valve numbering where * is valve type Initial)
WA Foam solution water (fire fighting)
WD Domestic Sewer
WS Sour water
WT Stripped water
WW Spent or waste water
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Piping Classification/Specification
Piping class numbering principles shall be as per TotalFinaElf General Specification GS PVV 112.
Following clarification is based from section 3 of this GS.
Generation of number
The class number shall consist of a capital letter representing the ASME flanges rating, and a two-digit
number representing the main material entering into the composition of the material used for the pipes,
fittings, flanges, valves, etc., of the piping material class in question.
Example: B 01N
*For Pipelines to ASME B31.8 (suffix P) an additional identifying number to define the design factor “F” is
required see table on next page.
The letters and numbers to be used for numbering piping classes are indicated hereafter:
01 to 30: Carbon steels (digits "X"1 to "X"6 also indicate the corrosion allowance for carbon steels,
namely 1.27 to 6 mm)
(Digits “X2” indicate steam services fluids)
31 to 45: Alloy steels
(Digits “X2” indicate steam services fluids)
46 to 70: Stainless steels
71 to 85: Special alloys (Monel, Hastelloy, etc.)
86 to 99: Other materials (Cast-iron, copper alloy, GRP, etc.)
The following optional suffixes are used to indicate specific service condition:
D= Jacketed piping
N= Sour Wet Service (SSCC only) (Specification GS PVV 622, to be used for wet H2S service
where HIC is not considered or for amine service)
P= Indicates Pipeline classes derived from the present document but entirely governed by a
pipeline code and not complying with the ASME B 31.3 code
(These classes are not part of the present document and are issued separately for each particular
R= Refrigerated piping (designed according to the ASME B 31.5 code)
S1= Sour Service
S2= Amine Service (Rich amine containing H2S)
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0 No Insulation
1 Heat Conservation
2 Cold Service (+10°C to -40°C)
3 Personnel Protection
4 Frost Protection (Winterisation)
5 Cyclic Cold / Hot Service
6 Acoustic Insulation (All ranges)
7 Anti-Condensation
8 Solar insulation protection
9 Underground (Buried line)
In addition to the Insulation Class Code, Heat Traced Lines are denoted by a ‘E’ (Electric) or ‘S’ (Steam)
after the insulation class, lines requiring fire protection are denoted by an 'F' after the insulation class.
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D Density Differential
Shutdown / Blowdown
E Voltage Sensor (Primary
Emergency (with S Element)
F Flow Rate Ratio / Fraction
G Gas Glass
Pneumatic Viewing Device
H Hand High / Open / Run
J Power Scan
R Radiation Record
S Speed / Frequency Safety Switch
Shutdown (with D modifier)
T Temperature Transmit
X Miscellaneous X Axis
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"Secondary Phase" includes exchanger media, Knockout vessel bottoms. It may also be used where
there is no new Major Equipment intervening for the next sub-process e.g. down-stream of a pressure
control valve, to save excessive numbering usage.
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Not Applicable
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Control Centre/SS0/ITR0 01
Laboratory 02
Power and Steam Generation Substation (MS1-SS1/ITR1) 03
Sulphur Granulation & Chemical Storage SS/ITR (SS2/ITR2) 04
NGL Fractionation Phase 1 SS/ITR (SS11/ITR11) 05
Acid Gas Removal A & B Phase 1 SS/ITR (SS12/ITR12A&B) 06
Condensate Stabilization and Treatment Phase 1 SS/ITR (SS14/ITR14) 07
NGL Fractionation Phase 2 SS/ITR (SS21/ITR21) 08
Acid Gas Removal A & B Phase 2 SS/ITR (SS22/ITR22A&B) 09
Condensate Stabilization and Treatment Phase 2 SS/ITR (SS24/ITR24) 10
Export Gas Compression (EGC) Technical Building (SS30/ITR30/ITR31) 11
Condensate Storage SS/ITR (SS40/ITR40) 12
Metering Analyzer Room (TR33) 13
Ethane and QP Metering Analyzer Room (TR34) 14
Sulphur Area Technical Room (TR44) 15
Canteen 21
Fire Fighting Station 22
Gate House 1 (Main) 23
Gate House 2 24
Mosque 25
Maintenance Workshop 26
Operation Building 27
Warehouse 28
Gate House (GH-H1) 29
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