Assignment 2 - RA
Assignment 2 - RA
Assignment 2 - RA
Total Marks:10
NUST is a large university comprising multiple schools, each offering several degree programs.
Every degree program has four batches, corresponding to the four years of study (1st year to 4th
year). Each batch is divided into two sections, and every section contains 50 students. The
university tracks the academic details of students, their program, batch, and section in a
centralized database.
Write down Relational Algebra and SQL queries of the following requirements (Hand written):
1. Report all the students enrolled in the 4th-year batch this year.
2. Report all sections for the 1st-year batch of the "Computer Science" program.
3. Report all students from the "Electrical Engineering" program who are in section 2.
4. Report all degree programs offered by the "School of Mechanical Engineering".
5. Report all students who are enrolled in the "Computer Science" program in the 2nd-year