Consti Mid Sem
Consti Mid Sem
Consti Mid Sem
Types of Emergencies
You said:
Elections (Part XV) form a 10 marks question on this topic and give its
ChatGPT said:
Services Under the Union and the States (Part XIV): Part XIV of the
Indian Constitution deals with the organization, recruitment, and
conditions of service for public servants employed by both the Union
and the States. It encompasses Articles 308 to 323, which focus on
public services, the Public Service Commissions, and protections
granted to government employees.
Key Provisions:
Part XIV of the Indian Constitution lays the legal framework for the
civil services, ensuring a balance between executive authority and
protection of civil servants. The role of the UPSC and SPSCs is critical
in ensuring a fair and impartial recruitment process, while the
protections under Article 311 offer civil servants security from arbitrary
actions, maintaining an efficient and stable administration at both Union
and State levels.