Syllabus Business Services Cut
Syllabus Business Services Cut
Syllabus Business Services Cut
3.1.1 Outcomes
The student:
uses critical thinking skills to generate and evaluate solutions to workplace problems
selects and uses appropriate business technology and software applications to complete tasks in a
business services workplace
applies methods and procedures to input and process workplace data and information
organises and maintains workplace data and information in compliance with legislative, regulatory
and workplace requirements
The application and elements for each of these units of competency are provided below.
Application This unit describes skills and knowledge required to apply critical thinking skills to
generate solutions to workplace problems in a team environment.
Assessment requirements for BSBCRT311 Apply critical thinking skills in a team environment are
detailed in the Training Package.
Application This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to select and use software and
organise electronic information and data.
Assessment requirements for BSBTEC201 Use business software applications are detailed in the
Training Package.
workplace problems
current issues and trends affecting the business services industry and implications for the business
services workplace, for own work practices and the delivery of service
consultation and collaboration with key stakeholders (team members, colleagues from other
business units, customers) about workplace problems:
– establish existing knowledge and understanding
– exchange ideas, views and opinions
– challenge preconceptions and assumptions and ask questions to gain different perspectives
– identify areas for continuous improvement
selection and use of relevant business technology and software applications to complete tasks
common to an organisation/workplace in the business services industry, including:
– digital communication
– database
– graphic design
– presentation
– spreadsheet
– word processing
importance of using an application that suits the nature and purpose of the work task, intended
audience and format and presentation requirements
importance of privacy, confidentiality and security in relation to data and information management
process data and information in accordance with workplace requirements and task requirements,
within designated timeframes:
– collate, record and document data and information
– format data and information, including spreadsheets, forms, letters, minutes, presentations
– distribute data and information to relevant personnel
sources of support commonly used to trouble-shoot when equipment fails and/or solve software-
related problems:
– documentation (workplace manual, training material, vendor/supplier guides)
– online help
– technical support
solve routine problems associated with using database, digital communication, presentation,
spreadsheet and word processing software applications
3.2.1 Outcomes
The student:
demonstrates understanding of factors affecting wellbeing in the workplace and the availability of
wellbeing resources
demonstrates understanding of work health and safety (WHS) consultation, participation and
compliance in the business services industry
explains safe work practices and procedures for the business services industry
describes workplace policy and procedures that ensure the safety of the business services worker
and their colleagues and customers
proposes strategies to assist with implementing and monitoring WHS as part of a team.
The application and elements for each of these units of competency are provided below.
Application This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to advocate for and feel
empowered about personal wellbeing in the workplace. It involves developing and
applying basic knowledge of factors that may influence wellbeing, both positively and
Assessment requirements for BSBPEF201 Support personal wellbeing in the workplace are detailed in
the Training Package.
Application This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to assist with implementing and
monitoring an organisation’s work health and safety (WHS) policies, procedures and
programs as part of a small work team.
Elements 1. Assist with incorporating WHS policies and procedures into work team processes
4. Participate in identifying hazards, and assessing and controlling risks for the work
Assessment requirements for BSBWHS311 Assist with maintaining workplace safety are detailed in the
Training Package.
acknowledge that WHS is everyone’s responsibility in the workplace and the implications of this
WHS compliance
difference between an act, regulation, code of practice, guidance material and standard
(Australian, industry and workplace)
purpose and intent of WHS legislation and codes of practice and their application to the business
services industry and workplace, and a specific job role:
– WHS legislation:
Work Health and Safety Act 2011 (NSW) (as amended)
Work Health and Safety Regulation 2017 (NSW) (as amended)
– codes of practice related to:
first aid in the workplace
hazardous substances
hazardous manual tasks
WHS risks
WHS rights, duties and responsibilities of the person conducting a business or undertaking
(PCBU), officer and worker (as defined in the legislation)
consequences of failure to observe (non-compliance) WHS workplace policy and procedures and
legislative requirements
safety signs, symbols and barricades used in the business services industry and their use in the
– legislative requirements
– meaning of colour and shape
– placement and positioning
apply workplace policy and protocols and regulatory requirements when monitoring, recording and
reporting in relation to WHS
opportunities for workers to provide input into WHS consultation and participation processes:
– formal and informal discussion
– meeting
– survey
– training
– WHS audit
– WHS inspection
requirements (including election/formation) of a health and safety committee or health and safety
representative (HSR) and their role and responsibilities in the workplace
use of data and evidence to demonstrate how safe work practices can be improved to:
– contribute to a safety culture
– continuously improve policy and systems
– empower workers
– inform management of critical health and safety risks
propose safe work procedures and practices for a workplace and specific job role within the
business services industry
a range of incidents, accidents and emergencies common to the business services industry
range of potential injuries common to a business services industry workplace, their cause(s) and
basic first aid for these injuries
apply workplace policy and protocols and regulatory requirements when recording and reporting in
relation to incidents, accidents and emergencies
3.3.1 Outcomes
The student:
proposes improvements for sustainability and resource efficiency in a business services workplace.
The application and elements for this unit of competency are provided below.
Application This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to measure, support and find
opportunities to improve the sustainability of work practices.
Assessment requirements for BSBSUS211 Participate in sustainable work practices are detailed in the
Training Package.
general features of Australian and international standards for corporate social sustainability
environmental compliance
purpose and intent of environmental legislation and its application to the business services industry
and workplace, and specific job role:
– Protection of the Environment Operations Act 1997 (NSW) (as amended)
– Clean Energy Legislation (Carbon Tax Repeal) Act 2014 (Australian Government) (as
personnel responsible for environmental hazard identification and risk control in a business
services workplace
definition of resource
resources used in the business services industry and in a specific job role:
– energy
– equipment, technology, and associated consumables
– human
– infrastructure
tools (digital and manual) to measure and document resources and their consumption:
– checklists
– stock control tools
– software:
charts and graphs
strategies to work in a sustainable manner for a specific business services workplace and job role:
– avoidance or minimisation strategies:
purchasing sustainable products
regular maintenance of equipment
– efficient use of energy and resources:
reducing emissions of greenhouse gases
use of alternative forms of energy or energy conservation
use of energy-efficient devices and equipment
– management of environmental hazards and risks
– use of renewable, recyclable, reusable and recoverable resources
– waste-management systems
propose improvements for sustainable work practices, including improved resource efficiency, for
the business services workplace, team and individual worker
reporting environmental hazards and resource efficiency issues in a business services workplace:
– to appropriate person(s)
– verbal and written reporting:
checklists, registers and logs
inspection, incident and accident reports
adhering to legislation and workplace policy
3.4.1 Outcomes
The student:
demonstrates knowledge and skills to organise personal work schedule and manage own work
explains how to communicate and work effectively with individual differences and diverse groups in
a business services workplace
applies business services industry and workplace standards to ensure quality work outcomes.
The application and elements for each of these units of competency are provided below.
Application This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to organise personal work
schedules, to monitor and obtain feedback on work performance and to maintain
required levels of competence.
Assessment requirements for BSBPEF301 Organise personal work priorities are detailed in the Training
Application This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to recognise and interact
productively with diverse groups of individuals in the workplace. It covers responding to
and working effectively with individual differences that might be encountered during the
course of work.
Application This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to communicate (through written,
oral and nonverbal form) in the workplace within an industry.
Assessment requirements for BSBXCM301 Engage in workplace communication are detailed in the
Training Package.
sources used for gathering current and emerging information on the business services industry:
– colleagues and manager/supervisor/team leader
– industry bodies and professional associations
– internet
– mentor or coach
– training course
– unions
– workplace manual
general features of the business services industry, including its relationship to other industries
departments/functional areas with a business services workplace, and the tasks performed
primary role and duties of key personnel within a business services workplace
the difference between an award, registered agreement and contract, and how they apply to
workers in the business services industry
working knowledge of employer and employee rights and responsibilities in relation to employment
and work
investigate the employment terms and conditions for a specific business services job role
career pathways across the business services industry, and the knowledge and skills required for
various job roles
consequences for workplaces and workers for failure to comply with legislation
how personal values, opinions and ethics can affect daily work
purpose of a code of conduct and their value for the industry, workplace, worker and customer
business services industry workers and the importance of adhering to work and personal
– personal attributes and work ethic valued by the business services industry
– interpersonal skills beneficial to an individual working in a business services workplace
– importance of personal presentation and standards of personal hygiene
– presentation standards for a specific business services workplace and job role
– behaviour to support a safe and sustainable business services industry work environment
development of a personal work plan to meet work objectives and achieve work goals:
– understand and clarify work instructions
– identify work tasks to be completed and resources required
– consider workplace policy and procedures relevant to work tasks
– determine timeframe, prioritise workload and schedule work
– implement time and task management
– resolve constraints
– prepare contingencies for identified risks
technology available to schedule, prioritise and monitor completion of tasks in a work plan
sources of support and advice for work performance review and evaluation:
– coach or mentor
– colleagues and supervisor
– counsellor
– human resources staff
– trainer
– value of feedback to an individual worker, the workplace and the industry
– types of feedback:
direct and indirect
formal and informal
personal reflection
– strategies for obtaining and interpreting feedback from supervisor(s), colleagues and
– dealing with positive and negative feedback
– responsibility of a worker to self-reflect, seek and provide feedback, and enact on opportunities
to improve
– opportunities for ongoing training to meet personal development and learning needs and foster
professional growth (knowledge and skills gaps, upskilling and/or fulfil career aspirations)
monitoring and assessing personal performance against job role, work task requirements and
– formal and informal feedback from relevant personnel, including supervisor
– performance appraisal
– research and data analysis
– self-assessment and peer review
collaboration with team members and supervisor/team leader to plan, organise and perform work
tasks in accordance with workplace policy and procedures:
– determine the components of the work task
– schedule and prioritise the work
– allocate roles and responsibilities
– confirm resources required, and their availability
– confirm understanding of work instructions
– share knowledge, ideas and problems
– seek and/or offer support to determine solutions and resolve problems
– monitor task completion, and report any variations to expected and actual work outputs or
issues preventing completion
causes of misunderstandings and conflict when working with others, and conflict resolution
techniques to manage any work team relationship issues
workplace communication
contributing ideas and information to workplace discussions and supporting others to communicate
during workplace discussions
major groups in the workplace and community, as defined by cultural, religious or other traditions
and practices