xp85gu71FZa2Re3J (Dragged)
xp85gu71FZa2Re3J (Dragged)
xp85gu71FZa2Re3J (Dragged)
A Soulraid Hunt is launched whenever the Idoneth Deepkin sense valuable
This Spearhead army consists souls for the taking and wish to harvest them as swiftly and subtly as
of the following units: possible. An Isharann Soulscryer leads the hunt to its quarry, travelling
along the eddying paths of the realms’ waterways before bursting upon the
GENERAL unsuspecting foe without warning or mercy. Bands of Namarti Thralls circle
Isharann Soulscryer their targets like ocean predators, herding them like schools of panicked fish
with sweeping strikes from their lanmari blades, their own losses considered
UNITS to be of little importance when balanced against the greater Idoneth cause.
3 Akhelian Morrsarr
Guard With the enemy corralled, it falls to the noble Akhelians to deliver a killing
1 Akhelian Allopex blow. The ethersea shifts as streamlined forms slither through the air,
5 Namarti Thralls angling towards the foe with sinister eagerness. Their Fangmora Eel mounts
5 Namarti Thralls snapping eagerly, the Morrsarr Guard charge into the fray, lances crackling
with voltaic force as they punch through armour and flesh. In the cavalry’s
wake comes the razor-finned nightmare known as an Allopex, its powerful
jaws shredding its prey as an Akhelian rider fires shots from the harpoon
launcher fixed to its harness. Soon the ethersea is stained red with the blood
of the slain, and the aelves of the deeps can begin the process of harvesting
precious souls.
In each battle round, all friendly units have the Tides of Death passive ability that corresponds to the current
battle round number, as shown in the table below.
LOW TIDE: The Idoneth move towards the foe, their appearance eerily refracted and distorted.
Effect: Subtract 1 from hit rolls for shooting attacks that target this unit.
FLOOD TIDE: The Idoneth attack suddenly, swirling around the foe and trapping the unwary.
Effect: This unit can use a Run ability and still use Shoot and/or Charge abilities later in the turn.
HIGH TIDE: The Idoneth smash into the foe with the speed and fury of gale-blown waves.
Effect: This unit has Strike-first.
EBB TIDE: The Idoneth withdraw, leaving the enemy’s dead behind like flotsam on a storm-
wracked beach.
Effect: This unit can use a Retreat ability and still use Shoot and/or Charge abilities later in
the turn.
Effect: Add 1 to the Rend characteristic of melee Effect: Pick a friendly Cavalry unit that used a
weapons used by friendly Namarti Thralls units that Fight ability this turn. Heal (D3) that unit.
charged in the same turn.
Effect: Add 1 to rolls for your general’s ‘Ritual of the Effect: Ignore all modifiers to save rolls for your
Creeping Mist’ ability. general (positive and negative).
Declare: Pick an enemy unit in combat with Effect: Heal (1) each friendly Cavalry unit within
your general. your general’s combat range.
5 5+
2 RANGED WEAPONS Range Attacks Hit Wound Rend Damage Ability
Shoot in Combat,
CONTROL Scryfish Shoal 10" 8 5+ 5+ - 1
Reclusive and mysterious even MELEE WEAPONS Attacks Hit Wound Rend Damage Ability
by the standards of the Isharann Abyssal Touch 3 3+ 4+ - D3 -
caste, Soulscryers are able to
sense the richest sources of
soul-stuff across the realms. Your Hero Phase
They work their strange magics
to navigate the utter darkness
of the deep places and blanket This ritual beckons the chilling fogs of the
the lands in creeping mists to ethersea to blind the enemy.
disorient the foe. Their eldritch
senses allow them to guide other
Declare: Pick a visible friendly unit wholly
Idoneth along hidden paths in within 12" of this unit to be the target, then
the realms’ oceans and rivers, so roll a dice.
that they can strike the foe from
unexpected angles. Effect: On a 4+, until the start of your next
turn, the target unit cannot be targeted by
shooting attacks unless the attacking model
is within its combat range.
4 4+
1 MELEE WEAPONS Attacks Hit Wound Rend Damage Ability
Voltspear 2 3+ 4+ 1 1 Charge (+1 Damage)
Fangmora’s Fangs and Lashing Tail 3 4+ 3+ 1 D3 Companion
Swift and hard-hitting,
Morrsarr Guard are the Once Per Battle, Any Charge Phase
shock cavalry of the Akhelian
warrior caste. Carried by their BIOVOLTAIC BLAST: The biovoltaic energy produced
fearsomely swift Fangmora Eel by Fangmora Eels is stored by Morrsarr Guard, ready to
steeds, the lowered voltspears be discharged as a bolt of force when the time is right.
of these elite riders strike with
devastating force, unleashing a Declare: If this unit charged this phase, pick an enemy
concentrated pulse of biovoltaic unit within 1" of it to be the target, then roll a number of
energy on impact. dice equal to the number of models in this unit.
Effect: For each 4-5, inflict 1 mortal damage on the
target. For each 6+, inflict D3 mortal damage on the
target. Add 1 to each roll if there are more models in the
target unit than this unit.
8 4+
2 RANGED WEAPONS Range Attacks Hit Wound Rend Damage Ability
CONTROL Razorshell Harpoon Launcher 18" 2 3+ 2+ 1 3
(+1 Rend)
Allopexes are vicious predators MELEE WEAPONS Attacks Hit Wound Rend Damage Ability
of the deep known for their Barbed Hooks and Blades 4 3+ 4+ 1 1 -
voracious appetites. As Akhelian
bond-beasts, they are more Allopex’s Ferocious Bite 3 4+ 2+ 2 2 Companion
dangerous still, boasting scythe
fins and deadly back-mounted Passive
harpoon launchers. Even the
bravest fear these blank-eyed BLOODTHIRSTY PREDATORS: Allopexes are
terrors, and with good reason: drawn towards the scent of freshly spilt blood.
as soon as it scents fresh blood,
an Allopex enters a thrashing Effect: Add 1 to the Attacks characteristic of this
frenzy, tearing its prey limb unit’s Allopex’s Ferocious Bite if it is within 6" of any
from limb. damaged enemy units or if it is within 6" of any enemy
units that have had any models slain in the same turn.
1 5+
1 MELEE WEAPONS Attacks Hit Wound Rend Damage Ability
CONTROL Lanmari 2 3+ 4+ 1 1
(+1 Rend)
The core infantry of the Idoneth
Deepkin, Namarti Thralls Passive
advance into battle brandishing
massive two-handed weapons SWEEPING BLOWS: Lanmari
known as lanmari. Despite their can cut through weaker opponents
blindness and the heft of their as an Allopex cuts through a shoal
blades, they whirl and chop with of Scryfish, or they can be used
aelven grace, adapting their to inflict grievous wounds on
attacks to deal with whatever foe larger enemies.
they face.
Effect: Add 1 to the Damage
characteristic of this unit’s
Lanmari for attacks that target an
enemy Monster.