Scrubmaster B75 R.compressed
Scrubmaster B75 R.compressed
Scrubmaster B75 R.compressed
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Cleaning Technology · Municipal Technology
Scrubmaster B75 R
Compact ride-on scrubber-drier
For the comfor ta ble c le a ning of conf ine d a re as
Ef f ic ie nt a nd use r-f r ie ndly
The new Scrubmaster B75 R can both comfort and productivity, is just
access areas that could previously as convincing as the wide range of
only be cleaned using walk-behind practical details facilitating operating
scrubber-driers. The compact as well as cleaning and maintaining
dimensions and superior manoeuvra- the machine. Given the transport
bility are only two of the scrubber- speed of up to 6 km/h, which can be
drier’s many advantages. Moreover, controlled and reduced at the push of
the machine offers superior operating a button, and the long running time,
comfort: The ergonomic, back-friendly the Scrubmaster B75 R cleans large
design of the seat, which increases areas in a fast and efficient manner.
Can be used everywhere
Thanks to the wide-range on-board charger, the 180 Ah battery of the Scrubmaster B75 R
can be charged at any power outlet worldwide. An integrated work headlight enables
cleaning in dimly lit rooms. The ergonomic seat enables fatigue-free working and the
operator always has a perfect view onto the working area.
Backlit display
Chemical dosing
E x tre me ly ma no e u vra ble wi th minimum sp ace re quire me nts
The Scrubmaster B75 R can be handled In narrow aisles, the machine’s special
comfortably, is easy to ride and offers design is particularly effective.
the operator an optimal seating position
with a perfect view onto the working area.
The machine is extremely efficient when
it comes to cleaning wide aisles.
Clearance width 76 cm
Ideal for checkout areas
Slim design and clever technology Perfect cleanliness – also in narrow aisles
The short squeegee enables cleaning in narrow areas with less than The intelligent design with “reversible tail”
80 cm clearance width – for example in checkout areas. To pass and special squeegee kinematics enables
through even smaller areas, the squeegee can be dismantled with U-turns in aisles smaller than 180 cm
little effort and stowed away in the squeegee holder.
Cleve r a nd practic a l
1 2 3 4
5 6
REC Transparency: Specific data such as operating times
and the current location of a machine can be called up
by remote access at any given time.
Economic a nd e nvironme nta l f r ie nd ly
We are constantly working on making our products just that little bit better. To make
work easier for you. To reduce your operating costs. To protect the environment.
That is why we have equipped the Scrubmaster B75 R with innovative features – either
as a standard or available as an option – to ensure the machine is doing exactly that.
Hako-AquaForce® is a feature providing eco-friendly cleaning with demineralised water,
no chemicals required. In addition to benefiting from superior cleaning results and
reduced dirt adhesion, you profit from saving costs due to the significantly reduced
use of cleaning agents.
Hako-Chemical on Demand
Another technology providing more cleanliness and environmental protection while
reducing operating costs is the optional feature Chemical on Demand (CoD). The
system applies cleaning agents at the push of a button only when necessary, ensuring
that surfaces with a low level of soiling can be cleaned without the use of chemicals.
Hako-LowNoise Transport
6 km/h
speed up to
Hako-LowNoise ensures that noise is not
Nominal voltage 24 V
becoming a nuisance, enabling extremely
Power input
530 W
low-noise working of the Scrubmaster B75 R drive motor
75 l
recover y tank
Width without/
76 / 86 cm
with squeegee
Gross weight,
434 kg
ready for use
Please note that form, colour and design of our
products are subject to change in favour of
further technical developments. Machines may
be pictured with optional equipment.