489 Generator Management Relay FAQ: GE Multilin
489 Generator Management Relay FAQ: GE Multilin
489 Generator Management Relay FAQ: GE Multilin
GE Multilin
Technical Notes
Yes. Connect the +24 V DC of the 489 to the positive terminal of the transducer. Connect the negative terminal of the transducer to Analog Input 1+, 2+, 3+, or 4+. Do not connect anything to the Analog Input COM terminal.
Firmware is the program running inside the relay, which is responsible for all relay protection and control elements. Software is the program running on the PC, which is used to communicate with the relay and provide relay control remotely in a user friendly format.
The 489 indicates the generator is running at unity power factor, yet the 489 phasor readings indicate a 30 phase shift in voltage and current. Why?
If the relay is connected in an open-delta configuration, the phasor indicates a 30 phase difference in voltage and current. This is because the Va phasor is actually measuring Vab in an open delta configuration, thus 30 shifted from Ia. In Wye configuration, the voltage and the current phasors should be in-line with each other at unity power factor.
What causes these 489PC problems: General Protection Faults (GPFs), system lockup, popup window missing?
Older versions of 489PC (version 0.5 or lower) require a system file named threed.vbx. When 489PC is installed, this file is placed in the \GEPM\489pc directory. Copy this file into the \windows or \windows\system directory. If an older version of threed.vbx is present in the \windows or \windows\system directory, then backup this copy (e.g. save as threed.bak) and copy the current one provided. Restart Windows for these changes to take full effect.
The Digital Inputs on the 489 are DRY contacts only. Do not apply live voltage to these inputs under any circumstances. Live voltage will permanently damage the inputs!
What protection elements are compromised when neutral end CTs are not present?
Check the following settings: Communication Port (COM1, COM2, COM3 etc.). Parity settings must match between the relay and the master (PC or PLC). Baud rate setting on the master (PC or PLC) must be 9600.
Check the following hardware connections: The communications cable must be a straight through cable do not use null modem cables where pins 2 and 3 are transposed. Check the pinouts of RS232 cable (TX: Pin 2; RX: Pin 3; Ground: Pin 5). Check the RS232 LED. The LED should be solidly lit when communicating properly. The LED blinks on and off when the relay has communication difficulties.
Check the following settings: Communication Port (COM1, COM2, COM3 etc.). Parity settings must match between the relay and the master (PC or PLC). Baud rate must match between the relay and the master. Slave address polled must match between the relay and the master.
Check the following hardware connections: Ensure that the terminating filter circuit is present.
GE Multilin
Ensure you are communicating in half-duplex mode. The 489 Generator Management Relay communicates in half-duplex mode only. Ensure that the wiring is correct; that is, double-check that the "+" wire is attached to the "+" terminal of the relay and that the "-" wire is attached to the "-" terminal. Ensure that the RS485 cable shield is grounded. Shielding diminishes noise from external EM radiation. Check the RS485 LED. The LED should be solidly lit when communicating properly. The LED will blink on and off when the relay has communication difficulties
No, the 489 communicates in 2-wire half duplex mode only. However, there are commercial RS485 converters that will convert 4-wire RS485 to 2-wire RS485.
All power quantities are calculated from the average phase-to-phase voltages and currents measured at the output CTs. Generation of power is displayed in positive Watts. By convention, an induction generator normally requires reactive power from the system for excitation. This is displayed as negative Vars. A synchronous generator has its own source of excitation and can be operated with either lagging or leading power factor. This is displayed as positive Vars and negative Vars, respectively.
The Undervoltage element will only operate when the generator is online. Ensure that the breaker is closed (the front faceplate LEDs indicate this) and the average phase current is greater than 7.5% of CT.
I have forgotten my passcode for the 489. Can I override the passcode?
No. The passcode cannot be overwritten. You can send the encrypted passcode to GE Multilin via e-mail at info.pm@indsys.ge.com or call the technical support center at 905.294.6222 (toll free: 800.547.8629) to obtain the original passcode. To determine the encrypted passcode, go to the SETPOINTS S1 489 SETUP PASSCODE ENTER PASSCODE FOR ACCESS message and press the HELP key.
The 489 measures up to 5 A secondary current if the 1 A / 5 A tap is used. Since the conversion range is relatively small, the 1 A or 5 A option is field-programmable. Proper selection of the SETPOINTS S2 SYSTEM SETUP CURRENT SENSING GROUND CT setpoint ensures a proper reading of the primary ground current. The selected 1 A / 5 A Ground CT must be capable of driving the 489 Ground CT burden (see the Specifications section of the manual for burden ratings). The 489 measures up to 25 A of primary ground current if this tap is used in conjunction with the GE Multilin core-balance CT. The zero-sequence connection is recommended. Unequal saturation of CTs, size and location of the generator, the resistance of the power system, and the generator core saturation density are some factors which may cause false readings in the residually connected GF circuit.
GE Multilin
Only one ground input should be wired the other input should be left unconnected. Ensure that the 1 A / 5 A Ground CT has not been wired into the 50:0.025 CT input of the 489, or vice-versa. This will cause the 489 to read incorrect ground currents and may potentially damage the inputs.
What is the purpose of the Voltage Restraint feature of the Phase Overcurrent element?
The voltage restraint feature lowers the pickup value of each individual Phase Time Overcurrent element in a fixed relationship with the corresponding input voltage, to a minimum pickup of 0.15 x CT. Refer to Section 4.6.5 of the 489 Instruction Manual for additional information.
What protection elements are compromised when neutral-end CTs are not present?
The following Modbus functions are supported by the 489: Function Code 03: Read Setpoints and Actual Values Function Code 04: Read Setpoints and Actual Values Function Code 05: Execute Operation Function Code 06: Store Single Setpoint Function Code 07: Read Device Status Function Code 08: Loopback Test Function Code 16: Store Multiple Setpoints
Refer to Section 6.3 of the 489 Instruction Manual for additional information.
Why does the wiring diagram in the 489 manual show the neutral and phase CTs in opposite polarities?
This configuration is required by the 489 Phase Differential element. The differential current is derived from the vector sum of the neutral and output currents. As such, the neutral current injected into the 489 must be 180 out-of-phase from the output current, so that under normal conditions, the two currents will sum to zero.
GE Multilin