EST EST2 v5.0 System Programming Manual
EST EST2 v5.0 System Programming Manual
EST EST2 v5.0 System Programming Manual
Date Revision Reason for change
03AUG98 4.5 Revised content to reflect programming using the Systems
Definition Utility.
Revisions 4.4 and earlier are obsolete.
August 2000 5.0 Updated manual to coincide with release of software version 1.3.
Added chapters on input events and output commands. Also
added a quick programming reference and a glossary. Corrected
minor technical errors and added procedures for the
programming of logic groups.
Revision 4.5 and earlier revisions are obsolete.
Glossary • Y.1
Index • Z.1
Important information
Limitation of liability
The content of this manual is proprietary in nature and is
intended solely for distribution to authorized persons,
companies, distributors and/or others for the sole purpose of
conducting business associated with Edwards Systems
Technology, Inc. The distribution of information contained
within this manual to unauthorized persons shall constitute a
violation of any distributor agreements and may result in
implementation of legal proceedings.
This product has been designed to meet the requirements of
NFPA Standard 72, 1999 Edition; Underwriters Laboratories,
Inc., Standard 864, 7th Edition; and Underwriters Laboratories
of Canada, Inc., Standard ULC S527. Installation in accordance
with this manual, applicable codes, and the instructions of the
Authority Having Jurisdiction is mandatory. EST, Inc. shall not
under any circumstances be liable for any incidental or
consequential damages arising from loss of property or other
damages or losses owing to the failure of EST, Inc. products
beyond the cost of repair or replacement of any defective
products. EST, Inc. reserves the right to make product
improvements and change product specifications at any time.
While every precaution has been taken during the preparation of
this manual to ensure the accuracy of its contents, EST assumes
no responsibility for errors or omissions.
FCC warning
This equipment can generate and radiate radio frequency energy.
If this equipment is not installed in accordance with this manual,
it may cause interference to radio communications. This
equipment has been tested and found to comply within the limits
for Class A computing devices pursuant to Subpart B of Part 15
of the FCC Rules. These rules are designed to provide
reasonable protection against such interference when this
equipment is operated in a commercial environment. Operation
of this equipment is likely to cause interference, in which case
the user at his own expense, is required to take whatever
measures may be required to correct the interference.
support phone calls, and field trips are used to improve this
Optional equipment
In addition to the basic system described above, you will also
need the following optional equipment to make use of some of
the advanced features available in the SDU:
• Bar code reader for configuring Signature data circuits
• 300-dpi laser printer or equivalent for printing reports
The following bar code readers are recommended:
Manufacturer Model
Zebra Technologies SCAN•ONE
VTI, Inc.
Zebra Technologies Barcode Anything SCAN 97
VTI, Inc.
Install the bar code reader per the manufacturer's instructions and
configure the reader to interpret Interleaved 2 of 5 bar codes.
Programmers should have a good idea of how the rules work in
the Systems Definition Utility before they begin their work. In
addition, every project should have a plan for logical and
consistent labeling schemes. Finally, an effective plan includes
an awareness of object group relationships within the database
and the system specifications.
Introduction • 1.2
Programming using rules and objects • 1.3
Rules • 1.3
Events • 1.6
Device types • 1.6
Objects • 1.6
Labels • 1.6
Creating a rules file • 1.8
Exceeding rules editor memory limits • 1.8
Order is important • 1.8
Avoid careless use of wildcards • 1.10
Compiling the rules file • 1.11
Developing a labeling plan • 1.12
Why use labels • 1.12
Formatting labels • 1.13
Making descriptive labels • 1.14
Using common label modifiers • 1.15
Using numbers in labels • 1.15
Using labels as messages • 1.17
Identifying object group relationships • 1.18
Linking inputs to outputs • 1.18
Sample matrix • 1.18
All process control systems may be divided into three
fundamental parts: inputs, controls, and outputs. Examples of
fire alarm system inputs are smoke detectors, pull stations, and
waterflow switches. Typical fire alarm system outputs include
bells, strobes, control relays, and emergency audio amplifiers.
System programming is accomplished by creating a series of
rules that specify what action or actions to execute when a
specific event occurs. Before you write any rules, take the time
• Understand objects, device types, labels, and rules
• Develop a labeling plan
• Identify the objects in the system
• Determine the relationships between the inputs and outputs
A rule is a programming statement that specifies which
commands to execute when a certain event takes place. Every
rule consists of a label, an input statement, and an output
statement (or statements).
The basic syntax for a rule is:
Output_statement_1, {comments}
Output_statement_2, {comments}
Output_statement_3; {comments}
The rule label can be up to 40 characters in length and enclosed
in brackets. The rule label can be any ASCII character except:
braces “{ }”, the percent symbol “%”, the number symbol “#”,
less than and greater than symbols “< >”, and asterisks “*”.
The input statement ends with a colon and the output statement
ends with a semicolon. When more than one output statement is
used in a rule, each output statement must end with a comma,
except for the last output statement, which must end with a
semicolon. A rule may contain up to 32 output statements.
When a rule has multiple output statements, each output
command will be executed in the order it is listed in the rule
(from first to last). When the event activating the rule restores,
Input statements
An input statement is the part of a rule that determines what
must happen before the corresponding output statements will be
executed. There are two different syntaxes used in rule input
statements depending on the input event type selected. The two
input statement syntaxes are:
event_type :
event_type device_type 'object_label' :
Output statements
An output statement is the part of a rule that determines the
commands that will be executed in response to a given input and
in what order. There are nine different syntaxes used in rule
output statements depending on the output command selected.
The nine output statement syntaxes are:
command ;
command delay_value ;
command 'cabinet_label' ;
command 'routing_label' ;
command device_type 'object_label' ;
command priority 'object_label' ;
command priority device_type 'object_label' ;
command priority 'amp_label' to 'channel_label' ;
command 'guard_label' Route route_id ;
Note: When the device_type and 'object_label' parameters are
optional you must specify one or the other or both.
An event is the outcome produced by a controller module when
an addressable point on the panel changes state. The information
contained in an event includes the logical address of the point
that changed state, the event type, and the event message.
Device types
A device type is the classification given to objects created in the
database that defines the operating characteristics of the
corresponding device. For example, the PULL device type is
assigned to objects created for manual pull stations.
See the Quick Reference for a list of device types and their use.
An object is a database entity that represents an addressable
point in the system like a smoke detector, a switch, or a light
emitting diodes (LED).
Objects can also be:
• Logic groups
• Voice messages
• Pseudo points
For example, the Signature controller module is an object as are
any Signature devices connected to it.
Note: You do not have to include the device type with the object
label. As a safeguard, however, we suggest that your input
statements include the device type and the object label.
A label is a descriptive word or set of words that identifies a
specific object in the project database to simplify programming.
Labels are also used to identify a rule in the rules file. Typically,
object labels describe the physical location of the device that the
object represents.
Tip: Extensive labels are generally harder to read. Sometimes
less is more.
Labels have the following characteristics:
• Labels must be unique. Duplicate labels generate compiler
errors and prevent the database from compiling.
• Labels are arbitrary except for labels that are automatically
assigned by the system.
• Labels are not case sensitive and may contain up to 40
characters. The characters may be any ASCII character
except: braces “{ }” , the percent symbol “%”, the number
symbol “#”, less than and greater than symbols “< >”,
asterisks “*”, and blank spaces.
The SDU automatically replaces invalid label characters as
shown below to prevent programming errors.
Order is important
When you have more than one rule that uses the same input
requirements to trigger separate output responses, the order in
which the rules appear in the rules file affects how the rules are
executed. The compiler takes multiple rules with common input
statements and executes them as though they were a single rule
containing multiple output statements. The output statements are
executed in the same order that they appear in the rules file.
Suppose, for example, that you have a rules file containing:
[Rule 1]
[Rule 2]
[Rule 3]
After compiling, the rules would be executed as though they
were written:
[Compiled Rule]
Notice that the placement of Rule 1 before Rule 3 results in a
delay before sounding the horn. The outputs scattered over the
three rules all have a common input. If you begin by grouping all
the outputs to the common input, you can easily spot conflicts
and avoid them. You can also economize on rule editor memory.
It makes a difference, however, when you have more than one
rule that uses the same device but different event types. To
illustrate this suppose you have the following two rules:
[Rule 1]
DELAY 300,
[Rule 2]
If any smoke detector on level 5 goes into trouble, the panel will
activate Rule 1. The panel will then turn the specified LED on,
wait 5 minutes (300 seconds), and turn on the specified
amplifier. If another smoke detector on level 5 goes into alarm
during the delay period, the panel will activate Rule 2, which
will immediately override any commands in Rule 1.
The panel does not wait for the trouble response (Rule 1) to
finish before running the alarm response (Rule 2). In this
example however, panel will resume executing Rule 1 if the
trouble condition remains after the delay period expires.
Tip: When adding rules to a previously compiled rules file, place
them at the beginning of the file so they will be checked first. If
they need to be in a certain spot in the file, you can move them
Address Label
Formatting labels
The person responsible for the labeling plan should remember
that labels will be viewed online, on printed reports, and on the
system display panel. Formatting considerations may include:
• How to separate label modifiers
• Whether to use uppercase, lowercase, mixed-case characters
• How to abbreviate label modifiers
Note: Functionally, it makes no difference whether your labels
contain upper or lowercase characters.
The left label may be hard to read because it uses all uppercase
characters and there is no separation between the label modifiers
BLDG1 and CAB. The center label places an underscore
between the two modifiers, which makes it easier to read. The
right label uses upper and lowercase characters to differentiate
between label modifiers.
Penthouse LVL11
7th Floor LVL10
6th Floor LVL9
5th Floor LVL8
4th Floor LVL7
3rd Floor LVL6
2nd Floor LVL5
Mezzanine LVL4
Lobby LVL3
Basement LVL2
Sub-basement LVL1
Sample matrix
Figure 1-2 is an abbreviated example of an input-to-output
matrix. Place a mark (X) at the intersection of each output
activated by the input. When you have entered every input and
output on the matrix, inspect it for groups or patterns of marked
intersections. The patterns may appear as columns or blocks of
marked intersections. When you identify such groups, look at
the inputs to see what they have in common.
Alarm functions
Figure 1-2 illustrates six object groups of marked intersections.
Three object groups appear in columns, in which any input will:
• Sound general alarm
• Notify central station
• Lock stairwell Doors
Consequently, the first rule must activate all three functions
whenever any device in Figure 1-2 goes into alarm.
Output functions
t fl
Input functions
Advanced programming techniques provide additional
programming tools, which can simplify application
programming and reduce the size of the rules file.
Variables • 2.2
Using wildcards • 2.2
Using the N-variable • 2.2
Using L-variables • 2.3
Using mathematical operators • 2.4
Priorities • 2.5
Priority 0 (Clear) • 2.5
Priority 99 (Latch) • 2.5
Logic groups • 2.7
AND groups • 2.7
Bell code groups • 2.7
Dialer groups • 2.7
Guard patrol groups • 2.8
Actions and Sequences • 2.9
Related information • 2.9
Actions • 2.9
StartAction • 2.10
GuardPatrolAlarm • 2.11
NetworkClassAFault • 2.11
Sequence • 2.11
StartSequence • 2.12
TimeControl • 2.13
Variables add flexibility to the rules and sometimes reduce the
number of rules required to program the system.
Using wildcards
The asterisk (*) can be used in a rule to conditionally select
devices based on the character pattern used in their object labels.
The asterisk may be substituted for any single or group of
characters anywhere in the label.
Example Selects
LVL* any devices whose labels begin with LVL
*_SMK any devices whose labels end with _SMK
LVL*_SMK any devices whose labels begin with LVL and
end with _SMK
*_SMK_* any devices that have _SMK_ somewhere in
the label
Example Selects
<N: #> a single number entry
<N: # - #> a range of numbers
<N: #, #, # - #, # - #> a combination of single numbers and
number ranges
• # may be any number between 0 and 32767
• Wildcards may not be used in place of a number
• The N-variable can only be used once in a label
When the device labeled LVL1_PHONE_JACK confirms that it
has been energized, the LED labeled LVL1_PHONE_CALL is
turned off.
Using L-variables
The programming variable L can be used in the output statement
of a rule to direct commands to multiple devices based on the
numerical indexing used in their object labels.
Example Selects
<L: #> a single number entry
<L: # - #> a range of numbers
<L: #, #, # - #, # - #> a combination of single numbers
and number ranges
• # may be any number between 0 and 32767
• Wildcards may not be used in place of a number
• The L-variable can only be used once in a label
The following rule lights the same LED on four separate panels
when a detector goes active in Building 1.
Example Substitutes
<n + #> a number greater than the number
determined by n in the input statement
<n - #> a number less than the number
determined by n in the input statement
• # may be any number between 1 and 32767, inclusive.
• Wildcards may not be used in place of a number.
• <N + #> may not equal greater than 32767.
• <N - #> may not equal less than zero.
Any smoke detector on levels 2 through 10 will turn on the fire
floor horns and strobes when it goes into alarm. It will also turn
on the horns and strobes of the floors above and below fire floor.
Priorities specify the order of importance a command has over
other commands affecting the same output device. When an
output device is turned on (set) or turned off (reset) using a
priority, the state of the output device can only be changed by
another command with a greater priority. If another command is
executed that has a priority of equal or lesser value, then the
output device will not change states.
Tip: If outputs do not The following priority values may be used in a rule:
require prioritizing, assign
the default priorities as 00 • Any number between 0 and 99
in the project preferences. • Low (25), medium (50 ), or high (75)
• Clear (0), or latch (99).
The default priority is set for 0, but can be changed in the
project preferences in the Systems Definition Utility. Priority 0
and 99 perform special functions as described in the following
Priority 0 (Clear)
Priority 0 may be used exclusively when outputs do not need to
be prioritized. When an output is turned on or off with priority
00, the following occurs:
• The output is forced to the new condition (set or reset)
regardless of its previous priority. In this case, priority 00 is
considered the highest priority.
• Immediately after the output changes state, it assumes the
characteristics of an output with the lowest priority level and
may be commanded to the opposite state again by any new
Priority 99 (Latch)
Priority 99 may be used to latch the output of a device to either
the set or the reset state. An output, when latched, will not
restore when the input causing the change of state has restored.
This type of priority may be useful in the following applications:
• amplifier backup switching
• security circuits
• fan control circuits
The following points must be considered when using relay
priority 99:
• An output that is turned on by priority 99 can only be turned
off by a priority 0
• An output that is turned off by priority 99 can only be turned
on by a priority 99 or 0
Logic groups
Input devices can perform system functions based on their
association with logic groups. Logic groups include AND
groups, Bell Code groups, Dialer groups, and Guard Patrol
groups. Logic groups are defined in the Object Configuration.
Note: The programmer must select labeled devices in the Object
Configuration tables to include them in a logic group. Also, the
device must be appropriate for the logic group. For example, a
smoke detector is not compatible with a guard patrol group.
AND groups
AND groups generate a group response when all devices in the
group are active. In addition to configuring the logic group in the
database, the AND group response must also be defined in a rule
Note: Each active device in a group generates an individual
10 smoke detectors are installed in a computer room. Three of
the ten detectors are assigned to AND_GROUP1 for setting off
the automatic release of a fire-extinguishing agent.
The first rule below provides an individual response for each
detector in the room. The second rule specifies that the detectors
in AND_GROUP1 will release the agent when it goes active.
Dialer groups
Dialer groups provide automatic notification of an incident on a
particular floor or zone to a Central Monitoring Station. Dialer
groups do not require rules.
Tip: Open the Object Configuration and click tab labeled Guard
Patrol Groups to get the full benefit of this example.
A programmer created a guard patrol in the Object
Configuration. The guard patrol was labeled
GUARD_PATROL_GROUP1 and it includes several routes.
Route 2 requires the toggling of an SWU-8 switch at a station on
each floor. Each station must be reached within ten minutes of
the last station. The building consists of six floors and the check-
in sequence is in ascending order from LVL1_SWU8_SW1 to
The guard patrol is actually initiated at the fire alarm control
panel upon the activation of a switch labeled FACP_SW17. The
switch is located on the second LED/switch module at the fire
alarm control panel. The system will issue a GuardPatrolAlarm
for any check-in that is overdue or out of sequence. In this case,
the GuardPatrolAlarm will light an LED labeled FACP_LED17.
The LED also has a slip-in label next to it to identify the guard
patrol route.
To carry out the specifications of the guard patrol group, the
system requires two rules. One rule will turn on the guard patrol
and the specific route. The other rule will define the system
response to a GuardPatrolAlarm when the route is not properly
Related information
You can find more information about actions and sequences in:
• Activate command
• Define events
• Restore command
Actions that perform certain system functions are predefined in
the panel controller. For example, the front panel Drill switch calls
the Drill action. The programmer may expand these actions by
defining additional output responses in a rule statement. The
system programmer can also define other actions.
DEFINE action_name 'object_label': output_statement;
• action_name is name of the predefined action
• 'object_label' is the label of the panel controller*
• output_statement is the additional system responses
*'MCM1' for standalone systems
DEFINE ACTION 'object_label': output_statement;
• [rule_label] is the name of the user-defined action
• 'object_label' is the label of the panel controller*
• output_statement is the system response
*'MCM1' for standalone systems
Note: There is no limit to the number of nested actions that can
be activated from within an action (i.e., action 1, activates action
2, which activates action 3, etc.)
Use StartAction to initialize the configuration of selected program
elements whenever the system is powered up (cold started) or
restarted (warm boot). For example, a StartAction may can enable
the system time control functions or initialize supplementary
systems connected to the panel.
To define a StartAction, use the following syntax:
DEFINE STARTACTION 'object_label': output_statement;
• 'object_label' is the label of the panel controller*
• output_statement is the system response
*'MCM1' for standalone systems
Note: The StartAction does not occur after a panel reset.
Use GuardPatrolAlarm to define a set of responses that will
execute when a guard patrol station is activated out of sequence
or not activated within the required time period.
To define a GuardPatrolAlarm, use the following syntax:
DEFINE GUARDPATROLALARM 'object_label': output_statement;
• 'object_label' is the label of the panel controller*
• output_statement is the system response
*'MCM1' for standalone systems
See Guard patrol groups for an example.
Use NetworkClassAFault to define a set of responses, which
will execute upon the detection of an open circuit on the
network RS-485 line.
To define a NetworkClassAFault, use the following syntax:
DEFINE NETWORKCLASSAFAULT 'object_label': output_statement;
• 'object_label' is the label of the panel controller*
• output_statement is the system response
*'MCM1' for standalone systems
Use Sequence to define a series of time-delayed output responses.
These responses can be commands, actions, or other sequences.
Time delays are placed before each response using the Delay
command and may be set anywhere between 5 and 4096 seconds,
Typical uses for sequences are:
• To automatically change a tone to a pre-recorded message
after a time delay
• For staggering the activation and shut down of air supply fans
during an alarm
Note: Outputs that have been SET by a sequence will not restore
when the input causing the sequence has restored. These outputs
must be reset by the SysReset function or by a switch.
DEFINE SEQUENCE 'object_label': output_statement;
• 'object_label' is the label of the panel controller*
• output_statement is the system response
*'MCM1' for standalone systems
The panel controller allocates 1024 blocks of memory space for
executing sequences. Each sequence consists of a 1-block
definition header and any number of 1-block delay/action pairs.
It is possible define a single sequence with up to 1023 blocks
(delay/action pairs.)
If more than one sequence is active at the same time, the total
number of sequence blocks may not exceed 1024.
Note: There is no limit on the number of actions or nested
actions that a sequence executes.
Use StartSequence to initialize the configuration of selected
program elements whenever the system is powered up (cold
started) or restarted (warm boot.) A start sequence may be used,
for example, to stagger power to air supply fans and large motor-
driven circuits.
Note: The StartSequence does not occur after a panel reset.
Use TimeControl to define a set of responses that will activate
when a configured time control goes active. Time controls are
created in the Time controls dialog box.
Caution: Make sure you create actual time controls before you
create rules for them. If the compiler sees a rule that references a
nonexistent time control, it may go into a loop error and corrupt
the SDU software.
DEFINE TIMECONTROL 'object_label': output_statement;
• 'object_label' is the label of the configured time control
• output_statement is the system response
Note: Time controls may be enabled from the front panel or
automatically at startup, but no more than 63 time controls may
be enabled at any one time.
The programmer created a time control that will start every day
at 19:30 hours (7:30 PM) and last for 60 minutes. The
programmer labeled the time control TCGP1_2 to signify its
function turning on route 2 of GUARD_PATROL_GROUP1. By
itself, however, the time control will have no effect on the
system. The programmer's last task is to define the time control
in the rules.
Use this chapter to compose input statements in the rules editor.
Active events • 3.2
Alarm events • 3.4
CallIn events • 3.5
Confirmation events • 3.6
Define events • 3.7
Monitor events • 3.9
Supervisory events • 3.10
TestActive events • 3.11
TestTrouble event • 3.13
Trouble events • 3.15
Active events
Use the Active input event to trigger the execution of a rule
when any device goes active during normal, standby operation.
Active device_type 'object_label' :
– or –
Active device_type :
Device types
Table 3-1 identifies valid devices for Active events.
Object labels
The object label specifies the unique label of the device initiating
the Active event.
Example 3-1 identifies possible syntax for a rule, in which:
Example 3-2 identifies possible syntax for a rule that will turn on
NAC_1 and NAC_2 when a heat detector goes active. The rule
will work for every heat detector on the first floor as long as the
labels follow a consistent scheme. For example, the labeling
scheme could be HEAT_FLR1F_1 for a fixed-temperature heat
detector or HEAT_FLR1R_1 for a rate-of-rise heat detector.
Alarm events
Use the Alarm event to trigger the execution of a rule when an
alarm-initiating device goes active during normal, standby
Alarm device_type 'object_label' :
– or –
Alarm device_type :
Device types
Valid devices for the Alarm events include:
• Duct
• Heat
• Pull
• Smoke
• SmokeVfy
• StageOne
• Waterflow
Object labels
The object label specifies the unique label of the device initiating
the Alarm event.
Example 3-3 identifies possible syntax for a rule that will set off
a strobe on the respective floor of any pull station on levels 1
through 10. For example, a pull station on level 6 will cause the
rule to turn on the strobe in level 6.
CallIn events
Use the CallIn event to trigger the execution of a rule when a
firefighter's telephone is plugged into a remote call-in jack.
Note: To establish two-way communications, the relay pseudo
points at addresses 4106 and 4107 on the audio controller must
be turned on using the On command.
CallIn device_type 'object_label' :
– or –
CallIn device_type :
Device types
Firephone and Telephone are the only valid devices for CallIn
Object labels
The object label specifies the unique label of the device initiating
the CallIn event.
Example 3-4 identifies possible syntax for a rule, in which a call
from any firephone on levels 1, 3, 4, or 5 will cause the panel to:
• Turn on an associated LED at the fire alarm control panel
• Close the relay labeled PHONE_CALL_IN_RELAY_1_41
• Close the relay labeled CALLIN_EXISTS_1_41
Confirmation events
Use the Confirmation event to trigger the execution of a rule
when a supervised output device is activated in response to a
system command.
Confirmation device_type 'object_label' :
– or –
Confirmation device_type :
Device types
Valid devices for Confirmation events include:
• Audible
• AudioAmp
• CommonAlarmOutput
• CommonMonitorOutput
• CommonSupervisoryOutput
• CommonTroubleOutput
• DamperControl
• DigitalMessage
• DoorControl
• FanControl
• Firephone
• Telephone
• Visual
Object labels
The object label specifies the unique label of the device initiating
the Confirmation event.
Example 3-5 identifies possible syntax for a rule, in which:
Define events
Use the Define event to determine system responses that should
occur for a given action, sequence, AND group, or time control.
Note: By default, the 2-SDU automatically generates rules that
define Drill (action 9003), AlarmSilence (action 9004), and
Evacuation (action 9500) responses. Deselect the Generate
Default Rules in Project Preferences to customize these actions.
Define device_type 'object_label' :
Device types
Table 3-2 identifies valid devices for Define events.
Object labels
The object label specifies the unique label of the device initiating
the Define event. The object label specifies:
• MCM1 for actions and sequences
• AND group labels for AND groups
• Time control labels for time controls
Example 3-6 identifies possible syntax for defining an action that
will cause MCM1 to turn on the dialer relay.
Monitor events
Use the Monitor event to trigger the execution of a rule when
any monitor device goes active while the system is in normal
standby operation.
Monitor device_type 'object_label' :
– or –
Monitor device_type :
Device types
Valid devices for Monitor events include:
• DamperFeedback
• DoorFeedback
• Emergency
• FanFeedback
• Monitor
Object labels
The object label specifies the unique label of the device initiating
the Monitor event.
Example 3-11 identifies possible syntax for a rule that will turn
on ANNUNCIATOR_LED_10 if WEST_DOOR is opened.
Supervisory events
Use the Supervisory event to trigger the execution of a rule when
any supervisory device goes active while the system is in normal
standby operation.
Supervisory device_type 'object_label' :
– or –
Supervisory device_type :
Device types
Valid devices for Supervisory events include:
• AuxPowerSupply
• Gatevalve
• Power
• SprinklerSupervisory
• SupDuct
• Supervisory
• Tamper
• Temperature
Object labels
The object label specifies the unique label of the device initiating
the Supervisory event.
Example 3-12 identifies possible syntax for a rule that will light
ANNUNCIATOR_LED_5 whenever water flows through
TestActive events
Use the TestActive event to trigger the execution of a rule when
any initiating device goes active while the system is in test mode.
TestActive device_type 'object_label' :
– or –
TestActive device_type :
Device types
Table 3-3 identifies valid devices for TestActive events.
Object labels
The object label specifies the unique label of the device initiating
the TestActive event.
Example 3-13 identifies possible syntax for a rule that causes a
pull station to light an associated LED if it goes active during
test mode. For example:
• PULL_1 will light ANNUNCIATOR_LED_1
• PULL_2 will light ANNUNCIATOR_LED_2
• PULL_3 will light ANNUNCIATOR_LED_3
• PULL_4 will light ANNUNCIATOR_LED_4
• PULL_5 will light ANNUNCIATOR_LED_5
TestTrouble event
Use the TestTrouble event to trigger the execution of a rule when
any initiating device goes into trouble while the system is in test
TestTrouble device_type 'object_label' :
– or –
TestTrouble device_type :
Device types
Table 3-4 identifies valid devices for TestTrouble events.
Object labels
The object label specifies the unique label of the device initiating
the TestTrouble event.
Example 3-14 identifies possible syntax for a rule that will light
ANNUNCIATOR_LED_2 if FLR_2_SPKR goes into a trouble
condition during the test mode.
Trouble events
Use the Trouble event to trigger the execution of a rule when any
initiating device goes into trouble while the system is in normal
standby operation.
Trouble device_type 'object_label' :
– or –
Trouble device_type :
Device types
Table 3-5 identifies valid devices for Trouble events.
Object labels
The object label specifies the unique label of the device initiating
the Trouble event.
Example 3-15 identifies possible syntax for a rule that will light
ANNUNCIATOR_LED_12 if SPRKLR_1_TAMP_2 goes into a
trouble condition during normal standby operation.
Use this chapter to write output statements in the rules editor.
Activate command • 4.2
Cancel command • 4.3
Close command • 4.4
CommonAlarmOff command • 4.5
CommonAlarmOn command • 4.6
CommonMonitorOff command • 4.7
CommonMonitorOn command • 4.8
CommonSupervisoryOff command • 4.9
CommonSupervisoryOn command • 4.10
CommonTroubleOff command • 4.11
CommonTroubleOn command • 4.12
Delay command • 4.13
Disable command • 4.14
Enable command • 4.16
FanOff command • 4.18
FanOn command • 4.19
HoldDoor command • 4.20
LEDOff command • 4.21
LEDOn command • 4.22
NSClose command • 4.23
NSCommonAlarmOff command • 4.24
NSCommonAlarmOn command • 4.25
NSCommonMonitorOff command • 4.26
NSCommonMonitorOn command • 4.27
NSCommonSupervisoryOff command • 4.28
NSCommonSupervisoryOn command • 4.29
NSCommonTroubleOff command • 4.30
NSCommonTroubleOn command • 4.31
NSFanOff command • 4.32
NSFanOn command • 4.33
NSHoldDoor command • 4.34
NSOpen command • 4.35
NSReleaseDoor command • 4.36
Off command • 4.37
OffGuard command • 4.39
On command • 4.40
OnGuard command • 4.42
Open command • 4.43
ReleaseDoor command • 4.44
Restore command • 4.45
Activate command
Use this command to execute an action or a sequence.
Activate [Action | Sequence] 'rule_label';
– or –
Activate device_type 'object_label';
Device types
Valid devices for the Activate command include:
• Action
• AlarmSilence
• And
• Drill
• Evacuation
• GuardPatrolAlarm
• LampTest
• NetworkClassAFault
• Sequence
• StartAction
• StartSequence
• SysReset
• TimeControl
Object label
The object label specifies the unique label of the device
responding to the Activate command.
Example 4-1 illustrates possible syntax for a rule that will
activate an action labeled STROBE_SEQ during any alarm
Related information
You can find information related to this topic in:
• Restore command
• Define event
Cancel command
Use this command to stop the execution of a sequence.
Cancel Sequence 'rule_label';
– or –
Cancel StartSequence 'MCM_label';
Rule label
The rule label identifies the sequence that responds to the cancel
MCM label
The MCM label specifies the label of the main controller module
that responds to the cancel command. Use MCM1 for standalone
Example 4-2 illustrates possible syntax for a rule that cancels the
activation of an action labeled STROBES_SEQ when
STROBE_SW1 is active.
Related information
You can find information related to this topic in:
• Activate
• Restore
Close command
Use the Close command to deenergize (reset) supervised control
relay modules configured to operate dampers.
Close -priority device_type 'object_label';
– or –
Close -priority device_type;
Priorities are optional. If you plan to use a priority for this
command, see Priorities in Advanced Programming features.
Device type
The only valid device type for the Close command is the
Object label
The object label specifies the unique label of the device
responding to the Close command.
Note: You do not have to include the device type with the object
label. As a safeguard, however, we suggest that your input
statements include the device type and the object label.
During a fire, it may be necessary to close dampers to isolate
smoke or flames. Example 4-3 illustrates possible syntax for a
rule that will close supervised dampers upon the activation of a
switch labeled DAMP_CNTRL_SW1.
Related information
You can find information related to this topic in:
• NSClose command
• NSOpen command
• Open command
CommonAlarmOff command
Use the CommonAlarmOff command to turn off (reset) a
supervised output device configured to automatically activate
when the system detects an active alarm point.
CommonAlarmOff -priority device_type
– or –
CommonAlarmOff -priority device_type;
Priorities are optional. If you plan to use a priority for this
command, see Priorities in Advanced Programming features.
Device type
The only valid device type for the CommonAlarmOff command
is the CommonAlarmOutput.
Object label
The object label specifies the unique label of the device
responding to the CommonAlarmOff command.
Example 4-4 illustrates possible syntax for a rule that will turn
off any active CommonAlarmOutput upon the activation of a
switch labeled ALRM_SW1.
Related information
You can find information related to this topic in:
• CommonAlarmOn command
• NSCommonAlarmOff command
• NSCommonAlarmOn command
CommonAlarmOn command
Use the CommonAlarmOn command to turn on (set) a
supervised output device turned off by the CommonAlarmOff
CommonAlarmOn -priority device_type
– or –
CommonAlarmOn -priority device_type;
Priorities are optional. If you plan to use a priority for this
command, see Priorities in Advanced Programming features.
Device type
The only valid device type for the CommonAlarmOn command
is the CommonAlarmOutput.
Object label
The object label specifies the unique label of the device
responding to the CommonAlarmOff command.
Example 4-5 illustrates possible syntax for a rule that will turn
on any CommonAlarmOutput that was turned off by a
CommonAlarmOff command. CommonAlarmOn is initiated
upon the activation of a switch labeled ALRM_SW2.
Related information
You can find information related to this topic in:
• CommonAlarmOff command
• NSCommonAlarmOff command
• NSCommonAlarmOn command
CommonMonitorOff command
Use the CommonMonitorOff command to turn off (reset) a
supervised output device configured to automatically activate
when the system detects an active monitor point.
CommonMonitorOff -priority device_type
– or –
CommonMonitorOff -priority device_type;
Priorities are optional. If you plan to use a priority for this
command, see Priorities in Advanced Programming features.
Device type
The only valid device type for the CommonMonitorOff
command is the CommonMonitorOutput.
Object label
The object label specifies the unique label of the device
responding to the CommonMonitorOff command.
Example 4-6 illustrates possible syntax for a rule that will turn
off any active CommonMonitorOutput upon the activation of a
switch labeled MONTR_SW1.
Related information
You can find information related to this topic in:
• CommonMonitorOn command
• NSCommonMonitorOff command
• NSCommonMonitorOn command
CommonMonitorOn command
Use the CommonMonitorOn command to turn on (set) a
supervised output device turned off by the CommonMonitorOff
CommonMonitorOn -priority device_type
– or –
CommonMonitorOn -priority device_type;
Priorities are optional. If you plan to use a priority for this
command, see Priorities in Advanced Programming features.
Device type
The only valid device type for the CommonMonitorOn
command is the CommonMonitorOutput.
Object label
The object label specifies the unique label of the device
responding to the CommonMonitorOn command.
Example 4-7 illustrates possible syntax for a rule that will turn
on any CommonMonitorOutput that was turned off by a
CommonMonitorOff command. CommonMonitorOn is initiated
upon the activation of a switch labeled MONTR_SW2.
Related information
You can find information related to this topic in:
• CommonMonitorOff command
• NSCommonMonitorOff command
• NSCommonMonitorOn command
CommonSupervisoryOff command
Use the CommonSupervisoryOff command to turn off (reset) a
supervised output device configured to automatically activate
when the system detects an active supervisory point.
CommonSupervisoryOff -priority device_type
– or –
CommonSupervisoryOff -priority device_type;
Priorities are optional. If you plan to use a priority for this
command, see Priorities in Advanced Programming features.
Device type
The only valid device type for the CommonSupervisoryOff
command is the CommonSupervisoryOutput.
Object label
The object label specifies the unique label of the device
responding to the CommonSupervisoryOff command.
Note: You do not have to include the device type with the object
label. As a safeguard, however, we suggest that your input
statements include the device type and the object label.
Example 4-8 illustrates possible syntax for a rule that will turn
off any active CommonSupervisoryOutput upon the activation of
a switch labeled SUPV_SW1.
Related information
You can find information related to this topic in:
• CommonSupervisoryOn command
• NSCommonSupervisoryOff command
• NSCommonSupervisoryOn command
CommonSupervisoryOn command
Use the CommonSupervisoryOn command to turn on (set) a
supervised output device turned off by the
CommonSupervisoryOff command.
CommonSupervisoryOn -priority device_type
– or –
CommonSupervisoryOn -priority device_type;
Priorities are optional. If you plan to use a priority for this
command, see Priorities in Advanced Programming features.
Device type
The only valid device type for the CommonSupervisoryOn
command is the CommonSupervisoryOutput.
Object label
The object label specifies the unique label of the device
responding to the CommonSupervisoryOn command.
Example 4-9 illustrates possible syntax for a rule that will turn
on any CommonSupervisoryOutput that was turned off by a
CommonSupervisoryOff command. CommonSupervisoryOn is
initiated upon the activation of a switch labeled SUPV_SW2.
Related information
You can find information related to this topic in:
• CommonSupervisoryOff command
• NSCommonSupervisoryOff command
• NSCommonSupervisoryOn command
CommonTroubleOff command
Use the CommonTroubleOff command to turn off (reset) a
supervised output device configured to automatically activate
when the system detects an active trouble point.
CommonTroubleOff -priority device_type
– or –
CommonTroubleOff -priority device_type;
Priorities are optional. If you plan to use a priority for this
command, see Priorities in Advanced Programming features.
Device type
The only valid device type for the CommonTroubleOff
command is the CommonTroubleOutput.
Object label
The object label specifies the unique label of the device
responding to the CommonTroubleOff command.
Example 4-10 illustrates possible syntax for a rule that will turn
off any active CommonTroubleOutput upon the activation of a
switch labeled TRBL_SW1.
Related information
You can find information related to this topic in:
• CommonTroubleOn command
• NSCommonTroubleOff command
• NSCommonTroubleOn command
CommonTroubleOn command
Use the CommonTroubleOn command to turn on (set) a
supervised output device turned off by the CommonTroubleOff
CommonTroubleOn -priority device_type
– or –
CommonTroubleOn -priority device_type;
Priorities are optional. If you plan to use a priority for this
command, see Priorities in Advanced Programming features.
Device type
The only valid device type for the CommonTroubleOn command
is the CommonTroubleOutput.
Object label
The object label specifies the unique label of the device
responding to the CommonTroubleOn command.
Example 4-11 illustrates possible syntax for a rule that will turn
on any CommonTroubleOutput that was turned off by a
CommonTroubleOff command. CommonTroubleOn is initiated
upon the activation of a switch labeled TRBL_SW2.
Related information
You can find information related to this topic in:
• CommonTroubleOff command
• NSCommonTroubleOff command
• NSCommonTroubleOn command
Delay command
Use the Delay command to suspend the execution of a command
for a specified duration.
Delay delay_value;
The delay_value can be any duration between 5 and 4095
Example 4-12 illustrates possible syntax for a rule that will delay
the activation of visual notification appliances. The delay of
visual NACs on 'MCM_NAC2' lasts for five seconds. The delay
of visual NACs on 'LCX_NAC2' lasts for 10 seconds.
Related information
You can find information related to this topic in the Define event
topic. See Define events in Input events.
Disable command
Use the Disable command to inhibit the automatic or manual
activation of an input device, time control, AND group, action,
or sequence.
Disable [Action | Sequence] 'rule_label';
– or –
Disable device_type 'object_label';
Device types
Table 4-1 identifies the device types and the specific devices for
which you can use the Disable output statement.
Object label
The object label specifies the unique label of the device
responding to the Disable command.
Whenever the fire alarm control panel gives an audible
indication of trouble, it is tempting to silence the buzzer and
ignore the problem. Fire alarm notifications should never be
ignored or silenced. Example 4-13 illustrates possible syntax for
a rule that disables all manual controls.
Example 4-13: Syntax for defining an action that will disable a control switch
Example 4-14: Syntax for activating the action that disables the control switch
Related information
You can find information related to this topic in Enable
Enable command
Use the Enable command to permit the automatic or manual
activation of an input device, time control, action, or sequence,
inhibited by the Disable command.
Enable [Action | Sequence] 'rule_label';
– or –
Enable device_type 'object_label';
Device types
Table 4-2 identifies the device types and the specific devices for
which you can use the Enable output statement.
Object label
The object label specifies the unique label of the device
responding to the Enable command.
During a fire, it may become necessary to open dampers
manually. Example 4-15 illustrates possible syntax for a rule that
will enable the manual damper controls during a fire alarm.
Related information
You can find information related to this topic in Disable
FanOff command
Use the FanOff command to deenergize (reset) supervised
control relay modules configured to operate fans.
FanOff -priority device_type 'object_label';
– or –
FanOff -priority device_type;
Priorities are optional. If you plan to use a priority for this
command, see Priorities in Advanced Programming features.
Device type
The only valid device type for the FanOff command is the
Object label
The object label specifies the unique label of the device
responding to the FanOff command.
During a fire, it may be necessary to shut off fans in various
areas of a building to prevent the spread of smoke and flames.
Example 4-16 illustrates possible syntax for a rule that will shut
off the fans upon the activation of a switch labeled
Related information
You can find information related to this topic in:
• FanOn command
• NSFanOff command
• NSFanOn command
FanOn command
Use the FanOn command to energize (set) supervised control
relay modules configured to operate fans.
FanOn -priority device_type 'object_label';
– or –
FanOn -priority device_type;
Priorities are optional. If you plan to use a priority for this
command, see Priorities in Advanced Programming features.
Device type
The only valid device type for the FanOn command is the
Object label
The object label specifies the unique label of the device
responding to the Restore command.
During a fire, it may be necessary to turn fans on that will clear
smoke from various parts of a building. Example 4-17 illustrates
possible syntax for a rule that will turn a fan on upon the
activation of a switch labeled FAN_CNTRL_SW2.
Related information
You can find information related to this topic in:
• FanOff command
• NSFanOff command
• NSFanOn command
HoldDoor command
Use the HoldDoor command to energize (set) supervised control
relay modules controlling automatic door holders.
HoldDoor -priority device_type 'object_label';
– or –
HoldDoor -priority device_type;
Priorities are optional. If you plan to use a priority for this
command, see Priorities in Advanced Programming features.
Device type
The only valid device type for the HoldDoor command is the
Object label
The object label specifies the unique label of the device
responding to the Restore command.
During a fire, it may become necessary to seal off sections of a
building by keeping doors shut. Example 4-18 illustrates
possible syntax for a rule that will keep a door shut upon the
activation of a switch labeled DOOR_CNTRL_SW1.
Related information
You can find information related to this topic in:
• ReleaseDoor command
• NSHoldDoor command
• NSReleaseDoor command
LEDOff command
Use the LEDOff command to turn off (reset) an annunciator
panel light emitting diode.
LEDOff -priority device_type 'object_label';
– or –
LEDOff -priority device_type;
Priorities are optional. If you plan to use a priority for this
command, see Priorities in Advanced Programming features.
Device types
The only valid device types the LEDOff command are LEDs and
the UserDefinedLED.
Object label
The object label specifies the unique label of the device
responding to the Restore command.
An LED may be programmed to turn on in the event of an
initiated firephone call. It is also advisable to program a visual
confirmation when a firefighter makes a connection at the
receiving jack. Example 4-19 illustrates possible syntax for a
rule that will turn off an LED when a firefighter makes a
connection to the associated firephone jack.
Related information
You can find information related to this topic in LEDOn
LEDOn command
Use the LEDOn command to turn on (set) an annunciator panel
light emitting diode.
LEDOn -priority device_type 'object_label';
– or –
LEDOn -priority device_type;
Priorities are optional. If you plan to use a priority for this
command, see Priorities in Advanced Programming features.
Device types
The only valid device types for the LEDOn command are LEDs
and the UserDefinedLED.
Object label
The object label specifies the unique label of the device
responding to the Restore command.
Example 4-20 illustrates possible syntax for a rule that will turn
on an LED when a firefighter makes a connection to its
associated firephone jack.
Related information
You can find information related to this topic in LEDOff
NSClose command
Use the NSClose command to deenergize (reset) nonsupervised
control relay modules configured to operate dampers.
NSClose -priority device_type 'object_label';
– or –
NSClose -priority device_type;
Priorities are optional. If you plan to use a priority for this
command, see Priorities in Advanced Programming features.
Device type
The only valid device type for the NSClose command is the
Object label
The object label specifies the unique label of the device
responding to the Restore command.
During a fire, it may be necessary to close dampers to isolate
smoke or flames. Example 4-21 illustrates possible syntax for a
rule that will close nonsupervised dampers upon the activation of
a switch labeled NSDAMP_CRNTL_SW1.
Related information
You can find information related to this topic in:
• NSOpen command
• Open command
NSCommonAlarmOff command
Use the NSCommonAlarmOff command to turn off (reset) a
nonsupervised output device configured to activate automatically
when the system detects an active alarm point.
NSCommonAlarmOff -priority device_type
– or –
NSCommonAlarmOff -priority device_type;
Priorities are optional. If you plan to use a priority for this
command, see Priorities in Advanced Programming features.
Device type
The only valid device type for the NSCommonAlarmOff
command is the NSCommonAlarmOutput.
Object label
The object label specifies the unique label of the device
responding to the Restore command.
Example 4-22 illustrates possible syntax for a rule that will turn
off any active NSCommonAlarmOutput upon the activation of a
switch labeled NSALRM_SW1.
Related information
You can find information related to this topic in:
• CommonAlarmOff command
• CommonAlarmOn command
• NSCommonAlarmOn command
NSCommonAlarmOn command
Use the NSCommonAlarmOn command to turn on (set) a
nonsupervised output device turned off by the
NSCommonAlarmOff command.
NSCommonAlarmOn -priority device_type
– or –
NSCommonAlarmOn -priority device_type;
Priorities are optional. If you plan to use a priority for this
command, see Priorities in Advanced Programming features.
Device type
The only valid device type for the NSCommonAlarmOn
command is the NSCommonAlarmOutput.
Object label
The object label specifies the unique label of the device
responding to the Restore command.
Example 4-23 illustrates possible syntax for a rule that will turn
on any NSCommonAlarmOutput that was turned off by a
NSCommonAlarmOff command. NSCommonAlarmOn is
initiated upon the activation of a switch labeled NSALRM_SW2.
Related information
You can find information related to this topic in:
• CommonAlarmOff command
• CommonAlarmOn command
• NSCommonAlarmOff command
NSCommonMonitorOff command
Use the NSCommonMonitorOff command to turn off (reset) a
nonsupervised output device configured to automatically activate
when any active monitor point is detected by the system.
NSCommonMonitorOff -priority device_type
– or –
NSCommonMonitorOff -priority device_type;
Priorities are optional. If you plan to use a priority for this
command, see Priorities in Advanced Programming features.
Device type
The only valid device type for the NSCommonMonitorOff
command is the NSCommonMonitorOutput.
Object label
The object label specifies the unique label of the device
responding to the Restore command.
Example 4-24 illustrates possible syntax for a rule that will turn
off any active NSCommonMonitorOutput upon the activation of
a switch labeled NSMONTR_SW1.
Related information
You can find information related to this topic in:
• CommonMonitorOff command
• CommonMonitorOn command
• NSCommonMonitorOn command
NSCommonMonitorOn command
Use the NSCommonMonitorOn command to turn on (set) a
nonsupervised output device turned off by the
NSCommonMonitorOff command.
NSCommonMonitorOn -priority device_type
– or –
NSCommonMonitorOn -priority device_type;
Priorities are optional. If you plan to use a priority for this
command, see Priorities in Advanced Programming features.
Device type
The only valid device type for the NSCommonMonitorOn
command is the NSCommonMonitorOutput.
Object label
The object label specifies the unique label of the device
responding to the Restore command.
Example 4-25 illustrates possible syntax for a rule that will turn
on any NSCommonMonitorOutput that was turned off by a
NSCommonMonitorOff command. NSCommonMonitorOn is
initiated upon the activation of a switch labeled
Related information
You can find information related to this topic in:
• CommonMonitorOff command
• CommonMonitorOn command
• NSCommonMonitorOff command
NSCommonSupervisoryOff command
Use the NSCommonSupervisoryOff command to turn off (reset)
a nonsupervised output device configured to automatically
activate when any active supervisory point is detected by the
NSCommonSupervisoryOff -priority device_type
– or –
NSCommonSupervisoryOff -priority device_type;
Priorities are optional. If you plan to use a priority for this
command, see Priorities in Advanced Programming features.
Device type
The only valid device type the NSCommonSupervisoryOff
command is the NSCommonSupervisoryOutput.
Object label
The object label specifies the unique label of the device
responding to the Restore command.
Example 4-26 illustrates possible syntax for a rule that will turn
off any active NSCommonSupervisoryOutput upon the
activation of a switch labeled NSSUPV_SW1.
Related information
You can find information related to this topic in:
• CommonSupervisoryOff command
• CommonSupervisoryOn command
• NSCommonSupervisoryOn command
NSCommonSupervisoryOn command
Use the NSCommonSupervisoryOn command to turn on (set) a
nonsupervised output device turned off by the
NSCommonSupervisoryOff command.
NSCommonSupervisoryOn -priority device_type
– or –
NSCommonSupervisoryOn -priority device_type;
Priorities are optional. If you plan to use a priority for this
command, see Priorities in Advanced Programming features.
Device type
The only valid device type for the NSCommonSupervisoryOn
command is the NSCommonSupervisoryOutput.
Object label
The object label specifies the unique label of the device
responding to the Restore command.
Example 4-27 illustrates possible syntax for a rule that will turn
on any NSCommonSupervisoryOutput that was turned off by a
NSCommonSupervisoryOff command.
NSCommonSupervisoryOn is initiated upon the activation of a
switch labeled NSSUPV_SW2.
Related information
You can find information related to this topic in:
• CommonSupervisoryOff command
• CommonSupervisoryOn command
• NSCommonSupervisoryOff command
NSCommonTroubleOff command
Use the NSCommonTroubleOff command to turn off (reset) a
nonsupervised output device configured to automatically activate
when the system detects any active trouble point.
NSCommonTroubleOff -priority device_type
– or –
NSCommonTroubleOff -priority device_type;
Priorities are optional. If you plan to use a priority for this
command, see Priorities in Advanced Programming features.
Device type
The only valid device type for the NSCommonTroubleOff
command is the NSCommonTroubleOutput.
Object label
The object label specifies the unique label of the device
responding to the Restore command.
Example 4-28 illustrates possible syntax for a rule turn off any
active NSCommonTroubleOutput upon the activation of a switch
labeled NSTRBL_SW1.
Related information
You can find information related to this topic in:
• CommonTroubleOff command
• CommonTroubleOn command
• NSCommonTroubleOn command
NSCommonTroubleOn command
Use the NSCommonTroubleOn command to turn on (set) a
nonsupervised output device turned off by the
NSCommonTroubleOff command.
NSCommonTroubleOn -priority device_type
– or –
NSCommonTroubleOn -priority device_type;
Priorities are optional. If you plan to use a priority for this
command, see Priorities in Advanced Programming features.
Device type
The only valid device type for the NSCommonTroubleOn
command is the NSCommonTroubleOutput.
Object label
The object label specifies the unique label of the device
responding to the Restore command.
Example 4-29 illustrates possible syntax for a rule turn on any
NSCommonTroubleOutput that was turned off by a
NSCommonTroubleOff command. NSCommonTroubleOn is
initiated upon the activation of a switch labeled NSTRBL_SW2.
Related information
You can find information related to this topic in:
• CommonTroubleOff command
• CommonTroubleOn command
• NSCommonTroubleOff command
NSFanOff command
Use the NSFanOff command to deenergize (reset) nonsupervised
control relay modules configured to operate fans.
NSFanOff -priority device_type 'object_label';
– or –
NSFanOff -priority device_type;
Priorities are optional. If you plan to use a priority for this
command, see Priorities in Advanced Programming features.
Device type
The only valid device type for the NSFanOff command is the
Object label
The object label specifies the unique label of the device
responding to the Restore command.
During a fire, it may be necessary to shut off fans in various
areas of a building to prevent the spread of smoke and flames.
Example 4-30 illustrates possible syntax for a rule will shut off
the nonsupervised fans upon the activation of a switch labeled
Related information
You can find information related to this topic in:
• FanOff command
• FanOn command
• NSFanOn command
NSFanOn command
Use the NSFanOn command to energize (set) nonsupervised
control relay modules configured to operate fans.
NSFanOn -priority device_type 'object_label';
– or –
NSFanOn -priority device_type;
Priorities are optional. If you plan to use a priority for this
command, see Priorities in Advanced Programming features.
Device type
The only valid device type for the NSFanOn command is the
Object label
The object label specifies the unique label of the device
responding to the Restore command.
During a fire, it may be necessary to turn fans on that will clear
smoke from various parts of a building. Example 4-31 illustrates
possible syntax for a rule that will turn a supervised fan on upon
the activation of a switch labeled NSFAN_CRNTL_SW2.
Related information
You can find information related to this topic in:
• FanOff command
• FanOn command
• NSFanOff command
NSHoldDoor command
Use the NSHoldDoor command to energize (set) supervised
control relay modules configured to operate automatic door
NSHoldDoor -priority device_type
– or –
NSHoldDoor -priority device_type;
Priorities are optional. If you plan to use a priority for this
command, see Priorities in Advanced Programming features.
Device type
The only valid device type for the NSHoldDoor command is the
Object label
The object label specifies the unique label of the device
responding to the Restore command.
During a fire, it may become necessary to seal off sections of a
building by keeping doors shut. Example 4-32 illustrates
possible syntax for a rule that will keep a door shut upon the
activation of a switch labeled NSDOOR_CRNTL_SW1.
Related information
You can find information related to this topic in:
• HoldDoor command
• ReleaseDoor command
• NSReleaseDoor command
NSOpen command
Use the NSOpen command to energize (set) nonsupervised
control relay modules configured to operate dampers.
NSOpen -priority device_type 'object_label';
– or –
NSOpen -priority device_type;
Priorities are optional. If you plan to use a priority for this
command, see Priorities in Advanced Programming features.
Device type
The only valid device type for the NSOpen command is the
Object label
The object label specifies the unique label of the device
responding to the Restore command.
During a fire, it may become necessary to open dampers to route
smoke out of the building. Example 4-33 illustrates possible
syntax for a rule that will open the nonsupervised dampers upon
the activation of a switch labeled NSDAMP_CRNTL_SW2.
Related information
You can find information related to this topic in:
• Close command
• Open command
• NSClose command
NSReleaseDoor command
Use the NSReleaseDoor command to deenergize (reset)
nonsupervised control relay modules configured to operate
automatic door holders.
NSReleaseDoor -priority device_type
– or –
NSReleaseDoor -priority device_type;
Priorities are optional. If you plan to use a priority for this
command, see Priorities in Advanced Programming features.
Device type
The only valid device type for the NSReleaseDoor command is
the NSDoorControl.
Object label
The object label specifies the unique label of the device
responding to the NSReleaseDoor command.
Doors throughout the building may be programmed to shut in the
event of a fire. In the case of an evacuation, however, it may
become necessary to open the doors. Example 4-34 illustrates
possible syntax for a rule that will release an associated,
nonsupervised door upon the activation of a switch labeled
Related information
You can find information related to this topic in:
• HoldDoor command
• ReleaseDoor command
• NSHoldDoor command
Off command
Use the Off command to deactivate a point in the system.
Off -priority device_type 'object_label';
– or –
Off -priority device_type;
Priorities are optional. If you plan to use a priority for this
command, see Priorities in Advanced Programming features.
Device types
Valid devices for the Off command include:
• Audible
• CommonAlarmOutput
• CommonMonitorOutput
• CommonSupervisoryOutput
• CommonTroubleOutput
• DamperControl
• DoorControl
• FanControl
• Firephone
• NSDamperControl
• NSDoorControl
• NSFanControl
• NonSupervisedOutput
• Relay
• RemoteTextMessage
• Telephone
• UserDefinedLED
• Visual
Object label
The object label specifies the unique label of the device
responding to the Off command.
After the evacuation of a building and the containment of a fire,
it will be necessary to investigate the cause of the fire alarm.
During the investigation, firefighters will want the horns to be
silenced. Example 4-35 illustrates possible syntax for a rule that
Related information
You can find information related to this topic in On command.
OffGuard command
Use the OffGuard command to deactivate a guard patrol route.
OffGuard device_type 'group_label' route_id;
Device type
The device type identifies the class of the device named by the
object label. The only device type for which you can use the
OffGuard command is the GuardPatrol.
Group label
The group label in the Object Configuration tables specifies
which guard patrol group responds to the command.
Route ID
The route ID specifies the route sequence number of the targeted
guard patrol group.
Guard patrols require personnel to check in at designated points
in a timed sequence. Any deviations in time or sequence will set
off a programmed GuardPatrolAlarm. In some cases, it may be
necessary to deactivate a guard patrol route. Example 4-36
illustrates possible syntax for a rule that will turn off a guard
patrol route upon the activation of a switch labeled
Note: The guard patrol group and the designated route are
defined separately. See the Guard Patrol Group tab in the Object
Related information
You can find information related to this topic in:
• OnGuard command
• Define event (GuardPatrolAlarm)
On command
Use the On command to activate a point in the system.
On -priority device_type 'object_label';
– or –
On -priority device_type;
Priorities are optional. If you plan to use a priority for this
command, see Priorities in Advanced Programming features.
Device types
Valid devices for the On command include:
• Audible
• CommonAlarmOutput
• CommonMonitorOutput
• CommonSupervisoryOutput
• CommonTroubleOutput
• DamperControl
• DoorControl
• FanControl
• Firephone
• NSDamperControl
• NSDoorControl
• NSFanControl
• NonSupervisedOutput
• Relay
• RemoteTextMessage
• Telephone
• UserDefinedLED
• Visual
Object label
The object label specifies the unique label of the device
responding to the On command.
During a fire, it may be necessary to evacuate floors selectively.
For example, if the fire is on the fourth floor it will be necessary
to evacuate floors 3, 4, and 5 immediately. Occupants on floors 1
and 2 should remain where they are to allow occupants of the
Related information
You can find information related to this topic in Off command.
OnGuard command
Use the OnGuard command to activate a guard patrol route
deactivated by the OffGuard command.
OnGuard device_type 'group_label' route_id;
Device type
The device type identifies the class of the device named by the
object label. The only device type for which you can use the
OnGuard command is the GuardPatrol.
Group label
The group label in the Object Configuration tables specifies
which guard patrol group responds to the command.
Route ID
The route ID specifies the route sequence number of the targeted
guard patrol group.
Guard patrols require personnel to check in at designated points
in a timed sequence. Any deviations in time or sequence will set
off a programmed GuardPatrolAlarm. Example 4-38 illustrates
possible syntax for a rule that will activate a guard patrol upon
the activation of a switch labeled GUARD_PRTL_SW2.
Note: The guard patrol group and the designated route are
defined separately. See the Guard Patrol Group tab in the Object
Related information
You can find information related to this topic in:
• OffGuard command
• Define event (GuardPatrolAlarm)
Open command
Use the Open command to energize (set) supervised control
relay modules configured to operate dampers.
Open -priority device_type 'object_label';
– or –
Open -priority device_type;
Priorities are optional. If you plan to use a priority for this
command, see Priorities in Advanced Programming features.
Device type
The only valid device type for the Open command is the
Object label
The object label specifies the unique label of the device
responding to the Open command.
During a fire, it may become necessary to open dampers to route
smoke out of the building. Example 4-39 illustrates possible
syntax for a rule that will open the dampers upon the activation
of a switch labeled DAMP_CNTRL_SW2.
Related information
You can find information related to this topic in:
• NSClose command
• NSOpen command
• Close command
ReleaseDoor command
Use the ReleaseDoor command to deenergize (reset) supervised
control relay modules configured to operate automatic door
ReleaseDoor -priority device_type
– or –
ReleaseDoor -priority device_type;
Priorities are optional. If you plan to use a priority for this
command, see Priorities in Advanced Programming features.
Device type
The only valid device type for the ReleaseDoor command is the
Object label
The object label specifies the unique label of the device
responding to the ReleaseDoor command.
Doors throughout may be programmed to shut in the event of a
fire. In the case of an evacuation, however, it may become
necessary to open the doors. Example 4-40 illustrates possible
syntax for a rule that will release an associated door upon the
activation of a switch labeled DOOR_CNTRL_SW2.
Related information
You can find information related to this topic in:
• HoldDoor command
• NSHoldDoor command
• NSReleaseDoor command
Restore command
Use the Restore command to return a time control, And group,
action, or drill to its previous state before being activated by the
Activate command.
Restore Action 'rule_label';
– or –
Restore device_type 'object_label';
Device types
Valid devices for the Restore command include:
• Action
• AlarmSilence
• And
• Drill
• Evacuation
• GuardPatrolAlarm
• StartAction
• SysReset
• TimeControl
Object label
The object label specifies the unique label of the device
responding to the Restore command.
Example 4-41 illustrates possible syntax for a rule that will
restore the sequence labeled TURN_ON_STROBES_SEQ upon
the activation of the switch labeled STROBE_SW2.
Related information
You can find information related to this topic in:
• Activate command
• Cancel command
The Systems Definition Utility (SDU) supports numerous types
of devices. The SDU also has a wide array of events and
commands. Use the tables in the Quick reference to speed up
your search for the appropriate devices to use with events and
Event specification summaries • A.2
Events listed by device • A.6
Command specification summaries • A.10
Commands listed by device • A.17
Dialer group A logic group, which consists of two or more zones associated
with a dialer.
DoorControl A module assignment made in the SDC configuration for a
supervised output relay that automatically turns on when a
door’s status goes active.
DoorFeedback A module assignment made in the SDC Configuration for a
monitor that reports door status.
Duct A module assignment made in the SDC Configuration for an
alarm input that detects a fire by sampling air from piping or
tubing for products of combustion
Emergency An assignment made in the SDC Configuration for a module
that monitors an emergency input used in distress notification
Energize To place a relay in its operating position where the normally-
closed contact is open and the normally-open contact is closed.
EOL (end-of-line) Any device or resistor at that is last on a data line.
Expected data Device data programmed in the database through Systems
Definition Utility and downloaded into the panel controller
Fan control A module assignment made in the SDC Configuration for a
supervised output relay that automatically turns on when a fan
goes active.
Fan feedback A module assignment made in the SDC Configuration for a
monitor that reports fan status.
Firephone A module assignment made in the SDC Configuration for a
supervised firephone circuit.
Gatevalve A module assignment made in the SDC configuration for a
sprinkler supervisory input that reports valve status.
General A setting that causes time controls to take place every day.
Guard patrol A series of locations, from which an active security patrol
initiates devices to indicate that they are following a designated
route at the proper intervals.
Heat A module assignment made in the SDC Configuration for an
alarm input that detects a fire by its thermal properties.
Holiday A setting that causes time controls to take place only during a
specified holiday.
IDC (initiating device circuit) A supervised input circuit connected to alarm initiating devices
like smoke detectors, manual pull stations, and waterflow
Label Descriptive text assigned by the system designer to an object in
the database.
Latching Any device that remains locked on until it is reset.
LED (light emitting diode) A device that lights up to indicate activity on its associated
device or function.
Mapping The process the data circuit controller uses to determine the
electrical relative positions between devices on the data circuit.
Monitor A module assignment made in the SDC Configuration for a
monitor input that activates system common monitor functions.
NAC A circuit directly connected to notification appliances. See also
(Notification Appliance Circuit) Notification appliance.
Node A single control panel that is part of a network.
Non-latching A device that will activate and reset to its normal position
according to its own input condition.
NonSupervisedOutput A module assignment made in the SDC Configuration for relays
that do not monitor the integrity of the circuit they are
Notification appliance Any alarm device that provides a visual, audible, or tactile
(touchable) warnings of fire alarm conditions.
NSCommonAlarmOff Command used to turn off a nonsupervised notification signal
output circuit that a panel automatically activates when an
Alarm event occurs.
NSCommonAlarmOn Command used to turn on a nonsupervised notification signal
output circuit that a panel automatically activates when an
Alarm event occurs.
NSCommonAlarmOutput Classification used for a nonsupervised notification signal
output circuit that a panel automatically activates when an
Alarm event occurs.
NSCommonMonitorOff Command used to turn off a nonsupervised notification signal
output circuit that a panel automatically activates when a
Monitor event occurs.
NSCommonMonitorOn Command used to turn on a nonsupervised notification signal
output circuit that a panel automatically activates when a
Monitor event occurs.
NSCommonMonitorOutput Classification used for a nonsupervised notification signal
output circuit that a panel automatically activates when a
Monitor event occurs.
NSCommonSupervisoryOff Command used to turn off a nonsupervised notification signal
output circuit that a panel automatically activates when a
Supervisory event occurs.
NSCommonSupervisoryOn Command used to turn on a nonsupervised notification signal
output circuit that a panel automatically activates when a
Supervisory event occurs.
NSCommonSupervisoryOutput Classification used for a nonsupervised notification signal
output circuit that a panel automatically activates when a
Supervisory event occurs.
NSCommonTroubleOff Command used to turn off a nonsupervised notification signal
output circuit that a panel automatically activates when a
Trouble event occurs.
* commands (continued)
Cancel • 4.3
*. See wildcards Close • 4.4
CommonAlarmOff • 4.5
{ CommonAlarmOn command • 4.6
CommonMonitorOff • 4.7
{. See comments, rule
CommonMonitorOn • 4.8
CommonSupervisoryOff • 4.9
A CommonSupervisoryOn • 4.10
action 9000. See GuardPatrolAlarm CommonTroubleOff • 4.11
action 9002. See SysReset CommonTroubleOn • 4.12
action 9003. See Drill Delay • 4.13
action 9004. See AlarmSilence Disable • 4.14–4.15
action 9500. See Evacuation Enable • 4.16–4.17
actions FanOff • 4.18
described • 2.9–2.10 FanOn • 4.19
in Activate commands • 4.2 HoldDoor • 4.20
in Define events • 3.7 LEDOff • 4.21
in Disable commands • 4.14 LEDOn • 4.22
in Enable commands • 4.16 listed by device • A.17–A.21
in Restore commands • 4.45 NSClose • 4.23
Activate command • 4.2 NSCommonAlarmOff • 4.24
Active event • 3.2–3.3 NSCommonAlarmOn • 4.25
Alarm event • 3.4 NSCommonMonitorOff • 4.26
alarm initiating devices NSCommonMonitorOn • 4.27
in Active events • 3.2 NSCommonSupervisoryOff • 4.28
in Alarm events • 3.4 NSCommonSupervisoryOn • 4.29
in Disable commands • 4.14 NSCommonTroubleOff • 4.30
in Enable commands • 4.16 NSCommonTroubleOn • 4.31
in TestActive events • 3.11 NSFanOff • 4.32
in TestTrouble events • 3.13 NSFanOn • 4.33
in Trouble events • 3.15 NSHoldDoor • 4.34
AlarmSilence • 2.9 NSOpen • 4.35
AND groups • 2.7, 3.7 NSReleaseDoor • 4.36
Off • 4.37–4.38
Offguard • 4.39
On • 4.40–4.41
bar code readers • vii OnGuard • 4.42
bell code groups • 2.7 Open • 4.43
ReleaseDoor • 4.44
C Restore • 4.45
comments, rule • 1.4
CallIn event • 3.5 CommonAlarmOff command • 4.5
Cancel command • 4.3 CommonAlarmOn • 4.6
Close command • 4.4 CommonMonitorOff command • 4.7
commands CommonMonitorOn command • 4.8
Activate • 4.2 CommonSupervisoryOff command • 4.9
CommonSupervisoryOn command • 4.10
user-defined LEDs wildcards (*) • 1.10, 1.16, 2.2
in LEDOff command • 4.21 writing comments about rules • 1.4
in LEDOn command • 4.22