MACC517 MPAC515 Practice Questions
MACC517 MPAC515 Practice Questions
MACC517 MPAC515 Practice Questions
Standard error measures the amount of discrepancy that can be expected in a sample
estimate compared to the true value in population. The smaller the standard error the
better. A standard error of zero or close to zero would indicate that the estimated value is
exactly the true value.
A larger F-test suggests that there is a greater difference among group means. If the p-value
is below 0.05, you can conclude that there are differences among the groups being
In this case we don’t have enough evidence to reject the null hypothesis.
Question 1
The regression results from a study are given below. Please interpret the results fully.
Question 2
Explain the key considerations one should be made in choosing a research instrument and
demonstrate the applicability of your chosen instrument to a topic of your choice?
(You may use imaginary names and events)
Question 3
Highlight the essential subtopics and matters contained in the methodology chapter and
argue why the chapter is critical in research.
Question 4
Discuss any five ethical issues that should be taken care of in conducting Applied Research.
Question 5
Imagine that you have been contracted as a monitoring and evaluation consultant and you
want to evaluate a dam construction project in a rural set up. Briefly articulate the
objectives and the methodology you would use to accomplish your task.
Question 6
Research Question: How does corporate governance (e.g., board structure, CEO compensation)
influence financial performance in publicly traded companies? Statistical Analysis: Conduct a panel
data analysis to examine the effects of corporate governance variables on financial performance
metrics (e.g., return on equity, earnings per share) over time.
Question 7
Below is the background study of a research by a student at Great Zimbabwe University in
partial fulfilment of the requirements for the Bachelor of Honours Degree in Accounting
Taxation is a major source of public finance, and the outflow of public expenditure is the
provision of various public/social services by the state for the benefit of citizens and non-
citizens within its jurisdiction. The principal reason that governments levy taxes is to raise
revenue to provide resources for the provision of such services, in turn presumably
motivated by the wish to promote outcomes such as reduced poverty, maintenance of law
and order and higher living standards. Other reasons include redistribution of income and
wealth, economic regulations and macroeconomic stabilization.
Taxation, therefore, plays a key role in helping African countries to meet their Millennium
Development Goal (MDGs) commitments2. By reducing tax avoidance and tax evasion by
companies and individuals, making tax systems more supportive of development, and
improving revenue collection, governments are able to advance MDGs Goal 8 and enhance
financing for other MDGs. The Millennium Development Goals aim to encourage
development by improving social and economic conditions in the world’s poorest countries.
There are eight goals and MDG8’s aim is to develop a global partnership for development,
which includes a commitment to good governance, development and poverty reduction.
There are various types of taxes but all of them are usually classified as direct and indirect
taxes. This classification is mainly based on the incidence of the particular taxes. Direct taxes
are more visible to the taxpayer and they include such taxes as income tax, estate duty and
property tax levied on the person (whether individual or non individual) with no possibility
of shifting the incidence to another person. Indirect taxes are generally taxes on
consumption and outlay. They are often less visible to the taxpayer and collected by an
intermediary. Because tax is levied on goods and services, the tax yield depends directly on
the level of consumption of the population on the particular taxed commodity or service or
other outlay.
The payment of tax is compulsory in nature. This does not mean that all tax revenue is paid
unwillingly, but the will of the taxpayer is legally immaterial. Although some people pay
their taxes out of a desire to do good for their governments, and the fear of the
consequences of non-payment, majority of people do not enjoy paying taxes, regardless of
the benefits they may realize from taxation to the society generally and to themselves. Such
people are often referred to as “free riders”. Slemrod and Bakija (2001) noted that each
citizen has a very strong incentive to ride free on the contributions of others because one’s
own individual contribution is relatively immaterial to what one gets back from the
government. For these reasons, paying taxes must be made a legal responsibility for each
citizen. In this connection, most governments are faced with a great challenge in enforcing
tax laws to induce people to pay their taxes. Some dutiful people will undoubtedly pay what
they owe, but others would not. Consequently, over time the ranks of the dutiful will shrink
as they realize how they are being taken advantage of by others.
Tax evasion is a global phenomenon. Recently, it has attracted a great deal of official and
public interests, but it is difficult, if not impossible for tax authorities to eliminate it
entirely. For example, in the Zimbabwe, failure to pay one’s taxes timely is a civil offence,
subject to a variety of penalties. Fraud can expose the citizen to criminal charges and jail
sentences, although this is a very rare occurrence. Even in the face of those penalties,
substantial evasion persists, [Slemrod and Bakija (2001)]. Nonetheless, most governments
are continuously striving to reduce this problem of tax evasion because without taxation
survival of any government is at stake. Therefore, there is a need to properly understand
tax evasion dimensions and develop a sound strategy to tackle it.”
i. Come up with a possible topic for the project
ii. Write up (in brief) a possible proposal for this project
(You may useimaginary names and events)
Question 8
Explain and demonstrate in relation to your topic in question one above literature review in
terms of;
- Introduction (5 marks)
- Conceptual framework (5 marks)
- Theoretical framework (5 marks)
- Empirical review (5 marks)
(You may use imaginary names and events)
Question 9
Briefly demonstrate the structure of your chapter 3 (Research Methodology) of your
research in question 1 above by highlighting the essential subtopics and matters therein that
you will have to address.
(You may use imaginary names and events)
[Total 20 marks]
Question 10
Distinguish between a qualitative and a quantitative research by highlighting their attributes
as they relate to data presentation, analysis and discussion of a dissertation report of your
topic in question 1. (20 marks)
(You may use imaginary names and events)
Question 11
You have been asked to investigate the potential applications of artificial intelligence in accounting
profession. Describe a mixed-methods research approach you could use to assess both the
effectiveness and ethical implications of AI technologies in the accounting practice