The arterial pulse reflects left ventricular performance and the vascular system's response to ejection. It consists of an
ascending limb, peak, and descending limb, with the pulse wave traveling along the aorta at about 5 m/sec. Key factors
affecting the pulse's shape include stroke volume, left ventricular contractility, and the condition of the aortic valve. A higher
stroke volume or ejection velocity leads to a sharper upstroke and higher peak, while reduced stroke volume or contractility
results in a less sharp upstroke. Arterial system compliance, peripheral vascular resistance, and aortic runoff also influence
the pulse morphology.
Carotid Artery:
§ Location: Located on the side of the neck, adjacent to the trachea.
§ Usage: Most suitable for evaluating the character of the arterial pulse because it is close to the aortic valve.
§ Technique: The patient lies supine with the neck slightly turned to relax the sternomastoid muscle. The pulse is
palpated using the middle three fingers along the lateral border of the trachea. This pulse is often used in
emergencies and is synchronized with the first heart sound (S1).
Brachial Artery:
§ Location: Found in the upper arm, near the elbow’s inner aspect.
§ Usage: This is the next best site if the carotid artery is not accessible. It’s commonly used in infants and during
blood pressure measurement.
§ Technique: The arm should be slightly bent at the elbow. The pulse is palpated with two or three fingers in the
antecubital fossa, medial to the biceps tendon.
Radial Artery:
§ Location: On the wrist, just below the thumb.
§ Usage: The most common site for pulse measurement in routine examinations. It's particularly useful for detecting
peripheral pulse characteristics such as a collapsing or dicrotic pulse.
§ Technique: The pulse is felt with the tips of the index and middle fingers placed over the radial artery.
Femoral Artery:
§ Location: Located in the groin, where the leg meets the pelvis.
§ Usage: Best for detecting a paradoxic pulse, particularly in conditions like cardiac tamponade, where the pulse
volume may be low and difficult to detect at more distal sites.
§ Technique: The patient lies supine, and the pulse is palpated just below the inguinal ligament, halfway between
the pubic symphysis and the anterior superior iliac spine.
Popliteal Artery:
§ Location: Behind the knee in the popliteal fossa.
§ Usage: Used when evaluating circulation to the lower leg and foot, often in cases of suspected peripheral artery
§ Technique: The patient bends their knee slightly, and the examiner palpates deeply in the midline of the popliteal
fossa with both hands encircling the knee.
o The number of beats per minute (normal range is 60-90/min). Tachycardia is over 100/min, and
bradycardia is below 60/min
Refers to the regularity of the pulse. A regular rhythm has equal intervals between beats, while an irregular
rhythm may indicate arrhythmias.
§ Regular Rhythm: If the intervals between heartbeats are consistent, the rhythm is regular. A regular
rhythm suggests normal sinus rhythm.
§ Irregular Rhythm: If the intervals between beats are inconsistent, the rhythm is irregular. Irregular
rhythms can be further classified:
o Regularly Irregular: The irregularity follows a pattern (e.g., bigeminy, where every other beat
is premature).
o Irregularly Irregular: There is no discernible pattern to the irregularity, which is often seen in
atrial fibrillation.
• Definition: A low volume pulse, also referred to as a weak or thready pulse, is associated with a narrow pulse
pressure. Pulse pressure is the difference between systolic and diastolic blood pressure.
High Volume Pulse
• Definition: A high volume pulse, also known as a bounding pulse, is associated with a wide pulse pressure.
Narrow Pulse Less than 30 Indicates reduced stroke volume or increased peripheral resistance; seen in conditions
Pressure mmHg like severe aortic stenosis, cardiogenic shock, and heart failure.
Normal Pulse Reflects a balanced cardiac output and vascular resistance, typical in healthy
30 to 40 mmHg
Pressure individuals.
The character of the pulse refers to the quality and waveform of the pulse as it is felt upon palpation. It provides important
information about the condition of the cardiovascular system, particularly the heart and arteries. The character of the pulse
is influenced by factors such as stroke volume, arterial compliance, and the presence of any valve abnormalities.
Vessel Wall:
Assessment of the arterial wall's texture. Normal vessels are smooth and elastic, while atherosclerosis may cause hardening
and irregularities, indicating advanced cardiovascular disease.
Peripheral Pulses:
Pulses in areas such as the radial, femoral, popliteal, and dorsalis pedis arteries are evaluated. The absence or weakness of
peripheral pulses may suggest peripheral artery disease (PAD).
• Radioradial delay refers to a difference in timing between the pulses in the radial arteries of both arms. Normally,
the pulse in both radial arteries should be synchronous.
1. Palpation: Place the index and middle fingers of each hand over the radial arteries of both wrists simultaneously.
2. Comparison: Compare the timing of the pulse waves in each artery. If there is a noticeable delay or difference in
the pulse between the two arms, this is termed radioradial delay.
• Subclavian Artery Stenosis: Atherosclerosis or other causes of narrowing in one of the subclavian arteries can
cause a delayed pulse on the affected side.
• Aortic Dissection: A tear in the aortic wall can cause differential flow in the subclavian arteries, leading to
radioradial delay.
• Radiofemoral delay refers to a difference in timing between the radial pulse (at the wrist) and the femoral pulse (in
the groin). Normally, the pulse wave should arrive at the femoral artery slightly before or at the same time as it
does at the radial artery, given the proximity of the femoral artery to the heart.
1. Palpation: Palpate the radial pulse with one hand and the femoral pulse with the other hand simultaneously.
2. Comparison: Compare the timing of the pulse waves. If the femoral pulse is delayed relative to the radial pulse,
this is termed radiofemoral delay.
• Coarctation of the Aorta: The most common cause of radiofemoral delay is coarctation of the aorta. The
narrowing typically occurs distal to the origin of the left subclavian artery, which affects blood flow to the lower
body, causing a delay in the femoral pulse.
• Atherosclerosis of the Aorta: Severe atherosclerotic disease involving the aorta or iliac arteries can also cause
radiofemoral delay.
• Aortic Dissection: A dissection that involves the descending aorta can lead to impaired blood flow to the lower
extremities, resulting in a delayed femoral pulse.
Apex-pulse deficit (often referred to as simply "pulse deficit") is a clinical finding where there is a difference between the
heartbeats heard at the apex of the heart (using a stethoscope) and the palpable pulses at a peripheral site, such as the
radial artery. This phenomenon typically indicates that not all heartbeats are resulting in an effective pulse that can be felt
in the periphery.
1. 2 examiner technique:
One examiner will use a stethoscope and calculate number of heart beats in one minute. The other
examiner will simultaneously palpate pulse and count it in one minute. The difference in both examiner
will be the apex pulse deficit.
2. Single examiner technique:
Same examiner will simultaneously auscultate the heart as well as palpate the pulse for one minute. The
number of times when the heart beat is heard but the pulse is missed is calculated as apex pulse deficit.
Same examiner in the 1st minute will auscultate the heart beat for one minute and count it. In the next
minute, the same person will palpate the pulse and count it in one minute. The difference will be the apex
pulse deficit.
• Atrial Fibrillation: This is the most common condition associated with a pulse deficit. In atrial fibrillation, the
heart beats irregularly and often ineffectively, leading to some heartbeats that do not generate enough force to
produce a palpable pulse. Apex Pulse deficit is >10/min.
• Premature Ventricular Contractions (PVCs): During a PVC, the ventricles contract prematurely, often without
sufficient time to fill properly, resulting in a weaker contraction that may not generate a detectable peripheral
pulse. Apex Pulse deficit is <10/min.
• Heart Failure: In severe heart failure, the weakened heart may not generate sufficient force with each beat to
produce a palpable pulse.
A collapsing pulse, also known as a water hammer pulse, is characterized by a rapid downstroke in the arterial pulse
following a sharp and high-volume upstroke. This phenomenon occurs in conditions where there is significant regurgitation
or backflow of blood from the aorta or the arterial system. Aortic regurgitation is the primary cause, where the arterial
system behaves as if it is open at both ends during diastole, leading to a rapid decrease in pulse pressure after systolic
The collapse in the pulse is attributed to the backward flow of blood into the left ventricle and the reflex vasodilation
mediated by the carotid baroreceptors, secondary to the large stroke volume. Clinically, the collapsing pulse is best detected
at the radial artery, with the patient’s arm elevated above the shoulder to align the artery with the central aorta,
facilitating the detection of the direct systolic ejection and diastolic backflow.
Hyperkinetic Circulatory
Conditions with Aortic Run-off
Pregnancy Aortic regurgitation
Fever Patent ductus arteriosus
Anemia Aortopulmonary window
Thyrotoxicosis Rupture of sinuses of Valsalva into right heart chambers
Beriberi Arteriovenous fistula
Systemic to pulmonary artery shunt in cyanotic heart disease with reduced pulmonary
Paget’s disease of bone
Hyperkinetic Circulatory
Conditions with Aortic Run-off
Hyperkinetic heart syndrome
Cirrhosis of liver
Drug-induced vasodilatation
Pulsus Paradoxus
• Pulsus paradoxus is an exaggerated decrease in systolic blood pressure (>10 mmHg) during inspiration.
Normally, there is a slight decrease in blood pressure during inspiration due to increased venous return to the
right side of the heart, which shifts the interventricular septum slightly and reduces left ventricular filling.
However, in pulsus paradoxus, this effect is amplified due to underlying pathology, leading to a significant
reduction in stroke volume and, consequently, systolic blood pressure.
• Cardiac Tamponade: The most common cause of pulsus paradoxus. During normal inspiration, the negative
intrathoracic pressure increases venous return to the right side of the heart. In cardiac tamponade, the heart is
compressed by the fluid in the pericardium, so the right ventricle cannot expand into the pericardial space.
Instead, it bulges into the left ventricle, reducing left ventricular filling and consequently lowering stroke volume
and systolic blood pressure during inspiration. This results in pulsus paradoxus.
• Constrictive Pericarditis: The thickened, fibrotic pericardium restricts the heart's ability to expand, similarly
leading to an exaggerated ventricular interdependence leading to exaggerated decrease in stroke volume during
• Severe Asthma or COPD: Hyperinflation of the lungs during inspiration increases intrathoracic pressure,
reducing venous return to the left side of the heart and thereby decreasing left ventricular stroke volume.
• Massive Pulmonary Embolism: Can cause right ventricular strain, which may lead to a similar mechanism as in
cardiac tamponade.
Clinical Detection:
• Measured using a blood pressure cuff. The pressure at which the Korotkoff sounds are first heard only during
expiration (but not during inspiration) is noted. The pressure difference between the onset of these sounds and
when they are heard throughout the respiratory cycle (in both inspiration and expiration) indicates the degree of
pulsus paradoxus.
Reversed pulsus paradoxus is defined as an increase in pulse amplitude during inspiration and a decrease during expiration,
which contrasts with the typical decrease in pulse amplitude during inspiration seen in standard pulsus paradoxus. This
phenomenon is typically observed in specific clinical settings, such as during positive pressure ventilation or in certain
cardiac conditions like iso-rhythmic AV dissociation and hypertrophic obstructive cardiomyopathy.
Cause Description
Positive Pressure Breathing with During positive pressure ventilation, intrathoracic pressure is higher during
Artificial Ventilators inspiration, leading to an increase in stroke volume and pulse amplitude.
Atrial activity precedes ventricular activity during inspiration, enhancing stroke
Iso-rhythmic AV Dissociation
volume and increasing pulse amplitude during inspiration.
Hypertrophic Obstructive The exact mechanism is unclear, but it may involve dynamic changes in left
Cardiomyopathy (HOCM) ventricular outflow tract obstruction during the respiratory cycle.
Pulsus Alternans
Pulsus Alternans is a phenomenon characterized by the regular alternation of strong and weak pulse beats without changes
in respiratory or heart cycle length.
• Pulsus alternans is characterized by alternating strong and weak pulse beats while the rhythm remains regular. It
is due to an alternating stroke volume with each heartbeat, often linked to varying contractile force of the left
• Total Alternans: Occurs when weak contraction fails to open the aortic valve, resulting in complete absence of
alternate pulse
• Independent Alternans: Alternation involving only one ventricle, either right or left.
Pulsus alternans can be detected by sphygmomanometer, especially when aortic pressure alternates by more than 20 mmHg,
and is also palpable at the peripheral pulse. It often accompanies variation in the intensity of Korotkoff sounds.
A. Severe aortic stenosis
B. Severe pulmonic stenosis
C. Dilated cardiomyopathy
D. Myocarditis
Pulsus Parvus et Tardus is a specific type of pulse that is characterized by two key features:
1. Parvus (Small): The pulse is weak or low in amplitude. This means that the upstroke of the pulse wave is reduced,
resulting in a small or faint pulse that is difficult to palpate.
2. Tardus (Delayed): The pulse has a slow, delayed upstroke. This indicates that the pulse wave takes longer than normal
to reach its peak after the heart contracts, leading to a prolonged rise time of the pulse wave.
Clinical Significance
Aortic Stenosis: Pulsus parvus et tardus is most commonly associated with severe aortic stenosis. In this condition, the
aortic valve is narrowed, which restricts blood flow from the left ventricle into the aorta. As a result, less blood is ejected
with each heartbeat (parvus), and the time it takes for the blood to be ejected is prolonged (tardus).
Peripheral Arterial Disease:: Severe narrowing or blockage in major peripheral arteries can cause a delayed and weakened
pulse in the affected extremities, although this is more often localized rather than generalized as seen in aortic stenosis.
Rhythm: Irregular, with alternating normal and premature beats (often premature ventricular contractions, PVCs).
Pulse Strength: The premature beat is typically weaker due to less ventricular filling time.
Clinical Assessment:
§ Palpation: When palpating the pulse, you will feel a strong beat followed closely by a weaker beat, followed by a
longer pause. This creates a pattern of "paired" beats.
§ Auscultation: On auscultation, the heart sounds may reveal an extra beat (corresponding to the premature beat)
that is often followed by a compensatory pause.
§ ECG Correlation: An electrocardiogram (ECG) will typically show a normal QRS complex followed by a
premature QRS complex, often with a compensatory pause after the PVC.
A dicrotic pulse is a unique type of arterial pulse that is characterized by a double beat during the cardiac cycle, with the
second beat (known as the dicrotic wave) occurring after the closure of the aortic valve during diastole.
1. Normal Pulse Wave Dynamics:
o In a healthy cardiovascular system, after the heart contracts and ejects blood into the aorta (systole), the
aortic valve closes to prevent backflow of blood into the left ventricle.
o A pulse wave generated by the ejection of blood travels through the arteries. Part of this wave reflects
back from peripheral arterial sites, creating a secondary wave that typically coincides with the dicrotic
notch on the arterial pressure waveform.
o The dicrotic notch represents the brief increase in aortic pressure following the closure of the aortic valve
and is normally seen on the downstroke of the arterial waveform. This notch is typically small and not
palpable in healthy individuals.
3. Dicrotic Wave:
o The dicrotic wave is a small secondary pulse that follows the primary systolic peak. In normal
conditions, this wave is not usually palpable. However, under certain pathological conditions, the
dicrotic wave becomes exaggerated and can be felt as a separate, distinct pulse during diastole.
o Conditions such as cardiomyopathy, myocarditis, cardiac tamponade, or severe heart failure result in
reduced stroke volume — the amount of blood ejected by the left ventricle with each contraction.
o In these states, the arterial system is underfilled because less blood is being pumped into it. This
underfilling leads to a less distended arterial tree, making it more compliant.
o In an underfilled arterial system, the reflected pulse wave from the periphery returns more slowly. Because
the system is less distended, the reflected wave doesn’t lose as much energy and can merge with the
original wave during diastole, creating a distinct, palpable dicrotic wave.
o This wave is amplified due to the combination of a slow-moving primary pulse wave and the enhanced
reflection from the periphery.
o In contrast, when the arterial system is rigid and non-distensible, such as in systemic hypertension, the
reflection wave travels rapidly and meets the original pulse wave early, losing its distinctiveness.
Therefore, a dicrotic pulse is not present in such conditions.
o Cardiomyopathy and Myocarditis: The heart’s weakened pumping ability leads to a low stroke volume,
and the slow return of the reflected wave becomes more prominent.
o Cardiac Tamponade: The accumulation of fluid in the pericardium compresses the heart, leading to a
low cardiac output and similar effects on the pulse.
o Aortic Valve Replacement: After surgery for aortic regurgitation, the hemodynamic changes can
sometimes lead to a dicrotic pulse as the heart adjusts to the new valve dynamics.
Bisferiens pulse is a type of arterial pulse characterized by a double systolic peak, meaning two distinct beats can be felt
during the systolic phase of the cardiac cycle. This pulse is typically best palpated in the carotid artery and is indicative of
specific cardiovascular conditions that alter the normal pattern of blood ejection from the heart.
o Dual Mechanism: The first systolic peak occurs due to the rapid ejection of blood into the aorta, while the
second peak is caused by a reflected wave due to the partially filled aorta after regurgitation, which then
gets pumped again during the remaining systole.
o Combined Lesions: Patients with both aortic stenosis (which causes an obstruction to blood flow) and
aortic regurgitation (which allows blood to flow back into the ventricle) can develop this double-peaked
o Dynamic Outflow Obstruction: In HOCM, the thickened septum can cause an obstruction in the left
ventricular outflow tract, leading to a brief obstruction after the initial ejection. The second systolic peak
occurs after this obstruction is temporarily relieved.
o Character of Pulse: The first peak corresponds to early systole, and the second, typically lower peak,
occurs as the left ventricle overcomes the obstruction.
3. Hyperdynamic Circulation:
o In hyperdynamic states, such as with severe aortic regurgitation or high-output cardiac states (like
thyrotoxicosis), the forceful ejection of blood can cause a prominent initial peak followed by a secondary
peak due to the rapid refilling and ejection from the ventricle.
1. Which of the following arteries is most commonly used to measure the pulse in an adult?
• A) Carotid artery
• B) Radial artery
• C) Femoral artery
• D) Brachial artery
• Explanation: The radial artery is most commonly used due to its accessibility and ease of palpation.
• A) Hypertension
• B) Cardiomyopathy
• C) Aortic stenosis
• Answer: B) Cardiomyopathy
• Explanation: Dicrotic pulse is typically seen in low cardiac output states like cardiomyopathy.
• Answer: A) A decrease in systolic blood pressure during inspiration greater than 10 mmHg.
• Explanation: Pulsus paradoxus is an exaggerated decrease in systolic BP during inspiration, often seen
in cardiac tamponade.
• A) Collapsing pulse
• B) Pulsus bisferiens
• D) Pulsus alternans
• Explanation: Aortic stenosis causes a weak and delayed pulse due to the obstruction of blood flow.
• A) Mitral stenosis
• B) Aortic regurgitation
• C) Atrial fibrillation
• D) Tricuspid regurgitation
• Explanation: Bisferiens pulse is often seen in aortic regurgitation, especially when associated with
aortic stenosis.
6. Which of the following conditions is least likely to present with a bounding pulse?
• A) Aortic regurgitation
• B) Hyperthyroidism
• C) Aortic stenosis
• Explanation: Aortic stenosis typically presents with a weak pulse, not a bounding one.
• A) Cardiac tamponade
• D) Mitral stenosis
• Explanation: Pulsus alternans, where the pulse alternates between strong and weak beats, is a sign of
severe left ventricular dysfunction.
• A) Radial artery
• B) Carotid artery
• C) Brachial artery
• D) Femoral artery
• Explanation: The brachial artery is preferred in infants because it is easier to palpate than the radial
• A) Atrial fibrillation
• B) Ventricular bigeminy
• C) Sinus arrhythmia
• D) Atrial flutter
• Explanation: Ventricular bigeminy is a regularly irregular pulse due to the repeating pattern of normal
and premature beats.
• A) Aortic regurgitation
• B) Mitral stenosis
• C) Pulmonary hypertension
• Explanation: A collapsing or "water hammer" pulse is characteristic of aortic regurgitation due to the
rapid backflow of blood into the left ventricle.
11. In which condition is radiofemoral delay commonly observed?
• A) Aortic regurgitation
• D) Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy
• Explanation: Coarctation of the aorta causes delayed femoral pulse relative to the radial pulse.
12. Which of the following best describes the pulse in hypertrophic obstructive cardiomyopathy (HOCM)?
• B) Pulsus bisferiens
• C) Dicrotic pulse
• D) Pulsus alternans
• Explanation: HOCM often presents with a bisferiens pulse due to the dynamic obstruction of blood
• A) Hypertension
• B) Shock
• C) Aortic stenosis
• D) Mitral regurgitation
• Answer: B) Shock
• Explanation: A weak and thready pulse is commonly seen in shock due to poor cardiac output and
reduced peripheral perfusion.
14. Which of the following conditions is associated with a bounding pulse and wide pulse pressure?
• A) Cardiac tamponade
• B) Aortic stenosis
• C) Aortic regurgitation
• D) Pulmonary hypertension
15. Pulsus paradoxus is most commonly associated with which of the following conditions?
• A) Aortic stenosis
• B) Constrictive pericarditis
• C) Mitral stenosis
• D) Hyperthyroidism
• Explanation: Constrictive pericarditis and cardiac tamponade are commonly associated with pulsus
• A) Pulsus paradoxus
• B) Pulsus alternans
• C) Dicrotic pulse
• D) Collapsing pulse
• Explanation: Pulsus alternans is a sign of severe left ventricular failure and is indicative of poor cardiac
17. A patient with atrial fibrillation is most likely to have which type of pulse?
• A) Regularly irregular
• B) Irregularly irregular
• C) Pulsus bisferiens
• D) Pulsus alternans
• Explanation: Atrial fibrillation is characterized by an irregularly irregular pulse due to the chaotic atrial
electrical activity.
• A) Typhoid fever
• B) Cardiomyopathy
• C) Aortic stenosis
• D) Cardiac tamponade
• Explanation: Aortic stenosis typically causes a pulsus parvus et tardus, not a dicrotic pulse.
19. Which pulse is described as having a rapid upstroke followed by a sudden collapse?
• A) Pulsus bisferiens
• B) Pulsus alternans
• C) Collapsing pulse
• D) Pulsus paradoxus
• Explanation: A collapsing pulse, also known as a "water hammer" pulse, is characteristic of aortic