Vedic Astrology Is Not Lost Despite Discard by Astronomers With Astronomical Discoveries
Vedic Astrology Is Not Lost Despite Discard by Astronomers With Astronomical Discoveries
Vedic Astrology Is Not Lost Despite Discard by Astronomers With Astronomical Discoveries
ISSN: 2456-4427
Impact Factor: RJIF: 5.11 Vedic astrology is not lost despite discard by
Jyotish 2018; 3(1): 09-13
© 2018 Jyotish astronomers with astronomical discoveries
Received: 04-11-2017
Accepted: 05-12-2017 YV Subba Rao
Keyword: Vedic astrology, not lost despite discard, astronomers, astronomical discoveries
1. Introduction
Sceptical Research into Astrology ( in an article entitled “Astrology the
vital piece of the big jig-saw has been discarded but not lost” contended that the discoveries in
astronomy in the last 500 years’ astrology has moved from a pivotal role in the academic
system to an outcast from mainstream thinking [1].
Astronomy is the scientific study of celestial objects (such as stars, planets, comets, and
galaxies) and phenomena that originate outside the Earth's atmosphere (such as the cosmic
background radiation) while astrology is not only the derivative of astronomy but also the life
side of it. It is one of the six limbs of Vedānga. The word ‘Jyotisha’ has Siddhanta Bhaga
(Astronomical Theories), Ganita Bhaga (Calculative part) and Phalitha Bhaga (Predictive part)
in its ambit.
The following four major astronomical discoveries during the last 500 years astronomical
discoveries are cited as the main contributing factors in breaking the astrological model and to
its decline are discussed with reference to Vedic astrology of Yajurveda Vedānga Jyotisha
around 3000 BC:
1. Precession of Equinoxes
2. Heliocentric System
3. Discovery of the Outer Planets
4. The vast distances in space
It may be straightaway mentioned here, that the said major astronomical discoveries during the
last 500 years have had absolutely no impact on the Vedic astrological model as these so-
called discoveries not only find a mention in the ageless Vedas but are seen in the genesis of
science of astrology. Further, the observation that the said discoveries have caused the decline
of astrology also do not hold any water. Indeed, there is a decline in belief in astrology in
society, but why and how did it happen. The think-tank felt that astrology needs to gain
YV Subba Rao academic credentials in order to be taken seriously as it shows no interest in being linked to
University Science and fields of science (not to biology, not to psychology, not to statistics, not even to astronomy), or
Instrumentation Centre (USIC), the humanities or the social sciences. At this juncture, it needs to be mentioned here that the
Sri Venkateswara University, author of this paper is the author of the book entitled “Vedic Astrology Reintegrated into
Tirupati, Andhra Pradesh, India
Astronomy, Astrophysics and Astrobiology” the book is an exposition of the scientific basis
International Journal of Jyotish Research
the orbit of Saturn, namely Uranus, Neptune and Pluto in our mystically awakened senses. The distances of the planets of
solar system was a rude shock to and a great shake up of our solar system in the Puranas measured in Yojanas perfectly
astrology of ancient system worked with seven planets for tally with values in AU in modern science.
thousands of years. This criticism gained momentum, for at Before we understand anything, we must understand universe
this juncture it coincided with the ‘Age of Reason and division. According to Hinduism the universe is divided into
Revolution. three parts Urdhva-loka (Highest abodes), Madhya or Bhu-
The argument against astrology, put in a nut shell, is that our loka (Middle ones), and Adho-loka (the Lower realms).
ancients are not aware of the existence of these ‘Outer The highest planet in the Material Realm is the abode of Lord
Planets’. This misconception must be blown out with all the Brahma, the progenitor of this universe. Along with him are
might of ancient wisdom and their uncanny ability by quoting present, his consort Saraswati and other spiritual entities who,
Sage Veda Vyasa. Veda Vyāsa in his Mahābhārata text in after eons of spiritual penance have been able to transcend the
Sanskrit, mentioned three additional planets Uranus, Neptune bonds of Material world and reach this plane by traversing
and Pluto as Shveta, Shyāma and Teevra respectively. He through the Milky Way. At the time of final dissolution of the
mentioned these three planets with their positions [8]. Veda material planets the residents here transform their subtle
Vyāsa is about 5000 years ancient than Herschel, but still he bodies into spiritual bodies and enter the eternal Vaikuntha
knew all these three planets. Ancient Hindus were aware of planets, which begin 26,200,000 yojanas above the Satyaloka.
the existence of these planets in our solar system and they According to vedic physics, space inside our universe is multi
were not included in Vedic astrology as they were not useful -dimensional. There are 64 main dimensions and each
in predicting the future of a person. So, they lost importance. dimension is further divided into many sub-dimensions. Since
Another argument could also have been initiated against the inhabitants of earth can perceive 3 dimensions, their
astrology, as to why even ‘not ordinarily planets’, namely, senses have no access to many other realms of universal
Sun (a star), Moon (satellite of the earth), the two lunar nodes reality.
(intersecting points of the orbits of sun and moon) are It is said that through the ancient process of yoga, one can
included as planets and why the Earth and the ‘outer planets’ obtain access to many other dimensions. When a yogi obtains
are excluded in its studies. Also, why the International access to other dimensions, he can perform unusual activities
Astronomical Union (IAU) shows sympathy and exhibits and technology is but one of innumerable ways of applying it
antipathy to Pluto alternately about the status of Pluto as a .
‘Planet’ since its discovery in 1930 [9]. The argument of
astronomers against astrology stands vindicated rather 6. Discussion of results
counterproductive to astronomers if it is said that whole ‘Precession of Equinoxes’ is nothing new to Indian
edifice of astrology rests on the sunlight (electromagnetic Astronomers. It finds mention multitude of times in timeless
wave) received by the earth from the Sun directly, and from Vedas. Varahamihira, Indian Astronomer and Astrologer of
other member planets by reflection and/ or deflection and by 5th century made startling revelations of his observations in
obscuring and/or variation by non-planets. This is the his two-well-known works, Brihat Samhita and
rationale in the inclusion exclusion and substitution of seven Panchasiddhantika which exploded the astronomical and
planets in its studies [10]. astrological world by surprise.
Vedas and scriptures have spelt the heliocentric model in
5. The vast distances in space unequivocal terms. Aryabhata, Indian Astronomer and
In 1975, A sceptical group CSICOP of 186 leading scientists Mathematician of 5th century in his famous work Aryabhatiya
affirmed their objections to astrology based on this of 4th century dealt with “Heliocentric Model’, nearly 1000
reasoning: "In ancient times people had no conception of the years before Copernicus.
vast distances from the earth to the planets and stars. Now that The existence of outer planets is nothing new to ancient
these distances can and have been calculated, we can see how wisdom either. Sage Veda Vyasa detailed the outer planets,
infinitesimally small are the gravitational and other effects planets situated beyond the orbit of Saturn, and nomenclature
produced by the distant planets and the far more distant stars.” them.
The measurement of vast distances in space are nothing new
Still on the distance theme, "As you might expect in an Earth- to the sages of antiquity whose astonishing concept of the
cantered system made thousands of years ago, astrological distances of planets of our solar system and distances
influences do not depend on distance at all. The importance of measurement of vast distances in the universe and the occult
Mars in your horoscope is identical whether the planet is on time- scales in cosmology whose values tally meticulously
the same side of the Sun as the Earth or seven times farther with modern astronomy would make any man spellbound.
away on the other side.” [12] The following excerpts obtained from various sources should
In India science and religion are not opposed fundamentally, bring the matter to rest.
as they often seem to be in the West, but are seen as parts of Alan Watts, a professor, graduate school dean and research
the same great search for truth and enlightenment that fellow of Harvard University, drew heavily on the insights of
inspired the sages of Hinduism. Hinduism’s understanding of Vedanta. Watts became well known in the 1960s as a pioneer
time is as grandiose as time itself. The Hindu concept of time in bringing Eastern philosophy to the West. He wrote: "To the
embraces billions and trillions of years. The Puranas describe philosophers of India, however, Relativity is no new
time units from the infinitesimal truti, lasting 1/1,000,000 of a discovery, just as the concept of light years is no matter for
second to a mahamantavara of 311 trillion years [13]. Hindu astonishment to people used to thinking of time in millions of
sages describe time as cyclic, an endless procession of kalpas, (A kalpa is about 4,320,000 years). The fact that the
creation, preservation and dissolution. Scientists such as Carl wise men of India have not been concerned with
Sagan have expressed amazement at the accuracy of space technological applications of this knowledge arises from the
and time descriptions given by the ancient rishis and saints, circumstance that technology is but one of innumerable ways
who fathomed the secrets of the universe through their of applying it."
~ 11 ~
International Journal of Jyotish Research
“It is, indeed, a remarkable circumstance that when Western cofounder of Omni magazine and has written for Discover,
civilization discovers Relativity it applies it to the The New York Times Magazine, and The Atlantic
manufacture of atom-bombs, whereas Oriental civilization Monthly. He says
applies it to the development of new states of "Indian cosmologists, the first to estimate the age of the earth
consciousness." (Source: Spiritual Practices of India-By at more than 4 billion years. They came closest to modern
Frederic Spiegelberg Introduction by Alan Watts p. 8-9). ideas of atomism, quantum physics, and other current
Dick Teres is the author and co-author of several books about theories. India developed very early, enduring atomist
science and technology, including The God Particle. He is theories of matter. Possibly Greek atomistic thought was
cofounder of Omni magazine and has written for Discover, influenced by India, via the Persian civilization.
The New York Times Magazine, and The Atlantic Monthly. "(Source: Lost Discoveries: The Ancient Roots of Modern
He says “Indian cosmologists, the first to estimate the age of Science - By Dick Teresi p. 159 and 174 -212). For more refer
the earth at more than 4 billion years. They came closest to to chapter Advanced Concepts).
modern ideas of atomism, quantum physics, and other current
theories. India developed very early, enduring atomist 7. Conclusion
theories of matter. Possibly Greek atomistic thought was The modern age of reason and criticism has challenged the
influenced by India, via the Persian civilization.” very fundamentals of the subject of astrology and the dry
Hinduism’s understanding of time is as grandiose as time rules of astrology have accepted the inevitable defeat. It is
itself. While most cultures base their cosmologies on familiar true astrology is on the decline. The growing discredit to and
units such as few hundreds or thousands of years, the Hindu the rapid decline of the subject astrology may lead to total
concept of time embraces billions and trillions of years. The annihilation of the subject from the surface of the globe in
Puranas describe time units from the infinitesimal truti, about 45o years when the divergence between the two zodiacs
lasting 1/1, 000, 0000 of a second to a mahamanvantara of would amount to 300, the extent of one zodiacal sign. The
311 trillion years. Hindu sages describe time as cyclic, an controversy, however, between the Fixed and the Moving
endless procession of creation, preservation and dissolution. Zodiacs - the Nirayana and Śāyana Determinations - has been
Scientists such as Carl Sagan have expressed amazement at raging in India more or less acutely and, in almost every
the accuracy of space and time descriptions given by the conference of astronomers and astrologers of more recent
ancient rishis and saints, who fathomed the secrets of the times, the question was mooted along with the vexed question
universe through their mystically awakened senses of the Ayanāmśa, but only to widen the gulf and accentuate
(source: Hinduism Today April/May/June 2007 p. 14). the differences between the opposing camps, the orthodox
Professor Arthur Holmes (1895-1965) geologist, professor at section crying hoarsely against the adoption of the moving
the University of Durham. He writes regarding the age of the Zodiac given for astrological purposes, leaving alone religious
earth in his great book, The Age of Earth (1913) as follows: purposes and observances. But truth cannot be suppressed
"Long before it became a scientific aspiration to estimate the indefinitely.
age of the earth, many elaborate systems of the world Vedic astrology has survived innumerable insinuations and
chronology had been devised by the sages of antiquity. The paradigm shifts. Vedic astrology with a rich heritage on the
most remarkable of these occult time-scales is that of the predictive side has been parting company with vedic
ancient Hindus, whose astonishing concept of the Earth's astronomy, if not actually sinning against it. The profound
duration has been traced back to Manusmriti, a sacred book." works of astounding precision of the gigantic intellects of
When the Hindu calculation of the present age of the earth ancient India which do not appeal to the modern scientific
and the expanding universe could make Professor Holmes so inquirers besides the interpretation and practice of the subject
astonished, the precision with which the Hindu calculation on the astrologically disappointing astronomical data of the
regarding the age of the entire Universe was made would Indian Almanac are the causative factors behind the defeats.
make any man spellbound. Foreign invasions and consequent lack of patronage conspired
(Source: Hinduism and Scientific Quest -By T.R.R. Iyengar p. to make the generations after Varāhamihira of 5th century
20-21). commit the sin of sticking on to the Sidereal Zodiac
Alan Watts, a professor, graduate school dean and research (beginning with the first point of Aśvini) for want of direct
fellow of Harvard University, drew heavily on the insights of observation. Long companionship with the first point of
Vedanta. Watts became well known in the 1960s as a pioneer Aśvini star has made it heresy to part with it, while
in bringing Eastern philosophy to the West. He wrote: Varāhamihira himself parted with Krittikā star for obvious
"To the philosophers of India, however, Relativity is no new reasons. A further reason for clinging to the Nirayana
discovery, just as the concept of light years is no matter for horoscope in India appears to be the circumstance that the
astonishment to people used to thinking of time in millions of progressive horoscopy in India has come to depend
kalpas, (A kalpa is about 4,320,000 years). The fact that the exclusively on the so-called Nakshatra Daśās or planetary
wise men of India have not been concerned with periods, which are believed to be inextricably wedded to the
technological applications of this knowledge arises from the 27 asterisms, while, as a matter of fact, it is not the case, but
circumstance that technology is but one of innumerable ways dependant on the Longitude of the Moon measured from the
of applying it." Vernal equinoctial point [15].
It is, indeed, a remarkable circumstance that when Western Who really has the burden of proof? [16] We are deliberately
civilization discovers Relativity it applies it to the targeting the major television networks, which is to say, the
manufacture of atom-bombs, whereas oriental civilization well-known media conglomerates in UK as well in India. No
applies it to the development of new states of doubt, the burden of proof lies on the astrologers. But
consciousness." (Source: Spiritual Practices of India by majority of the astrologers invited to debate on the subject, no
Frederic Spiegelberg -Introduction by Alan Watts p. 8-9). matter which part of the globe they belong to, do not have
Dick Teresi author and co-author of several books about background of astronomy and even if some possess, they do
science and technology, including The God Particle. He is not know the scientific basis and rationale in the genesis of
~ 12 ~
International Journal of Jyotish Research
the principles of astrology let alone “how astrology works”. It (Extract from ‘Astrology’, the Astrologers’ Quarterly,
is that the ‘think tank’ is compelled to revise its opinion about England, spring, 1982, 56(1).
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science and arts at every step in the genesis of its theory, Astrology. A Statement by 186 Leading Scientists.
calculation and predictive parts. Jointly published by the American Ethical Union and the
The need of the hour is to unearth the scientific content latent American Humanist Association. September/October.
in the Vedas and scriptures. The citadels of orthodoxy have to The statement claims to have been signed by 186
be broken through and ill-informed criticism has to be faced 'astronomers, astrophysicists and scientists in other
with missionary zeal, in the hope and belief that facts are fields', 1975.
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Uranus". Dr Seymour continues: "All the planets at
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