PGP 38 s009
PGP 38 s009
PGP 38 s009
Anais Malpica, M.D., Elizabeth D. Euscher, M.D., Jonathan L. Hecht, M.D., Ph.D.,
Rouba Ali-Fehmi, M.D., Charles M. Quick, M.D., Naveena Singh, F.R.C.Path.,
Lars-Christian Horn, M.D., Ph.D., Isabel Alvarado-Cabrero, M.D., Ph.D.,
Xavier Matias-Guiu, M.D., Ph.D., Lynn Hirschowitz, F.R.C.Path., Máire Duggan, M.D.,
Jaume Ordi, M.D., Vinita Parkash, M.D., Yoshiki Mikami, M.D., Ph.D., M. Ruhul Quddus, M.D.,
Richard Zaino, M.D., Annette Staebler, M.D., Charles Zaloudek, M.D.,
W. Glenn McCluggage, F.R.C.Path., and Esther Oliva, M.D.
From the Department of Pathology, The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, Texas (A.M., E.D.E.); Department of
Pathology, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center and Harvard Medical School (J.L.H.); Department of Pathology, Massachusetts General
Hospital and Harvard Medical School (E.O.), Boston, Massachusetts; Department of Pathology, Wayne State University, Detroit, Michigan
(R.A.F.); Department of Pathology, University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences, Little Rock, Arkansas (C.M.Q.); Department of Cellular
Pathology, Barts Health NHS Trust, London (N.S.); Department of Cellular Pathology, Birmingham Women’s NHS Trust, Birmingham
(L.H.), UK; Division of Gynecologic, Breast and Perinatal Pathology, University Hospital, Leipzig (L.C.H.); Institute of Pathology, University
Hospital of Tübingen, Tübingen (A.S.), Germany; Department of Pathology, Hospital de Oncología Siglo XXI, Mexico City, Mexico City,
Mexico (I.A.C.); Department of Pathology, Hospital Universitari de Bellvitge and Hospital Universitari de Arnau de Vilanova, Idibell,
Irblleida, and Universitat de Lleida, Ciberonc (X.M.G.); Department of Pathology, Hospital Clinic of Barcelona, Universitat de Barcelona,
Barcelona (J.O.), Spain; Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, Cumming School of Medicine, University of Calgary, Alberta,
Canada (M.D.); Department of Pathology, Yale University School of Medicine, New Haven, Connecticut (V.P.); Department of Diagnostic
Pathology, Kumamoto University Hospital, Kumamoto, Japan (Y.M.); Department of Pathology, Women and Infants Hospital and The
Warren Alpert Medical School of Brown University, Providence, Rhode Island (M.R.Q.); Division of Anatomic Pathology, Hershey Medical
Center, Pennsylvania State University, Hershey, Pennsylvania (R.Z.); Department of Pathology, University of California, San Francisco, San
Francisco, California (C.Z.); and Department of Pathology, Belfast Health and Social Care Trust, Belfast, UK (W.G.M.).
Presented in part at the International Society of Gynecological Pathology Companion Meeting, 106th United States and Canadian Academy
of Pathology Meeting, March 2017, San Antonio, TX.
The authors declare no conflict of interest.
Address correspondence and reprint requests to Anais Malpica, MD, Department of Pathology, The University of Texas MD Anderson
Cancer Center, 1515 Holcombe Boulevard, Houston, TX 77098. E-mail:
This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License 4.0 (CCBY), which permits unrestricted use,
distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
S9 DOI: 10.1097/PGP.0000000000000552
Endometrial cancer is the sixth most common will assist in standardizing the processing of these
malignant neoplasm in women worldwide and is the specimens, which is critical not only for an accurate
most common gynecologic malignancy in developed pathology report, but also to improve our knowledge of
countries (1). In the United States, the American this disease.
Cancer Society estimates ∼63,230 new cases of
endometrial cancer and 11,350 deaths due to this
disease in 2018 (2). Although no updated universal RECOMMENDATIONS
guidelines are currently available on how to gross the General
surgical specimens obtained in cases of endometrial All pathology reports should include a detailed section
cancer, it is widely accepted that a thorough gross/ code/block key on which the origin/designation of all
macroscopic examination will optimize the acquisition tissue blocks should be recorded. This information is
of information required for proper diagnosis, staging, particularly important should there be a need for internal
treatment, and prognosis. This article presents the or external review as reviewers need to be clear about the
recommendations to handle and gross such specimens origin of each tissue block in order to provide an
as proposed by the members of the Endometrial Cancer informed specialist opinion. Recording the origin/desig-
Task Force of the International Society of Gyneco- nation of all tissue blocks also facilitates retrieval of
logical Pathologists. These recommendations cover not blocks for immunohistochemical or molecular analysis,
only hysterectomy specimens, including those obtained research studies or clinical trials.
prophylactically in patients at risk of developing this
disease, but also salpingo-oophorectomy and omentec-
tomy specimens, as well as sentinel and non–sentinel
lymph nodes (SLN). This work is based on a review of
the literature, grossing manuals from various institu- General Rule of Gross/Macroscopic Examination
tions, and a collaborative effort by a subgroup of the Orient the specimen, that is identify the anterior and
above-mentioned task force. These recommendations posterior walls of the uterus using anatomic landmarks
FIG. 1. Orientation of hysterectomy specimen using anatomical landmarks, peritoneal reflection is higher anteriorly (arrow) and the sequence
of structures in the adnexal region is round ligament (*), fallopian tube (arrowhead) and ovary (**) (A), peritoneal reflection is lower posteriorly
(arrow) and the sequence of structures in the adnexal region is ovary (**), fallopian tube (arrowhead) and round ligament (B), the latter is not
visualized in this photograph.
such as the peritoneal reflection and the round ligament/ Serosal inking can aid in specimen orientation and in
ovaries (Figs. 1A, B). Document all organs/structures confirming the presence of tumor at the uterine serosal
received and record their measurements and gross surface if present (Figs. 2A, B). In addition, inking the
appearance. peritoneal and nonperitoneal surfaces and extending the
ink all the way to the ectocervical/vaginal cuff margin in
cases where the tumor has invaded the cervical stroma is
useful to provide an accurate measurement of the depth
Recommendation of cervical stromal invasion relative to the full thickness
Uteri should be opened immediately upon receipt in of the cervical wall and the status of the ectocervical/
the pathology laboratory and placed in formalin vaginal cuff margin (Figs. 2C, D). Of note, measurement
within an hour of opening whenever possible. of the depth of cervical stromal invasion and its
The purpose of opening the uterus immediately is to relationship with the full thickness of the cervical wall
prevent autolysis, which is very common in hysterec- are not included in the College of American Pathologists
tomy specimens, and to avoid potential preanalytical (CAP) protocol for endometrial cancer (11), but they are
issues when ordering immunohistochemical or molec- often required by radiation oncologists to delineate
ular studies (3–5). Although most of the grossing treatment recommendations (12). The practice of
manuals used in academic institutions in North inking is variably addressed in the multiple grossing
America do not provide specific timelines, some include manuals reviewed. Some manuals do not mention it at
specific instructions such as opening and fixation within all while others recommend inking as follows: (1)
1 h of receipt in the pathology laboratory, documenta- serosal/nonserosal surfaces for orientation purposes, (2)
tion of cold ischemic interval and interval in formalin, inking serosal abnormalities only to confirm tumor at
and prompt procurement of fresh tissue for banking the serosal surface, and (3) inking only of the
and/or investigational protocol purposes (6). parametrium and vaginal cuff if present. Overall,
inking is helpful, but it is important to blot the inked
SHOULD THE PATHOLOGY PERSONNEL surfaces right after applying the ink to avoid ink
displacement and the potential misinterpretation of
The pathology laboratory personnel and/or pathol-
ogists should manage the requests for fresh tissue for INCLUDED IN THE REPORT?
banking and/or investigational protocols and this task Recommendation
should be completed as soon as the specimen is The need to include the uterine weight in the
received in the pathology laboratory. pathology report is geographically dependent. This
Procurement of fresh tissue for banking or research parameter has to be provided in the United States
protocols should be done as soon as possible as prolonged because the Current Procedural Terminology (CPT)
ischemia affects tissue quality for investigational purposes. code required for reimbursement purposes changes
Tissue procurement for research should not compromise according to a uterine weight of 250 g (i.e. CPT code
pathologic evaluation (6–10). Therefore, a pathologist 58570 is used for a uterus with a weight of ≤ 250 g
should be consulted in questionable cases. In addition, the while CPT code 58572 is used for the same specimen if
tissue procured for research should be available for the uterus weighs > 250 g) (13–15).
diagnostic purposes if needed. Although uterine weight could be related to surgical
outcome as larger uteri may be associated with increased
SHOULD THE PERITONEAL AND/OR NON- duration of surgery or risks of surgical complications
(16–18), the main reason to include uterine weight in the
pathology report is to ensure proper reimbursement for
Recommendation the procedure when this is performed in the United
Inking of peritoneal and/or nonperitoneal surfaces States. In addition, this information is also required for
is recommended in hysterectomy specimens and is the case list submitted by candidates applying to
mandatory in radical hysterectomy specimens in certification by the American Board of Obstetrics and
which parametrium and vaginal cuff are present. Gynecology in the United States (19).
FIG. 2. Inking the anterior and posterior uterine serosal surfaces with extension of the ink to the ectocervix or vaginal cuff margin (A), helps to
confirm the presence of tumor in the uterine serosa (arrow) (B), and in cases with cervical stromal involvement (C) the measurement of the
relationship of the stromal invasion to the full thickness of the cervical wall (line), and the proper identification of the ectocervical or vaginal
cuff margin (*) (D).
HOW SHOULD THE UTERUS BE OPENED? neoplasm is often considered “best practice” and
represents standard pathology practice.
Currently, there is some controversy with regards to the
The uterus should be opened along the lateral
impact of tumor size on patient outcome; nevertheless,
uterine walls (3 and 9 o’clock).
tumors exceeding various established thresholds have been
The above method provides maximum exposure of the
associated with increased stage of disease and/or risk of
endometrial surface in a flat plane which allows better
recurrence (20–27). Therefore, at a minimum, the largest
visualization and measurement of the tumor (Fig. 3A).
dimension of the tumor should be reported (Figs. 4A, B).
Of note, the lateral uterine walls contain the cornua and
The other dimensions can be recorded, but are not
the pathologist should be aware that tumor involving the
required. Some manuals specify the need to record the 3
lumen of the proximal portion of the fallopian tube can
dimensions of a tumor; however, this is not a uniform
be interpreted as myoinvasive carcinoma (Figs. 3B, C).
approach as requirements for measurements are
All grossing manuals examined for this review, in which
not specifically outlined in several of the manuals
this procedure is described, recommend opening the
reviewed while others require 2 or only 1 tumor
uterus along the lateral walls (6).
dimension (6). The Royal College of Pathologists
Dataset for Histopathological Reporting of Endometrial
SHOULD THE TUMOR ALWAYS BE Cancer in the United Kingdom (28) recommends only
recording the maximum tumor dimension while the
current CAP checklist includes only the maximum
Recommendation tumor dimension as an optional element which is not
At least the largest dimension of the tumor must be required for accreditation (11). Another important
provided, although providing 3 dimensions of a issue regarding tumor size is that this parameter has a
FIG. 3. Opening the uterus at 3 and 9 o’clock provides a maximum exposure of the endometrial surface in a flat plane to better visualize and
measure an endometrial tumor (A), the cornua can contain tumor (B) and this should not be mistaken for myometrial invasion (C).
pivotal role in one of the algorithms used to triage cular invasion are included in multivariate analysis
patients intraoperatively for lymph node dissection in (23,24); (2) some studies have demonstrated an
the setting of low-risk endometrial carcinoma. The association between tumor size, either ≥ 3.5 or > 5
so-called “Mayo algorithm” is based on an association cm, and recurrence risk and/or prognosis in otherwise
between tumor size and risk of lymph node meta- low-risk cancers (25,26); (3) other studies have not
stases (21,22). According to this algorithm, patients shown an association between tumor size and prognosis
with endometrioid adenocarcinoma, FIGO grades 1 or 2, (24,27).
measuring ≤ 2 cm and with ≤ 50% myometrial invasion
are spared of pelvic lymph node dissection as the risk of
lymph node metastases is <0.3% while patients with
similar tumors measuring > 2 cm and ≤ 50% myometrial (HORIZONTAL/TRANSVERSE
invasion undergo a dissection of pelvic lymph nodes as
the risk of pelvic lymph node metastases increases to
10% (21). Recommendation
The controversy between tumor size and disease Horizontal/transverse sectioning is recommended.
outcome can be summarized as follows: (1) some All manuals reviewed, except one, suggest the use of
studies have shown an association between tumor size horizontal/transverse sectioning (left to right) from the
and risk of lymph node metastases, but tumor size has lower uterine segment to the fundus. However, vertical
not been found to be an independent predictive factor sectioning is advisable to demonstrate the lower uterine
when depth of myometrial invasion and lymphovas- segment in conjunction with upper cervix (6) (Fig. 5).
FIG. 4. Measurement of endometrial carcinoma, small polypoid tumor (A), a tumor that involves the anterior and posterior walls in a
continuum, carpet-like fashion should be measured accordingly (B).
SHOULD THE TUMOR BE SUBMITTED tumor dimension (6). Also, a proposal for submitting at
ENTIRELY FOR HISTOLOGIC EXAMINATION? least 4 blocks of tumor has been presented (28). Of note,
IF NOT, HOW SHOULD THE NUMBER OF there are no data explicitly addressing the value of
SECTIONS BE DETERMINED? extensive histologic examination of an endometrial
carcinoma. Although the risk of missing a high-grade
(serous, clear cell, undifferentiated or neuroendocrine)
It is not necessary to submit an endometrial tumor
carcinoma component in association with an endome-
in its entirety for microscopic examination. Sampling
trioid carcinoma exists, these cases are uncommon (29).
one section per centimeter of the largest tumor dimension
(as is done with tumors at other anatomic sites) will
Grossing manuals provide a wide range of recom- YOU DO NOT SEE CARCINOMA ON GROSS
mendations; however, none advocates submitting the EXAMINATION, IF THERE IS A HISTORY OF
entire tumor unless it measures ≤ 3 cm. Several ATYPICAL ENDOMETRIAL HYPERPLASIA/
manuals advocate one section per centimeter of largest ENDOMETRIOID INTRAEPITHELIAL
The entire endometrium and adjacent inner my-
ometrium should be submitted for microscopic
examination in the setting of a preoperative endome-
trial sampling demonstrating malignancy and no
visible lesion on gross examination or if there is a
history of atypical endometrial hyperplasia/EIN. The
same applies to hysterectomy specimens that have
been obtained for other reasons (leiomyomas, adeno-
myosis, etc.) with no gross endometrial lesion and
FIG. 5. Cross-sections of the uterine wall at the level of the corpus
(top arrow), longitudinal sections at the level of the lower uterine endometrial carcinoma or atypical endometrial hyper-
segment (middle arrow) and cervix (bottom arrow). plasia EIN detected on microscopic examination of
the initial representative sections. Sections of residual a relatively thin wall which allows the submission
myometrium should be placed in sequential order, of a full thickness section in a single cassette, it is
either in folded paper towels or gauze, in a formalin possible to submit all sections containing tumor as
filled container in case that the examination of full thickness sections.
additional myometrial tissue is needed to determine The manuals reviewed offered a wide range of
an accurate depth of myometrial invasion if any. recommendations, from at least one full thickness
In addition, cornual blocks need to be submitted in section to all submitted sections containing tumor to
cases of biopsy proven carcinoma, but no gross be of full thickness (6,28). In ideal circumstances, a
endometrial tumor. single full thickness section submitted after a careful
Most reviewed manuals recommend submitting the gross examination would be sufficient to determine the
entire endometrium when a preoperative diagnosis of deepest point of myometrial invasion (Fig. 6). However,
malignancy has been rendered and no gross lesion is myometrial invasion assessment may be complicated in
seen in the hysterectomy, or in cases of atypical certain circumstances such as cases with adenomyosis
endometrial hyperplasia/EIN (6). In addition, the involved by carcinoma, cases with peculiar patterns of
Royal College of Pathologists of the United Kingdom myometrial invasion like “adenoma malignum-like,”
recommends the submission of cornual blocks in cases “single cells,” “microcystic, elongated, and fragmented”
of biopsy proven carcinoma, but no visible endome- (31) or if an underlying leiomyoma is present distorting
trial tumor on gross examination (28). Of interest, the the uterine wall architecture. It should be noted that the
intraoperative evaluation of 1 random full thickness examination of the myometrium is important not only
section of the uterine wall from hysterectomies for assessment of depth of tumor invasion, but also to
obtained for endometrial carcinoma and no gross identify the unusual infiltrative patterns mentioned
lesion demonstrated the presence of microscopic above and to identify and quantify lymphovascular
tumor only in 3 (15%) of 20 cases with a final invasion. Regarding the assessment of the deepest
diagnosis of cancer (30). myometrial invasion in frozen section, several studies
have examined this issue and the number of sections
HOW MANY SECTIONS SHOULD INCLUDE used has ranged from 1 to 5 (32–37). Depth of
THE FULL THICKNESS OF THE MYOME- myometrial invasion is an independent predictor of
TRIUM TO DETERMINE THE MAXIMUM both lymph node metastases and prognosis (38) and
DEPTH OF INVASION? is part of the FIGO staging system (39). In cases
where the gross examination does not allow the
Recommendation submission of the deepest point of invasion with
At least, one full thickness section of the uterine confidence or in problematic cases such as those
wall—including serosa, is required to show the above, processing several full thickness sections of
deepest point of myometrial invasion. In uteri with the uterine wall may be necessary in order to render
an accurate assessment.
HOW MUCH OF A NORMALLY SIZED AND advocate for submission of one representative section
GROSSLY UNREMARKABLE OVARY SHOULD per 2 or 3 cm of maximal omental dimension if the
BE SUBMITTED? omentum is grossly unremarkable (73). One study
found that submitting 5 blocks of grossly negative
omentum has a sensitivity of 82% while examining 10
Gross examination of the ovary must be carefully
blocks raises the sensitivity to 95% (87).
performed. If serous carcinoma, clear cell carcinoma or
carcinosarcoma, the entire ovary should be submitted
after slicing it perpendicularly to its long axis at 2 to 3 HANDLING OF LYMPH NODES
mm intervals. If possible, the same protocol should
be used for oophorectomy specimens accompanying
Lymph nodes from different anatomical sites should
hysterectomies for other endometrial cancer histotypes.
be sent in separate appropriately labelled specimen
Should the latter not be possible, at least 2 sections of
containers and handled separately. They should be
each ovary should be submitted. carefully dissected from the adipose tissue. This can be
Some investigators advocate the universal use of the
done with a thorough visual examination and palpation.
SEE-FIM protocol to handle grossly unremarkable
Clearing solutions are not routinely recommended as
adnexa for endometrial cancer (79,81). Others proposed
they are not usually necessary. A small amount of
that regardless of histotype, the ovaries should be
adipose tissue should be left around larger lymph nodes
submitted in toto if they are small and unremarkable;
to evaluate the presence or absence of extranodal
should they not be small, at least 2 sections should be
extension. Lymph nodes up to 2 mm are embedded
submitted (84). Of note, one study found that 2.7% of
whole. If larger than 2 mm, they should be sliced in neat,
grossly unremarkable ovaries removed as part of the parallel slices at 2 to 3 mm intervals—slicing should be
surgical treatment for endometrial cancer harbor micro-
perpendicular to the long axis of the node. All grossly
scopic carcinoma (82).
unremarkable lymph node tissue should be submitted for
microscopic examination in properly identified cassettes.
The number of lymph nodes submitted per cassette and
the way they have been submitted, for example in toto—
if very small, or sectioned, should be specified in the
section code. With grossly positive lymph nodes,
CARCINOMA HISTOTYPES? representative sections to demonstrate the largest size
Recommendation of tumor involvement as well as the surrounding adipose
Omentectomy is part of the staging procedure of tissue should be submitted for microscopic examination
endometrial serous carcinoma, clear cell carcinoma and and noted in the section code.
carcinosarcoma. The gross appearance and measurement Nodal involvement is one of the most powerful
of the omentum should be provided. Omental tissue prognostic determinants in all cancers, and it predicts
should be sliced at 0.5 cm intervals to detect small distant recurrences in low-risk endometrial carcinoma
abnormalities. There are no standard sampling recom- (88). At the same time systematic pelvic (+/− para-
mendations, but in general the number of sections to be aortic) nodal dissection, which is associated with
submitted will depend on the gross examination findings. significant morbidity, has demonstrated no survival
If the omentum is grossly positive, one or 2 representative benefit (89,90). and practices vary worldwide for this
sections are enough for microscopic evaluation, but if it is reason. The proper retrieval of lymph nodes can be
grossly negative, one representative section per 2 or 3 cm achieved with a thorough examination by direct vision,
of maximal omental dimension (85) or at least a total of 4 palpation, and sharp dissection and does not require the
blocks of tissue should be submitted (28). use of clearing solutions (91). Slicing lymph nodes
Currently, guidelines on omental tissue sampling in perpendicular to their long axis at 2 mm intervals
endometrial cancer are included in the Dataset for increases the chance of detecting metastases (92,93).
Histological Reporting of Endometrial Cancer by the Submitting a rim of adipose tissue around the lymph
Royal College of Pathologists (28), but not included in nodes allow the assessment of extracapsular extension
the recommendations of either the CAP (11) or the when there is tumor involvement. The latter finding has
International Collaboration on Cancer Reporting (86) been reported to be an important prognostic factor in
The former recommends submission of a total of 4 FIGO stage IIIC endometrial carcinoma by some
blocks of tissue if grossly negative omentum. Others, investigators (94).
FIG. 9. Ultrastaging protocols, MD Anderson Cancer Center (MDACC) (A) and Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center (MSKCC),
ultrastaging will be obtained if there is myometrial or vascular/lymphatic invasion (*) (B). H&E indicates hematoxylin and eosin; IHC,
immunohistochemistry; SLN, sentinel lymph node.
If the initial H&E-stained slide is negative for containing the deepest point of myometrial invasion for
carcinoma and the endometrial cancer is myoinvasive frozen section. Should cervical, uterine serosal or
or associated with vascular/lymphatic invasion, 2 addi- adnexal involvement be suspected, submit appropriate
tional levels 50 µm apart are examined, at each level 2 sections for frozen section examination.
slides are obtained, one for H&E and the second Intraoperative evaluation of hysterectomy and
for keratin cocktail IHC if the H&E-stained slide is bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy specimens obtained
negative (97) (Fig. 9B). for endometrial cancer to determine parameters that
guide lymph nodes dissection, and in some cases
REPORTING MARGINS OF HYSTERECTOMY omentectomy, which are needed for staging and
SPECIMENS FOR ENDOMETRIAL CANCER prognosis, is commonly performed in the United
Recommendations States, and much less frequently, if at all, in other
The ectocervical margin of a hysterectomy specimen parts of the world (31). Histotype, tumor grade if
should be reported in an endometrial cancer with applicable, and depth of myometrial invasion are
cervical involvement. The vaginal cuff and parametrial typically reported (31). In addition, tumor size needs
margins should be reported in endometrial carcinomas to be determined if the Mayo algorithm is being
with cervical and/or parametrial involvement when a applied. Briefly, using this algorithm cases are stratified
radical hysterectomy is undertaken. Otherwise, reporting as low risk or high risk. Low risk is defined as FIGO
of margins is optional (11). In cases where it is required grade 1 or 2 endometrioid carcinoma with myometrial
to report the above margins, including the distance invasion ≤ 50% and primary tumor diameter ≤ 2 cm
between the tumor and the margin is also optional (11). while high risk is defined as FIGO grade 3 endome-
Involvement of the uterine serosa by tumor should be trioid carcinoma, nonendometrioid histotype, myome-
reported as this finding indicates FIGO stage III A trial invasion > 50% or primary tumor diameter > 2
disease (39); however, the uterine serosa is not a margin cm. Cases in the low risk category are spared a
and should not be designated as such. systematic pelvic and para-aortic lymphadenectomy
while these procedures are performed in cases in the
INTRAOPERATIVE ASSESSMENT high risk category (21). Lower uterine segment,
cervical, and adnexal involvement and lymphovascular
Recommendations space invasion should be reported if these findings are
In cases where intraoperative assessment is requested identified during the intraoperative evaluation.
by the surgeon to determine whether staging will be
obtained, examine the specimen carefully, including the
uterine serosa, lower uterine segment, cervix and
adnexal structures. Identify the lesion, measure it, It is our hope that these ISGyP developed recom-
cross-section the uterine wall, and evaluate the status mendations will help to standardize the processing of
of the myometrium. Submit at least one section of the endometrial cancer specimens; this will facilitate accu-
lesion for frozen section including the adjacent uterine rate pathologic reporting and a better understanding of
wall. Should myometrial invasion be suspected, submit this disease which will be to the ultimate benefit of
the lesion and the full thickness of the uterine wall patients suffering from it.
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