53 - Hama y La Guardia Real Luchan para Salvar Rohan

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With King Theoden in thrall to Saruman, the ability of Rohan to resist the increasingly
destructive incursions of the White Wizard's forces grows weaker by the day. However,
there are some who will continue to fight to defend their lands.
hrough the poisonous
counsel of his agent Grima
'!ormtongue, Saruman has all
ur assumed control over the
'I cannlJt alllJw lJejlJreYIJU
liind of Theoden, and therefore
:he land of Rohan. A small group TkelJden King flJ armed,
!) [he people of Rohan, however,

'ind themselves torn between GandalJ G reykame.}

ubedience to the king and the
suspicion that he is controlled by
:;n outside malevolent force.
!ithout action, Rohan will fall to the predations of the Orcs and Wild Men, who roam the
-ountry unchallenged, wreaking havoc. Although' Eomer's anger at this state of affairs is the
most apparent, there are others who share his feelings. Following Eomer's banishment, Hama,
the Doorward of Meduseld, whose responsibility it is to guard the door of the king's hall,
sees the arrival of ,Gandalf the White as a possible chance of restoring the king and saving
:Zohan. While obeying the letter of Grima's instructions and disarming the visitors, he
. ermits Gandalf to carry his staff before Theoden, thereby allowing the Wizard to break
s'aruman's hold over the king and resulting in the banishment of Wormtongue.

,ok .

lUI, jlJU
In this Pack's Playing the Game, we
examine the different troop types and
tactics available to a player using an army
of Rohan. In the Battle Game, we conclude
last Pack's Battle Report, as the forces of
yart an dld
lUll Isengard besiege the city of Edoras.
Painting Workshop looks at how to
,man jrlJm kis paint the Hama miniarure included with
this Pack, while in the Modelling
walking ftick?} Workshop, we show you how to build
a gatehouse and towers to accompany
GANDALP" the pa,(isade walls from last Pack.


Homo knows that Grima's ill counsel
has poisoned the mind of his King.

Tke Army d
The Horse-lords of Rohan are masters of mounted warfare and are rightly feared for
their skills in the saddle. In this Pack, we examine the tactics of Rohan and present
the profiles of Captain Hama and Theodred, son of King Theoden.

O ver the five hundred years since the

kingdom of Rohan was founded, its people
have prospered and grown into a proud nation of
warriors and horsemen. In battle, the Rohirrim
gather into huge cavalry formations known as
eored's, made up of scores of riders. Few races can
match their skill in mounted combat and many a
foe has found itself on the end of a Rohirrim spear
or trampled beneath one of their warhorses. In this
Playing the Game, we explore ways to use the
proud forces of Rohan in your battles and look at
the troops that make up the forces of the Mark,
from the Warriors of Rohan to the Royal Guard,
weighing up the weapons they use and tactics they
favour. We a,lso examine the legendary Riders of
Rohan and such powerful characters as Eomer,
King Theoden and Gamling. Fina!ly, we present the
rules for using Hama of the Royal Guard and
Theodred, King Theoden's son.

The Riders of Rohan charge into their foes, scything them
down and crushing them beneath their horses' hooves.

Using the forces of Rohan army list from

Pack 18 allows you to design a variety of
armies, even creating a force consisting of
nothing but mounted models, such as that
which came to the aid of Gondor at the
Battle of Pelennor Fields. However, it is equally
possible to have a mixed force, consisting of
Warriors of Rohan, the Royal Guard, Riders
of Rohan and Heroes both on foot and in the
saddle. The figures presented in previous Packs
offer you a good basis for creating an army
of Rohan, with a mix of Riders, Warriors and A" LORDS AND LADIES OF ROHAN
Heroes, allowing you to select a well-rounded Earner, {owyn and Theoden are among the
army of the Riddermark. Heroes you could include in your force.

~ -;-- ... -'­


chan ~ct~ =:J ..... ARMIES

Warriors and Riders
rse-Iords complement eacb other in
E of the strongest aspects of the army of battle - the foot soldiers
:' -n is its Riders. Riders of Rohan offer yOll r offer cheap troops and the
:~tce a solid core of swift, well-armed cavalry, mounted models give the
-:2,..1 IE of shooting their foes from afar or army valuable speed.
: cr;Ji g in to deliver a powerful cavalry
::: -=rg:c. Used in conjunction with the other
~ ~ 2-:'" - [hE Ro an army, such as Warriors ~ HIT
=- .: ;-e:-z; 'cer- can offer valuable support, AND RUN
- ; - 0"· : =C'S.: .1r;d anoeuvrability to come The Riders of
urnumbered or Rohan charge
ge of mounted the Orcs and
,Erfu! tben, winning
, ing priority, gallop
:-,,_.22 to away before the
",,,:ome Uruk-hai can
catch them.

Expert Riders
All mounted Rohan models have the Expert
Rider special rule, reflecting a lifetime spent in
the saddle and granting them a bonus on their
mounted Jump tests. This means that a Rider
of Rohal \ ill always succeed in making a jump
on is h r52 and also has a one-in-three chance
- ,r 12 will be able to continue his move
af:e ','ards. The result is that Riders of Rohan
~SS :: € a great deal of freedom of movement
" the battlefield and can take advantage of
-errain that would seriously impede other
mounted warriors. As such, it is always worth
bearing the battlefield terrain in mind when
deploying and moving your Riders.

11 rchery
arriors of Rohan are the easiest and
( "apest way to include missile troops in
our force and have a respectable range and
-h-nce to hit. Rohan archer?,lIike most
owmen, are most effectiveln groups
at least 6 models, allowing them to
oncentrate their fire as well as take
advantage of the volley fire rules. The other
archers in a Rohan force are the Riders.
As every Rider of Rohan is armed with
:: bow, this adds to the versatility of these
.' arriors. The other advantage Riders have
- 'Er models on foot is the extra distance .. HORSE ARCHERS
:' ey can move and shoot, due to the swift The Riders of Rohan close in on the Orcs, keeping
~"JeEd of their horses. pace with the foot soldiers and firing their bows.


...... THROWI G
Weapons and Armour SPEARS
The Warriors of Rohan have a more limited The Warrior of Re­
selection of weapons than their Gondorian kills the Orc wit' :
counterparts or even the are hordes of aimed spear as he :­
Mordor and Isengard. Warriors of Rohan have allowing him to rEe.. -~­
a choice of shields and bows like most troops into a fresh enemy
but lack spears and two-handed weapons.
However, this is offset by their option of
taking thrown weapons, something unique
to the Rohirrim warriors.

Unlike the soldiers of Gondor, most Rohirrim

wear light armour instead of heavy armour, .. KING'S
so it is always worth giving your troops BODYGUARD
shields for a little extra protection. The Rohan The Royal Guard are
Royal Guard are the exception, having heavy expensive, but have the
armour and shields that give them an best armour available
impressive Defence value. to the forces of Rohan.

Captains and Elite Troops

Taking characters with Might is important when creating an effective
force. The easiest and cheapest way to include Might in a Rohan arm
is by including a Captain. Rohan Captains have access to all the
weapons of the Rohirrim, including the option of being mounted.
This versatility means that you can include a Captain to lead any
part of your force, whether 011 foot or on horseback.

Royal Guard are the best warriors available to the Rohirrim. With their
higher Fight value and 'heavy armour, they form the shock troops of
the Rohan army. On foot or mounted they also provide excellent
.. CAPTAIN OF ROHAN support for your Heroes. Their special Bodyguard rule, allowing them
Heroes form a vital part of the army of to pass Courage tests automatically, makes them the perfect choice to
Rohan, whether they are leading Warriors aid a Hero against Terrifying foes, where you can be sure they will be
on foot or Riders on horseback. able to charge into combat.

Lords of Rohan
The kingdom of Rohan is home to many brave
and mighty Heroes and you have a broad
selection to choose from when creating your
force. This abundance of Heroes is one of the
main strengths of the forces of Rohan. The other
advantage of Heroes, such as Eomer, Eowyn and
11leoden, is the option of being mounted, which
improves their abilities in combat. Gamling, in
addition to being an able fightert has the unique
option of carrying the potent royat standard.
Taking the royal standard is most beneficial
when used with other Heroes where its ability
to restore Might can prove invaluable.

The Royal Standard allows Theoden and
tomer to restore their expended Might.


0/ RtJkan'
Pack 18 s Playing the Game, we presented the forces of Rohan and many of

e characters of the Rohirrim. Here we add two additional Heroes to that force.
Hama (Points Value: 55) ~
Hilma is the Captain of the Royal Guard, challenging those who would gain an
audience with King Theoden. In battle he is charged with the safety of the king,
aiding him in combat against his foes.

4/4+ 4 6 2 2 4
Move ij \@ CD
14cm/6" 2 o
Wargear: Opnon:
Sword (hand weapon) Horse 10 points
and heavy armour.
5.p~ I Ru es
Protect the King! (see below), Expert Rider

Protect the King!

As Captain of the Royal Guard, it is Hama's
ultimate responsibility to ensure Theoden's safety.
If Hama is engaged in combat within 14cm /6"
of Theoden, and the king is al'so engaged in .....: ROYAL
combat, Hama may declare a Heroic Combat PROTECTOR
without spending a point of Might to do so. If Hama calIs a Heroic
Hama slays his opponent, he must then move Combat to come to
to engage the enemies in combat with Theoden. Theoden's aid.

Theodred (Points Value: 55)

Theodred, the son of King Theoden, is heir to the kingdom of Rohan. Skilled in

battle, the young lord rides with the Rohirrim armies, keeping his people safe
from the marauding bands of Orcs.

5/- 4 6 2 2 5 14cm/6" 3
Wargear: Option.
Sword (hand weapon) Horse 10 points
and heavy armour.
Special RUles
Expert Rider


Affault iJ1t TUrnJ

Rejoining the Battle Report from last Pack, the foul minions of Saruman are spilling

through the shattered gates of Edoras as the White Wizard seeks to gain total
dominion over the lands of Rohan.
Battle Report - Part 2
In the first part of this Battle Report, the forces of
Isengard, commanded by Richard, managed to destroy
the gates of the city with one of Saruman~s infernal
demolition charges. In an effort to hold back the
tide of Uruk-hai sweeping in through the breach,
Mark sent his Good Heroes racing across the
board to intercept the White Wizard's minions.


Mark - 'Up on the battlements, a lone Warrior of Rohall
found himself trapped between two Uruk-hai, both
supported by pike-armed Warriors. To avoid taking double strikes
due to being trapped, I chose that the unfortunate Warrior would
leap from the battlements, thinking that while his chances of
survival against six strikes at Strength 3 from the fall were low,
they were marginally better than facing
the flurry of blows landed by the
Uruks. All but one of the dice
failed to wound him, but
that one roJl was all it took
to result in the Warrior
being slain:

Charging down the path, the

• Good Heroes crashed into the
vanguard of Saruman's forces. A
Warg Rider fell to a mighty blow
from Gimli's axe, and Aragorn slew
two members of the battering ram
crew. Meanwhile, Gamling left the
path, rushing to the walls. Mark
hoped that the fighting prowess of
this Hero of Rohan would bolster
the defence of the palisade, which
was in danger of being overrun by
the Uruk-hai of Isengard.

Despite mounting a valiant defence, the Heroes defending Edoras are forced to fall b
the Golden Hall of Meduseld, as the forces of Saruman threaten to ovelWhelm the defi
"'---.. . . . . . ~~f -­ Heroic Sacrifice
Due to the sheer weight of numbers of the army of the White
O Hand and the debilitating presence of Grima, Mark decided that
his Heroes' position near the gates of Edoras was untenable, and made
the decision to fall back to the Golden Hall. However, Gimli, with his
comparatively low speed of movement, was not in a position to
disengage from the Uruk-hai swarming through the gates. Mark
positioned the
doughty Dwarf to
tie up as many of
the Isengard force
as possible, giving
the other Heroes
the opportunity to
retreat. His gambit
paid off but,
overwhelmed and
Gimli was cut
down by the
advancing Uruks.

F -' - =
r-'e..-..,....r.t~~. ........- - - - - : l Charge of the ~oryirrim

A The start of Turn 10

'II' heralded the arrival of
reinforcements for Mark's
forces, as Earner and his
Rohirrim arrived on the table.
In anricipation of this, having
a en helmed the Rohirrim
deployed t ere, Richard left
a small group of Uruk-hai
to guard he gatehouse,
accompani y the Ore
archers. e Riders made
short work of a lone Uruk­
hai pikeman, but the ploy
was sufficienr to hinder their
rna emenr for another turn.

----_. -_ .. _. ­
A As the Uruk-hai ladder teams fought
'III' their way over the walls, the Rohirrim
put up a valiant defence, but were slowly
and surely overwhelmed by the superior
fighting abilities of their attackers. Gamling,
having reached the foot of the walls,
confronted one of the Uruk-hai Captains,
accompanied by a number of other Warriors
and, despite holding them up for a turn, was
cut down by his foes. However, as they
advanced, Legolas - waiting outside
Meduseld - slew two of Gamling's killers
with well-placed arrows.
Defence # tke "Hall TuntJ 13-2
There is still everything to play for as Richard's forces advance towards Mark's HerOE­
But tomer and his Riders have made it through the gate and are closing in fast.

__!he King Retreats I.

As the Heroes reached the stairs of the
• Golden Hall, Theoden was wounded in
his combat against a group of Uruks.
To make sure the king was protected,
Mark moved him to the doors of
Meduseld, and positioned Hama, Eowyn
and Aragorn to defend the stairs
against the advancing horde. Saruman
and his bodyguards advanced on the
Heroes, and the White Wizard
conjured a Sorcerous Blast at the
king, forcing Theoden to spend a
Fate point to avoid being slain.
While the king retreated into
the hall, Gandalf responded
with a Sorcerous Blast of
his own, wounding his
former ally.

Rearguard Attack
L:.:.._--=;;..;;;;.;..,,:,'---;;;;:-= -=-------J

Having cut their way

• through the Uruks
guarding the gatehouse
and lost two of their
number to the Orcish
archers, Eomer and his
Riders crashed into the
rear f teE il lines,
cutting w several of
Richard's Orcs with their
mighty c argel combined
with their ro vn spears.
5uddenlJj Richard found
his forces trapped between
the Heroes defending the
stairs to Meduseld, and the
fury of Eomer's riders.
Richard - 'With Eomer's Rohirrim
threatening to trap my warriors
between the two parts of Mark's forces, I
realised that I needed to break the deadlock
on the stairs of the Golden Hall quickly.
Unfortunately, Eowyn and Hama were
mounting a stalwart defence, beating back
anything I could throw at them. Using the
Wargs' high Movement to my advantage, I
brought them in to the side of Meduseld to
attack Hama, robbing him of the advantage
of defending a barrier. I then moved
Saruman into position and directed a
Sorcerous Blast at Eowyn. The gambit paid
off, and two of Rohan's Heroes fell to my
coordinated attack:

A With the path to Meduseld c1eare- ,Saruman pursued Theoden, intent on

W claiming the throne of Rohan. To prevent any of the remaining Good Heroes
interfering, Richard moved Grima to block the doorway. Inside, Theoden charged
Saruman, but succeeded only in beating the White Wizard back. To gain access to
the Hall before it was too late, Mark directed Gandalf's Instantly Command power
at Grima, flinging him out of the doorway. Eomer then rode up the stairs and
through the doors. In the final turn of the game Richard won priority and,
realising that in a straight
fight Saruman was no match
for Eomer and was also too
far from the throne, cast
Immobilise on the Horse­
lord and charged the Wizard
into Theoden. In the
resulting combat, Saruman
landed a blow on Rohan's
king, and managed to score
a wound. With no Fate
points remaining, Theoden
was slain and the Evil side
had won the game!
:';';:~:';>1;}'>: '"
The battle is now ,over, with SOrymall tEi 'White victorivushavirig defeated the noble
defenders' and slain' King" Theod~n.· Here, Mprk and Richard reflect on the game and
their re,spective performances in the, deciding battle of the campaign.
,n, '~Ili ;;r,;;;J,~~:-M"'~_ ". ' 4 ; ~~;O:4i1it:=-':1;...,
Mark - 'That Was a close-fought .battle, .
and exciting.to play for both sides,
involved. Unfortunately, a combination ....:: VALIANT DEFENDER
9f factors, both within and out of my Unfortunately, despite Mark's
control, conspired to snatch victory' best efforts, the Evil side
from my grasp.' overran his forc;es.

Disaster at the Walls

'I think something that made life particularly
difficult for my forces was the speed with
which Richard's army overwhelmed my
defences. In the first few turns, they not only
•destroyed the gate, but also made it past the
. oefenders onto the battlements. From this
i point on, I was having to keep an eye on the

I Uruk-hai coming through the gate, as well as

. those swarming onto the walls. Had the gate
held a little longer, giving my Heroes time to
reach it, I have no doubt they eQuid have
prevented the Uruks from getting through,
leaving them. ali

easy target
for. .1E"mer's Riders

once they arrIved:

- Del~,Y~d:"Retreat His Words are Poison

'With hfnasJgfl!;¢.h~e the gates had 'Throughout the game, Grima was an unmitigated,nuisance;,:ij, "at
lien i(might' 6av'Etbeel1 a ,better idea reduced the effectiveness of my Heroes, and I think that withciut" ,hi$;',
, -to begin {ne'~;q~'s; retreat to Meduseld malevolent presence, the Heroes would have had no trouble,deanllg,,~ttb',the
, immediately, rather ~thali trying to take troops besieging Edoras. Towards the end of the game, it became apparent
"_"",,,,,,_,,,,,,"",,,,,,: on- the attackers coming through the thap the best way';todeal with
gates. By thi: time my Heroes reached him was using' Gandalf's non­
the Evit forces, meyCl already had time harmful magic to move him
_ ~~, -<".- to spread out and manoeuvre, meaning where he wouldn't be as
::Q; ,;: ;:"::-,_v Fhat. they could bring their full weight much ola problem. I just
:;, .:;.. .... oLnumbers to ear. When I eventually wish I had adopted this tactic
, made the decisi n to fall back, this earlier, as. it could have swung
in Gimfi being left behind and the game in my favour:
~9YJr.whelmed. Had he survived to defend
-':-' Goiden Hall, his mighty defensive
ities.could have helped keep Richard's ....:: FORK·TONGUED WORM
r:-c-es at bay for those crucial extra Grima proved a constant annoyance to
~'f. ns and won me the game: the Good side from th~ early stages of
.. ·;:·t~j
the game, when he attacked TModen.
Richard - 'This was an incredibly close-run game, with
the outcome eventually coming down to the events of
the ve~ last turn. To be honest, I was lucky to win
this ~ if only a few dice rolls had gone differently, the
day would have been won by Mark and the forces
of Good. I think had I been a bit more careful and
focused on my objectives, I could have achieved a
more decisive victory.' , ;

. .' . t'>~,(' t", ~l~.,~
.. ('1\~ ~l~: "l'".:'
. ' .\', t};.·..f-; .• •'r?r(::i!~~~·;~:. "
.. I'i f."
Unfocused TactICS <:1

'I think one of the reasons the battle was so clo~e ~:q6<l~t ~r:" ~~;":lr ;:; ",
Afthpugh highly
I allowed myself to be distracted by elements of the game -, ~~ ~. 5.'-;:.,~;;~:
effective on the
other than the objectives I needed to achieve. Although . ','
walls, the Uruk-hai
sending the ladder teams to attack the walls kept the
Captains spent too
Rohirrim manning the battlements occupied, once the
long away from
door was breached, they could have been more useful in
the main focus
adding weight of numbers to the Evil warriors fighting
of the battle.
Mark's Heroes. Also, it might have been a better idea to
commit myself wholeheartedly either to killing Theoden,
or to getting Saruman to the throne. I tried to keep both
options open, which resulted in a lack of focus and
momentum to my tactics:

Magical Duel
'One of the most exciting parts of the battle was the
magical conflict between Saruman and Gandalf at its
conclusion. After Grima was flung away from the
doorway of Meduseld by Gandalf, allowing Eomer
to charge in, I thought Saruman was really in trouble.
Fortunately, I then had a run of good luck, first
winning priority, meaning Saruman could immobilise
Eomer, then winning the combat against Theoden.
Ultimately, it was this succession of lucky dice rolls
that won me the game:

Saruman and Gandal! struggle
for magical supremacy at the
climax of the battle.

'Tke daYf kave fJd1te Treacherous Co sel

'I couldn't have won this game without Grima. Although all
Jdwn in tke weft} bekind utterly feeble fighter, his special rules were hugely useful for
reducing the effectiveness of Mark's Heroes, particularly
tke killf} intd fkaJdw. Aragorn, who was far less problematic than he usually'is to al)
Evil player. Winning the previous game was hugely beneficial, as, .
HdW did it Cdme td tkif?' it meant Grima was able to make a nuisance of himseff~'sloWing
down the Heroes and preventing them from performlng'-Heroic
THEODEW" Actions, right from the start of the game:

In this Pack's Painting Workshop, we show you how to paint Hama, the Doorward of
King Theoden's hall and Captain of the Rohan Royal Guard. This noble warrior is thE
latest Hero of Rohan in your miniature collection. '

H ama is one of King Theoden's most

loyal soldiers, holding the singular
honour of being named Doorward of
Meduseld. It is he who guards the King's Hall
from intruders, ready for battle at a moment's
notice. Painting Hama is quite straightforward,
as he is very similar in appearance to other
Royal Guard Heroes, such as Gamling.
However, in this Painting Workshop, we will
look at subtle ways of personalising the model.
By using a slightly different colour palette to
Gamling in Pack 51, Hama will look sufficiently
individual, yet retain his Royal Guard uniform,


Hlima is one of the most trusted
of King Theoden's warriors.






• Armour and Weaponry

After lIndercoating the model with Chaos Black, paint the
scale armour and sword with Chainmail. Shade this with a
wash made from a mix of Brown, Black and Blue inks. Reset
the base colour by dry-brushing the metallic areas with
Chainmail, before finally edging the sword with Mithril Silver.

The gold details on the gauntlets and boots, as well as the .. A mix of inks
hilt of the sword, can be picked out in Shining Gold, and gives a more
given .a thinned-down wash of Brown ink. Before moving on, natural shading
re-lIndercoat any areas of the model where the metallic paint colour than iust
may have strayed. Black ink alone.

• Háma's Clothing
Paint the sash and visible parts of the tunic Scab Red. Add Dwarf Flesh
to Scab Red and apply it as a highlight. Give the red areas a wash of
Chestnut ink. Paint the green parts of Háma's cloak in exactly the same
way as Gamling's from Pack 51. The metal trim can be painted with
~ Carefully paint Dwarf Bronze with a little Bestial Brown added - a slight deviation
the sash and tunic from the colour scheme presented for Gamling. Highlight the trim
with dark red tones. with a mix of Dwarf Bronze and Mithril Silver.

~ Highlight the most prominent

areas to bring the face ro life. • The Face and Hair
Give the face a coat of Tanned Flesh, forming
a strong base colour. Highlight this with Dwarf
Flesh, leaving the Tanned Flesh showing through
in the recesses. Shade the face with a wash of
thinned-down Bestial Brown, before resetting the
Dwarf Flesh layer. Finally, highlight the prominent
areas wirh a mix of Dwarf Flesh and Skull White
ro finish the face. Háma's hair and beard are
pai ted Bestial Brown and highlighted with a
.. Dry-brush the hair with a dry-brush of Snakebite Leather. Be very careful
small brush, taking extra care n . w en dry-brushing these small areas, as you
to stray onto other paimed are s. do 'r want to get any paint on the face.

• Details
The boots, straps, scabbard and gloves can all
be paimed with a mix of Scorched Brown and
Chaos Black. Add Fortress Grey to the mix as a
highlight. Háma's belt is of red leather, and can
be represented by painting it Terracotta, with a
highlight of Tanned Flesh. A wash of Chestnut
ink will enrich the colour of the belt and provide
shading. Extra realism can be added to the model
with weathering. Stipple Graveyard Earth anta
the bottom of the cloak and the boots. Next, add
Kommando Khaki to the Graveyard Earth and
stipple this mix more sparingly over the same
areas. To finish the model, make sure that all the j. The stippled wearhering
buckles and details are picked out with Shining rechnique was firsr used on Uglúk j. Háma, ready to lead his
Gold, before basing the model in the usual way. in Pack 16's Paiming Workshop. Royal Guard into action.


ro guard the towns and CÍties 01 Rohan, the Horse-Iords build great wooden towers and
gates to stand against their enemies. In this Pack, we continue our construction 01 the Rohan
delences, adding towers and gates to use with your walls.

T he kingdom of Rohan has endured for many

hundreds of years against marauding Ores and
brigands as well as invasion by its neighbours. The
Rohirrim have had to learn the erafts of war well,
training their armies and their famed Riders to repel
enemies from all sides. They have also built solid
defenees against their attaekers, proteeting their
people with high walls and strong gates. The lands
of Rohan are proteeted by tal! watehtowers and the
keen eyes of Rohirrim soldiers.
In this Pack's Modelling Workshop, we build upon
the techniques used last Pack to create the Rohal)
palisades. Here, we look at ereating both, towers and
a gatehouse to complete your set of Rohan defenees.


The towers and wa/ls 01 Edoras
rise aboye the p/ains 01 Rohan.


In addition to the aH the FUR FABRIC CHAOS BLACK,
usual Modelling Essentials CODEX GREY,
detailed in Pack 35, you HARDBOARD


o Tower Foundations
The tower and gatehouse have similar foundations
to those used on your palisade walls from last
Pack. To build the foundations for your tower, ..... MATCHING
cut two pieces of styrene, each 14cm 16" square. FOUNDATIONS
Glue these two squares of styrene together,one The loundations are
on top of the other, forming a single styrene block. created in the same
Mark the styrene block with a stonework partern way as the palisades
in the same way as the foundations on your so that they link
existing palisade walls. together and match.

• The Tower
The tower is a box made from foam card with one wall missing to
allow you to place models inside. To make the tower, first cut out
~ TOWER three pieces of foam card for the sides of this box. Each should be
WALLS about IOcm 14" wide at the bottom, 18cm 17" long and 8cm 13" wide
Dressmaking pins are at the top, creating a tapered, rectangular wedge shape. Glue these
an easy way to hold three pieces of foam card together. Next, make the f100rs for your
loam card in place figures to stand on. Place your tower on
while the glue is top of its foundations for a moment and
drying. Afterwards, mark where the first f100r should go so
the pins can simply that it is level with your palisade walls.
be removed. Mark the second f100r roughly halfway
between the first f100r and the top of your
tower. When you have marked out where
the floors will sit, measure the width of
~ TOWER FlOORS the tower at this point. Finally, use this
You might need to trirll the measurement to make a foam card square
edges 01 the f100rs to !it them for each f100r and glue them into place.
inside the tower comlortably.

• The Observation Platform

The observation platform for the top of the
tower Js created next. Cut out a piece of foam
card 13cm 15" square for the bottom of the
platform and four foam card strips 13cm 15"
long and 2cm/l" high to create a parapeto
Glu€ these strips around the outside of the
platform, trimming off any overhang at the
corners. Once complete, glue the observation
platform to the top of the tower. You can now
attach your tower to the styrene foundation.
Once your tower is firmly glued in place, Á TRIMMING
mark and cut out a doorway - large enough THE EDGES ~FOAM
for a miniature to fit through - on one of the A straight, downward CARDTOWER
walls next to the missing side of the tower. The cut wili remove any Your basic tower is now
doorway should be positioned in the centre of excess Irom the edges ready to have some
the wall, level with the first f1oor. 01 the platform. details added to it.


o Timbering the Tower

The next step is to use balsa wood to create
Balsa wood strips are cut to
length and used to cover any
the timber exterior, as well as framingfor the exposed pieces olloam.
doors and platform. Cut out some long, thin
strips of balsa wood the same length as the
foam card section of the tower. Taking the
tapering of the tower and the position of the
doorway into account, glue these strips around
the outside of the three walls. Next, repeat the
process on the platform. Again using strips of
balsa wood, create framing for the doorway .. FRAMING
and the open side of the tower as well as the Pieces 01 balsa wood can be cut to
top of YOllr platform's walls. Continlle lIntil size to cover the exposed edges 01 the
YOll have covered all of the exposed foam card 'Ioam card and adding to the sturdy
on the outside of the tower. looking construction 01 the tower.

Balsa wood can also be used to create f100ring

for your tower levels. You will need to create a
short plank leading from your doorway to allow
it to ¡oin up with your palisade walkways as well
.. WALLS as some extra upright planks to plug the gap
ANDTOWERS when the palisade and tower are placed next to
When adding the each other. As a final touch, you can add small
walkway plank and extra marks across the length of the bdlsa wood
wall pieces, use one 01 timbers, making them appear to be made of
your palisades as a shorter planks. Using a hobby knife, you could
guide so they wíll /it also shave away balsa wood from the corners of
together accurately. the timbers, to give a weathered effect.

e Making the Tower Roof

The tower has a small, pyramid-shaped thatched
Two card triangles /itted together
lorm the support lar your roo/.
roof. To build this, first cut out two triangles
from foam card, each with a bottom edge that
will reach between opposite corners of the
platform and 2cm 11" high in the middle. Cut a
slot into the centre of the bottom edge of one
of the triangles and down from the point of the
other, allowing you to slide them together
creating the pyramid-like frame. Then, cut out
four card triangles to lay onto this frame, each
Iarge enough so that together they will cover it
completely. Once these have been glued in place,
cover your pyramid-shaped roof in fur fabrico
The thatching on the roof is created in the same
way as for the Rohan cottages from Pack 50.

Finally, you'lI need to make some wooden pillars

for your roof ro sit on. Use four pieces of balsa
wood rod to create these support pillars and
glue these ¡mo each of the corners of your
tower platform. Make sure they are high Á CARD TRIANGLES
enough ro allow a model to be placed in the Each 01 the lour lacets 01 .. WATCH TOWER
tower. Don'r glue the roof to the tower, as this the tower rool is made The tower is now ready
wilI make it easier to position models later. Irom a card triangle. to be painted.


WtJtJden GatehtJUJe
o Making the Gatehouse
The gate,house Js constructed using similar
techniques to those used on the Rohan
,palisades. First, create a hardboard base the
sameléngth and width as those used for the
palisades..Next, make a styrene foundationin ...... CREATING
the same way as shown in last Pack, only this THE GAP
time leave a gap about tOcm 14" wide in the Glue the loundations
middle for the gateway. Create two smaHer in place with a gap
styrene blocks to place on' either side of the 01 about IOcm/4"
centre gap, forming pillars to frame your in the middle.
gateway. These pillars should each be about
~cm 12" square. Glue them onto the foundation
next to the gateway, creating a step effect.
Finally, add sloping earthworks to the front of
the foundations just as in Pack 52.

'1 jear jdr the ~ FOUNDATION

furvival 1 Rdhan...
Extra seetions 01 styrene
are glued onto che
the dejentef have td hdld.' loundation to create
the stepped elleet 01
GANDALF THE WHITE™ the gateway's piJ/ars.

'THf GATE 8 Making the Gate
Creating a frame First, create the wooden support frame for the
lor che gate gate. Cut two lengths of thick balsa wood rod
increases ¡es and glue them into place on either side of the
strength and gateway, as shown. Next, cut a piece of card that
provides a solid is the same size as the gap between the two
anchor lor your support posts. Divide this card into twoequal
gate hinges. halves to make your gates and then cover each
with balsa wood. Score the balsa to give the
impression of sturdy planks. Hinges can be
made for the gate by cutting out four small
tabs from a piece of cardo Glue two of these to
each gate, spacing them evenly at the top and .
bottom. Once they are firmly attached, place
each within the gateway and glue the other end
of the card tabs ro the support frame.


Before the glue is completely dry, it is
a good idea to test thar the gates can
open and c10se properly. If (hey don't,
trim the edges with a craft /míle.



The foam card bridge forms the
• Creating the Platfonn
top of the .gateway. The gateway has a defensive platform spanning
the gateo To create this, first ~tut out a
rectangular piece of foani card big enough to
cover the tops of the two styrene pillars, and
to bridge the gap. A square of foam card
roughly the same size as the gateway is glued
in the centre of this and then the whole
assembly is glued to the top of the styrene
pillars. Once in place, balsa strips are used to
.. GATEHOUSE PlATFORM give the platform the appearance of being
Placing balsa wood around the edges as made from wood. ln preparation for the next
shown creates a stable basis for you to step, glue strips of balsa wood around the
attach the timber palisades. outside edge bf the platform, as shown.

• Timbering the Gatehouse

Using balsa wood or lollipop sticks, timber the
gatehouse in the same fashion as the palisades
from lastPack. Remember to use different
lengths to create crenellations that will match
those on the main walls.

.....c: WOODEN
The same crenellation
pattern that featured
on your walls is used
again here.

With the construction complete} all
that is left is to paint the model.

.....c: PAINTING
" Painting the Models THE TIMBER
]Ust Iike last Pack, the rocky earthworks at the Adding green to the wood
from of the gatehouse need a coat of textured colour gives these walls a
paim} while the road Ieading through the gate is distinct Rohan appearance.
co ered In s.a d. After undercoating with black
paint} the r un a . ns are dry-brushed, first with
Codex Grey a en with Fortress Grey. A final,
light dry-brus f Skull White completes the look
of the founda i s. Al! the wood is dry-brushed
wÍth Catac an Green and then again with a
Catachan GTffn and Codex Grey mix. A Iighter
dry-brush f F rtress Grey is applied to the edges.
The earthw rks and road are painted Scorched
Brown and then gi en a Iight dry-brush of Codex .. MASONRY
Grey. Finally} he thatch roof on the towers is Codex grey is a suitable
painted in the same way as shown in Pack 50. colour for these foundations.


Additional Details
Although your walls, towers and gatehouse
are ready for the battlefield, there are sorne
finishing touches you can add. When using
~ MARK long lengths of walls it is often worth
OFROHAN creating extra sets of ladders and stairs.
This gate is These simple constructions are made from
adorned with two either styrene or balsa wood and help to
galden hounds complete your fortifications, ensuring that
made from card you have c1ear ways for your models to
eut~outs. move onto and off the walls and towers.
Another simple detail involves using card
to create a unique design for your gate,
as shown. Finally, add patches of static grass
to match your existing palisade walls.

Create as many of
these as you like
to provide access
for your miniatures
to all parts of
the fortíjícations.

Hígh wooden walls and watchtowers,
such as these, surround the city of
Edoras and protect it from its foes.

Digitally signed by Icoico

DN: cn=Icoico, o, ou,
mariano@gmail.com, c=ES
Date: 2011.01.20 17:29:10

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