Shang Guan2012
Shang Guan2012
Shang Guan2012
• FEATURE ARTICLES • May 2012 Vol.55 No.5: 698–712
· SPECIAL ISSUE · In Honor of the 80th Birthday of Professor WANG Fosong doi: 10.1007/s11426-012-4531-z
Received December 9, 2011; accepted December 27, 2011; published online March 28, 2012
Impact polypropylene copolymer (IPC), named polypropylene catalloy, not only possesses excellent impact property, but also
presents good rigidity. Its superior performances result from the complicated composition and microstructure. In the present
article, recent progress in the studies on microstructure, morphology, crystallization and rheological behavior of IPC is sum-
marized, and findings of the authors and their collaborators are reported. In general, IPC is divided into three components, i.e.,
ethylene-propylene random copolymer (EPR), a series of different segment lengths ethylene-propylene copolymer (EbP) and
propylene homopolymer. The reasonable macromolecular structures of EbP and a multilayered core-shell model of dispersed
phase structure in IPC were proposed, in which the dispersed phase consists of an outer EbP shell, an inner EPR layer and an
EbP core. It is found that the annealing at melt-state may lead to an abnormal phase inversion, and the phase inversion disap-
pears when temperature cools down to room temperature. The cause of phase inversion is ascribed to the existence of EbP
component, which results in the stronger activity of the dispersed phase. The crystalline structure and morphologic results con-
firm the formation of -iPP in IPC. Furthermore, it is found that the ethylene content in IPC and cooling rate of the samples
have an important influence on the formation of -iPP. Based on the crystallization kinetics analyzed by Lauritzen-Hoffman
theory, crystallization behavior of different IPC samples is discussed and it is proposed that the dilution effect of ethylene-
propylene copolymer has a more remarkable influence on surface nucleation than on crystal growth. In addition, annealing at
high temperature can result in the changes of chain structure for IPC, and this instability is ascribed to the oxidative degrada-
tion and crosslink reaction mainly in iPP component.
© Science China Press and Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2012
Shang-Guan YG, et al. Sci China Chem May (2012) Vol.55 No.5 699
dustry [912], and the two-step polymerization includes tion due to its two-step continuous polymerization. Previous
homo-polymerization of propylene and subsequent copoly- work has reported that IPC mainly consists of three compo-
merization of propylene and ethylene in a gas-phase reactor sitions including EPR, EbP with different sequence lengths
by using a special ZieglereNatta catalyst [11, 12]. The and iPP [3035]. Through temperature-gradient extraction
products prepared by the continuous two-step copolymeri- fractionation (TGEF), IPC can be fractionated into several
zation are called polypropylene catalloy (PP-cat) or impact compositions depending on the extraction temperatures used.
polypropylene copolymer (IPC). It is known that IPC has a The composition of IPC has been investigated and con-
rather complex composition and microstructure, and pre- firmed by authors through differential scanning calorimetry
sents a good tensile strength and an excellent impact (DSC), wide angle X-ray diffraction (WAXD), dynamic
strength, even at low temperatures, as compared with the mechanical analysis (DMA) and fourier transform infrared
iPP/EPR or iPP/EPDM blends obtained by mechanical spectroscopy (FTIR) [1719].
mixing [12, 13]. It is suggested that the excellent properties IPC-A is extracted through TGEF by using a modified
of IPC are ascribed to its complicated composition and Kumagawa extractor. Here the IPC-A samples used are de-
phase structure since a phase-separated morphology of IPC fined as PEP20, PEP40 and PEP60, respectively, in which
is observed. Hence, it is necessary to study the composition, capital E stands for ethylene component and the numbers
microstructure and morphology of IPC. Moreover, the me- stand for its percentage used in the stage of gas-phase co-
chanical properties of IPC may be affected by the crystalli- polymerization. Figure 1(a) gives the composition data of
zation behavior of iPP component, so the crystallization IPC-A obtained through fractionation. It is clear that both
behavior is worth exploring. the contents of random copolymer and propylene homo-
The phase morphology of multi-component polymers polymer are higher than those of block copolymer for all
can be detected by phase contrast optical microscopy IPC-A samples, and the contents of block copolymer of all
(PCM), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), transmission three IPC-A are almost equal, while the random copolymer
electron microscope, etc. and also, a polarized optical mi- increases and propylene homopolymer decreases with the
croscopy (POM) or PCM equipped with a temperature con- increase of ethylene content. Figure 1(b) gives the eth-
trolled hot stage can monitor the time evolution of mor- ylene content of each component calculated from FTIR data.
phology or structure. Being quite sensitive to the change of Moreover, the ethylene contents of both random copolymer
structure or morphology, dynamic rheological testing is
considered to be a powerful tool to provide some valuable
information which is impossible or difficult to obtain from
traditional morphological observation methods. Further-
more, on account of small-strain amplitude, dynamic rheo-
logical testing can avoid the destruction of structure or
morphology [14].
As for the study on the composition and macromolecular
structure of multi-component polymers, fractionation is an
essential approach. Some previous researches on the compo-
sition of IPC [12, 15, 16] involve solvent fractionation and
thermal fractionation. In the present work, two kinds of IPC
samples are used. One is the laboratory product named
IPC-A, whose compositions vary from PEP20 to PEP60; the
other is a commercial product, SP179, purchased from Si-
nopec Qilu Petrochemical Co. of China, and named IPC-B.
n-Octane is used as a solvent to successively extract the IPC
under different temperatures through temperature-gradient
extraction fractionation. Some recent progress on the study
of IPC concerning the following four aspects is summarized,
mainly findings by the authors, including (1) the complex
composition , (2) the microstructure and morphology
[16, 17, 2024], (3) the crystallization behavior [21,2426],
and (4) the rheological properties [2729].
Figure 4 DSC reversible heat flow (a) and heat flow (b) for F100 [19].
Figure 7 Temperature dependence of loss tangent (tanδ) for IPC and its
fractions at a frequency of 10 Hz and a heating rate of 3 °C/min [17].
3 Microstructure and morphology of IPC present work as well the possible structure of EbP, a modi-
fied phase model of IPC is proposed, as shown in Figure 10.
In this model, the dispersed particle has an EbP core and
As a result of complex composition of IPC, the microstruc-
two layers, and the outer layer is EbP and the inner one is
ture and morphology of IPC are also complicated. Due to
EPR. It is noted that some EbP chains may pass through the
the immiscibility of iPP/EPR blend at melt state, IPC exhib-
EPR layer and connect the core and shell as bridges. Ac-
its three glass transitions as shown in Figure 7, indicating
cording to Figure 6, the structures of EbP can occur as four
that it is in phase-separated state. In addition, since the iPP
cases marked as I, II, III and IV, respectively. The chains
component tends to crystallize below the melting point,
dominated by iPP segments are denoted as type I, and they
crystallization and phase-separation may interfere with each
are mostly located in the shell to improve the interaction
other, and subsequently a more complicated structure is
between dispersed phase and continuous phase. The chains
formed. In the past two decades, some investigations con-
dominated by PE segments are denoted as type II, and they
cerning the phase structure and crystalline structure have
tend to form the PE-rich core. The chains with equivalent
been reported [15, 17, 21, 2324, 35, 4346]. Here, some
iPP and PE segments are denoted as type III, and they may
recent progress in the microstructure and morphology of
be located in the outer shell or the inner core, and some
IPC is summarized [17, 23, 24].
even cross the EPR layer to form the EbP bridges. The last
Figure 9 gives the SEM micrographs of fracture surface
type, IV, is the chain containing some ethylene-propylene
after being etched by xylene. It can be seen that there exists
random sequences which may stay anywhere in EbP com-
a two-phase structure, and the dispersion is rather uniform.
Figure 9(b) gives the amplified micrograph of one area in
In the case of EbP cores being completely wrapped by
Figure 9(a). The sizes of the dispersed particles are larger
EPR layers, the removing of EPR layers by xylene would
than 0.5 μm, a critical dimension [47], beyond which the
lead to the disappearance of EbP cores which have weaker
dispersed particles could promote crazing and improve the
EbP bridges connected with the outer shell, resulting in the
fracture resistance of polymeric materials. As seen from the
formation of the holes on the fracture surface indicated as
amplified micrograph, the dispersed phase presents three
‘A’. For the cores partially wrapped by EPR layers, the EPR
different cases: (i) isolated holes marked as ‘A’, (ii) holes
layers are removed by xylene, while the cores remain,
containing a smaller granule marked as ‘B’, and (iii) aggre-
forming the holes with a small granule, indicated as ‘B’.
gate granules marked as ‘C’. As previously described, the
When the dispersed particles get together and the removing
chains of EbP contain not only the crystallizable ethylene
of EPR layers is hindered due to the outer shell of EbP, the
and propylene segments, but some ethylene-propylene ran-
aggregation of dispersed particles indicated as ‘C’ can be
dom sequences. The reasonable macromolecular structures
observed on the fracture surface. Figure 11 shows the trans-
of EbP are presented in Figure 6. On the basis of the previ-
mission electron microscope (TEM) image of IPC solution-
ous works [16, 21] and the morphologic results observed in
casting film after being annealed at 200 °C for 10 min. A
core-shell structure of dispersed phase can be seen, which
accords with the phase structure examined by AFM [21]. It is
suggested that the core-shell structure of dispersed phase is a
thermodynamic stable structure, which can be rebuilt even
after it is completely destroyed by dissolving in xylene.
Figure 12 presents the PCM images of IPC during an-
nealing at 200 °C. As phase-separation is ongoing, the
Figure 12 Phase contrast micrographs of IPC samples annealed at 200 °C for different time periods. (a) 10 min, (b) 30 min, (c) 60 min, (d) 90 min,
(e) 120 min and (f) 200 min.
Figure 13 SEM images and partial enlargement of the extracted cross- section surface of IPC after being annealed at 200 °C for 200 min.
704 Shang-Guan YG, et al. Sci China Chem May (2012) Vol.55 No.5
Figure 14 Schematic of phase morphology evolution of IPC annealed for 200 min at 200 °C during cooling: (a) in the melt state; (b) at solidification [24].
ance of the phase inversion can be ascribed to the large ten- melting point of about 150 °C demonstrated by melting test
sion induced by solidification at the phase interface and the (Figure 16), while others melt at about 160 °C. Based on the
great content difference between components. characteristics of β-iPP, it is suggested that some β-iPP
Figure 15 depicts the crystalline morphologies of iPP and crystals are formed in the crystalline phase.
IPC-A at cooling rate of 2 °C/min. For all samples, the Figure 17 gives the WAXD patterns of iPP and IPC-A
crystalline structures from melt crystallization are spheru- crystallized at the cooling rate of 2 °C/min. All of the most
lites. The contours of the crystals become more blurred with intense WAXD reflections are attributed to the lattice planes
the increase of ethylene content. It can be observed that the of α-monoclinic structures, revealing that the iPP crystals
number of spherulite and their dimension strongly depend grow dominatingly in their monoclinic α-modification. For
on composition. From iPP to PEP60, more spherulites are PEP50 and PEP60, there exists an extra reflection corre-
formed and the spherulitic structure becomes more deficient sponding to the (200) lattice planes of PE crystals, indicat-
due to the formation and quick impingement of small ing that the ethylene segment in PEP50 and PEP60 is long
spherulites. These results clearly illustrate the fact that the enough to crystallize independently. It should be pointed
content of ethylene has an influence on the crystallization out that another peak appearing at 2θ of 16.0 °C, which is
morphologies of iPP. In addition, a few micro domains as the distinct diffraction of the (300) lattice plane of β-iPP,
indicated by the white arrows are observed in the optical proves the existence of β-iPP in IPC-A. On the other hand,
micrographs of PEP50 and PEP60, which exhibit very in accords with the results obtained by optical microscopy,
strong negative birefringence. These domains possess a it can be seen that the content of β-iPP crystals increases
Figure 15 Optical micrographs of iPP and IPC-A crystallized at cooling rate of 2 °C/min. The white arrows in the pictures indicate the β-iPP (crossed
polars) [23].
Shang-Guan YG, et al. Sci China Chem May (2012) Vol.55 No.5 705
observed for PEP20. As for PEP30, PEP40 and PEP50, two compositions, even obviously lower than that of iPP, which
melting peaks can be found according to WAXD and POM coincides with other reports [50, 51]. According to the pre-
results, one of which stands for the melting of α-iPP, and vious results and analyses, it is suggested that melting point
the other, the melting of β-iPP. A small peak at about depression of IPC-A lies in two factors: the lower molecular
118 °C is ascribed to the melting of polyethylene crystal for weight of propylene homopolymer and the stronger interac-
PEP60. tion between compositions in IPC-A [46, 52].
The β-iPP content in crystalline phase of various IPC-A Figure 20 gives the spherulite growth rates measured
samples crystallized at different isothermal conditions can under isothermal and nonisothermal conditions for iPP and
be calculated from DSC data. It is found that the β-iPP con- IPC-A, respectively. It can be seen that spherulite growth
tent is dependent on both the crystallization temperature and rates of all IPC-A are smaller than those of iPP, and de-
the ethylene content. 124 °C is the most suitable tempera- crease with the increase of ethylene content. Moreover, the
ture for formation of β-iPP, and the β-iPP content is no differences in spherulite growth rates between IPC-A and
more than 7%. Due to the little content of β-iPP, the melting iPP are remarkable in low temperatures, and small in high
behavior of the β-iPP is ignored when the equilibrium melt- temperatures, which can be attributed to the low degree of
ing temperature of IPC-A is discussed. super-cooling resulting from high temperature which slows
Figure 19 gives the equilibrium melting temperatures of down the spherulite growth rate. In fact, obvious compo-
iPP and IPC-A by Hoffman-Weeks equation [49]. The nent-dependent spherulite growth rate for IPC-A from the
melting temperatures increase with the increase of crystal- amplified figure can be seen in high temperatures. Since the
lization temperature for both iPP and IPC-A, indicating viscosities of IPC-A increase with the increase of ethylene
improvement of the crystalline perfection with the increase content, these phenomena can be ascribed to the weak
of crystallization temperature. The Tom values of 187 °C for motion ability of the crystallizable propylene segments
iPP and 182 °C for IPC-A from Figure 19(b) could be ob- resulting from high viscosities. Furthermore, the spherulite
tained by extrapolating the experimental data to Tm = Tc line.
It is interesting that the Tom of IPC-A is independent of the
growth rates obtained under nonisothermal conditions pre- PEP60. These kinetic differences of IPC-A impossibly result
sent similar temperature and composition dependence. from the molecular weights and polydispersity of propylene
Lauritzen-Hoffman theory [53] has been widely adopted homopolymer due to little difference for various IPC-A.
to investigate the crystallization kinetics of polymeric mate- Based on the fact that the values of Kg and σe increase with
rials. The crystallization of iPP and IPC-A can be analyzed the increase of ethylene content in the same regime [26], it
by using Lauritzen-Hoffman model. In general, the crystal can be conclude that both surface nucleation rate and crystal
phase of iPP is mainly -crystal and the crystal growth is in growth rate slow down [53, 56, 57]. Hence, a large degree of
favor along (110) lattice plane during melt-crystallization. super-cooling is required for the crystallization of IPC-A
However, on the basis of above analysis on crystalline phase with high ethylene content to enter into regime II. During
structure, it is understood that the crystal growth of PP-cats crystallization of propylene homopolymer, ethylene-
is in favor along (040) lattice plane. Until now, most of the propylene copolymer is forced to get together in the vicinity
kinetic studies on iPP crystallization proceed with the pa- of crystal growth plane. Furthermore, the mobility of eth-
rameters of (110) lattice plane. However, for those on the ylene-propylene copolymer in the vicinity of crystal growth
PP-cats, it should be more logical to calculate the fold sur- plane is very weak due to its high viscosity, which could be
face free energy, σe, by using the parameters of (040) lattice regarded as a dilution effect to hinder surface nucleation and
plane. Figure 21 gives the kinetic analysis results of noniso- crystal growth of iPP. Concerning the decrease of transition
thermal and isothermal growth data using Lauritzen- temperature of regime II to III, it is believed that the dilution
Hoffman model for iPP and IPC-A, and for iPP sample, two effect has a stronger obstruction effect on surface nucleation
lines and a transition at 138 oC could be observed. In view of than on crystal growth. In conclusion, the shifting of the
the fact that the value of nucleation parameter, Kg, in regime transition temperature of regime II to III mainly results from
II is lower than those in regime I and III, and the tempera- the dilution effect of ethylene-propylene copolymer.
tures corresponding to regime II are higher than those of
regime III, iPP sample presents a transition of regime II to III
in Figure 21, which is in accordance with other reports on 5 Rheological properties of IPC
crystallization kinetics of iPP [54, 55]. For PEP20 and
PEP40, similar phenomena can be observed though the Figure 22 gives the frequency (ω) dependence of loss tan-
transition temperature decreases with the increase of eth- gent (tanδ) for IPC and its fractions. It can be observed that
ylene content, and no transition could be observed for there is a peak in low ω for IPC and EbP. However, no peak
Figure 21 Kinetic analysis of nonisothermal and isothermal growth data of iPP and IPC-A under U* = 6270 J/mol and T∞ = Tg – 30 K [26].
708 Shang-Guan YG, et al. Sci China Chem May (2012) Vol.55 No.5
appears for EPR and iPP fraction. Since IPC and EbP are
both multi-component polymers, this phenomenon indicates
the existence of long relaxation unit in IPC and EbP. Figure
23 shows the frequency dependence of dynamic storage
modulus (G') and loss tangent (tanδ) for IPC and two
iPP/EPR blends. The proportion of iPP/EPR in blend I is
78.5/21.5 by weight, which is consistent with that of IPC.
The proportion of iPP/EPR in blend II is 70/30, which ac-
cords with the proportion of iPP/(EPR+EbP) of IPC. Obvi- Figure 24 Relationship between G′ and ω for pure IPC at different tem-
ously, in both blends the ‘second plateau’ appears, which peratures under air (a) and under N2 (b) [28].
Shang-Guan YG, et al. Sci China Chem May (2012) Vol.55 No.5 709
This work was supported by the National Basic Research Program of Chi-
na (2005CB623800), National Natural Science Foundation of China
Figure 27 Time dependence of G′ for IPC at 230 °C in air and in N2 [28]. (51173157), and Natural Science Foundation of Zhejiang Province
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