Rev Notes On Enzymes
Rev Notes On Enzymes
Rev Notes On Enzymes
On 28/9/2022
Dr.Nihal GABR
4. Thus in turn, it determines the over all folding and coiling of the poly peptide …giving a
precise 3D shape ( tertiary structure which brings the amino acids close together )
2. So that the substrate fit in the active site and bind by temporary hydrogen bonds
3. Forming enzyme substrate complex causing a a strain / stress on substrate
4. So lowering the activation energy
5. The molecule is broken / got two molecules close together for the formation of
new bond
6. Product will no longer fit in the active site so being released .
Explain induced fit mechanism
1. The substrate is partially complementary to the active site .
when the substrate binds to it where it moulds and folds around the substrate.
3. Where the R groups of amino acids in the active site interact with substrate
…..strong binding of substrate to active site …….( stress and lowers the activation
energy )
4. So the active site and the substrate are now said to be complementary to each
other allowing BETTER FIT .
5. Forming ESC ….where the activation energy is lowered
6. This interaction can cause the break of substrate apart or allow the formation
of new bond between molecules ..forming a new one or more products leaving the
active site of enzyme unchanged
Describe :
1. Overall increase in the product concentration by time
2. Initial steep increase , followed by slower increase
then leveling off at ………
Explain :
Slow increase
Decrease in substrate concentration where it turned into product
occupied active sites so less successful collision so less ESCs.
Leveling off
Substrate has been used up.
1.substrate concentration
2.Enzyme concentration
All following Explain why comparing initial rate of
same trend of reaction ……….as at the beginning of
initial steep
the reaction the substrate concentration
is tthe same / constant , so not a
followed b y
aslower limiting factor … later on as the time
increase then pass, the substrate concentration will
level off vary
So by this way we can have fair test
and valid comparison
Initial rate of
increase with an More enzymes …so more active sites
increase i …so more successful collisions so
enzyme more ESCs.
Explain the shape of the graph by increasing
temperature above optimum :
Substrate concentration
Higher V max …..higher rate of reaction …..more collision ….more ESCs
The one with lower Vmax needs more substrate to reach the V max and occupy
all active sites
Km ….value of km will, increase … there is a decrease in the affinity of the enzyme to
the substrate , as the competitive inhibitor compete on the active site with substrate , so
higher substrate concentration is needed to reach V max .
1. Inhibitor binds to a site other than the active site /allosteric site .
2. This will disrupt the arrangement of hydrogen bonds and
hydrophobic interactions holding the enzyme in a specific 3D shape
…….causing a change in the tertiary structure …change in shape if
active site
3. Substrate is unable to bind to the active site to form ECS…so
fewer ECSc
4. V max …is not reached even by increasing substrate
But km remains the same . .
4. Thus in turn, it determines the over all folding and coiling of the poly peptide …giving a
precise 3D shape ( tertiary structure which brings the amino acids close together )
2. So that the substrate fit in the active site and bind by temporary hydrogen bonds
3. Forming enzyme substrate complex causing a a strain / stress on substrate
4. So lowering the activation energy
5. The molecule is broken / got two molecules close together for the formation of
new bond
6. Product will no longer fit in the active site so being released .
Explain induced fit mechanism
Describe :
1. Overall increase in the product concentration by time
2. Initial steep increase , followed by slower increase then
leveling off at ………
Slow increase
Decrease in substrate concentration where it turned into product
occupied active sites so less successful collision so less ESCs.
Leveling off
Substrate has been used up.
1.substrate concentration
1.As the substrate concentration increase, rate of
reaction increase reaching to maximum at ……..
2.Where there is initial steep increase
3.Followed by a gradual increase till…..
4.The level off at ………
2.Enzyme concentration
Explain why comparing initial rate of
All following reaction ……….as at the beginning of
same trend of
the reaction the substrate concentration
initial steep
is tthe same / constant , so not a
followed b y limiting factor … later on as the time
aslower pass, the substrate concentration will
increase then vary
level off
So by this way we can have fair test
and valid comparison
Initial rate of
increase with an
increase i More enzymes …so more active sites
enzyme …so more successful collisions so
concentration more ESCs.
Explain the shape of the graph by increasing
temperature above optimum :
1. Steep decrease in rate of reaction , as molecules vibrate
energetically to the extent that some bonds holding the enzyme
molecule in its precise 3D shape starts to break
2. Mainly its the hydrogen bonds ( and ionic bond ) the enzyme will lose the tertiary structure
4. The shape of active site will be lost due to change in 3D shape
5, the enzyme is irreversibly denatured .
rate of reaction .
1. Change in pH means a change in hydrogen ion concentration in a a solution
E Hi+ +
Explain R
2. The charge on R groups of amino acids at active site will be changed
Ionisation of R groups
3. So hydrogen and ionic bonds which are needed / important in maintaining the tertiary structure of
enzyme , are broken .
So active site shape will be changed With the change in 3D shape
Enzyme will be denatured.
So substrate can no longer fit so no ESCs formed .
Maximum rate ofenzyme catalysed reaction.
V max At V max all enzyme molecules are bound to substrate …all active
More ESCs
sites are saturated /occupied . Rate of
Vmax reflects how fast
the enzyme can
catalyze the reaction
Depends of enzyme concentration reaction
in ax
Fewer ESCs
Substrate concentration
Michaelias Menten constant ( km inversely proportional to affinity )
Km ….value of km will, increase … there is a decrease in the affinity of the enzyme to the substrate , as
the competitive inhibitor compete on the active site with substrate , so higher substrate concentration is
needed to reach V max .
Remains the same
As the inhibitor doesn’t comepete on the active site
So no change in the affinity of enzyme to the substrate
In many situations inhibition is essentials …in metabolic reactions …where we need end product inhibition
To maintain balance and allowe effecient metabolism
Advantages of using immobilised enzymes