Unit 7

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7 This is the news!

Vocabulary 1 Emergency services: Which café is it?

Kelly: It’s the Blue Café.
Using the worksheet Emergency services: What is the tiger doing?
●● This worksheet provides practice of the core words: Kelly: It’s looking at the ducks on the pond.
assistant, detective, reporter, cameraman, crime, Emergency services: OK. Can you see the tiger now?
criminal, headline, interview, article. Kelly: Yes, he just ran into some bushes.
1 Learners work in pairs to complete the crossword. Fast Emergency services: OK. We are coming.
finishers can write sentences in their notebooks. Kelly: All right. I will check if he’s still in the bushes.
Emergency services: No, just stay where you are.
Key: Across 2 cameraman 3 crime 4 headline Kelly: OK, I’ll stay here.
6 reporter 8 article
3 Learners work in pairs. They take turns to report what
Down 1 criminal 5 detective 7 interview
their witnesses have said to each other. Fast finishers
2 Learners work in pairs and use the code to complete can write up a police report on what the witnesses said.
the words in the text.
Key: Suggested answers
Key: 1 detective, 2 crime, 3 criminal, Student A: Person 1 said there were a lot of people
4 interviewed, 5 judge there. Person 2 said his/her favourite bit had been the
clown parade. Person 3 said he/she could see the food
Optional follow-up activity (reinforcement): stands and they were opening for lunch.
Play ‘Vocabulary Ladders’. Divide the class into two Student B: Person 4 said they were having a fireworks
teams. Each team lines up at the board. Draw a column display. Person 5 said he/she had seen some people
for team A and one for team B. When you say Go! in colorful costumes. Person 6 said the president was
Learners take turns to write as many words as they can there and he had driven away in a big black car.
from the vocabulary set. Each learner has to write a
different word. The first team to finish wins. Optional follow-up activity (extension):
Ask learners work in small groups of four. Make a list of
Grammar 1 people that learners will have spoken to in their lives,
e.g. parent, brother/sister, teacher, friend, grandparent,
Using the worksheet neighbour. Write these on the board. Ask learners to
●● This worksheet provides practice of the target choose one of the people on the board and think of
language of reported speech. something they have said to them. They don’t tell their
1 Learners write the equivalent reported speech partner who it is. They report back two or three sentences
expressions. that the person said to them to their group and the group
has to guess who the person is.
Key: 1 the previous week, 2 then, 3 the previous
year, 4 the day before, 5 that, 6 the following day
7 those, 8 there
Vocabulary 2
Using the worksheet
2 Learners circle the words that will change in the
report. Fast finishers can write the underlined words ●● This worksheet provides practice of the core
as reported speech. vocabulary: interrupted, screaming, suggested,
whispered, asked, demanded, joked, complained,
Kelly: Help! There’s a tiger in the park. I saw the same claimed, replied.
tiger on the news last week. It escaped from the zoo! 1 Learners read the sentences and write T or F. Fast
Emergency services: Where are you? finishers can correct the wrong sentences.
Kelly: I’m standing in City Park next to café and I’ve
just seen a tiger with huge teeth and black stripes on Key: 1 T, 2 F, 3 T, 4 T, 5 F, 6 F, 7 T, 8 F
its fur.
2 Learners complete the sentences in pairs.

Key: 1 suggested, 2 screaming, 3 whispered,

4 replied, 5 demanded, 6 asked, 7 complained,
8 claimed

3 Learners work in pairs. They cut out the cards and Track 08
place them in a pile face down. They take turns to take Teacher: Today let’s welcome Mr Eric Brown to our class. He’s a
a card and say what kind of reporting verb it is. reporter from Channel 4 News.
Eric: Thank you very much. When I finished high school I didn’t
Key: 1 suggest, 2 ask, 3 claim, 4 reply, go to university. I started working at a small newspaper called
5 demand, 6 complain, 7 whisper, 8 joked, 9 reply The Echo Times. That was in 1986. I didn’t actually do much
reporting. I was mostly making tea and coffee and doing chores
for the real reporters. Sometimes I went with a reporter out on
Optional follow-up activity (reinforcement): jobs. That was really exciting. After three years I was promoted
Divide the class into two teams. Invite a member from – I was finally a local news reporter. I remember the first person
each team to the front and whisper one of the reporting I interviewed. I went with my cameraman to the address. It was
verbs in their ear. The team member has to say a a lady. Her wedding ring had gone missing. She claimed to have
statement, which explains the word without saying it for heard a strange noise in her house the previous week. She said
their team to guess. she had screamed and called the police but when they looked
there was no one there. She said she hadn’t used her ring for
years because it was damaged. I asked if she lived alone. She
Grammar 2 said she lived with her husband but he was away on a business
trip. The following day her husband returned from his trip and
Using the worksheet presented her with her wedding ring. He had taken it on his trip
●● This worksheet provides practice of reported questions. and had the diamond replaced!
1 Learners circle the correct option. That experience taught me how important it is to ask the right
questions during an interview. That way you can get more
Key: 1 why I was, 2 had seen, 3 I would interview, of the whole story. Then, later, I really enjoy going to court
4 I could, 5 I knew because you hear both sides of the story.
2 Learners work in pairs and describe what they can see
2 Learners rewrite the questions as reported questions.
in the photos.
Key: 1 Molly asked Jane where Simba was. 2 Molly 3 Learners ask and answer the questions. Ask a few pairs
asked Jane if she thought he had got lost. Simba. to share their ideas with the class.
3 Molly asked if Jane could help her look for Simba.
4 Molly asked Jane what she should do if she couldn’t Optional follow-up activity (extension):
find Simba. 5 Molly asked Jane if she would help her Play the audio again. Write a few statements on the board
make some posters. and ask learners to say if they are true or false.

3 Learners work in pairs and read the speech bubbles. Skills 2: Reading and writing
Key: 1 They asked him why he had asked for help.
Using the worksheet
2 They asked me what time I thought it had been.
3 He asked if I knew what kind of car he had driven.
●● This worksheet provides reading and writing skills
4 He asked where I had been the previous night practice in understanding a text about jobs and careers.
at 9.p.m. 5 He asked who I had been with. 1 Learners read the text. Ask learners what they think of
the text and how they think people will learn the news
Optional follow-up activity (reinforcement): in the future. They can work in pairs to do the activity.
Ask learners to sit in a circle. Start by whispering Key: 1 D, 2 E, 3 B, 4 H, 5 F
something in a learner’s ear, e.g. Can you bake a cake? The
learner then has to report what question you asked until
the last learner who must say the original question.

Skills 1: Listening and speaking

Using the worksheet
●● This worksheet provides listening and speaking skills
practice linked to the unit topic of the news. The
listening skill is listening for specific information.
1 Learners listen to a reporter talk about his career. Play
the audio and ask learners a gist question, e.g. How
does Eric feel about his job? He liked it. Play the audio
again, pausing for learners to write.

Key: 1 The Echo Times, 2 1986, 3 tea and coffee,

4 wedding ring, 5 right questions 6 the story
7 Vocabulary 1 Across
2 a person who films people in a court
1 Use the clues to complete the puzzle. 3 an action that breaks the law
4 t his appears at the top of a newspaper
and is a brief description of the topic
6 a type of journalist
8 a
 piece of text about something which
appears in a newspaper

5 Down
1 a person that breaks the law
5 a
 police officer that
5 investigates a crime

4 7
7 this happens when a police
officer asks a criminal
2 questions about a crime
4 6


2 Use the code to complete the newspaper article.

% @ 546 ^ & 213 $ 987 £ 989 + 132 =
794 - 937 ? 303 > 639 < | 748 121 809 312

Some rabbits went missing from a pet shop late last night. The owner
thought someone has taken them. The (1) ^ & 639 & 546 639 £ | &
investigating the (2) 546 303 £ = & said it was a
mystery where all the animals went to. After finding some rabbit hair
on the floor, he followed a trail to a store room at the back of the shop.
He was very careful, in case the (3) 546 303 £ = £ 794 % 132
was hiding behind some boxes of pet food. However, there weren’t any
humans in the room. He heard a noise on the floor, and when he looked
down was surprised to see a family of rabbits at his feet. Later, he
(4) £ 794 639 & 303 | £ & 748 & ^ the pet shop (5) % > > £ > 639 % 794 639 ,
who realised he had left the cage unlocked before going home.

62 Power Up TRB 6 © Cambridge University Press and Cambridge Assessment English 2021 PHOTOCOPIABLE
7 Grammar 1
1 Write reported speech sentences using the following direct speech expressions.
1 two days ago
2 now
3 last year
4 yesterday
5 this
6 tomorrow
7 these
8 here

2  Read the dialogue. Imagine it is the next day, and Kelly is telling a news reporter
about what she told the emergency services. Circle the words that Kelly says that
would have to be changed when tells the reporter.
Kelly: Help! There’s a tiger in the park. I saw the same tiger on the news last
week. It escaped from the zoo!
Emergency services: Where are you?
Kelly: I’m standing in City Park next to café and I’ve just seen a tiger with
huge teeth and black stripes on its fur.
Emergency services: Which café is it?
Kelly: It’s the Blue Café.
Emergency services: What’s the tiger doing?
Kelly: It’s looking at the ducks on the pond.
Emergency services: OK. Can you see the tiger now?
Kelly: Yes, he just ran into some bushes.
Emergency services: OK. We are coming.
Kelly: All right. I will check if he’s still in the
Emergency services: No, just stay where you are.
Kelly: OK, I’ll stay here.

3  Work in pairs. Cut out the cards. Imagine you are reporters and you have
interviewed people who were at a street festival. Read the notes and then take
turns to tell your partner what the people said.

Learner A Learner B

Person 1: There are a lot of people here. Person 4: They are having a fireworks display.
Person 2: My favourite bit was the clown Person 5: I saw some people in colorful
parade. costumes.
Person 3: I can see the food stands. They are Person 6: T he president was here. He drove away
opening for lunch. in a big black car.

PHOTOCOPIABLE Power Up TRB 6 © Cambridge University Press and Cambridge Assessment English 202163
7 Vocabulary 2
1  Read the sentences and write T (True) or F (False). Correct the false statements and
write them in your notebooks.
1 When you say something as a question you ask.
2 When you make a loud noise because you are scared you complain.
3 When you make a strong request you demand.
4 When you answer a question you reply.
5 When you say something for other people to think about you joke.
6 When you speak in a low voice you claim.
7 When you stop someone when they are doing or saying something you interrupt.
8 When you say something to make others laugh you whisper.

2  Complete the sentences with the correct words. The first letter of each word
has been given to you.
1 ‘Let’s interview the family at 3 p.m.’ the reporter s .
2 I heard s when the tree fell on the house in the storm.
3 Helen w in my ear. ‘Did you see the news last night?’
4 ‘The judge said there was no crime,’ Jack r .
5 ‘What did you do with my phone?’ David d .
6 ‘What did you see?’ the reporter a the shop assistant.
7 ‘There is too much work to do. We’ll never finish it!’ Lisa c .
8 ‘I know who that was!’ Hannah c .

3 Work in pairs. Cut out the cards. Take turns to read the sentence on the card and
report it using a reporting verb.

1 You should call 2 What did the 3 I saw what

an ambulance. reporter say? happened.

4 Because 5 What have 6 Jack hasn’t

there was an you heard? seen the
accident. news again.

7 Don’t make 8 The mouse 9 Because

any noise. I’m chased the there was a
listening to the cat out of the storm last
news. garden! night.

64 Power Up TRB 6 © Cambridge University Press and Cambridge Assessment English 2021 PHOTOCOPIABLE
7 Grammar 2
1 Circle the correct text.
1 She asked me why I was/why was I late.
2 He asked me if I did see/had seen the headline.
3 She asked me whether would I interview/ I would interview the actor.
4 He asked me whether could I / I could drive.
5 She asked me if I knew / I did know the cameraman.

2 Read the dialogue and write the reported questions on the lines.
Molly: Where is Simba? (1)
Jane: I don’t know. I haven’t seen him for a while.
Molly: Do you think he has got lost? (2)
Jane: I don’t think so. Maybe he’s just gone for a walk around the neighbourhood.
Molly: Can you help me look for him? (3)
Jane: Yes, of course.
Molly: What should I do if I can’t find him? (4)
Jane: I suggest you make some posters of him with his picture and stick them up around
the neighbourhood. I’m sure someone has seen him.
Molly: Good idea. Will you help me make some posters? (5)
Jane: Of course. But first let’s go and look for him.

3 Work in pairs. Look at the speech bubbles and say what questions the people asked
using reported speech.

Why did you

ask for help?

What time did do you

think it was?

Do you know what kind of

car he was driving?

Where were you last

night at 9 p.m.?

Who were
you with?

PHOTOCOPIABLE Power Up TRB 6 © Cambridge University Press and Cambridge Assessment English 202165
7 Skills 1: Listening and speaking
1 08  For each question, write the correct answer in the gap. Write one or two words
or a number or a date or a time.
1 Eric’s first job after high school was at a newspaper called  .
2 He started working there in .
3 At that time he said his job involved making and doing chores.
4  he first person he interviewed was a lady who said her
had gone missing.
5 He said the experience had taught him that it was important to ask the .
6 He said he enjoyed going to court because he heard both sides of .

2  Work with a partner. Say what you can see in the pictures.
In this picture I can see… I can also see …

3 Work with a partner. Ask and answer the questions.

1 Would you like to do any of the jobs shown in the pictures?
2 Do you think these jobs are important? Why? Why not?
3 What news events do these people report?
4 Do you think any of the jobs are difficult or dangerous? Why?
5 What is in the news at the moment?

66 Power Up TRB 6 © Cambridge University Press and Cambridge Assessment English 2021 PHOTOCOPIABLE
7 Skills 2: Reading and writing
Five sentences have been removed from the article. Choose from the sentences A–H to
fill each gap (1–5). There are three extra sentences.

The history of the news

We read, watch or listen to the news to get information about important
events. Stories can be local, national or international and there are also
articles and features on entertainment, business, travel and sports.
What does it take to publish a newspaper? Many different people
are involved. First, editors decide which stories can go in the paper.
This might mean going to the scene of a news event and interviewing
people. Cameramen take pictures and a designer puts the words and
pictures together. All of that is before they are printed and distributed
around different towns, cities and countries.
How did newspapers begin? In the mid-1400s, Johannes Gutenberg
invented the printing press. (2)
Can you imagine how news travelled before then? People exchanged
information orally; that is, they got together in groups to tell each other
the latest news. In some places like Ancient Rome, people called town
criers had an official role in shouting out the news to people at weekly
markets. (3)
After the printing press was invented, one-page newsletters started to
appear in Europe and Japan. It is thought that the first newspaper was
printed in England in 1665. (4)
The news story said that 1,050 Londoners had died of the illness that
week, which was 428 people less than the week before.
The invention of computers in the twentieth century changed the
newspaper business. Today, reporters can send stories to editors quickly
by email. Editors and designers can then change content on screen.
Today, most of us get the news from the internet. In 2020, there were over
4.5 billion active internet users in the world. (5)

However, over 2 billion people still read a print newspaper regularly!

A In Ancient Rome, no one reported the E This made it possible to print words on
news. paper quickly.
B They would ring a large bell and shout F For this reason, print newspaper sales
‘Hear ye!’ to get people’s attention. have gone down.
C The plague stopped newspaper G Editors and designers now do the writers’
production. jobs.
D Then reporters research and write them. H Issue number one of the Oxford Gazette
contained news about the Great Plague.

PHOTOCOPIABLE Power Up TRB 6 © Cambridge University Press and Cambridge Assessment English 202167
7 Mission Final Stage: A news website
Write an article about an event for a news website. Draw a picture where the photo
would be.

Daily News

68 Power Up TRB 6 © Cambridge University Press and Cambridge Assessment English 2021 PHOTOCOPIABLE

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