Chap 1 2 Nov 5
Chap 1 2 Nov 5
Chap 1 2 Nov 5
As institutions of higher learning have been charged with the duty of submitting
graduates with positive attitudes and employable skills. They under pressure to improve
their course offerings and raise the standard of education. Additionally, employers
participate in developing a
attributes unique to the university's graduates. The characteristics of graduates provide
colleges with a clear picture. What types of abilities, dispositions, and skills are required
in the job, allowing their graduates to be able to find work? Universities must participate
employers to recognize these qualities after graduation, the graduates' employment
prospects depend on their choice to hire them. Feedback from employers can produce
proof on how well graduates do, their aptitudes, and performance in the classroom and is
typically expressed as the degree of contentment that employers have with the graduates.
Additionally, it might offer details about skills and attributes that they deemed extremely
significant and practical in the workplace. (Anania B. Aquino (Ed.D), Casimira O. Del
Mundo, Gliceria R. Quizon, 2015)
Enhancing graduates' employability is a crucial topic for higher education to focus
on in order to guarantee their success in the labor market, claim Mehrotra and Elias
(2017). This will radically alter how employers evaluate the general efficacy and
productivity of their employees. Employer feedback on graduates' performance on the
standard is a crucial prerequisite for admission to educational institutions. In any event,
graduates' overall performance may occasionally fall short of expectations. Important
areas that need attention are critical skills, problem-solving abilities, and the capacity to
apply concepts and domain knowledge in the workplace (Dotong et al., 2017).
On the other hand, it is essential that an organization evaluate how satisfied they
are with its graduates using a survey for exit evaluation that could provide a means by
which the government can suitably steps to offer the highest quality of education through
its wide range of services in many different areas. Additionally, feedback from the
employers could improve the competence of the institution to carry out the required
follow-up to improve its graduates' performance and always look for best practices that
could enhance its relevant academic services to achieve the standards of education for the
next generation that everyone wants. (Rosanna D. Gonzales, Salvacion M. Vinluan, Peter
C. Bustamante, 2019)
Theoretical and Conceptual Framework
a. Age 3. Organization of
The purpose of this study is to find out how organizations feel about recent
graduates' performance and preparedness for employment. Knowing how employers
view new hires' strengths and areas for development is essential as organizations work to
retain a knowledgeable and capable employee. In addition to identifying any perceived
gaps in recent graduates' preparation, this study aims to pinpoint the specific abilities,
proficiencies, and professional conduct that employer’s value most. The survey will also
look at how satisfied companies are with their hiring overall and what influences
favorable or unfavorable assessments. The results of this survey will provide information
to governments and educational institutions, possibly directing training initiatives and
curriculum development to better meet industry needs.
1. To what extent are JHCSC alumni satisfied with their current employment
situation in terms of:
1.2 work-life-balance
1.3 compensation
2. What are the key factors that influence employer satisfaction with JHCSC
3. How do JHCSC alumni perceive the relevance of their education and training to
their current job roles?
4. What recommendations do employers have for improving the curriculum and
training programs at JHCSC to better prepare graduates for the workforce?
The purpose of this study is to evaluate the employer satisfaction and feedback
of JHCSC BEED alumni in the municipality of Tabina, with an emphasis on their pay,
work-life balance, and career advancement. The study will focus on JHCSC BEED
alumni who are currently working in Tabina; the sample size will depend on the
availability of respondents. The study's limitations include its restricted geographic
scope, which may limit the findings' applicability to other places or BEED programs. The
results' representativeness may also be impacted by a small sample size. Additionally, the
study depends on employers' and alumni's self-reported data, which may contain errors
or bias.
Definition of Terms
Feedback- According to Race (2010), feedback should focus on the precise behaviour
that has been noticed and what is being learnt, as opposed to the person or other issues
unrelated to the instructional purpose. In this study Feedback from employers provides
educational institutions with reliable data regarding the performance and preparedness of
their graduates
Employer- Employers are one of the most important stakeholders in higher education
institutions because of the importance they place on graduates' knowledge, skills, and
Satisfaction- According to Oliver (1997, p. 13), customer satisfaction is the result of their
fulfillment. It is an assessment of a good or service. Characteristic of the product or
service itself, which offered (or continues to offer) a satisfying degree of fulfillment
connected to consumption, encompassing degrees of under- or over-fulfillment.
Satisfaction refers to the degree to which people believe their needs, wants, or
expectations have been satisfied in connection with a particular experience, service,
product, or process.
This chapter presents a review of related literature and studies, which provides rich
information and background pertaining to this research.
A survey of 299 Malaysian employers from various agency types was carried
out by Saad and Majid (2014). and businesses that hire graduates in engineering and
information and communication technology (ICT). Their results showed that teamwork,
presenting abilities, tool handling proficiency, and problem-solving. Employers place a
high value on skills as crucial competencies that students must possess. When in
(Mohamed Faker Klibi, Ahmed Atef Oussii, 2013)examined how students perceived the
necessary skill set and attempted to bring them closer to what companies want. They
discovered that businesses placed a strong emphasis on graduates' need to grow general
abilities in communication, critical analysis, teamwork, and ethical awareness. They
came to a conclusion. Those academic institutions must create logical frameworks and
procedures to foster social, cognitive, professional and individual growth. (Majid, 2014)
Fugar, F. D. (2007). Frederick Herzberg\'s motivation-hygiene theory revisited:
The concept and its applicability to clergy (A study of fulltime stipendiary clergy of the
global evangelical church, Ghana. Journal of Science and Technology (Ghana), 27(1),
Herzberg, F., Mausner, B., & Snyderman, B. B. (2011). The motivation to work
(Vol. 1). Transaction publishers.
(General Education)
Sayson, Mervy Joy
Cuevas, Rosella
Etcobanez, Jiovane
November 2024