Summary of Changes in SGF
Summary of Changes in SGF
Summary of Changes in SGF
iv. All meetings shall be iv. All meetings shall be chaired by the
chaired by the Chairperson Chairperson of the SB and in his/her
of the SB and in his absence absence one of the Shariah scholar
one of the Shari’ah scholar members, other than the RSBM, shall
members, other than the preside over the meeting.
RSBM, shall be elected as
the acting Chairperson to
preside over the meeting.
17) vi. The meetings of the SB vi. The meetings of the SB may be held
shall be held by physical in person, virtual/online or hybrid
presence of the members. mode (physical and through video
However, in appropriate conferencing) as determined by the
circumstances to be Chairperson of the SB.
determined by the
Chairman of the SB,
meeting(s) may be held
through video conferencing
subject to recording of
proper minutes of the
18) x. The approved / x. The approved/confirmed minutes of
confirmed minutes of meetings of the SB shall be submitted
meetings of the SB shall be to SBP within 15 days of its
submitted to IBDSBP within approval/confirmation forinformation
15 days of its approval / and record. Further, the minutes shall
confirmation for be made available to the BOD, SBP,
information and record. internal auditors and external auditors
Further, the minutes shall on request, enabling them to appreciate
be made available to the and understand the rationale and
BOD, SBP inspection teams, background of the SB rulings, decisions
internal 6 auditors and and fatawa. Further, the secretary SB
external auditors on shall circulate minutes of the SB
request, enabling them to meeting prior to the next SB meeting
appreciate and understand for timely approval of the same
the rationale and
background of the SB
rulings, decisions and
19) 4. Resident Shari’ah Board Resident Shariah Board Member
Member (RSBM) (RSBM)
The SCD shall have at least The SCD shall have at least two
one qualified Shari’ah qualified Shariah experts (other than
expert (other than RSBM) RSBM) from different schools of
who shall meet the criteria thought, who shall meet the criteria of
of “Academic “Academic Qualifications” as prescribed
Qualifications” as in Annexure-A of the SGF.
prescribed in Annexure-A
of this Framework
20) i. Secretariat of Shari’ah A. Secretariat of Shariah Board
It shall serve as the Secretariat to the
It shall serve as the SB with the responsibility to provide all
Secretariat to the SB with the necessary secretarial support to the
the responsibility to provide SB including timely provision of
all the necessary secretarial meetings’ agenda, proposals, and
support to the SB including working papers. It shall also maintain
timely provision of proper record of agenda items, minutes
meetings’ agenda, of the SB meetings and fatawa issued
proposals, and working by the SB along with their rationale.
papers. It shall also Further, training related to secretarial
maintain proper record of functions shall be provided to SCD
agenda items, minutes of employees to ensure smooth secretarial
the SB meetings and fatawa functions of SB.
issued by the SB along with
their rationale.
21) 6 Product Development Product Development
ii. The IBI shall be ii. The IBI shall ensure to provide
encouraged to engage at adequate, qualified and trained staff in
least one individual in the the IAD or ISAU.
Internal Audit Department
or ISAU, who shall meet the
criteria of “Academic
Qualification” as prescribed
in Annexure-A of this
25) Note: Some of the changes are also made in the annexures of this
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