Auditing I CH - 3
Auditing I CH - 3
Auditing I CH - 3
➢ Related parties
➢ Factors related to fraudulent
financial reporting
➢ Factors related to
misappropriation of assets
Control Risk
• is the risk that the material misstatement, having
occurred, will not be prevented or detected and
corrected by the system of internal control.
• The main factors which affect control risk are:
• the control environment (i.e. the foundation for the other
components of the system of internal control),
• the design of the system of internal control itself, and
• finally how well and consistently the system of internal
control operates.
Planned Detection Risk
• is the failure of the auditor to detect the material misstatement in
the financial statements.
• It is the risk that audit evidence for a segment will fail to detect
misstatements exceeding tolerable misstatement.
• Planned detection risk is dependent on the other three risks in the
model, such as inherent risk, control risk, and acceptable audit risk.
• This will be increased:
• If the auditor uses lower sample evidence
• if the auditor was relatively inexperienced,
• if it was a new client,
• if there was a lot of time and fee pressure,
• if planning was poor so the entity was poorly understood,
• and if the auditor was straying into an industry where they had little
previous experience or expertise.
Planned Detection Risk
• Detection risk comprises sampling risk and non
sampling risk:
• Sampling risk is the risk that the auditor's conclusion
based on a sample is different from the conclusion that
would be reached if the whole population was tested,
i.e. the sample was not representative of the population
from which it was chosen.
• Non-sampling risk is the risk that the auditor's
conclusion is inappropriate for any other reason, e.g.
the application of inappropriate procedures or the
failure to recognize a misstatement.
Sales and Acquisition Payroll and
collection and payment personnel
cycle cycle cycle
A Medium High Low
B Medium Low Low
C Low Low Low
audit risk
D Medium Medium High
detection risk
Inventory and Capital acquisition
warehousing and repayment
cycle cycle
A High Low
B High Medium
C Low Low
audit risk
D Low Medium
detection risk
Consider the impact of engagement risk
on acceptable audit risk.
What is Engagement Risk?
Engagement Risk is the risk that the auditor or audit
firm will suffer harm after the audit is finished. In
other words, it is the risk of lawsuit or unfavorable
publicity resulting from being associated with this client.
Impact of Engagement Risk on Acceptable Audit Risk
Auditors decide engagement risk and use
that risk to modify acceptable audit risk.