GEC 001 UTS Chapter 2
GEC 001 UTS Chapter 2
GEC 001 UTS Chapter 2
B. Philosophy
• Socrates and Plato
• Augustine and Thomas Aquinas
• Hume
• Descartes
• Ryle
• Kant
• Merleau-Ponty
Time Allotment: 3 Hours
By the end of this module, the students shall be able to discuss comprehensively the different
representations and conceptualizations of the self from various disciplinal perspectives and how the self
has been presented in different philosophical schools.
This chapter will highlights how classical and modern philosophical models defined the self, the
evolution of these philosophical frameworks from ancient to contemporary times, and the relevance of
the philosophy of the self to how the youth define their own sense of self.
Philosophy of the Self –is often called as the mother of disciplines simply because all fields of study
began as philosophical discourses. A number of philosophers through ages have posted ideas about the
nature of the self. These philosophers include David Hume, Rene Descartes, Socrates, Plato and
even Saint Augustine of Hippo among others who remarkably have provided unique views about the
real nature of the concept we call ’self’.
Socrates (470-399 BC) was a classical Greek philosopher and pioneer in Western moral philosophy.
As a contribution to the field of philosophy, Socrates introduced the Socratic problem also known as the
Socratic question. The Socratic method is a form of cooperative argumentative dialogue between
individuals, based on asking and answering questions to stimulate critical thinking and to draw out ideas
and underlying presuppositions. The goal of which was to “Know thyself”. Knowing yourself must be
recognizing the limits of your own wisdom and understanding—knowing what you do genuinely know and
knowing what you have yet to learn.
“An unexamined life is not worth living.” If we spend our lives examining and criticizing ourselves,
our psyches (soul) become strong. According to him, our soul is the most important part of our life. Thus,
there should be a dialogue between the self and the soul. Our soul is ‘healthy’ when it seeks goodness,
truth, justice, and self-knowledge.
According to Socrates, “true wisdom is knowing what you do not know”. Clear understanding of
our actions allow us to communicate our motivations to others. Without understanding, we may be unable
to convince others to support our decisions or render similar judgements in similar situations.
Plato (424-347) was a classical Greek philosopher and the founder of Academy in Athens, the first
institution of higher learning in the western world. An influential figure in western philosophy and the
founder of western spirituality. Plato stated that the ‘psyche’ or the mind is comprised of three elements.
1. Appetites- which involve our pleasurable desires such as those which provide us physical pleasure
and physiological comfort.
2. Spirit – denotes the part within us that is agitated most of the time. It is highly spirited and
motivated to surpass and conquer life changes. It is the area within us that enjoys triumph, honor,
greatness and affirmation.
3. Mind – is the conscious awareness which thinks, meditates, weights choices and assess situations
in our lives. This side is rational and logical as it choose only the best for us.
Saint Augustine of Hippo (AD 354-430) was a Christian theologian and philosophers to have gently
contributed to the progress of western Christianity through his writings specifically, The City of God, On
Christian Doctrine and Confessions. Saint Augustine pointed onto sin as the source of human unhappiness
as sin impairs human free will. Saint Augustine discovered and developed the concept of individual
identity. He conceptualized the idea of the self and eventually achieving an identity.
Saint Augustine identified the two-fold process comprised of self-presentation leading to self-realization.
He reiterated that one transforms as he struggles in both body and soul to ultimately achieve happiness
specifically found in God’s love. Augustine explored on the relationship between the mind and body which
are all essential in the formation of a person.
However he stressed on the superiority of the mind over that of the body. Understanding of the self and
the formation of identity is achieved through the process of ‘introspection’ or ‘self-analysis’.
Rene Descartes (1596-1650) is believed to be the father of modern western philosophy. He was a French
scientific thinker, mathematician and philosopher.
Descartes developed the Cartesian philosophy which holds that mental acts determine physical acts.
Moreover he reiterated on the role of the cognitive as the active acquisition of knowledge involving the
individuals imagination, intellect, perception as well as memory. He described the mind as the “intellectual
substance” which possesses a will.
Descartes pointed onto the relationship between the mind and the body. And from such insight begun his
quest for true knowledge and stated his very brilliant principles which state that” Cogito,ergo sum” which
is “I think, therefore I am.” This is a method to assess one’s self. This is Descartes’ first theory of
knowledge which laid the foundation in his concept of self. He asserted that the idea of being brings
about an awareness of the self which may lead to the development of a unique identity. For Descartes
being self-conscious is necessary to develop a personal identity. The essence of yourself makes you a
“thinking thing”, engaged in all forms of mental operations determinant of being a human with a distinct
John Locke (1563-1704) was a prominent thinker during the “age of reason”. He is an English philosopher
and physician. Remarkably Locke is considered the “Father of Liberalism” as he had posited the ‘theory
of mind’ which is a breakthrough in the origin of modern understanding of the concept of identity and the
self. It was John Locke who developed the concept the concept of ‘Tabula Rasa’. He pointed onto the
theory that at birth, the mind is blank slate without innate ideas, and it is experience that provides us
knowledge provided by sensory experiences and reflections.
John Locke stated that personal identity or the self is found in the consciousness. He identified the brain
as comprising the consciousness which has one’s identity. It is alleged that life is a quest for understanding
of what is after death and immortality. He argued as well that a person may only be judged for the acts
of his body but the truth according to his is that one is liable only for the acts of which he is conscious.
David Hume (1711-1776) a prime mover in western philosophy is a Scottish philosopher from Edinburgh,
known for his insights on the psychological basis of human nature where he posited that passion rather
than reason govern governs human behavior. Hume argued against the existence of innate ideas, positing
that all human knowledge is ultimately founded solely in experience. He reiteraited that reason is only the
slave of passion which implies that logic and intellect is basically superseded by an individual’s passion,
drive and motivation. Hume also perceived that experiences are derived from internal and external
stimulus and they create impression on the individual. According to Hume the self and one’s mind is like
a machine that can be turned on and off as they are only active when one is conscious.
Immanuel Kant (1724) who was born in Prussia was a great contributor in modern western philosophy.
He asserted that it is the human mind which creates experiences. These experiences are similar among
human on the level of abstraction as we share important characteristics that resemble in specific points
of interest. Human experiences make up our persona according to logical effects provided by certain
causes. Evidently, the evident of individuality and the self is a result of unique human experiences as it
forges significant learning within the person.
More so, Kant said that every person has consciousness. According to Kant, the intellect as well as the
psychological state of a being is what we call as the inner self while the outer self is made of the senses
and the physical self. Largely, the object of the inner self is the ‘soul’ while the outer self is directed to
the ‘body’.
Gilbert Ryle (1900-1976) was born in Brighton, England. He was born in Brighton , England. He was a
Philosopher, a behaviorist who coined the phrase “ the ghost in the machine.” Ryle believed that the
mental phenomena are explained by observing public behavior. He stated that every human being has a
both physical body and a non-physical mind which are ordinarily “harnessed together” while we are alive.
He stated that “ A person therefore lives through two collateral histories, one consisting of what happens
in and to his body, and other consisting of what happens in and to his mind.” The first is public, .the
second is private. This simply explains how the mind is operating within the person himself while the body
is subjected to the observation and criticism of the public.
Maurice Merleau-Ponty-
The philosophy of self defines the essential qualities that make one person distinct from all
others. There have been numerous approaches to defining these qualities. The self is the idea of a unified
being which is the source of consciousness. Moreover, this self is the agent responsible for the thoughts
and actions of an individual to which they are ascribed. It is a substance, which therefore endures through
1. Ariola, M. (2018). Understanding the Self. Manila, Philippines: Unlimited Books Library Services &
Publishing INC.
2. Magalona E., & Cruz, E. (2018). Understanding the Self: Developing Other. Manila, Philippines:
Mindshapers Co.,
3. Telan, A. (2020). Modules in Understanding the Self. Santiago City, Isabela