Chapter 1 - Listening
Chapter 1 - Listening
Chapter 1 - Listening
By the mid-1980s most of the world's automobile manufacturers looked upon the
Japanese born Honda Motor Company with envy with its booming sales of engines.
Motorcycles and automobiles the Honda Motor Company was a brilliant example of
Japan's thriving industrial sector follow many. The success of Honda Motors seemed to
happen in the blink of an eye. The story of the company proves it is far from being an
overnight sensation.
In 1989 search hero Honda was inducted into the (1) Automobile makers Hall of Fame in
Detroit Michigan, for Honda the honor was indicative of how far he and the (2)
Company he found it had come. The Honda Motor Company had risen from the (3)
Devastration of world war II by clipping surplus military engines onto bicycles to create
Now 50 years later the company had become truly global in scope producing and selling
its engines (4) Motorcycles and automobiles in dozens of countries. The Honda name is
now known the world over and the company stands poised to enter the 21st century as a
multinational giant in the (5) Automotive world. Yet the success of Honda Motors or (6)
Perhaps even the idea of building an automobile would have seemed quite distant to the
young boys who later led Honda Motors to prominence so Jiro Honda was born in 1906
in the rural village of come located over 200 miles from Tokyo.
Honda's father was blacksmith often the young Soujiro would work by his father's side
helping to repair the bicycles that were becoming a popular form of (7) Transport in
Japan. He lived in a small village in Japan. I believe near the Hama Matsu (8) Area and
evidently he came in. He was very interested in automobiles at an early age and he told
one story about how it might have been a Model T or a Model A had come through his
village all of a sudden here Honda sees this thing going down the (9) Road and it was
that we said I'm a Model T Ford and he was just enthralled by it.
I guess the closest thing we can (10) Explain to us how the young people in this country
went to with the Barnstormers of the 20s with layer airplanes when they saw their first
airplane and he saw this vehicle and it horseless carriage whatever you want to call it ran
and it came through and it dripped a little bit of oil which was the only thing that the only
residue horses have a little different residue that they leave behind the oil he put his foot
his fingers in there he actually smelled the oil and they say you had gasoline in your veins
Most little girls think it's a Barbie car 45 miles per hour wouldn't dare take it any faster
than that one of the most exciting cars ever made gangsters even liked this car. It was a
good wheel spinning car. I always tell everybody it takes 20 years Alfred you just to see
it in the driver's seat.
Henry Ford was a boy on the farm on the farm life didn't really appeal to him what he did
see though on the farm changed his life and that was a steam (1) Tractive engine. He left
the farm much to the dismay of his family and worked in various mills machine
companies. He was very much enthralled with this idea of a (2) Gasoline engine and
tinkered at home with various pieces of pipe and various objects he created a gas-
powered (3) Engine from then Henry went to build his first automobile. He built this in a
rented (4) Garage on Bagley Avenue in Detroit and called this automobile a quadrics
cycle people were very hesitant because they felt the Horsham Dougie was here to stay
through various backers. He came up with the means of building his first race car which
was 999 he finished that in 1901 and it raced a straight race and averaged top (5) Speed
of about 96 miles an hour which at the time was a record-breaking speed for any type of
American race car Ford had built several (6) Automobile going through the alphabet
from Model A to model house some which were very successful so much were not the
1908 Ford by that time had moved from the Mac Avenue plant to a plane in Detroit
called Paquette on the third floor Paquette there was a room and in that room 24 hours a
day for three months he kept us chief (7) Designer in three months down the (8) Road
the door opened to that room and the product was the Model T Ford for the first probably
the only times in his life made an understatement and said I think this will be one of the
most successful cars around well in the history of Motoring it was the first car that was
cheap enough to be bought by everybody so it literally put America on (9) Whell that put
a lot of other countries on wheels a lot of things could change because people could get
places faster this is a 1912 (10) Model T touring car it's called a brass Model T because it
has a brass radiator and it's a touring car it's not a closed car it was one of the cheaper
models that was produced a very simple car very rugged car demand for cars still
exceeded supply so that's when Ford shut down for a while and developed a moving
assembly line where a worker would stay in one position and do nothing but screw on
one bolt and the cars would was by him production in the year 1914 exceeded production
for the four previous years.
4. Tesla Motors - The Future of Electric Cars - National Geographic Documentary
Held his unprecedented Tesla car in a futuristic new factory and trigger an electric
transport revolution it's been a long time since something like that happened in the car
business but it's here it's a dream many of her but not realized.
Aluminum bodywork 19-inch alloys under $50,000 price tag at first glance this car is the
latest in a long line of high-end (1) Sedan but that is where the similarities end the model
ass is a totally different type of car Tesla believe it can lead a revolution and change the
face of motoring forever. It's the first-ever mass made premium sedan powered purely by
(2) Electricity designed to have speed and range. I'm not a drop of gas our goal is to
create an electric car that is the best car in the world and show that that's what electric car
can be Tesla's goal is to kill off the (3) Combustion engine and prove the electric car as
finally come a mage driving gasoline car is gonna feel like yesterday driving this car is
driving the future this is Elon Musk Tesla's co-founder and CEO Elon is an (4) Inventer
and a maverick entrepreneur one of America's youngest billionaires I like exploring I like
(5) Technology I like creating things that have never been seen before or even imagined
before he is a genuine Silicon Valley success story in the mid-1990s Elon set up a small
internet company by 2002 he'd sold PayPal for one and a half billion dollars next he
founded private rocket company Space X it's all part of Ellen's life mission when I was in
college I try think about well what are the areas that would most affect the future of
humanity so the three things with the internet making life multiplanetary and the third
being a sustainable energy so that's what really ties together my companies is that sort of
thought from 20 years ago Tesla Motors is Elon sustainable energy brainchild named
after electric (6) Power pioneer Nikola Tesla it's a car company that only makes totally
electric vehicles no (7) Hybrid and no (8) Alternative fuels absolutely no tailpipe the
company estimates their electric carts cause 50% less CO 2 even if much of the electricity
comes from a coal power plant it's technology Elon and co-founder JB Straubel believe
we need we're solving problems for our children our grandchildren (9) Oil is a finite
resource and eventually we have to find alternatives when you take an oil out of the (10)
Ground and your burner it's extremely dangerous we should not play Russian roulette
with the atmosphere we only got one Tesla's founders have a vision of the world without
gasoline cars they are convinced electric is not only cleaner but better now they want to
prove it to the world they believe their cars can trigger a Transport Revolution and bring
electric motoric to the masses what we're doing here at Tesla can have an amazing impact
and revolutionize the auto industry and make every car on the road electric that's our end
goal the Model S is to lead their revolution it's to be an electric car unlike any other a
family sedan that can go from nought to a hundred in under six seconds and further on a
single charge than any other electric production car designed to match the top gasoline
competitors Model S.