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• The team `Punjab’ consists of two Persian words: - `Punj’ (five) and `Aab’ (water) word meaning
‘the land of five rivers’. It means that the five rivers the
Shutudri/Sutlej, Parushni/Ravi, Asikni/Chenab, Vitasta/Jhelum, Vipasha/Beas, all tributaries
of Sindhu / Indus -originating from the Himalayas, this name perhaps was given when this region
came into contact with Persian Empire (500 years before Christian Era).
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• The early records go back to Ibn-Batuta (1394-1378 AD), a traveler from Morocco, who visited
India during the early 14th century and mentions the region as `Punjab’ – the land of five rivers. He
also mentioned Abohar as the first town of Hindustan on the Multan-Delhi route.
• According to Alexander Cunningham it covered entire plains of the Punjab from the Indus to Beas
and from the foot of the mountain to the junction of the five rivers below Multan.
• In `Rigveda’ it has been described as `Sapt Sindhu’ i.e., the hand of seven rivers, the Sutlej, the
Beas, the Ravi, the Chenab, the Jhelum, the Sindhu and the Saraswati.
• When the Aryans settled down in the North India around 1500 B.C., they named it Sapta-Sindhva
– land of seven rivers (seas).
• The Puranas and the great Epics-the Ramayana and the Mahabharata describe it as `Panchnad’
(land of five rivers).
• The Greeks have named it ‘Pentapotamia’, which also means the land of five rivers.
• Another name for this region mentioned by Hiuen-Tsang, the Chinese traveler (A.D. 629-644), is
`Taki’ after the name of a powerful tribe Taki who ruled over this region.
• In the medieval times, a large part of its was known as the `Province of Lahore’ and as `Lahore
kingdom’ during the times of Maharaja Ranjit Singh.
• It was given the name of `Punjab Province’ in 1849 A.D. by the Britishers when they made it a part
of the British empire.
• Historically and politically, the boundaries have been changing from time to time. Till medieval
times, its boundaries were determined by the five `Doabs’. Multan was made a separate province
during Akbar’s regime. Jammu-Kashmir and Ladakh were a part of `Lahore Kingdom’ during the
reign of Maharaja Ranjit Singh.
• In 1901 A.D. some of its north-western parts were formed into a separate state-North-West
Frontier Province, the size of Punjab started decreasing hereafter.
Punjab’s History
• It has been a land of decisive battles due to its physical features. Its fertile and prosperous land
attracted many foreign invaders.
• The invaders entered Punjab through the passes in the north-west. They had to fight many
decisive battles, before establishing their political supremacy in India, e.g. The battle between
Alexander and Porus, Mehmood Gaznvi’s battles against Jaipal and Anandpal, the first and second
battles of Tarain (1191 A.D. and 1192 A.D.) and the three historic battles of Panipat (1526, 1556 &
1761 A.D.).
• Not only Punjab, but the whole of India was influenced by these battles. Many empires were lost
in these battles though many new empires were born as well. A brief chronological account of the
history of Punjab is given below.
2500 - 1500
Harappa Culture
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125 - 160 B.C. Rise of the Shakas (Scythians known as Jat ancestors)
647 - 1192
Rajput Period
713 - 1300 Muslim Invaders (Turks and Arabs) famous invaders like
A.D. Mahmud Gori and Mahmud Ghazni
8th Century
Arabs capture Sind and Multan
1450 - 1700
Mughal Rulers
1469 - 1539
Guru Nanak Dev Ji (1st Sikh Guru)
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1539 - 1675 Period of 8 Sikh Gurus from Guru Angad Dev Ji to Guru Tegh
A.D. Bahadur Ji
1675 - 1708
Guru Gobind Singh Ji (10th Sikh Guru)
1716 - 1759
Sikh struggle against Mughal Governors
1748 -1769
Ahmed Shah Abdali’s nine invasions
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• Before studying Punjab history, a survey of various sources is essential. Punjab history is derived
from a number of texts including religious scriptures, accounts of travelers which accompanied
invaders and literary works written by various authors. The archaeological material cannot be
ignored and provided valuable inputs though contains a number of missing links. A detailed
account of these sources is given below.
• The ancient history of the Punjab is very varied. Most of the ancient literature on the history of
Punjab has perished. Though there is lack of proper historical literature, the vast mass of Sanskrit
literature like the Vedas, the Upanishads, the Puranas and the two great epics are a valuable
source of information about the ancient history of Punjab. Though the Vedas are mainly religious
in character, they also give us the glimpse of the prehistoric period. They give us a lot of
information about the social and religious life of the Aryans who settled in the Punjab.
• The Arthashastra of Kautilya reflects the demographic condition of the Punjab at the time of
Alexander’s invasion.
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• Patanjali, in his Mahabhasya, gives a useful account of the invasions of the Punjab by the Greeks.
He talks of the attempted crossing of the river Beas by the Greeks.
• The main biographical work of the ancient history is Harsha Charita written by Baanbhatta in the
7th century A.D. It describes the life and the political history of India of the 7th century A.D.
• Another important biographical work of this period is Prithvi Raj Raso written by Chandbardai. It
enlightens us about king Prithvi Raj and has a very useful historical material about his reign.
• The Rajatrangini written by Kalhan in 1149-50 A.D. is the only historical book in rue sense of the
term in the whole ancient literature. It relates to the history of Kashmir.
Archaeological Material
• The excavations of Harappa, Mohenjodaro and Taxila have given very reliable historical facts
which were so far unknown to this world. Many ruins of the Indus Valley Civilization have been
discovered at other places such as Kotla Nihang Khan (near Ropar), at Ucha Pind Sanghol in
Ludhiana district, Banawali in Hisar District and Suktagendor on the east coast of Baluchistan.
• Inscriptions are the most important and the most reliable source of historical studies.
• The inscriptions found at Bogaha-koi (in Asia Minor) probably refer to the movements of the
Aryans before they came to India and thus indirectly help us in reconstructing the history of the
Vedic period.
• Inscriptions discovered at Persepolis and Nakshi Rustam (in Iran) contain valuable references to
political contact between ancient Punjab and Iran.
• The Persepolis Inscription indicates that king Darius of Persia conquered the Indus Valley
sometimes between 518 and 515 B.C.
• The Sharkot Inscription gives us information about the tribes living in the territories between
Jhelum and Chenab at the time of Alexander’s invasion.
• The Allahabad Pillar Inscription of Samudra Gupta (fourth century A.D.) narrates the conquest of
Samudra Gupta in India and the republican tribes inhabiting the Punjab.
• The Mehrauli Pillar Inscription probably narrates the exploits of Chandragupta II. It indicates that
after crossing the seven mouths of the Indus system, he defeated the Vahalikas and annexed their
territories to his western provinces.
• The Inscriptions of the Huna Chiefs Toramana and Mihirakula discovered in Khewra in the Salt
Range of Punjab tell us about their rule in the Punjab. Some of Ashoka’s inscriptions give us
material about the content of his empire.
• Coins are also valuable for constructing the history of ancient Punjab. A large variety of coins of
Huna ruler Mihirakula were found at Chinlot (West Punjab, Pakistan). They indicate that Punjab
was included in his dominions.
Writings of Foreigners
• Writings of foreigners are a very valuable source of ancient history of Punjab supplementing the
purely Indian sources to a great extent.
• Travelers from Greece and Iran have left their impressions about the Punjab and the North-West
India. Only a few fragments of such records and portions quoted by later writers are valuable. Yet
they are very useful as they supplement the evidence of India sources.
• Herodotus, Skylax and Ctesias were the early Greek writers who wrote about India before
Alexander’s invasion. Herodotus and Ctesia collected information about India through the
Persians. Herodotus writes that North-West India was the 20th satrap of the Empire of king Darius.
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He records that the soldiers of Gandhara fought with bows of reed and short spears and those of
the lower
• Skylax writes about his voyages between Persian Gulf and Indus Valley. Xenonphen (44 or 424-357
B.C.) in his, work Cyropedea, records that Cyrus, the Great (559-530 B.C.) sent an embassy to a
wealthy Indian king (who was probably Pukkusti the ruler of Gandhara) for borrowing money.
• After these early Greeks, certain Greek historians such as Aritsobulus, Nearchos, Ptolemy,
Onesicitus, Ctesias accompanied Alexander in his Indian expedition. These scholars reduced into
writing the account of Alexander’s wars. But for writers, Alexander’s invasion of Indian would have
remained unknown to us.
• The later Greek and Roman writers like Strabo, Diodoras, Arrian Piny, Ptolemy Curtius and other
throw valuable light on Alexander’s invasion of the Punjab. Their accounts are more rational and
highly critical. Arrian, a Grecio-Roman official (2nd Century A.D.) gives a detailed description of
India. He also gives an account of Alexander’s invasion of the Punjab. He mentions many tribal
chiefs ruling in the Punjab at that time. Quintus Cunts has mentioned Alexander’s invasion of the
Punjab and an account of the people living beyond the Beas.
• The geographer Pliny in his work Naturalis Historia has given a description of the economic
conditions of India of his times.
• Among the early Mohammedan writers useful for ancient Punjab history, the most important is
Alberuni’s work Tahqiq-i-Hind (Enquiry into India). Alberuni who accompanied Mahmud Ghaznavi
on his Indian expeditions, undertook a thorough study of Indian literature and his work has been
described as a marvel of well-digested erudition in about 1000 A.D.
• Another Arabian writer who came to India much earlier was Suleman Saudagar. His short account
of the North-West India is helpful to historians but has not deserved much attention.
Persian Sources
• Most of the history of the Punjab has been reconstructed from the various and scattered Persian
Sources which are available to us. Among them are some good historical works but their reliability
is doubtful. The first in importance are: -
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‘Tarikh’ by Iradat
It contains factual and authoritative account on Banda.
a detailed account of the times and activities of Guru
Lubab’ by Khafi
Teg Bahadur, Guru Gobind Singh and Banda.
‘Zafar Nama’ by
Qazi Noor Written in 1705, it gives valuable information in regard
Mohammad to the first and second invasion of Ahmad Shah Abdali.
`Ibarat Nama’ by
It is both informative and authoritative account of some
Mohammad Qasim
incidents in Banda Bahadur’s life.
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Urdu Sources
History of Punjab
• Punjab is the cradle of the Indus Valley Civilization, archaeological excavations, throughout the
state, have revealed evidences of the magnificent cities of Harappa and Mohenjodaro that lived
and died along the banks of the mighty Indus and its tributaries.
• The Mahabharata, which narrates life between the 7th and 5th century BC, contains rich
descriptions of the land and people of Punjab at that time. It is believed that parts of
the Ramayana too, was written around the Shri Ram Tirth Ashram, near Amritsar; and it was in
these forests that Lav and Kush grew up.
• Other great historical discoveries have been unearthed at Ropar, Kiratpur, Dholbaha, Rohira and
Ghuram. These relics throw light on the culture and changing architectural styles of Punjab, since
the Harappan age. At Sanghol, in Fatehgarh Sahib district near Ludhiana, sites associated with
great Mauryan Dynasty, have yielded remarkable relics that record the presence of Buddhism in
the region.
• Sage Priyamedha Sindhukshit in the famous ‘Hymn of Rivers” (Nadi-stuti) after invoking the
favour of rivers soars to a high pitch of exultation in his reference to the Sindhu. He clearly states
that his ancestors were the inhabitants of the land through which the river flowed from ages
• The Vedic and the later Epic periods of the Punjab were socially and culturally the most prolific.
The Rig Veda was composed here.
• During the period quite a number of centers of learning and culture were established. Panini and
Vishnu Gupta were associated with this religion, Philosophy, grammar, law, astrology, medicine
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and warfare were taught. Yasak’s Nirkuta and Panini’s Ashtadhyayi are those classic creations of
which help us to understand the language and culture of the ancient Punjab.
• The field of action of the Ramayana is believed to be outside the Punjab but the tradition
maintains that Valmiki composed the Ramayana near the present Amritsar city and Kaikeyee
belonged to this region.
Pre-Historic Period
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Sites in Punjab
• 1921- Daya Ram Sahni excavated Proto- historic sites at Harappan in Montgomery district in West
Bengal (Pakistan)
• 1922- R. D Banerjee discovered a site at Mohenjodaro in Larkana district in Sindhu (Pakistan)
• Punjab, region was centre of Indus Valley Civilization Important sites of IVC like Harappa, Sanghol,
Ropar, Dholbaha are found in Punjab. Important Places of Indus Valley Civilization include
• Harrappa – The city was excavated by Daya Ram Sahni in 1921. It was in district Montgomery in
Punjab on bank of River Ravi 100 km away from Lahore, now in Pakistan.
• Kotla Nihang Khan – It is in district Ropar, discovered by M.S. Vats in 1921.
• Ropar – It is on bank of River Satlej. It was excavated by Y.D. Sharma in 1952-53.
• Bara – It is in Ropar, 8 km away from city Ropar.
• Sanghol – It is also known as Ucha Pind in district Fatehgarh Sahib.
• Dhogri and Madhopur – Both in Jalandhar district.
• Rakhigarhi – It is in district Jind.
• Mudiala Kalan – It is G.T. road in district Ludhiana.
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• About 1500 BC
• Descended into Punjab plains from North- West
• The word meaning of Aryan is “Noble”, respected, or “High born”.
• Didn’t live in castles or mansions or in cities (established themselves in villages)
• Rigveda- famous book of Aryans composed on the banks of river Satluj
• Ramayana, Mahabharata and Bhagwat Gita composed
• In the great epic Mahabharata (1500 B.C to 1700 B.C) we find at several places the description of
Punjab in terms of its geographical position and socio-religious structures.
• Punjab was called Aratta and its people Balhika. “Where these five rivers, Shatadru, Vipasha, the
third Iravati, Chandrabhaga and Vitasta flow and where there are Pilu-forests and (where) Sindhu
is the sixth to flow out, this country is called Aratta…”.
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• Lord Rama (Ramayana) belonged to Punjab as tenth guru, Guru Gobind Singh ji has connected
Ghuram in Patiala district with the birth place of Mata Kaushalya, mother of lord Rama.
• Punjab was parceled into number of Republics like Trigartas, Kututas, Kunindas, Yakdeyas and
Malavas etc.
• During excavation at Sanghol, Sunet, Rohira and other places, coins have been found of the above
tribal republics which give an ample proof of their domination in Punjab
• Later on, people of Punjab became much influenced by Buddhism and Jainism
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• In 6th century BC, world witnessed religious upheaval. In Greece, Heraclites, Permaides and
Empedocles played significant role. In Iran, Zoroaster awakened the people. In China, Confucius
protested against prevailing religious superstition. Same role was played by Buddhism and Jainism
in India. Both represents reform movement in Hinduism.
• 4th Buddhist Council in 72 A.D was held near Jalandhar. Some scholar hold that this council was
held in Kashmir. It was presided over by Vasumitra. During this council, Buddhism parted into
Mahayana and Hinayana.
Alexander’s invasion
• Alexander was son of Phillip the king of Macedonia, a slate in Greece. He ascended the throne of
Macedonia after the death of his father in 336 BC. He was just 20 at that time. He wanted to be
world conqueror. His teacher was Aristotle.
• He conquered Asia Minor, Syria, Egypt, Babylon, Persia and then crossed over to river Indus in 326
BC. He marched up to river Beas.
• Punjab was divided into smaller states engaged into mutual warfare. There were many small
kingdoms in Punjab like, Aspasian territory in Kabul, Kingdom of Assakenois, Kingdom of Abhisara,
Kingdom of Taxila, Kingdom of Saubhati, etc. The most important kingdom was kingdom of Porus.
• The Kingdom of Porus lay between rivers of Jhelum and Chenab comprising modern district of
Jhelum, Gujrat and Shahpur. In 327 BC young conqueror crossed over Hindukush with army of
120,000 soldiers. Ist of all, Assakenois, tribe offered him resistance, but were defeated. In 326 BC
Alexander was welcomed by king of Ambhi of Taxila who was enemy to Porus.
• Porus was defeated in the battle. He was taken into custody. But Alexander reinstated Porus to his
rein and made him ally.
• Alexander died at Babylon when he was going back after conquering N.W. India and Punjab.
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• 4th century BC
• Chanakya (Kautilya)- inspired Chandragupta Maurya to free Punjab from foreign yoke and
establish a powerful empire in India
• Under Maurya, the area known as modern Punjab was included in the larger province of
Gandhara, whose capital was at Takshila (now in Pakistan)
• Rule of Nand Dynasty was ended by Mauryan dynasty under leadership of Chandragupta Maurya
with help of Kautilya. Punjab began to suffer from mutual conflicts again after the death of
Alexander. Chandragupta Maurya exploited the prevailing conditions and occupied Punjab and
Sindh in 321 BC.
• In Greece, Seleucus succeeded Alexander. He moved towards India to region last possession. He
crossed Indus river. He was disappointed because now the Punjab was a united force under
Chandraupta Maurya. He attached India 305 BC. He was defeated in battled and forced to accept a
treaty with Chander Gupta Maurya. Seleucus ceded part of Gandhara, Kabul, Heart at Baluchistan.
In return, Chandergupt gave him 500 elephants. Seleucus also married his daughter to
Chandragupta Maurya.
• Chandragupta Maurya was succeeded by Bimbisara, who also ruled Punjab. He had a renowned
physician and Surgeon named Jivika.
• Bimbisara was succeeded by Ashoka. He led expedition to win Khasa - the hill region of Kashmir.
• Pushyamitra Sunga, who was commander-in- chief of the last Mauryan ruler, Brihadratha, grabbed
political power from the Mauryas and established Sunga dynasty in Central and Eastern India and
a large part of Punjab, was the part of his empire.
• King Milinda or Menander (Greek ruler)- invaded India at the time of Pushyamitra
Shaka Rule-
• Punjab was one of the 5 seats o power of Shakas in India with Takshila as its capital
• A large number of coins and coin- moulds of Gondophrenes (Parthian king) have been discovered
at Sunet (Ludhiana District) and Ruhira (Sangrur District).
• They were first rulers in India to issue ‘Gold coins’ on a wide scale.
• The Kushan rulers of the first and second centuries AD evidently maintained active trade
communication with Roman Empire.
• Imported Roman coins have been found in the Punjab, Kabul and neighbouring territories
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Gupta Age-
• Mauryan empire began to disintegrate after the death of Ashoka. The last Mauryan ruler,
Brihadratha was killed by his own commander-in-chief Pushyamitra Sunga.
• He founded Sunga dynasty. However, there were other strong kingdoms named Satvahana and
• From 3rd century A.D. onward, Gupta empire began to consolidate.
• It was only in A.D. 318 when Samudra Gupta established a powerful Gupta empire.
• In Punjab during Samudra Gupta, Devaputra, who adopted title of Kudara, was ruling his capital
was Peshawar.
• During the reign of Skand Gupta – the last ruler of Gupta age, nomadic Mongols invaded Punjab
many a time and finally in A.D. 500 these tribes established themselves in the Malwa region of
Punjab. These tribes under the name of Huns ruled for about a century and made Shakla (later on
Sialkot) as their capital.
• The numismatic sources show that majorly Punjab was being ruled by three Scythian (Saka)
houses. The western part was ruled by Shakas with Peshawar as capital. Other two houses were
Shiladas and Gadharas.
• In the latter half of the 6th century came into existence the great kingdom of Thaneshwar under
the Vardhanas, and king Prabhakar Vardhana drove back the Huns from the North Western
• His son Harshavardhana was a capable ruler and extended the boundaries from Punjab to the
Ganga delta.
• The Chinese traveller Hiuen-Tsang visited Punjab in A.D. 633 and has left many memorable
instances of the Harsha’s empire.
• After the death of king Harsha in A.D. 674 there was chaos and confusion. He left no heir and his
empire did not outlive him.
• Red polished pottery (which is common at the time Gupta period) at Sunet in Ludhiana district and
many other antiquities found at various other places in Punjab make it quite evident that modern
Punjab was part of mighty Gupta empire.
Turkish Invasion
• In the 8th-9th century, Punjab polity was fragmented into different kingdoms. Punjab was being
ruled by Turk shahi Dynasty.
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• Other important kingdoms were- kingdom of Kashmir, Jammu, Kangra, Chamba, Kullu, Garhwal,
Kumaon etc. During this time, Sindh and Multan were conquered by Arab muslim invaders.
• By the end of the 9th century, Turk shahi dynasty was replaced by hindushahi dynasty. Important
rulers of this dynasty were- samanta, kamalu, bhima, jaipala, anandapal, Trilochan pal and
• Jaipala faced the attack of Alpatgin and his successor Sabutkgin. Jaipala made an alliance with the
ruler of Multan to repulse Sabutkgin back. However, Sabutkgin defeated Jaipala in the battle.
Soon, Jaipala began to prepare for war again, however, he faced defeat after defeat in the hands
of Sabutkgin. In 988 A.D., Sabutkgin occupied Peshawar. In 988 A.D. itself. Sabutkgin died and
succeeded by sultan Mehmud.
• In 1000 A.D. Ghazni led his first attack on hindushahi dynasty and plundered the Punjab region.
Jaipala and his relatives were made captive. Anandapal, his son, paid heavy ransom to get his
father free. Jaipala burnt himself alive out of successive disgraced defeats in the hands of
Mahmud, Anandapal became his successor.
• In 1002, Anandapal too refused to pay to Mahmud Ghazni. In 1006, Mahmud again attacked
Anandapal to defeat him. After conquering Multan. Mahmud appointed Sukhpal as governor of
• Sukhpal soon declared himself independent. In 1008, Mahmud launched a massive attack to teach
a lesson to Sukhpal. He arrested Sukhpal and annexed Multan to his empire.
• In 1008, Mahmud again attacked Anandapal who had developed large alliance with other rulers of
the region. In the battle of Waihind, Mahmud again defeated the allied forces led by Anandapal.
Anandapal was cornered in the salt ranges region.
• In 1012, Anandapal died and succeeded by Trilochanpal who was also a great warrior. Mahmud
launched 3 successive attacks against Trilochanpal in 1013, 1014 and 1019. He cornered
Trilochanpal in the shivalik hills of east Punjab.
• Mahmud annexed Punjab into his empire and appointed general Malik as governor of Lahore.
Mahmud ruled Punjab till his death in 1030 when he was succeeded by his son Mehsud.
• During the invasion of Sultan Mahmud of Ghazni, the area of Punjab was under the Hindustani
• Raja Jaipal, the ruler of Hindustani dynasty, was successful in building up an empire from Sirhind to
Lampaka (modern Lamghan) with Bathinda its capital.
• The Hindustani dynasty further shifted its capital from Bathinda to Sirhind.
• They ruled over a large part of Punjab but dynasty could not stand against the incessant invasions
of Mahmud Ghaznavi who made as many as seventeen attacks on India.
• From the conditions of chaos and confusion created by continuous onslaught of the
Mohammadan invaders and specially those of Mahmud Ghaznavi, the Rajputs rose to power after
the fall of Hindustani in Punjab.
• The Chauhans first ruled in Ajmer, but it appears that by 1164 AD they had occupied Delhi as well
as the entire tract of territory lying between it and the Satluj
• Sirhind and Bathinda constituted the two most important military stations on the north- western
frontiers of the Rajputs Kingdom.
• In 1191 AD, Shihabuddin Mohamad Gori defeated and killed Prithviraj Chauhan, the last
illustrations king of Chauhan dynasty) in the famous battle named battle of Tarain in 1192 AD and
the entire territory upto Delhi (including Sirhind) came under the control of the Turks.
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Mohammad Ghori
• In late 12th century, Ghori started the series of invasion which culminated into Muslim rule in
India. He belonged to principality of Ghor which falls between the hills of Ghazni and Herat. After
consolidating his position, he began to look towards India. He claimed Punjab region. His main aim
was to loot and plunder on the one hand and to spread his faith on the other. The first expedition
of Md Ghori was against Multan in 1175 A.D. he also occupied Uch along with Multan. Bhatti raja
was the ruler of Uch. According to farishta, Mohd Ghori conspired with the wife of Bhatti raja.
• He promised her to get married with her daughter if she killed her husband. When actually she
killed her husband, Ghori did not keep his words. It caused the defeat of Uch. In 1178, he attacked
• Where he faced touch resistance Chalukyan king Bhima - II. Ghori decided to annex Punjab to
develop his permanent base in India. He attacked Lahore which was being ruled by Khusrao Malik,
the appointee of Mahmud Ghazni at that time. After the successive attacks, Ghori seized Punjab
in 1186.
• During this period, the fertile plains of Punjab were being ruled by Rajputs. They were alarmed at
the march of Mohd. Ghori towards the plains of Hindustan. Mohd Ghori captured the fort of
Sirhind which panicked Prithviraj Chauhan and he started preparing for an inevitable war between
Ghori and Prithviraj Chauhan. He was the ruler of Delhi and Ajmer. He decided to check the
advancing Mohd Ghori by forming an alliance of 100 chiefs of the region.
• The two armies met in the battle field of Tarain in 1191 A.D. near Thaneshar. Prithviraj Chauhan
defeated Ghori completely and also captured the fort of Sirhind but he allowed Ghori to return
back to his native place. In 1192, Ghori again marched onto India with an army of 120000.
• Prithviraj Chauhan appealed to many rajas for help, some of them responded positively, two
armies once again met in the battle field of Tarain in 1192, but this time rajput forces faced
crushing defeat.
• Prithviraj Chauhan was arrested and executed. In 1194, Ghori defeated the most powerful king of
the time namely Jaichandra of Kanauj in the battle of Chandwar.
• In 1206, the victorious career of ghori came to an end with his death. He died on his way back to
Ghazni. He was attacked and killed by Khokhars, a warlike tribe of Punjab plains. Before his death,
he had appointed Qutub ud din Aibak as his successor of his Indian dominion with Lahore as
• Again in 1398 Amir Timur, a terrible military leader came hurtling down from Samarkand. Within
less than 8 months he reached Delhi and put the city to sword. Whatever country he conquered,
he pillaged it ruthlessly and massacred the whole population. From Delhi he went back home as
he had no desire to stay in India.
• During the period from Timur’s death to the advent of Babur there was contest for supremacy
between various Muslim dynasties which cleared the way for rapid decay of the Delhi Sultanate.
• After a gap of about 100 years the history again took a turn. This time it was Babur, a Chaghtai
turk, who was descended from Timur on his father’s side and connected with Chenghiz Khan on
his mother’s side.
• In 1525 he marched from Kabul and occupied Punjab. With an army of about 12000 soldiers, he
met Ibrahim Lodhi with one lakh troops in the historic field of Panipat in 1526 and defeated him.
• This victory of Babur cleared the way for empire building and by time of his death in 1530 almost
the whole country was under him.
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• Strong foundation was laid for Mughal empire. Great architects of this empire – Humayun, Akbar,
Jehangir, Shahjahan, Aurangzeb – followed one after another and it grew from strength to
• The whole of Punjab barring the mountain fastnesses of the Himalayas, became a province of the
Mughal Empire and its people and institutions acquired the stamp of a new culture – the Indo-
Mughal Culture”.
• After Aurangzeb the Mughal dynasty did not produce able and pains taking rulers. The confusion
and the chaos that followed the gradual process of decay of the Mughal Empire once again gave
an opportunity to invaders. These invaders came from Persia and not from Central Asia.
• In A.D. 1738 Nadir Shah marched towards India and did not meet any resistance en route to Delhi.
He overran Punjab and dealt a humiliating defeat to the pleasure-loving Mughal Emperor
Mohamad Shah and his carpet knights in 1739 in the Panipat plain.
• The ruthless conqueror carried away a large booty including the crown pearls, the famous Koh-i-
Noor and the Peacock throne of Shahjahan. Sind, Kabul and the western parts of the Punjab had to
be surrendered to the Persians.
• Ahmad Shah Abdali an officer, in Nadir Shah’s army accompanied him in his campaign against
India. This sharp-eyed and ambitious person had seen the inherent weakness of the Mughal
Empire. After the assassination of Nadir Shah in 1747, Ahmad Shah Abdali became an independent
ruler of Afghanistan. He called himself Durri-i-Durran i.e., the pearl of the age, and his clan came
to be known as Durrani.
• Ahmad Shah Abdali attacked India four times between 1748 and 1751 and inflicted very serious
and grievous injuries to Punjab and Punjab was incorporated in the Durrani Empire.
• Mughal empire was founded by Babur. He had total 5 expeditions. In his 5th expedition, Babur
fought Battle of Panipat in 1526 and defeated Ibrahim Lodhi on one hand he ended Delhi
Sultanate and on other, he founded Mughal Empire.
• In 1530, Babur was succeeded by Humayun. He appointed his brother Kamraan as Governor of
Punjab. It was considered his mistake because Kamraan was a weak ruler.
• In 1556, Humayun was succeeded by Akbar. Akbar was in Kalanaur (Gurdaspur) when he got the
news of death of his father. Later Akbar was coronated in Kalanaur itself.
• Akbar fought famous battle of Panipat in 1556 with Hemu. It provided political stability to Mughal
• Akbar appointed Muhammad Khan Kalan, Hussain Quli Khan, Shah Quli Khan, Saiyal Khan, as
Punjab Governors.
• Akbar made Lahore as capital of Mughal empire between 1585 to 1598. This step was taken
because of Turbulent conditions is Kabul and Kashmir.
• Akbar was succeeded by Jahangir. Lahore fascinated Jahangir. He undertook many constructions
works in Lahore.
• He constructed Khawabgah in Lahore.
• He constructed Tomb of Mehr-un-Nissa (Anarkali) in Lahore.
• He completed Moti Masjid in Lahore fort.
• He also constructed the structure of his own tomb in Lahore.
• He constructed Shalimar bagh in Lahore.
• Jahangir also caused the Martyrdom of 5th Sikh Guru, Sri Guru Arjan Dev Ji.
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• He also arrested 6th Sikh Guru, Sri Guru Hargobind ji at Gwalior who was later released with
intervention of Sir Mia mir.
• Shah Jahan succeeded Jahangir. He first appointed Ali Mardan as Punjab Governor. In 1639, Dara
Shikoh succeeded Ali Mardan Khan as Punjab Governor.
• Aurangzeb succeeded Shah Jahan as the next emperor. He executed ninth Sikh Guru, Sri Guru
Tegh Bahadur Ji at Chandni Chowk in Delhi.
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