Expense Split Spreadsheet - Johnny Africa
Expense Split Spreadsheet - Johnny Africa
Expense Split Spreadsheet - Johnny Africa
Thank you for using my credit card spreadsheet. To read up on travel hacking, please see my comprehensive guide to travel hacking and credit cards
If You are also pursuing FIRE, here is my post on how I achieved Financial Independence at 34 while traveling the world
1. Please do NOT request access to this Google Sheets. I will ignore that email. To use this spreadsheet for yourself, click File > Make A Copy to save to your personal Google Docs
2. If you have any questions or comments about anything credit related, please leave a comment on the associated blog post and I will answer accordingly! Also, please leave a comment if you have any sort of improvement recommendations!
3. In case you are wondering how churning affects your credit score, read my post about why it doesn't necessarily
4. If you like this sheet, please give me a lilke on my facebook page! Much appreciated.
5. Click below for my new and comprehensive travel itinerary planning spreadsheet. Similar to my credit card spreadsheet but for planning your trips.
Thank you and best of luck on building net worth and FIRE!
Expense Tracker and Expense Splitting
*To Insert Multiple Rows: Highlight multiple rows (EG, row 8 to 18), rlght click, insert ___ rows above
Item Name Date Currency Amount Amount (USD) Paid By Johnny James Jacob Jay Per Person