R M & IPR Questions
R M & IPR Questions
R M & IPR Questions
1. What do you understand by term Research Problem? What are the objectives of Research
2. Explain different sources of research problem by giving suitable examples under source.
3. List and explain the characteristics of good research problem.
4. Elaborate on common errors committed by researchers in selecting the research problem.
5. Give a detailed account on various approaches adopted by researchers in solving problems
stated by them.
6. How to do you go about formulating research problem? How do you organize your research
7. What is Hypothesis? What is the significance of formulating the hypothesis in research work?
8. List and elaborate various methods of collecting primary data.
9. What are the data presentation tools? Explain them in brief.
10. Explain with neat sketches various charts used in presentation of data.
1. What are the various means of conducting literature survey in modern times?
2. Briefly explain the following:
a. Scopus Indexed Journals
b. Science Citation Index
Dr. P. Surya Nagendra
Department of Marine Engineering
c. Journal Impact Factor AUCE, ANdhra university
d. h – Index
e. SJR
3. Discuss the importance of critical literature review and its uses in planning innovation research.
4. Explain various sources of obtaining data for the selected research problem.
5. What is plagiarism? How plagiarism can be detected using online tools?
6. What are common forms of plagiarisms in research reports?
7. How can you ensure that your research report is free from plagiarism before submission?
8. As a researcher what are the precautions to be taken to publish a plagiarism free report.
9. What is ethics in research? Why it is important?
10. Explain five principles of research ethics.
1. What types of inventions are not patentable in India?
2. What is a Geographical Indication? What is a “generic” geographical indication?
3. Why do geographical indications need protection? How are geographical indications protected?
4. What is Novelty Search? Why Novelty Search is important?
5. List significance of Novelty Search in research.
6. Why copy rights are preferred rather than patents in case of software?
7. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of getting copy rights for software rather than patent.
8. What are the limitations of IP based protection for Traditional Knowledge?
9. List at least 10 geographical indications tagged products in India.
10. Explain how various countries worldwide organizing and maintaining patent database.