Ec Compliance Status Report Oct 2023 To March 2024
Ec Compliance Status Report Oct 2023 To March 2024
Ec Compliance Status Report Oct 2023 To March 2024
Submitted by
1.1 Introduction
The project of M/s Nouryon Chemicals India Pvt. Ltd. (Formerly M/s Akzo Nobel India
Limited) is located at plot No. E-18, 19, 20 & C-61 (Part), MIDC Mahad, Taluka Mahad,
District Raigad, Maharashtra; which is in notified industrial zone of Government of
Maharashtra. This Project has awarded with environmental clearance by State Level
Environment Impact Assessment Authority, vide letter No. SEIAA-EC-0000000263 dated
26.04.2018; copy enclosed as Annexure-1. The company was originally incorporated with
name Akzo Nobel India Limited and name of company has changed to M/s Nouryon
Chemicals India Pvt. Ltd. under the Companies act, 1956; incorporation certificate copies are
enclosed as Annexure-2. Company has obtained consent with vide No. Format 1.0/CC/UAN No.
0000105321/CR2104000614 dated 09.04.2021; copy is enclosed as Annexure-3.
Location Plot No. E-18, 19, 20 & C-61 (Part/Part), MIDC Mahad,
Taluka Mahad, District Raigad, Maharashtra.
Co-ordinates of the location Latitude - 18°6'43.11"N
Longitude - 73°29'27.24"E
The elevation from mean sea level is 20 m.
Location accessibility Railway Station : Veer Railway Station is 17 km away
from project site.
1. Organic Peroxides 284.96
2. Refilling/ blending of 141.83
Metal Alkyls (Pure)
3. Sodium Chloride (NaCl)- 108
Raw materials (including process List Enclosed as Annexure-4.
chemicals, catalysts & additives)
1.3 Present Status of the Project
The project is at operational phase.
(ii) 73 TPH boiler should have stack height Provided boiler capacity is 1.1 TPH & stack
of 68 m and flue gases shall be passed height is 30 meter; which is adequate stack
through an ESP of 99.9% efficiency height as per CPCB guidelines.
before being led into the 68 m stack.
(iii) No additional land shall be used Project proponent has consented to condition.
/acquired for any activity of the project No additional land will be used for any activity
without obtaining proper permission. without obtaining prior environmental clearance.
(iv) PP to take utmost precaution for the Complied.
health and safety of the people working Company is being taken utmost precaution for
in the unit as also for protecting the the health and safety of the people working in
environment. the unit as well as for protecting the
environment by implementing QHSE policy and
Standard Operating Process (SOP) for handling
of Chemicals, Solid hazardous waste and
Company conducts the periodic health checkup,
mock drills, internal and external safety training
for workers to ensure safe work environment
within company premises.
(v) Proper Housekeeping programmers Complied.
shall be implemented. To ensure clean & obstacle free shop floor,
housekeeping is being maintained at plant. Nine
numbers of people has deputed for
(vi) In the event of the failure of any Preventive Maintenance has been carried out of
pollution control system adopted by pollution control system.
the unit, the unit shall be immediately
put out of operation and shall not be
restarted until the desired efficiency has
been achieve.
(vii) A stack of adequate height based on Complied.
DG set capacity shall be provided for A stack of 10 m height is provided to control and
control and dispersion of pollutant dispersion of pollutants from DG set (capacity-
from DG set. (If applicable). 500 KVA).
(viii) A detailed scheme for rainwater Complied.
harvesting shall be prepared and Rainwater harvesting for collection and
implemented to recharge ground water. groundwater recharge is installed. Attached
Annexure- 8.
(ix) Arrangement shall be made that Complied.
effluent and storm water does not get Effluent is being treated in ETP and treated
mixed. effluent is being discharged to CETP for further
treatment and disposal and separate storm water
drainage line is provided to collect storm water
therefore, there is no possibility to mix effluent
and storm water.
(x) Periodic monitoring of ground water Complied.
shall be undertaken and results Ground water monitoring has done through MoEF
analyzed to ascertain any change in the & NABL authorized laboratory; obtained results
quality of water. Results shall be are within limit of standards. Report copies are
regularly submitted to the Maharashtra enclosed as Annexure-9.
Pollution Control Board.
(xi) Noise level shall be maintained as per Complied.
standards. For people working in the Noise levels are monitored through MoEF & NABL
high noise area, requisite personal laboratory and results are well within limits as per
protective equipment like earplugs etc. standards, The report copy is enclosed as
shall be provided. Annexure-10. PPE’s such as earplugs earmuffs are
provided to workers.
(xii) The overall noise levels in and around Complied.
the plant are shall be kept well within Noise levels are monitored through MoEF & NABL
the standards by providing noise laboratory and results are well within limits as per
control measures including acoustic standards, The report copy enclosed as Annexure-
hoods, silencers, enclosures, etc. on all 10. Acoustic enclosures, hoods and silencers are
sources of noise generation. The provided to all noise generating equipment’s as per
ambient noise levels shall confirm to requirements. i.e. D.G. Set.
the standards prescribed under
Environment (Protection) Act, 1986
Rules, 1989.
(xiii) Green belt shall be developed & Complied.
maintained around the plant periphery. Project proponent has planted 1175 number of
Green Belt Development shall be trees in industry premises; tree list is enclosed as
carried out considering CPCB Annexure-11.
guidelines including selection of plant Company has well designed CSR policy;
species and in consultation with the company has planted more than 500 trees near
local DFO/ Agriculture Dept. Mahad area.
(xiv) Adequate safety measures shall be Complied.
provided to limit the risk zone within Fire extinguisher system is provided at plant site
the plant boundary, in case of an and all raw materials are in liquid form; there is
accident. Leak detection devices shall provision of dyke wall at storage area.
also be installed at strategic places for
early detection and warning.
(xv) Occupational health surveillance of the Complied.
workers shall be done on a regular Occupational health surveillance of the
basis and record maintained as per employees/workers is being done and records are
Factories Act. maintained as per Factories Act, copies are
enclosed as Annexure-12.
(xvi) The company shall make the Complied.
arrangement for protection of possible Fire hydrant system has developed and
fire hazards during manufacturing implemented at plant site. Fire NOC has obtained
process in material handling. from MIDC; copy enclosed as Annexure-13.
(xvii) The project authorities must strictly Complied.
comply with the rules and regulations Authorization under Rule 5 of the Hazardous &
with regard to handling and disposal of Other Wastes (M & TM) Rules 2016 is obtained
hazardous wastes in accordance with from Maharashtra Pollution Control Board, vide
the Hazardous Waste (Management letter No.Format 1.0/CC/UAN No.
and Handling) Rules, 2003 (amended). 0000105321/CR2104000614 dated 09.04.2021
Authorization from the MPCB shall be and hazardous waste is being stored in separate
obtained for collections/treatment designated area and disposal through
/storage/disposal of hazardous wastes. CHWTSDF, records are being maintained in the
form of Manifest (Form-10); copies are enclosed
as Annexure-14. Annual return of hazardous
waste (Form-4) is being submitted on MPCB
portal copy is enclosed as Annexure-15.
(xviii) Regular mock drills for the on-site It is being complied.
emergency management plan shall be Periodic mock drills are being carried out to
carried out. Implementation of changes identify required changes in on site emergency
/improvements required, if any, in the plan. The same is being updated as per
on-site management plan shall be requirement. Last mock drill is done for
ensured. emergency preparedness dated 19.12.2023 ; mock
drill report copy is enclosed as Annexure-16.
(xix) A separate environment management Complied.
cell with qualified staff shall be set up Separate environment management cell has
for implementation of the stipulated provided for smooth working of environmental
environmental safeguards. safeguards. Copy is enclosed as Annexure-17.
(xx) Separate funds shall be allocated for Complied.
implementation of environmental Separate funds are allocated for environmental
protection measures/EMP along with protection measures /EMP, item-wise break-up is
item-wise breaks-up. These cost shall
be included as part of the project cost. below.
The funds earmarked for the Sr. Cost of environmental Capital Cost &
environment protection measures No. protection measures recurring cost
shall not be diverted for other (Rs.) in lacks
purposes and year-wise expenditure 1. Air Pollution Control 0.6
should reported to the MPCB & this
2. Water Pollution 24.5
3. Noise Pollution 0.3
4. Environment 1.2
and Management
5. Occupational health 6.1
and safety
6. Green Belt 7.5
7. Solid waste 4.64
8. Rain water harvesting 3.0
Total Cost 47.84
(xxi) The project management shall Complied.
advertise at least in two local Attached Annexure- 18
newspapers widely circulated in the
region around the project, one of
which shall be in the Marathi language
of the local concerned within seven
days of issue of this letter, informing
that the project has been accorded
environmental clearance and copies of
clearance letter are available with the
Maharashtra Pollution Control Board
and may also be seen at Website at
(xxii) Project management should submit Project proponent has consented to condition.
half yearly compliance reports in We ensure that submission of six monthly
respect of the stipulated prior compliance status reports of stipulated conditions
environment clearance terms and of environmental clearance to respective
conditions in hard & soft copies to the authorities on regular basis
MPCB & this department, on 1st June &
1st December of each calendar year.
(xxiii) A copy of the clearance letter shall be Project proponent has consented to condition.
sent by proponent to the concerned EC copy is submitted to local MPCB office.
Municipal Corporation and the local
NGO, if any, from whom
suggestions/representations, if any,
were received while processing the
proposal. The clearance letter shall also
be put on the website of the Company
by the proponent.
(xxiv) The proponent shall upload the status Project proponent has consented to condition.
of compliance of the stipulated EC We ensure that submission of six monthly
conditions, including results of compliance status reports of stipulated conditions
monitored data on their website and of environmental clearance with results of
shall update the same periodically. It monitored data to respective authorities on
shall simultaneously be sent to the
regular basis. Monitoring of ambient air, stack,
Regional Office of MoEF, the
respective Zonal Office of CPCB and effluent and noise is being done through MoEF &
the SPCB. The criteria pollutant levels NABL authorized laboratory and monitored data
namely; SPM, RSPM. SO2, NOx of criteria pollutants (SPM, RSPM, and SO2 &
(ambient levels as well as stack NOx) is displayed near company main gate and it
emissions) or critical sectorai is being updated regularly.
parameters, indicated for the project Monitoring report copies are enclosed as
shall be monitored and displayed at a Annexure-19.
convenient location near the main gate
of the company in the public domain.
(xxv) The project proponent shall also submit Project proponent has consented to condition.
six monthly reports on the status of We ensure that submission of six monthly
compliance of the stipulated EC compliance status reports of stipulated conditions
conditions including results of of environmental clearance including results of
monitored data (both in hard copies as
monitored data of stack, ambient air, effluent &
well as by e-mail) to the respective
Regional Office of MoEF, the respective noise to respective authorities on regular basis
Zonal Office of CPCB and the SPCB.
(xxvi) The environmental statement for each Complied.
financial year ending 31st March in Environmental statement report for financial year
Form-V as is mandated to be submitted ending with September, 2023 is submitted; copy is
by the project proponent to the enclosed as Annexure-20.
concerned State Pollution Control Status of compliance of EC conditions kept on
Board as prescribed under the company website.
Environment (Protection) Rules, 1986,
as amended subsequently, shall also be
put on the website of the company
along with the status of compliance of
EC conditions and shall also be sent to
the respective Regional Offices of
MoEF by e-mail.
1. The environmental clearance is being Project proponent has consented to condition.
issued without prejudice to the action
initiated under EP Act or any court
case pending in the court of law and it
does not mean that project proponent
has not violated any environmental
laws in the past and whatever decision
under EP Act or of the Hon’ble court
will be binding on the project
proponent. Hence this clearance does
not give immunity to the project
proponent in the case filed against him,
if any or action initiated under EP Act.
2. In case of submission of false document Project proponent has consented to condition.
and non-compliance of stipulated
conditions, Authority/ Environment
Department will revoke or suspend the
Environment clearance without any
intimation and initiate appropriate
legal action under Environmental
Protection Act, 1986.
3. The Environment department reserves Project proponent has consented to condition.
the right to add any stringent condition
or to revoke the clearance if conditions
stipulated are not implemented to the
satisfaction of the department or for
that matter, for any other
administrative reason.
4. Validity of Environment Clearance: Project proponent has consented to condition.
The environmental clearance accorded Company has obtained Consent to operate from
shall be valid as per EIA Notification, MPCB and industry is in operation phase.
2006, and amendments by MoEF & CC
Notification dated 29th April, 2015.
5. In case of any deviation or alteration in Project proponent has consented to condition.
the project proposed from those
submitted to this department for
clearance, a fresh reference should be
made to the department to assess the
adequacy of the condition(s) imposed
and to incorporate additional
environmental protection measures
required, if any.
6. The above stipulations would be Project proponent has consented to condition.
enforced among others under the
Water (Prevention and Control of
Pollution) Act, 1974, the Air
(Prevention and Control of Pollution)
Act, 1981, the Environment (Protection)
Act, 1986 and rules there under,
Hazardous Wastes (Management and
Handling) Rules, 1989 and its
amendments, the public Liability
Insurance Act, 1991 and its
Environment department,
Room No. 217, 2nd floor,
Mantralaya, Annexe,
Mumbai- 400 032.
Date:April 26, 2018
Mr. Shrikant K. Kulkarni.
at Plot E-18, 19, 20 & C-61(Part), MIDC Mahad, Mahad
Subject: Environment Clearance for Akzo Nobel India Limited
This has reference to your communication on the above mentioned subject. The proposal was considered as per the EIA
Notification - 2006, by the State Level Expert Appraisal Committee-I, Maharashtra in its 143rd meeting and recommend
the project for prior environmental clearance to SEIAA. Information submitted by you has been considered by State Level
Environment Impact Assessment Authority in its 115th meetings.
2. It is noted that the proposal is considered by SEAC-I under screening category schedule 5(f) category 'B1' as per EIA
Notification 2006.
Brief Information of the project submitted by you is as below :-
1.Name of Project Akzo Nobel India Limited
2.Type of institution Private
3.Name of Project Proponent Mr. Shrikant K. Kulkarni.
Sadekar Enviro Engineers Pvt. Ltd. QCI NABET Accredited Consultancy :Certificate no.
4.Name of Consultant NABET/EIA/1518/ RA 020
5.Type of project Not applicable. Brown field industrial project
6.New project/expansion in existing
project/modernization/diversification expansion in existing project
in existing project
7.If expansion/diversification,
whether environmental clearance no
has been obtained for existing
8.Location of the project Plot E-18, 19, 20 & C-61(Part), MIDC Mahad, Mahad
9.Taluka Mahad
10.Village Khaire
11.Area of the project group gram panchyat Savane
not aplicable. industrial project
12.IOD/IOA/Concession/Plan IOD/IOA/Concession/Plan Approval Number: Not aplicable. industrial project
Approval Number
Approved Built-up Area: 8345.7
13.Note on the initiated work (If no work is initiated
14.LOI / NOC / IOD from MHADA/ not applicable. Plan will be submitted to MIDC, Mahad.
Other approvals (If applicable)
15.Total Plot Area (sq. m.) 86478 sq. m.
16.Deductions Not applicable
17.Net Plot area Not applicable
FSI area (sq. m.): Not applicable
18 (a).Proposed Built-up Area (FSI & Non FSI area (sq. m.): Not applicable
Total BUA area (sq. m.): Not applicable
Approved FSI area (sq. m.):
18 (b).Approved Built up area as per
DCR Approved Non FSI area (sq. m.):
Date of Approval:
19.Total ground coverage (m2) Not applicable
Organic Peroxides
1 (Pure) Total 99.78 185.18 284.96
Refilling/ blending of
2 Metal Alkyls (Pure) 66.67 75.17 141.83
Natural water site is MIDC developed land . MIDC drains are provided to each plot for
drainage pattern: drainage of storm water.
26.Storm water Quantity of storm
drainage water:
0.03 cum/sec
Sewage generation 4 CMD existing and after expansion total 8 CMD sewage will be
in KLD: generated
STP technology: sewage will be treated in aerobic treatment of ETP
Capacity of STP No STP. ETP of 700 CMD capacity is provided for effluent treatment
27.Sewage and
Waste water Location & area of No STP. ETP is provided
the STP:
Budgetary allocation proposed cost for water treatment- Rs. 1,00,00,000
(Capital cost):
Budgetary allocation Rs.12,00,000
(O & M cost):
Non hazardous waste is sold to authorised scrap The existing treatment methods will be continued for
Solid waste vendors. Hazardous waste is disposed to CHWTSDF additional waste generated. Salt recovered from the
management or sold to MPCB authorised dealers as per HW
category. salt recovery system will be sold as byproduct.
Budgetary allocation Capital cost: capital cost for additional energy requirement is included in project
(Capital cost and capital cost.
O&M cost): O & M cost: Rs. 5,00,000 for proposed energy requirement
38.Environmental Management plan Budgetary Allocation
3. The proposal has been considered by SEIAA in its 115th meeting & decided to accord environmental
clearance to the said project under the provisions of Environment Impact Assessment Notification, 2006
subject to implementation of the following terms and conditions:
Specific Conditions:
PP to take utmost care to mitigate the findings of the life cycle analysis to reduce global warming potential
I and increase the sustainability index.
General Conditions:
(i)PP to achieve Zero Liquid Discharge ; PP shall ensure that there is no increase in the effluent load to
73 TPH boiler should have stack height of 68m and flue gases shall be passed through an ESP of 99.9%
II efficiency before being led into the 68 m stack.
No additional land shall be used /acquired for any activity of the project without obtaining proper
III permission.
PP to take utmost precaution for the health and safety of the people working in the unit as also for protecting
IV the environment.
V Proper Housekeeping programmers shall be implemented.
In the event of the failure of any pollution control system adopted by the unit, the unit shall be immediately
VI put out of operation and shall not be restarted until the desired efficiency has been achieve.
A stack of adequate height based on DG set capacity shall be provided for control and dispersion of pollutant
VII from DG set. (If applicable).
VIII A detailed scheme for rainwater harvesting shall be prepared and implemented to recharge ground water.
IX Arrangement shall be made that effluent and storm water does not get mixed.
Periodic monitoring of ground water shall be undertaken and results analyzed to ascertain any change in the
X quality of water. Results shall be regularly submitted to the Maharashtra Pollution Control Board.
Noise level shall be maintained as per standards. For people working in the high noise area, requisite
XI personal protective equipment like earplugs etc. shall be provided.
The overall noise levels in and around the plant are shall be kept well within the standards by providing
noise control measures including acoustic hoods, silencers, enclosures, etc. on all sources of noise
XII generation. The ambient noise levels shall confirm to the standards prescribed under Environment
(Protection) Act, 1986 Rules, 1989.
Green belt shall be developed & maintained around the plant periphery. Green Belt Development shall be
XIII carried out considering CPCB guidelines including selection of plant species and in consultation with the
local DFO/ Agriculture Dept.
Adequate safety measures shall be provided to limit the risk zone within the plant boundary, in case of an
XIV accident. Leak detection devices shall also be installed at strategic places for early detection and warning.
Occupational health surveillance of the workers shall be done on a regular basis and record maintained as
XV per Factories Act.
(The company shall make the arrangement for protection of possible fire hazards during manufacturing
XVI process in material handling.
The project authorities must strictly comply with the rules and regulations with regard to handling and
disposal of hazardous wastes in accordance with the Hazardous Waste (Management and Handling) Rules,
XVII 2003 (amended). Authorization from the MPCB shall be obtained for collections/treatment/storage/disposal
of hazardous wastes.
Regular mock drills for the on-site emergency management plan shall be carried out. Implementation of
XVIII changes / improvements required, if any, in the on-site management plan shall be ensured.
Seal of the
Registrar of SWADHIN BARUA
Companies, mi dEiuh jftLVªkj /
West Bengal Deputy Registrar of Companies
if”pe caxky
West Bengal
I hereby certify that the name of the company has been changed from AKZO NOBEL CHEMICALS INDIA
certificate and that the company is limited by shares.
Company was originally incorporated with the name AKZO NOBEL CHEMICALS INDIA PRIVATE LIMITED.
Given under my hand at Pune this Twenty sixth day of June two thousand nineteen.
Registrar of Companies
RoC - Pune
Timeless Building,2nd Floor, 209/1B/1A,, Range Hills, Pune, Pune, Maharashtra, India, 411020
List of raw material :
Name Total in
1,1,3,3 tetra methyl butyl 54
2-EHCL 226
2-Ethyl hexyl chloroformate 420
Acetic acid 17.3
Acetyl acetone 13
Alcotex 12
Benzoyl chloride 164
Berol 2.4
Calcium carbonate 150
Cyclohexanone 12
Dequest 2060 S 8.1
DHP 50
Diethylene Glycol 31.4
Di-isopropyl Benzene 100
Dimethylphthalate 70.7
Ethapol 91
HCL 30% solution 490
Hydrogen peroxide 70 % solution 386.5
Isobutaryl Chloride 1120
Isododecane 320
Isononanoic Acid 5
Isononanoyl Chloride 195
Isopar H 332
Isopropyl chloroformate 18
Magnesium sulphate 26
Methanol 363.2
Methyl ethyl ketone 69.2
Neo deconoyl chloride 54
Pivaloyl chloride 116
Potasium hydroxide 26.5
RAV 7AT 60
Silica 45
Sodium bicarbonate 6
Sodium Carbonate solid 1
Sodium chloride 535.9
Sodium hydroxide (30%) solution 2375.3
Sodium meta bisulphite 35.1
Sodium Perchlorate 50
Sodium sulphate 2.4
Spirdane D60 350
Sulphuric acid 112
TBA 25
Tert.butyl hydroperoxide 70 % 1116.4
Toluene 364
Total 10021.4
Water (as solvent base) 200 CMD
Annexure 8
Rainwater Harvesting
Roof top rainwater collection Connected Pipeline to transfer rainwater to storage tank.
1. Rainwater recharge pit of Warehouse roof 2. Rainwater recharge pit of Building roof
Rainwater recharge points
Sr No Name of Trees Number of Trees
1 Ain 1
2 Ashoka 237
3 Badam 8
4 Bakuli 11
5 Bhokar 5
6 Bor 1
7 Chafa 6
8 Chiku 16
9 Chinch 5
10 Coconut 24
11 Falas 1
12 Guava 20
13 Gulmohar 16
14 Humbar 8
15 Jambhul 22
16 Kadulimb 2
17 Kaju 2
18 Karanj 6
19 Kunda 2
20 Lime 5
21 Mango 38
22 Mhavyache zad 3
23 Murud Sheng 1
24 Nivi 9
25 Palm 13
26 Pimpal 14
27 Ritha 20
28 Saag 35
29 Sawar 2
30 Shewaga 2
31 Subabul 625
32 Vad 13
33 Waras 3
Total 1176
Manifest For Hazardous And Other Waste Submitted Date : 18-01-2024
Apply as Generator
Sender name and mailing address (including phone no. and email.)
Sender Name Sender Address Sender Mobile No. Sender Email
Nouryon Chemicals India Private Plot E -18,19,20 and C-61 (Part/Part), MIDC 9975586958
Limited Industrial Area Mahad
Number of Containers Physical Form Special Handling Instructions And Additional Information
6 Liquid Use appropriate PPE
Form 4
See rules 6(5),13(8),16(6) and 20(2) of Hazardous and other wastes 2016
[ To be submitted to state pollution control board/pollution control committee by 30th June of every year for the preceeding period April to
5.1 Used or spent oil 3.7 MTA Recycler or Actual user Lubstar Petrochem
20.2 Spent solvents 2.34 MTA Recycler or Actual user Kusum Distillation and
refining private limited
NA KL/Anum
NA KL/Anum Other
NA KL/Anum
NA KL/Anum
NA KL/Anum
NA KL/Anum
NA KL/Anum
Waste Name/Category Country Name State Name Quantity of waste received from Quantity of waste Units
domestic sources imported(If any)
NA KL/Anum
Personal Details
Check point Observation
1 Drill No. 2023/Emergency preparedness Drill/02
2 Date of mock drill 19.12.2023
3 Time 15.55 hrs
4 Location Main Gate Parking area
5 Description of emergency Dry Grass fire
6 First observer of Incidence Security Guard
7 Emergency siren raised at 15.57 hrs
8 All clear siren raised at 16.30 hrs
9 Chief incident controller reporting time 15.58 hrs (D P Thakur as CIC on leave)
10 Site controller name D P Thakur
Reporting time 15.58 hrs
11 Incident controllers name Sandip Kadam (Shift Supervisor)
12 Emergency control room coordinator Dhananjay Page
Reporting time
13 Assembly point 1, in charge Chetan Utekar
14 Assembly point 2, in charge Security Supervisor (Malusare)
15 Emergency team members Fitter and Security guard
16 First aider Kalpesh Kadam (QC Chemist)
17 Duties performed by the security in Closed site entrance gate
charge Arranged personnel of Assembly point
in rows and checked head count.
Locked incoming phone calls.
18 Details of Emergency actions - The dry grass fire near Main gate
parking area observed by security
- Communication of event to Shift
Supervisor and raising Emergency
- Chief Incident Controller visited the
location and lead the mitigation
- Emergency team called for
- Security team and shift fitter
connected hydrant hose and started
fire fighting by using single person
- Fire extinguished completely by
applying hydrant water.
19 Whether head count was tallied with Yes
gate entries?
20 Was external help was called? Give External help not required as fire was
details? extinguished by Site team.
21 Positive observations during the emergency
All contract workers assembled at Assembly point 1 & 2.
All the site key personnel shifted their walkie talky sets on channel No. 1
Expected actions as per site emergency plans were taken by key personnel.
Emergency evacuation route checked for emergency exit.
Described the details about Emergency and mitigation actions who assembled at
Assembly point.
Managing Director
S.K. Kulkarni
Site Manager
Mr. Amit Salagare
Secretary of Committee
Mr. Sanjay Salunke
Sr. Ana \<y echnlcal Manager
Authorized Signatory
1. Thii rcflftt! findanrt only for th..bov! d/monitord and onty for
2.Thir r.port It contld.ntiat & c.nnot b. r.-produccd l. p.rt
o. full wlthout p.lmhjon of 5XyLq8
.tt.mpt of fo.Bcry or mkb.dirE ut! of rhis r.port by.ny p.llon/o4.niritbn
.tc wil .ttr.ct .uitsbL hr.t .Gtbn .S.intr th.m by ShAb Afftyt .t Lrbonto.y.
Poge 7 ol2
202, CFC-3, Asmeeta Texpa, Addt.Kalyan-Bhiwandi lndustrial Area, [,llDC, Village Kon, Tal. Bhiwandi, Dist,. Thane, Maharashtra,
lNDlA. Pincode-421311.
SKyl-AB lr rluay3 l,o lmprov.npnt For btl.r ql3tomor.tddecdor, s mlcoflio yout t .dback on : t .dbad(@*
i.r I t.L /q-
5*u LaB
5 I( U LA B.
Accredited by NABL as per ISO/IEC 17025:2017
Certified by ISO 9001:2015, ISO 14001:2015 & ISO 45001:20'18
Recogrli2ed by Ministry of Environment, Forest & Climate Change (MoEFcc), Govt. of lndia, New Delhi
REPORT NO : SAL/MSP19/FM03 /12/ww (23-24-3841
M/s. Nouryon Chemicals lndia h/t. Ltd REPORT DATE | 75/72/2023
Plot E- 18,19,20 & C-61(part)
Mahad, Dist.- Raigad, REF DATE :09/Ot/2023
Maharashtra, INDIA
SAMPIING PIAN& METHOD NO. : tS 3025 part 1:1987 RA 2019
Tett Pa,amete, Unit Rerult tlmil
No, Rcteren.e Method
1 Eioassay Test % 92 90X survival
of fish after l'6s82 (Part 1)
95 hours in
1m96 effluent
2 Percent Sodium % 3.555 60 lS 3025 (Pan 4s)
A5 per MPCB Consent
Opinion/Obs€rvation : Anolyzed porometers in obove tested somple ore within limit os pe t specified sto n dqt d,
\F,T Technical Manager
5r, A \(,, Authorized Signatory
1.Ihi3 rcf.cG t.dinar only to. ilt. . bov! t mpL r6r.d/monhor.d .nd only for tim. and
2. rhi' r.Do.t ie confdmthl & c.nnot b. r.-produc.d in p.n o. tul witholt plrmBilon olsxytAg
.tt.mptdfor8lryorltlirt .dlll3u3.of thi, r.portby.ny niz.tio. .tc wil tuitbtc t.t.l .cton .g.itrrt thcm by Sryhb Ana tytic.t Lrbor.tory
Poge 2 ol2
202, CFC-3. Asmeeta T€xpa, Addl.Kalyan-Bhiwandi lndustrialArea, lrlDC, Mllage Kon, Tal. Bhiwandi, Dist,. Thane, Maharashtra, lNDlA. Pincode-421311.
ilob. : 9867577309-312 I U22929165. Eti',lall :, WebsiG :
SKYI-AB i! sh ays subrec't to lmprovemenl. For b€tlar customer sausfac-tion, vvs walcome your fe€dback on :
oF /
/zoon 5*g r-aB
Accredited by NABL as per ISO/IEC 17025'2017
B Cenified by ISO 9oO1:2015, ISO l4ool:2015 & ISO 45001:2018
Recognized by Ministry of En;ironment' Forest & climate Change
(MoEFCc)' Govt of lndia' New Delhi
M/s. Nouryon Chemicals lndia Pvt. Ltd. REPORT DATE 't9t01t2024
Plot E- 18,19,20 & C-61(Part) Mahad, Dist.- Raigad, Maharashtra,
REF DATE 06101t2024
t\, o
Atul Sha ne
,lto e\ Dr.Datta Mandhare
Sr Analyst
(Authorized Signatory)
1 This report rctiects finding only for the above sample tested/monitored and only for time and place of moniloringr'b{ing
2. This repod is clnfidiential & cannot be re.Foduced in pan o.lullwthorJt pemissaon of SKYLAB Analytcal Laboratory
3 Any aGmd of forgery or misteading use of this report by any person/organizalion etc will attracl suitaue leagal aciioo agairst thern b,
SKYLAB Analytical Laboratory.
e) Page 1 of 1
o e Kon, Tal. Bhiwandi, Dist,
Thane' Maharashtra lNDlA Pincode'421311
Kalyan-Bh iwandi lndustrial Area, MIDC' Villag
2 202. cFC-3, Asmeeta Texpa'
Addl Web3it6 : www.skylabenviro com
J 2 I U22g2g165. email : mails@sk,
Mob. : 9867577309-3'1 loedback on : Iaodback@3kyla
3stlsfactlon , wB welcome Your
For bottor cultomet
o SKYLAB lr tlwlyt sublec't to lmprovoment'
OF ,tu^
5*u LaB
Accledited by NABL as per ISO/IEC 17025:2017
TC 5150
fEiu I Certified by ISO 9OO1:2015' ISO 14001:2015 & ISO 45001:2018
I (MoEFCc)' Oovt- of lndia, New Delhi
Recognized by Ministry of Environment, Forest & climate Change
ULR:TC51 502400001 0800F
Company Information
Nouryon Chemicals India Private Limited Plot
E- 18,19,20 & C-61(Part/Part) Mahad, Dist.-
Raigad, Maharashtra, INDIA
Product Information
Product Name Consent Quantity Actual Quantity UOM
Organic Peroxide(Pure) 3419.52 1264 MT/A
By-product Information
By Product Name Consent Quantity Actual Quantity UOM
NA 0 0 CMD
Part-B (Water & Raw Material Consumption)
Cooling 60 22.00
Domestic 10 4.00
4) Fuel Consumption
Fuel Name Consent quantity Actual Quantity UOM
HSD 122 95 Ltr/Hr
LDO 40 29 Ltr/Hr
Sulphates 0 75 NA 1000 NA
Sodium 0 0.041 NA 60 NA
SO2 0 18 NA 50 NA
Acid Mist 0 14 NA 35 NA
1) From Process
Hazardous Waste Type Total During Previous Financial year Total During Current Financial year UOM
0 0 0
35.3 Chemical sludge from waste water treatment 7.74 12.26 MT/A
1) From Process
Non Hazardous Waste Type Total During Previous Financial year Total During Current Financial year UOM
Solid waste 165 192 MT/A
Please specify the characteristics(in terms of concentration and quantum) of hazardous as well as solid wastes and
indicate disposal practice adopted for both these categories of wastes.
1) Hazardous Waste
Type of Hazardous Waste Generated Qty of Hazardous Waste UOM Concentration of Hazardous Waste
35.3 Chemical sludge from waste water treatment 12.26 MT/A NA
2) Solid Waste
Type of Solid Waste Generated Qty of Solid Waste UOM Concentration of Solid Waste
Decontaminated metal drums,Plastic wrappers,scrap 192.5 MT/A NA
Impact of the pollution Control measures taken on conservation of natural resources and consequently on the cost of
Additional measures/investment proposal for environmental protection abatement of pollution, prevention of pollution.
[A] Investment made during the period of Environmental
Detail of measures for Environmental Protection Environmental Protection Measures Capital Investment
Rain water harvesting For recharge of ground water 3.3
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