Unit 3
Unit 3
Unit 3
Planning is a process which involves anticipation of future course of events
and deciding the best course of action. It is a process of thinking before
doing. To plan is to produce a scheme for future action; to bring about
specified results, at specified cost, in a specified period of time.
Definition of planning:
“Planning is the process of deciding in advance what is to be done, who is to
do it, how it is to be done and when it is to be done”.
According to Koontz, O’Donnell and Weihrich, “Planning is an
intellectually demanding process; it requires the conscious determination of
courses of action and the basing of decisions on purpose, knowledge and
considered estimates”.
1. What will be done – what are the objectives of business in the short and in
the long run?
2. What resources will be required – This involves estimation of the
available and potential resources, estimation of resources required for the
achievement of objectives, and filling the gap between the two, if any.
3. How it will be done – This involves two things : (i) determination of tasks,
activities, projects, programmes, etc., required for the
attainment of objectives, and (ii) formulation of strategies, policies,
procedures, methods, standard and budgets for the above purpose.
4. Who will do it – It involves assignment of responsibilities to various
managers relating to contributions they are expected to make for the
attainment of enterprise objectives. This is preceded by the breaking down of
the total enterprise objectives into segmental objectives, resulting into
divisional, departmental, sectional and individual objectives.
5. When it will be done – It involves determination of the timing and
sequence, if any, for the performance of various activities and
execution of various projects and their parts.
Nature of planning:
ü Planning is goal-oriented: Every plan must contribute in some positive
way towards the accomplishment of group objectives. Planning has no
meaning without being related to goals.
ü Co-ordination: Planning co-ordinates the what, who, how, where and why
of planning. Without co-ordination of all activities, we cannot have united
Purpose of planning:
ü To manage by objectives: All the activities of an organization are
designed to achieve certain specified objectives. However, planning makes
the objectives more concrete by focusingattention on them.
Types of planning:
Planning is of basically four types:
1.operational planning:
Strategic Planning
“Strategic plans are all about why things need to happen,” Story said. “It’s
big picture, long-term thinking. It starts at the highest level with defining a
mission and casting a vision.”
Tactical Planning
“Tactical plans are about what is going to happen,” Story said. “Basically at
the tactical level, there are many focused, specific, and short-term plans,
where the actual work is being done, that support the high-level strategic
Contingency Planning
Contingency plans are made when something unexpected happens or when
something needs to be changed. Business experts sometimes refer to these
plans as a special type of planning.
Process of planning:
1. RECOGNISING NEED FOR ACTION: An important part of the
planning process is to be aware of the business opportunities in the firm’s
external environment as well as within the firm. Once such opportunities get
recognized the managers can recognize the actions that need to be taken to
realize them. A realistic look must be taken at the prospect of these new
opportunities and SWOT analysis should be done.
Say for example the government plans on promoting cottage industries in
semi-urban areas. A firm can look to explore this opportunity.
2] Setting Objectives
This is the second and perhaps the most important step of the planning
process. Here we establish the objectives for the whole organization and also
individual departments. Organizational objectives provide a general direction,
objectives of departments will be more planned and detailed.
Objectives can be long term and short term as well. They indicate the end
result the company wishes to achieve. So objectives will percolate down from
the managers and will also guide and push the employees in the correct
3] Developing Premises
Planning is always done keeping the future in mind, however, the future is
always uncertain. So in the function of management certain assumptions
will have to be made. These assumptions are the premises. Such assumptions
are made in the form of forecasts, existing plans, past policies, etc.
These planning premises are also of two types – internal and external.
External assumptions deal with factors such as political environment, social
environment, the advancement of technology, competition, government
policies, etc. Internal assumptions deal with policies, availability of
resources, quality of management, etc.
4] Identifying Alternatives
The fourth step of the planning process is to identify the alternatives available
to the managers. There is no one way to achieve the objectives of the firm,
there is a multitude of choices. All of these alternative courses should be
identified. There must be options available to the manager.
The difficulties of the planning process are not always the result of accident
or incompetence. Most people who are going to be affected by change don’t
like the idea and resist it. Resistance to planning for change within
organizations can take the form of malingering, undermining of morale or
straightforward opposition. Contingency plans to accommodate resistance
should be included in any comprehensive planning process.
Experience-based Thinking
The human mind tends to base its thoughts, activities and expectations on
what has happened in the past. Often, this is a valuable trait, but in a planning
process it can become a liability. If planning requires the development of new
ways of doing things, an inability to overcome the past on the part of the
planners can become a liability that obstructs innovative thought. Albert
Einstein said that people cannot solve their problems with the same thinking
that created them.
Levels of planning:
In management theory it is usual to consider that there are three basic level
of planning, though in practice there may be more than three levels of
management and to an extent there will be some overlapping of planning
operations. The three level of planning are as under :
Advantage of planning:
Specific objective and action statements has numerous advantages for
the organization which are as follows :
Limitations of planning:
1. Lack of reliable data: There may be lack of reliable facts and
figures over which plans may be based. Planning loses its value if
reliable information is not available or if the planner fails to utilize the
reliable information. In order to make planning successful, the planner must
determine the reliability of facts and figures and must base his plans on
reliable information only.
2. Lack of initiative: Planning is a forward looking process. If a
manager has a tendency to follow rather than lead, he will not be
able to make good plans. Therefore, the planner must take the
required initiative. He should be an active planner and should take adequate
follow up measure to see that plans are understood and implemented
3. Costly process: Planning is time consuming and expensive process.
This may delay action in certain cases. But it is also true that if
sufficient time is not given to the planning process, the plans so
produced may prove to be unrealistic. Similarly, planning involves
costs of gathering and analyzing information and evaluation of
various alternatives. If the management is not willing to spend on
planning, the results may not be good.
4. Rigidity in organizational working: Internal inflexibility in the
organization may compel the planners to make rigid plans. This may deter the
managers from taking initiative and doing innovative thinking. So the
planners must have sufficient discretion and flexibility in the enterprise. They
should not always be required to follow the procedures rigidly.
5. Non-acceptability of change : Resistance to change is another
factor which puts limits on planning. It is a commonly experienced
phenomenon in the business world. Sometimes, planners themselves do not
like change and on other occasions they do not think it desirable to bring
change as it makes the planning process
6. External limitations : The effectiveness of planning is sometimes
limited because of external factors which are beyond the control of the
planners. External strategies are very difficult to predict. Suddenbreak-out of
war, government control, natural havocs and many other factors are beyond
the control of management. This makes the execution of plans very difficult.
7. Psychological barriers : Psychological factors also limit the scope
of planning. Some people consider present more important than
future because present is certain. Such persons are psychologically
opposed to planning. But it should not be forgotten that dynamic
mangers always look ahead. Long-range wellbeing of the enterprise cannot
be achieved unless proper planning is done for future.
What is forecasting?
Forecasting is the process of making predictions of the future based on past
and present data and most commonly by analysis of trends. A commonplace
example might be estimation of some variable of interest at some specified
future date. Prediction is a similar, but more general term. Forecasting is the
basis of premising. Forecasting uses many statistical techniques. Therefore, it
is also called as Statistical Analysis.
Financial estimates can be calculated in the light of probable sales and cost
thereof. How much capital is needed for expansion, development etc., will
depend upon accurate forecasting?
3. Smooth and continuous working of a concern:
This shows that the decision making process continues throughout the life of
the concern. Forecasting plays an important role in various fields of the
concern. As in the case of production planning, management has to decide
what to produce and with what resources. Thus forecasting is considered as
the indispensable component of business, because it helps management to
take correct decisions.
5. Success in business:
6. Plan Formulation:
The importance of correct forecasting is apparent from the Key role it plays
in planning. It should not go unaccounted that forecasting is an essential
element in planning since planning premises include some forecasts. There
are forecast data of a factual nature having enormous implication on sound
Techniques of forecasting:
1. Historical Analogy Method:
Similarly, it has been observed that if anything is invented in some part of the
world, this is adopted in other countries after a gap of a certain time. Thus,
based on analogy, a general forecast can be made about the nature of events
in the economic system of the country. It is often suggested that social
analogies have helped in indicating the trends of changes in the norms of
business behaviour in terms of life.
2. Survey Method:
On the basis of such surveys, demand for various products can be projected.
Survey method is suitable for forecasting demand—both of existing and new
products. To limit the cost and time, the survey may be restricted to a sample
from the prospective consumers.
3. Opinion Poll:
If opinion polls give widely divergent views, the experts may be called for
discussion and explanation of why they are holding a particular view. They
may be asked to comment on the views of the others, to revise their views in
the context of the opposite views, and consensus may emerge. Then, it
becomes the estimate of future events.
4. Business Barometers:
These index numbers, when used in combination with one another, provide
indications as to the direction in which the economy is proceeding. Thus,
with the business activity index numbers, it becomes easy to forecast the
future course of action.
However, it should be kept in mind that business barometers have their own
limitations and they are not sure road to success. All types of business do not
follow the general trend but different index numbers have to be prepared for
different activities, etc.
A trend can be known over the period of time which may be true for the
future also. However, time series analysis should be used as a basis for
forecasting when data are available for a long period of time and tendencies
disclosed by the trend and seasonal factors are fairly clear and stable.
6. Regression Analysis:
7. Input-Output Analysis:
According to this method, a forecast of output is based on given input if
relationship between input and output is known. Similarly, input requirement
can be forecast on the basis of final output with a given input-output
relationship. The basis of this technique is that the various sectors of
economy are interrelated and such inter-relationships are well-established.
For example, coal requirement of the country can be predicted on the basis of
its usage rate in various sectors like industry, transport, household, etc. and
how the various sectors behave in future. This technique yields sector-wise
forecasts and is extensively used in forecasting business events as the data
required for its application are easily obtained.
Basic decision making means such decisions which are essential for the
existence of the organization and for which complete study, analysis, power,
and critical thinking are essential.
Group decision making techniques mean such decisions which are not
taken by a single individual, but by a group.
Policy decisions are those which relate to the basic policies of the
organization and these are taken by the top management or board of directors.
Such decisions are also known as management decisions or basic decisions.
5. Programmed and Non-Programmed Decision
Programmed decision making is of repetitive and routine nature and which is
taken through some well decided and well-organized system, so that when
the problem arises, it may be solved by using that method.
For these decisions, the options are limited and do not require much analysis
and evolution.
Strategic decision making technique is those decisions, which are very
difficult to be taken. This effect the future of the business and are related to
the whole Organisation.
In other words, these are the decisions, which are taken presently, but their
primary effect is observed after sometime.
To pinpoint your specific problem, collect as much data from your area of
need and analyze it to find any alarming patterns or trends.
“After analyzing our blog traffic report, we now know why our traffic has
plateaued for the past year — our organic traffic increases slightly month
over month but our email and social traffic decrease.”
7. If the test solves your problem, implement the solution. If not, test a new
If your potential solution passed your test and solved your problem, then it’s
the most rational decision you can make. You should implement it to
completely solve your current problem or any other related problems in the
future. If the solution didn’t solve your problem, then test another potential
solution that you came up with.
(a) Brainstorming
This technique was developed by Alex F. Osborn, and is one of the
oldest and best known techniques for stimulating the creative
thinking. This is carried out in a group where members are presented
with a problem and are asked to develop as many as potential
solutions as possible. The member of the group may be experts, may
be from other organizations but the members should be around six to
eight. The duration of the session may be around 30 minutes to 55
minutes. The premise of brainstorming is that when people interact
in a free and exhibited atmosphere, they will generate creative ideas.
The idea generated by one person acts as a stimulus for generating
idea by others. This generation of ideas is a contagious and creates
an atmosphere of free discussion and spontaneous thinking. The
major objective of this exercise is to produce as many deals as
possible, so that there is greater likelihood of identifying a best
The important rules of brainstorming are as given below :
(i) Criticism is prohibited.
(ii) Freewheeling is always welcome.
(iii) Quantity is desirable.
(iv) Combination and improvements are sought.
One session of brainstorming exercise generates around 50 to 150 ideas.
Brainstorming is very useful in research, advertising, management, armed
forces, governmental and non-governmental agencies.
Limitations of Brainstorming
The limitations of brainstorming are given below :
(i) It is not very effective when a problem is very complex and vague
(ii) It is time consuming
(iii) It is very costly
(iv) It produces superficial solutions.
(b) Synectics
This technique was developed by William J.J. Gordon. It is recently
formalized tool of creative thinking. The word Synectics is a Greek
word,meaning the fitting together of diverse elements. The basic purpose of
synectics is to stimulate novel and even bizarre alternatives through the
joining together of distinct and apparently irrelevant ideas.
The selection of members to synectics group is based on their background
and training. The experienced leader states the problem for the group to
consider, group reacts to the problem stated on the basis of their
understanding and convictions. When the nature of the problem is
thoroughly reviewed and analyzed, group proceeds to offer potential
solutions. The leader has to structure the problem and he/she can use
various methods to involve the preconscious mind, like role-playing, use of
analogies, paradoxes, metaphors and other thought provoking exercises.
This helps in generation of alternatives. The technical expert assists the
group in evaluating the feasibility of ideas. It also suffers from some
limitations of brainstorming. This is more useful and appropriate for
solving complex and technical problems.
Stage-4: Each group member then openly discusses and evaluates each
recorded ideas. At this point, it may be rewarded, combined, added or
Stage-5: Each member votes ranking the ideas privately. Following a brief
discussion of the vote, a final secret ballot is conducted. The group’s
preference is the arithmetical outcome of the individual voter, these are
followed by concluding meeting.
Quantitative Techniques
There are several techniques that a manager can employ while making
decisions. For example, quantitative techniques enable managers to take
decisions objectively and efficiently.
1. Linear programming
This technique basically helps in maximizing an objective under limited
resources. The objective can be either optimization of a utility or
minimization of a disutility. In other words, it helps in utilizing a resource or
constraint to its maximum potential.
3. Game theory
Sometimes, managers use certain quantitative techniques only while taking
decisions pertaining to their business rivals. The game theory approach is one
such technique.
4. Queuing theory
Every business often suffers waiting for periods or queues pertaining to
personnel, equipment, resources or services.
The aim of this theory is to minimize such waiting periods and also reduce
investments on such expenses.
For example, departmental stores often have to find a balance between unsold
stock and purchasing fresh goods. Managers in such examples can employ
the queuing theory to minimize their expenses.
5. Simulation
As the name suggests, the simulation technique observes various outcomes
under hypothetical or artificial settings. Managers try to understand how their
decisions will work out under diverse circumstances.
6. Network techniques
Complex activities often require concentrated efforts by personnel in order to
avoid wastage of time, energy and money. This technique aims to solve this
by creating strong network structures for work.
There are two very important quantitative techniques under this approach.
These include the Critical Path Method and the Programme Evaluation &
Review Technique. These techniques are effective because they segregate
work efficiently under networks. They even drastically reduce time and
According to Theo Haimann,
“Organizing is the process of defining and grouping the activities of the
enterprise and establishing the authority relationships among them.”
According to Louis Allen,
“Organizing is the process of identifying and grouping the work to be
performed, defining and delegating responsibility and authority and
establishing relationships for the purpose of enabling people to work most
effectively together in accomplishing objectives.”
Organizing process
The stages or steps in the process of organization are explained below:-
The responsibilities (duties) of each employee are clearly defined. This will
result in the selection of a right person for the right post / job. He / she will
know exactly what to do and what not to do. Therefore, it will result in
When two or more persons work together for a common goal, it becomes
necessary to clearly define the authority relationship between them. Each
person should know who is his superior, from who he should take orders, and
to whom he will be answerable. Similarly, each superior should know what
authority he has over his subordinates.
After defining the authority relationships, the employees are provided with all
the material and financial resources, which are required for achieving the
objectives of the organisation. So in this step, the employees actually start
working for a common goal.
8. Coordinating efforts of all to achieve goals
This is the last stage or step in the process of organisation. Here, the efforts of
all the individuals, groups, departments, etc. are brought together and co-
coordinated towards the common objectives of the organisation.
types of organisation
there exist two types of organisation:
Formal Organisation
Informal Organisation
formal organisation
In this way, all business organizations are formal organizations they have a
system of well defined jobs bearing a definite measure of authority,
responsibility and accountability. All this is designed to enable the people
working within the enterprise to work more effectively for achieving
informal organisation
informal Organisation exists within the formal organisation. An informal
organisation is a network of personal and social relationships. People
working in a formal organisation meet and interact regularly. They work,
travel, and eat together. Therefore, they become good friends and
companions. There are many groups of friends in a formal organisation.
These groups are called informal organisation.
An informal organisation does not have its own rules and regulation. It has no
system of co-ordination and authority. It doesn’t have any superior-
subordinate relationship nor any specific and well-defined objectives. Here in
informal organisation, communication is done through the grapevine.
The informal organisation is random and can result in the spread of rumours.
Again, we cannot manage and control informal organisation. Consequently,
this may result in chaos within the enterprise.
It is important to realise that it is not possible to effect changes and grow
without the support of the informal organisation. This can work in both ways,
for growth or decline of the enterprise.
To point out again, informal organisation conforms to group standards and
behaviours. If such behaviours are against the organisational interests, they
can eventually lead to disruption of the organisation.
Elements of Delegation
process of delegation
1. Assignment of Duties – The delegator first tries to define the task and duties
to the subordinate. He also has to define the result expected from the
subordinates. Clarity of duty as well as result expected has to be the first step
in delegation.
2. Granting of authority – Subdivision of authority takes place when a
superior divides and shares his authority with the subordinate. It is for this
reason, every subordinate should be given enough independence to carry the
task given to him by his superiors. The managers at all levels delegate
authority and power which is attached to their job positions. The subdivision
of powers is very important to get effective results.
3. Creating Responsibility and Accountability – The delegation process does
not end once powers are granted to the subordinates. They at the same time
have to be obligatory towards the duties assigned to them. Responsibility is
said to be the factor or obligation of an individual to carry out his duties in
best of his ability as per the directions of superior. Responsibility is very
important. Therefore, it is that which gives effectiveness to authority. At the
same time, responsibility is absolute and cannot be shifted. Accountability,
on the others hand, is the obligation of the individual to carry out his duties as
per the standards of performance. Therefore, it is said that authority is
delegated, responsibility is created and accountability is imposed.
Accountability arises out of responsibility and responsibility arises out of
authority. Therefore, it becomes important that with every authority position
an equal and opposite responsibility should be attached.
needs of delegation
Definitions of Decentralisation
Staffing is the process of hiring eligible candidates in
the organization or company for specific positions. In management, the
meaning of staffing is an operation of recruiting the employees by evaluating
their skills, knowledge and then offering them specific job roles accordingly.
It is a truth that human resource is one of the greatest for every organization
because in any organization all other resources like- money, material,
machine etc. can be utilized effectively and efficiently by the positive efforts
of human resource.
Functions of Staffing
1. The first and foremost function of staffing is to obtain qualified personnel for
different jobs position in the organization.
2. In staffing, the right person is recruited for the right jobs, therefore it leads to
maximum productivity and higher performance.
3. It helps in promoting the optimum utilization of human resource through
various aspects.
4. Job satisfaction and morale of the workers increases through the recruitment
of the right person.
5. Staffing helps to ensure better utilization of human resources.
6. It ensures the continuity and growth of the organization, through
development managers.
Importance of Staffing
Efficient Performance of Other Functions
The wage bill of big concerns is quite high. Also, a huge amount is spent on
recruitment, selection, training, and development of employees. To get the
optimum output, the staffing function should be performed in an efficient
The right type of climate should be created for the workers to contribute to
the achievement of the organizational objectives. Therefore, by performing
the staffing function effectively and efficiently, the management is able to
describe the significance and importance which it attaches to the personnel
working in the enterprise.
Directing definition
nature of directing
1. Initiates Action
2. Pervasive Function
4. Continuous Activity
Directing flows from a top level of management to the bottom level. Every
manager exercises this function on his immediate subordinate.
6. Human Factor
Importance of Directing
1. Initiates Action
2. Ingrates Efforts
Directing integrates the efforts of all the employees and departments through
persuasive leadership and effective communication towards the
accomplishment of organizational goals.
3. Motivates Employees
A manager identifies the potential and abilities of its subordinates and helps
them to give their best. He also motivates them by offering them financial
and non-financial incentives to improve their performance.
4. Provides Stability
Stability is significant in the growth of any organization. Effective directing
develops co-operation and commitment among the employees and creates a
balance among various departments and groups.
Principles of Directing
2. Harmony of Objectives
Sometimes there is a conflict between the organizational objectives and
individual objectives. For example, the organization wants profits to increase
and to retain its major share, whereas, the employees may perceive that they
should get a major share as a bonus as they have worked really hard for it.
3. Unity of Command
This principle states that a subordinate should receive instructions from only
one superior at a time. If he receives instructions from more than one superior
at the same time, it will create confusion, conflict, and disorder in the
organization and also he will not be able to prioritize his work.
Among the principles of directing, this one states that appropriate direction
techniques should be used to supervise, lead, communicate and motivate the
employees based on their needs, capabilities, attitudes and other situational
5. Managerial Communication
According to this principle, it should be seen that the instructions are clearly
conveyed to the employees and it should be ensured that they have
understood the same meaning as was intended to be communicated.
7. Leadership
8. Follow Through
As per this principle, managers are required to monitor the extent to which
the policies, procedures, and instructions are followed by the subordinates. If
there is any problem in implementation, then the suitable modifications can
be made.